Author Archives: Sarah Kiernan

Sarah Kiernan

About Sarah Kiernan

I am a 22 year old writer living in the UK. I love fashion, music and socializing. I have written for publications such as Alt-Mu Magazine and The Evans Review. I am currently writing a novel.

Halloween Date Ideas For You And Your Girl

Its Halloween, which means time for pumpkins, trick or treating and getting cosy with your girlfriend. Here are a few date ideas to get you both in the mood for some festive lovin.

They called it pumpkin love…

Carve your pumpkins together and get an extra pumpkin to make soup with. A hot bowl of pumpkin soup will get both of you toasty, and you can even have a competition as to whose is the best design. If you fight too much over it, though, guarantee that sparks will fly. Either way, this idea is sure to bring out both your creative and competitive sides.

Scary movie night

This one might be a classic, but it works every time. A cold october night, a scary movie marathon and the love of your life. Make yourselves some popcorn and hot chocolate, curl up under a forte blanket and watch your favourite horrors. Lots of cuddles are ensured when either of you gets scared. This date is a winner.

Star gazing

A less Halloween idea and more of an October one. Here comes a time of year when nights are cool, but both crisp and clear at the same time. Find a particularly clear one, get your blanket and lay under the stars. It’s cosy, cheap and so romantic. You can even have a picnic under the stars and add candles for effect, if you were that way inclined.

Theme your room

Whether you’re moving house, have recently moved or just don’t mind a change of scenery for a while. Get creative together and decorate your room. It could be your bedroom, or even your kitchen, but whichever room you pick make sure you decorate together. Half the fun is in the ideas and choosing what it’s going to look like.

Trick or treating

This is an old school idea, and many would say childish. However, it is one of the more fun options. You get to dress up, and could even go as far as to go dressed in couples Halloween costumes. Ideas are plenty with what you can do, and at the end of the night you get to eat loads of sweets whilst watching your favourite movies.

Whatever you’re doing this Halloween, single or together, make it a great one. Dress up, go out, stay in, have fun and make it a treat.