Tag Archives: 2016 presidential

Ruby Rose Voices Why We Should Be Scared Of Donald Trump

Ruby Rose has voiced her concern at those who sadly find Donald Trump funny.

Warning that we need to start taking the Republican nominee more seriously, after his son tweeted a meme comparing Syrian refugees to a bowl of skittles.

Rose questioned how, in light of this, people can still think of the real-estate mogul and his campaign as funny instead of scary.



The outrage was not limited to Rose, Skittles themselves responded to the row, issuing a statement saying:

Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy. We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing.”

Hillary Clinton Writes Heartfelt Letter To Lesbian Couple Featured In Her Campaign Video

Hillary Clinton has sent a heartfelt note to the lesbian couple featured in her famously internet-friendly two minute campaign announcement video

Kassie Thornton and Christy Spitzer opened their mailbox this week to discover the letter from Clinton, which thanked them for their involvement in the video, and for their involvement with the lives and struggles of queer youth.

Spitzer was a producer on MTV’s “It Gets Better” specials, programs that enhanced the visibility and stories of young LGBT individuals.

Spitzer and Thornton told The Huffington Post.

It’s not every day that you open your mailbox to find a letter of gratitude, love, and support from the potential first female president of the U.S. We felt so honoured, touched, and downright humbled. We are blown away that she is a heartfelt supporter of the ‘It Gets Better Project,’ and is aware how important their powerful message is. The organisation does positive things for many young people all over the world!”

The couple was especially moved by Clinton’s well wishes for their upcoming nuptials.

For Ms. Clinton to thank us for being part of her video announcement and to know that we are getting married [in June] is just unbelievable,” Spitzer and Thornton said. “Simply amazing!! Like screaming out loud amazing! We hope she can come and celebrate our love and future with us and our loved ones! And we hope she uses her plus one wisely!”