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Someone Fixed That Disturbing Jehovah’s Witnesses Video That Teaches Kids Homophobia (And It’s A Lot Better)

A Jehovah’s Witness cartoon that preached against same-sex parenting has been re-edited to be more accepting.

The original video showed a young child ‘learning a lesson’ from her bigoted mother about same-sex marriage.

It shows a young girl coming to her mother saying she drew her family in school. Her friend Carrie, who has two moms, told the girl that her parents are married.

Her teacher even told her that it doesn’t matter as long as couples love each other and that they’re happy.

While in the original the mother goes on a creepy tirade about telling her daughter how she should preach against homosexuality, the new version keeps to a very clear lesson of love and tolerance.

Trixie Firecracker, the drag performer who edited the video, said she wanted to re-edit the video into a pro-LGBTI message.

So a few days ago, the cult I was brought up in (Jehovah’s Witnesses) released a video instructing children to tell their classmates with same sex parents that their lives were corrupt. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share this and help to kill their original hateful message. Homophobia is still real, still ongoing, and their original video is instilling it into children’s minds.”

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