
OUTrageous, An Interactive Reality Web-Series About Queer Women

OUTrageous is a planned reality web-series that will start off following the daily lives of 5 dynamic women from the Los Angeles LBGTQ community. Each episode will highlight current community issues, as well as these women’s personal experiences. Furthermore, these women will come together to talk about issues that they encounter in their day-to-day lives and within the community.

[tweet_dis]”We don’t want the Networks to tell us what to do! We want to bring something timely, slightly controversial, social conscious and exciting to our community, our allies, and the world! We need your help to make this happen…let’s do this together!”[/tweet_dis]

OUTrageous Mission

Something interesting about the show, and sets it apart from other series is the fact it will be interactive. Audiences are encouraged to can chime in, interact with the cast, and help drive some of the action.

OUTrageous‘s creator Pony Gayle has launched an IndieGogo campaign to help fund the production costs of the series. So if you are a fan of reality shows, and stories about queer women, get supporting.  You can donate to OUTrageous’s fundraising campaign at


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