
‘Once Upon A Time’ Stars Lana Parrilla And Jennifer Morrison Talk SwanQueen

When it comes to the central relationship on Once Upon A Time, we all know it’s Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) and former Evil Queen Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla) — or Swan Queen, as they’re known to their legions of supporters — that really rule.

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The connection between these two women is deep-rooted, and has evolved into one of the most fascinating and championed relationships on Once Upon a Time.

The ways in which they’re constantly saving one another, both literally and figuratively, is profound and worth talking about, particularly because anyone with eyes can see the unresolved tension between the two of them. So why is Once wasting this golden opportunity?

Well, Morrison and Parilla have talked with EW about their onscreen relationship.

Morrison explains

I feel like they have a really true friendship. It’s just awesome to see two strong women have a great friendship on television, because usually you have two strong women fighting each other, or angry at each other, or having a catfight.”

Despite Emma’s own turn to the dark side during the first half of the season, their friendship has gone uninterrupted.

Parrilla added

Regina doesn’t really hold anything against Emma. Emma became the Dark One because she sacrificed herself for Regina, so Regina feels obligated to help Emma in any way that she needs. She sees that everything that Emma was doing was for the greater good. She accepts that. They’re back to being friends and really family.”

And on the further developments, Parrilla says

I always see their relationship as best friends and sisters. I’m nervous to say that because there are so many SwanQueens out there that see something else, and I don’t want to take that away from them.”

Morrison has high praise for how OUAT bosses Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis have developed this relationship into something people should aspire to.

The one thing I always say is that we’ve got to be good to each other. When you have examples of a friendship like that on television, that’s a good thing to be putting in front of people, because it is exactly what we need. We need women building each other up, supporting each other and being there for each other, even when we have made mistakes.”

Once Upon a Time returns March 6th 2016.

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