
Bisexuals Explain Lesbians Dating (Video)

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In this awesome video (Some) Bisexuals Explain Dating (Some) Lesbians – a follow up to Arielle Scarcella‘s Lesbians Explain Dating Bisexuals –  YouTuber Ashley Mardell delves into the subject of biphobia with fellow bisexuals YouTubers, and their subsequent experiences of dating lesbians.

The key issue raised with the lack of inclusion, especially from lesbian spaces.

Gaby Dunn explains

I don’t love the implication I get from lesbians that I’m somehow less than, like I shouldn’t be involved in their group or I’ve had it easier or like, well, ‘At the end of the day you could just date a man, and you’d be fine.’

There is biphobia in the lesbian community that makes it tough in that if you’re a lesbian who doesn’t have negative feelings about bisexuals, your friends might, and they might give you shit. Or the high-fiving over being gold star.”

Fellow YouTuber Rosie, highlights the issues in dating

I’ve had a problem from other people. It’s quite upsetting that people without knowing the facts would be like, ‘No, I’d never date a bisexual.’ If the relationship is going to work, there are other factors, like love and trust. Your sexuality doesn’t affect that.”


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