
How Feminists Have Made the World Better for Women

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but feminism has changed the world – and by doing so, it has made people happier and the world better.

To argue otherwise, is to show blatant disregard (or willful ignorance) for the historical record. It is also an argument that insults the legacies of centuries of badass feminists who have bravely fought, failed and ultimately prevailed in the ongoing struggle to empower the marginalised and elevate the disenfranchised.

Here we’ve compiled a pocket edition list of achievements.

  • They made the western world get serious about gender discrimination.
  • They brought women out of the household — if they so chose.
  • They called out rape culture.
  • They quietly propelled the civil rights movement.
  • They took on campus sexual assault.
  • They put a human face to sexual harassment.
  • They broke barriers for little girls with presidential aspirations.
  • They joined in the struggle for marriage equality.
  • They demonstrated why revolutions must include the female perspective.
  • They realized a balanced court is a happier court.
  • They forced The world to recognise the importance of birth control.
  • They focused attention on domestic workers’ rights.
  • They made the workplace a little more equal — for everyone.
  • They proved that the next big thing in science could be discovered by a woman.
  • They used online feminism to give the marginalised a voice.
  • They pushed pop culture icons to join the fight.
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