
The Plot, The Gay, The Ugly | Gotham 108 Recap – The Mask

Welcome to another Gotham recap! Gotham known as the show where literally not a single person on this show is completely good and that’s brilliant.

This week on the show, main character Jim Gordon embraced that one Cyndi Lauper song (I mean True Colors, not Girls Just Wanna Have Fun) and became the morally corrupt protagonist that we all knew he could be!

As always the recap is split into The Plot, The Gay and The Ugly. Read on to find on to find out what went down this week.

The Plot

You say office hazard and definite violation of health and safety, they say encouragement of strength, toughness and honour in the workplace! Yes, that’s the line being spun to us this week in Gotham when Jim and Harvey have to investigate a murder of a financial worker, which appears to have been done using office supplies.

Hitting up the location, the detective duo are aided by Gotham City PD boffin Edward Nygma who soon discovers that the deceased has a finger in his mouth. Trying to switch up his diet or has he did he literally manage to take a chunk out of his killer before croaking it? It’s the latter, obviously, but it soon leads them to a back alley doctor who deals with injuries that people aren’t too fond about going to the hospital about.

After a bit of (metaphorical) arm tugging, the doctor gives up a business card for some firm in the city. Naturally upon questioning why so many of his employees have limps, bruises and disfigurements and why his office is filled with really scary warrior armour and masks, the firm’s head honcho says ‘war is great and fascinating ps Jim I can totes tell that you have a killer in you bee tee dubs’.

Buying into the idea that Jim loves a good fight, Harvey leaves him to solve the case on his own and it’s why Jim is all by his lonesome when he visits one of the boss’ owned properties, discovering the scene where the murder must have taken place. Sadly, that lone wolf thing soon leads to disaster when that boss man sticks him in a circle of bad’uns and offers a million dollars to whoever can kill Jim first!

What he didn’t count on however, is that Jim can certainly hold his own and after ousting (read: killing in the name of self defense/unnecessary plot device deaths) the four bad guys, their boss is forced to take matters into his own hands. But, after a beautifully choreographed fight (props to the Gotham stunt doubles for that!), Jim nearly lumps the life force out of that guy too. Thankfully, Police Chief Essen shows up on time to stop him, feeling remorseful that she left him for dead the previous week.

Where crimes are being solved by the GCPD, the ruthless criminals of mob boss Fish Mooney and limping killer (and former Mooney assistant) Penguin are breaking laws like they do best.
Namely, Mooney is scheming and Penguin is scheming to find out what those schemes are.

After dispatching her ‘weapon woman’ to shack up with rival mob boss Falcone several weeks ago, Mooney gives her a vial filled with sleeping medicine this week and tasks her with robbing him blind. Most of the medicine doesn’t make it into Falcone’s tea but nonetheless we’ll likely see how it plays out next week. Penguin, on the other hand, simply learns that Mooney has someone close to Falcone.

Gotham’s kid heroes are having a miserable ol’ time too. After his first day of school Bruce Wayne gets the snot bullied and pummelled out of him by a group of classmates taking the micky that he doesn’t have a mom and dad. That’s really silly considering that he’s a billionaire with enough money and power to probably make their lives hell but alas, Alfred encourages him to man up and beat the crap out of the bully on his doorstep. So that he does and then they leave to get pizza, yay!

Mini Catwoman gets pulled in by the police for dragging her stolen hoard of goods in broad daylight. I’m not entirely why she was in this episode at all if I’m honest but she was, so I’m noting it.

The Gay

With Detective Renee Montoya, there was no gay. All that we did get was Barbara drinking and her boyfriend Jim, not realising that she had a serious addiction problem once upon a time, only chastising her for drinking during the day rather than y’know, checking her into rehab.

With Jim being a stone cold killer and Barbara spiralling into an alcohol fuelled…spiral, there’s a chance that they’ll break up. It;s not the nicest of circumstances but it’s certainly something for Renee/Barbara shippers to hold onto.

The Ugly

While the idea that Bruce’s beating up of the bullies was right and just made me uncomfortable (as Bruce’s guardian the fact that Alfred encouraged him to solve his problem with his fists is absolutely terrible) my biggest problem with this week’s ep is the lack of Montoya.

Of course Montoya is my favourite character, she’s a queer woman of colour for crying out loud! I wish we saw more of her is all, so hopefully she’ll make a pantsuited return next week.

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