
Daring New US TV Ad Takes On Homophobia

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Two pro-LGBT rights organisations have produced a 30-second TV ad that will seek to change public attitudes to same-sex marriage in the US state of Oklahoma. Freedom Oklahoma and Freedom to Marry intend the ad to be part of their new public initiative to take on intolerance across the United States.

The broadcast focuses on the Oklahoma-based Cuyler family, whose patriarch is retired soldier Colonel Ed Cuyler who served 22 years in the US Army, during which time he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and Purple Heart medals for bravery. He has been married to his wife for almost 40 years.

In the ad, Colonel Cuyler discusses the meaning and value of his marriage and why it is important to stay loyal and respectful to his wife. He is addressing his daughter Deedra, who is a lesbian, and her partner Amber. The couple are bringing up three infant children.

‘Here in Oklahoma, we value family. When Deedra told me she was gay, as her dad, I was worried because I wanted to protect her. When Deedra met Amber, I realized she could have a family. Only marriage means the ability to take care of your family.’

Colonel Cuyler

While the TV spot is expected to give a spiritual boost to gay and lesbian people in Oklahoma, it will surely be controversial amongst more reactionary Oklahomans. At the same time, its broadcast is extremely timely, given that only six months ago a federal judge overturned the ban on gay marriage that had existed in Oklahoma for decades. LGBTs in Oklahoma and all over the world are waiting in hot anticipation for the final ruling in this case.

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