
Sony Plans to Remake Lesbian Favourite – ‘The Craft’


Great news – The Hollywood Reporter has the information that Sony Pictures are looking to remake the 1996 supernatural feature film The Craft, with Leigh Janiak set to both write and direct the new version.

The original film follows Sarah (Robin Tunney), a new girl in school, who she catches the eye of Nancy (Fairuza Balk), Bonnie (lesbian favourite Neve Campbell) and Rochelle (Rachel True), a witch circle looking for another member. Sarah has natural powers from within to add to their learned spells.

the craft 02

At first they concentrate on spells to improve their lives or get back at enemies in school, touching on issues of racial prejudice, sexism, class and outer beauty. The outsiders in high school get back at those who taunt them. But soon they’re connecting with greater powers. Nancy, Bonnie and Rachel become very narcissistic, while Sarah is worried. Whatever you send out comes back threefold, and she’s not interested in doing harm to others. Then people start dying, and Sarah must summon her powers to keep herself and others safe.

OK, so technically the original film wasn’t meant to be a lesbian/bi film, but I don’t know a single queer woman who doesn’t love this ’90s teen tale of witchcraft woes. What is it, exactly, about modern witchcraft and catholic school girls that screams “lesbianism” hey?

Candles are not inherently lesbian, nor are long flowing skirts, essential oils and wearing multiple chunky silver rings, but in the 90’s they did scream lesbian. Then there was the catholic girls school thing going on. The insane jealousies. Also I was convinced that Rochelle and Bonnie were together.

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