
Let’s Talk About Sex

Lesbian sex is simultaneously one of the most enjoyable and most awkward experiences of our lives. We love sex with women for all of what it gives us: embarrassing stories to tell our friends, confidence and lots of orgasms (well, hopefully).

Why It’s Worth The Wait

Sometimes it’s worth waiting to have sex with someone. Often we find ourselves in a rush to do things. Whether it’s a rush to get

Toys – What’s the Point?

Sex toys are a tricky position for many. Some women swear by them for times when their partner is unavailable to service their needs, some

Why Lesbian Sex Is Better…

Ummm hello!! Do we really need explain why lesbian sex is better? Because you do know scientist have already ascertained the sex between two women

The Rise of Casual Sex Between Women

New York Magazine recently reported that Americans are now more OK with casual sex than they were in the 90s. According to the data from the nationally representative General Social

SeX.ED 101 | Vagina Confidence

Vagina. When was the last time you said the “V” word out loud and didn’t feel a little self-conscious? In an age of skin-baring pop stars,

SeX.ED 101 | WTF Is Gender?

Gender (n.) – the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). What does

SeX.ED 101 | WTF Is Squirting?

Female squirting – yes we’re putting it out there. As lesbians, we’re expected to be the oracles on the subject of female sexuality, but the truth is, it is

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If only the world was as “open-minded” as us… Alas, matters of sexual identity and equal love, often cause so much friction in the rest of the world. Here, find an open dialogue on the issues facing our LGBT community.

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