
13 Awesome Things Lesbians Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About

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It’s a strange thing in society that, these days, so many people feel that they should be appeased for their opinions. In some cases, it’s absolutely because of a personal attack, and it should be brought to public attention. However, sometimes, these things are really none of anybody’s business in the first place.

Here is our list of the top 13 things that lesbians should not feel guilty about – despite what society might make you think!

  1. The way they dress
  2. The way they have sex
  3. Their religious beliefs
  4. The type of work they do
  5. Their romantic preferences
  6. Their sexual preferences
  7. The amount of money they make
  8. The type of car they drive
  9. Their political affiliations
  10. Their friends
  11. Their lovers
  12. Their personality and mannerisms
  13. Their moral compass

“But wait a minute! Some of those things might be bad!”

Well… Yes. There are definitely certain things on that list that could be against the beliefs of others. For example, there has been a huge discussion surrounding one’s religious beliefs, all over the media lately. Some people feel attacked because they’re not free to “follow their teachings” (when these teachings are used to promote discrimination), some people feel attacked because they’re not free to worship in the establishments of their preferred religion (when those in the LGBT+ community are not welcomed, and on the receiving end of that discrimination).

It’s easy to point fingers at the other side and say that they must be wrong. The truth is, people rarely operate without thinking that they are doing the right thing. Most people do not accept the idea of “pure good” and “pure evil”. Chances are, there are things that you do that are against what most people think is right – but does that automatically mean you should feel guilty about those parts of yourself?

“So what should we feel guilty about?”

Feeling guilty about things is an important human emotion. It shows that you have a sense that what you have done is wrong, and it’s there to deter you from doing those things again in the future. For the most part, people don’t like feeling guilty – so they work to change them.

If you are feeling guilty about something, it’s because your actions aren’t in alignment with your opinions. You knew it was wrong, and you did it anyway – and your mind is telling you not to do it again. If the guilt is enough to change your outlook on the situation, then you will no longer feel guilty about it – just as if the enjoyment from doing it is enough to overlook the guilt, your body will eventually be trained to not feel guilty about it.

In general, it’s accepted that the following are things that should inspire guilt, and hopefully manifest in future improvements:

  1. If you treat other people badly.
  2. If you have a negative outlook on a positive situation.
  3. If you are dishonest.
  4. If you manipulate others.

There are very few things that are universally wrong, you see, and even they are open for interpretation. Chances are the people who are treating others badly might think that they’re doing them a favor. It’s important that we respond with compassion and understanding in order to make it more apparent that we do not enjoy being treated that way.

People who see everything as a negativity in their life may be facing mental health issues that make it difficult for them to see the figurative light. As the people dealing with their negativity, it is our responsibility to help them see the positive things when we can. Sometimes, it won’t be possible – but we owe it to ourselves to try.

For people who are dishonest, it’s often the case that they have learned their dishonesty over the years, and it can be a tough habit to change. In most cases, it is possible to modify your ability to tell the truth, which will result in a more honest future.

People who are keen on manipulation are a bit more difficult. As the subject of their manipulation, it is unlikely that you’ll be able to turn things around on them – but that’s not to say that they’re doomed to be conniving for the rest of their life. We as humans are constantly learning and growing.

“But what’s the point?”

The main theme here is that you shouldn’t feel guilty about anything that is a part of you. You can’t control the way you think and feel, but you can help to control the actions that come as a result of that. In time, the different reactions may lead to different opinions, but most likely you won’t want to change unless you see a problem with your current thinking already.

It’s also important to realize that we aren’t able to change the actions or beliefs of others unless they already want to change. This can be tough for some to respect, but internally, we’re the same. We do the things we do because we generally think they’re right. Very few people are set out to take advantage of others or cause pain just because.

When we realize that we have no more rights to change others than they have to change us, we are free to live in peace.

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