
Lesbian Couple Marry in China to Push for Same-Sex Marriage in the Country

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A prominent Chinese lesbian couple held a simple ceremony on Thursday to announce their informal marriage in their latest effort to push for the legalisation of same-sex unions in China.

Dressed in white bridal gowns, they held an informal wedding in front of two dozen friends at a restaurant in Beijing.



They had planned to try and make it official at their local registry office but were warned against “making a scene” by police.

Talking to CNN, Li said before the wedding banquet

I feel like this is the right time. We’ve been together for so long.”

In their push to get same-sex unions recognised in China, Li and her partner said they were partly inspired by last week’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court decision to extend same-sex marriage rights across all 50 states.

The ruling has provoked a national conversation in China about gay rights, not least because the court’s majority decision quoted the Chinese sage Confucius – “Marriage lies at the foundation of government.”

The passage has been shared widely on Chinese social media; mainly drawing supportive comments.

Li, a well-known women’s rights campaigner, was among five feminists detained in China in early March for 37 days in a crackdown on social activism.

During that time, she wasn’t allowed to see her partner because same-sex unions aren’t recognised, she said.

I hope by doing this, we’re married no matter whether it’s legal or not. We’re married women now!”

Li said her parents didn’t attend the wedding, which was attended by two dozen of her friends. She said they were ashamed of her.

But they will spend their honeymoon in Harbin, northern China – Xu’s hometown – as her parents are more supportive.

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