Tag Archives: Science Says

8 Scientifically Proven Ways to Make Your Future Girlfriend Fall For You

What is a relationship if it’s not based on lies and manipulation? If you don’t trick your partner into loving you, then how are you possibly going to keep a girlfriend?

The human mind is a wondrous, inventive and creative thing. It also horribly manipulates you without you even knowing about it.

So read and learn more…

1. Mirroring

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This could also be considered responding to social cues. Basically, you should subtly copy her body language that you are interacting with.

Don’t do a cartoonish mimicking of every single thing she’s doing, as insanity is off-putting for most. Remember: subtly.

If she smiles at you, smile back; if she leans back in a relaxed position, fight your impulse to jump on top of her, and instead assume a similar body position.

2. Look Like Her Parents

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Yes, if you have a few hundred dollars to invest in plastic surgery, this might be the way to get your partner to love you forever and ever.

Although creepy, science has proven that people are attracted to individuals that remind us of our parents. The creepiness is the result of this effect called imprinting and the mere-exposure effect. Imprinting is when you are initially exposed to a parent and is the only adult you trust.

3. Proximity

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It has been found that people that spend extended periods of time around each other in the majority of cases develop some sort of intimate feelings. Also known as the mere-exposure effect, which means familiarity plays an immense role in attraction.

The problem with this technique is you need to be able to distinguish between proximity and creepiness. For example, taking a certain way home because you might bump into the person you’re interested is fine. Hiding in the bushes outside her house and waiting for her to return crosses the line.

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4. If You Walk in Pace

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You know, like a sexy two-person marching band, without the instruments, the hats and the cool uniforms. You know what? It’s nothing like a marching band, but it seemed like an appropriate allegory at the time.

Yeah, so if someone is attracted to you, she’ll actually synch up her pace to yours.

5. Certified Friendly

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No matter how much you hate them, or loath their “ethos”, “morality” and “decency”, making nice with her friends might be your way into the bosom of her arms.

Once you’re accepted, science says she’ll accept you too.

6. Don’t Worry, Be Happy

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A sunny disposition actually plays a huge role in someone liking you. Really?! As if there has never been anything more obvious… people dedicated money and resources to research this? Pft! Anyway, if you’re a happy-go-lucky type of gal, then that will reflect positively on how people view you. Obviously.

7. Act like an asshole

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OK, so this is a bit risky. When you eventually meet the women you like, try to show them that you dislike them, just a little, and then come in for the kill, but kill them with kindness. That should get any female swooning over you in no time. This effect is grounded in the gain-loss theory that is based on the contrast of feelings.

Let me elaborate: basically, if you show her you like her and then that you don’t, when you show attraction again it will be more pronounced or, transversely, if you first treat someone with a blasé attitude to begin with, then a show of attraction will be more pronounced. Ultimately, we come to the conclusion yet again that our brains are assholes that are conspiring against us.

8. Hot or Cold

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The brain is dumb, an impulsive collection of biological matter that controls everything. And it’s a drunken conductor with brain damage that’s driving your train to Heart-breaks-ville. Comforting, isn’t it?

Well, the brain is so stupid that it can be manipulated simply by holding something warm or cold.
Psychologists have observed an effect called “Priming” which shows that the brain will take external stimuli and use them when making observations. For example, when researchers spoke to their test subjects and mentioned ‘Florida’, ‘Old’, ‘Weak’ and ‘Grey’, people subsequently walked slower.

Here’s how: the researchers gave subjects a cold drink or a hot drink to hold, and then asked the participants to rate a person’s personality if they perceived it as hot or cold. Guess what happened? Yep, you guessed it: the people that held a warm drink saw the person that they were supposed to judge as a warm personality, and the opposite effect was observed when they held a cold drink. What if they held a tepid drink?

In any case, maybe you should consider going to a cosy coffee shop and ordering a warm cupa, instead of a bar (most drinks are served cold, remember. I know you don’t get out much), and your potential partner might cosy up to you.

Spotting A Cheater: 12 Types Of Girlfriends Who Are Likely To Cheat On You

You love her, but your friends aren’t quite so sure.

Before you dismiss your friends’ claims about your girlfriend as mere jealousy, driven by the fact that they’re still single, take this into account: Science says we can often judge cheaters simply by their actions.

And as we grow up, we learn to read people. The surprise factor might be lost, but you can gain good insight and avoid a lot of potential problems, especially when it comes to relationships.

1. A girlfriend who is never clear about what they want.

She probably gives strange answers to simple questions, and then switches her phone off for weeks on end.

2. A girlfriend who is bored easily.

You know the type; she just doesn’t want to settle down. Or be tied into anything – like a relationship with you – because tomorrow is another day.

3. A girlfriend who is materialistic.

Does she love the gifts you buy her more than she loves you?

4. A girlfriend you just don’t trust.

Maybe they aren’t cheating on you, but it’s hard to trust them when they say one thing and mean something else.

5. A girlfriend who is just getting out of a serious relationship.

Chances are, they’re probably still hung up on someone else.

6. A girlfriend with low self-esteem.

They try to make up for it by constant validation via their partners.

7. A girlfriend who never tell you who they’re with.

Pretty much a dead giveaway.

8. A girlfriend who cheated on her last girlfriend with you.

I know its cliché, but she’ll probably do it again.

9. A girlfriend who is afraid you’re cheating on them.

Doubt can be a terrible thing, and so can the desire for revenge.

10. A girlfriend who thinks flirting is harmless

It is… in very few cases.

11. A girlfriend who is treats you like their dirty little secret.

If you’re in a healthy relationship, you should be socializing with each other’s friends circle with ease.

12. A girlfriend who thinks she’s better than you.

If they’re straight up snobs, then they’ll probably get bored of you pretty easily.

6 Scientific Reasons Why My Girlfriend Sleeping Naked is Really a Good Thing

For as long as my girlfriend can remember, she’s forgone traditional pyjamas for nakedness. I on the other hand am a complete prude.

Unlike me, she never found this weird or out of the ordinary. She says, it’s comfortable, easy and that she spends less money on stupid clothing. So why should she put on pyjamas when she can bask in the glory of nakedness?

Well according to science there are seven perfectly logical, totally scientific reasons why you should sleep naked, and its actually a good thing:

1. She gets to air out her lady parts

Jennifer Landa, MD, author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women says sleeping naked is healthy for your downstairs lady bits.

Because your vagina has a climate similar to a tropical rainforest, it can be a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.

By ditching underwear and pyjamas, you allow your vagina the much needed aeration it requires to stay dry and healthy. And, as we all know, a healthy vagina is a happy one.

2. She feels sexier

Sleeping naked is sexy (epically for me lying next to her). When she’s naked it makes it so much easier to have morning sex.

And my girlfriend says, waking up without pyjamas puts her in a sexy state of mind – win-win situation – yes!

It also means she’s comfortable enough with herself to let it all hang out (figuratively speaking… I think). A more confidant you are the more beautiful you feel.

3. She gets way better sleep

According to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, your body temperature naturally declines as a part of your Circadian Rhythm as you sleep deeply.

Wearing pyjamas could disrupt this natural drop in temperature and, as a result, disrupt your body’s sleep cycle.

Disruption in the natural decline of body temperature is also directly linked to insomnia. If you can’t cool down, you’re going to sleep like sh*t.

4. It’s a proven fat reduction technic

According to the Huffington Post, your body cools down at night, increasing your growth hormones while simultaneously decreasing your levels of cortisol, which will result in “healthy sleep patterns.”

The perfect night’s sleep would be comprised of two cycles: the first has your body recuperating with lower cortisol levels and the second sees your body working to increase these levels in preparation for the next day so that you might have energy when you wake up.

If your sleep is interrupted (e.g. because of your uncomfortable pyjamas), your body will naturally produce more cortisol than usual; the excess, in turn, is known to catalyse your appetite.

5. There is a lot more sex

If you sleep naked, you’re going to have more sex. It’s just logical. According to Dr. Landa:

Sleeping naked encourages sex and sexier relationships are happier relationships.

My girlfriend couldn’t agree more! I mean, think about it, and if you’re naked already, don’t you think your chances of getting in a hump session would drastically improve?
And, naturally, with more sex, you and your partner’s intimacy will only increase — especially when the hormone Oxytocin is introduced into the situation.

Oxytocin, as the Huffington Post notes, reduces stress levels, lowers your risk of depression and leads to a load of other health benefits that might seem completely unrelated to you and your partner naked spooning. Who knew being naked could “reduce intestinal inflammation”?

6. It’s just easier

Putting on panamas inherently means more work: You have to take off your clothes, pick out your jammies, and then put them on.

That might seem like a lazy thing to say, but sometimes the closet (or the kitchen, or the bathroom) is just too far away.

After a 9-to-5 workday, she’s not looking to do anything to make me wait for sleep.

13 Facts About Kissing Women You Definitely Need To Know

The word “kiss” needs no introduction. An neither does it need any description. But I am pretty sure none of you know these crazy facts about kissing.

Read on to know some pretty awesome stuff:

1. One kiss requires the coordination of a total of 146 muscles

This includes 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles. That is quite a serious workout!

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2. Kissing burns 2 to 6 calories per minute

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3. It is possible for a woman to reach an orgasm through kissing

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4. It can boost your mood instantly

The levels of dopamine- one of the most important neurotransmitters, spike during kissing, leading to a rush of elation and craving and can also result in the obsessive thoughts that many of us experience with a new romance – almost like an addiction.

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5. Our love for kissing comes from… rats?

An ancient rat-like creature called Eomaia Scansoria, which lived sometime between 75 and 125 million years ago, is the common ancestor for both mice and humans. Kazushige Touhara and colleagues at the University of Tokyo believe that our affinity for kisses descends from this ancient rat. The science team theorizes that this creature would rub noses with a mate to sample his or her pheromones and signal desire.


6. Origin of the word “kiss”

The word “kiss” comes from the Old English word cyssan, which technically means “to kiss.” No one is completely positive where cyssan comes from, but it is thought that it represented the sound people make when they kiss.


7. You can have a career in kissing

The study of kissing is called Philematology, and someone who studies’ kissing is called an Osculologist.

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8. 10% of the world doesn’t kiss

Would you believe me if I told you that there existed people who did not know about kissing? Mangaia Island, which is about 18 million years old, is the oldest island in the Pacific Ocean. The people here had never heard of kissing until the English introduced them to the practice in the 1700s.

Although as of today, 90% of the world enjoys the art of kissing, the rest 10% does not do so. For example, certain areas in Sudan believe that the mouth is the window to the soul, and they fear that it can be stolen by mouth-to-mouth contact.

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9. On average, two-thirds of people tip their heads to the right when they pucker up.

A German researcher observed over 100 couples and noted that two-thirds of them tilted their heads to the right, too. Experts think this instinct originates from the womb when we naturally tilted our heads to the right.


10. In Nevada, it is illegal to kiss with a moustache

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11. Kissing is good for your health

Kissing has long been thought to be a way to pass along bugs and thus strengthen the body’s defenses. Scientific research also says that kissing increases the levels of oxytocin, the body’s natural calming chemical and also increases endorphins, the body’s feel-good chemicals.

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12. Lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the fingers. Not even genitals have as much sensitivity as lips.

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13. Kissing is all about exchanging information

The exchange of saliva allows us to figure out information about our partner on a subconscious level. A kiss can convey the genetic compatibility of a mate, the condition of their immune system and how willing they are to raise children. Even if you’ve paired off with a perfect match from a shared interest dating site, you have lots in common and their kissing technique is good, on a subconscious level you may reject them because of how your body has responded to this exchange of information.

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Science Says Red Wine Can Actually Help You Lose Weight

It’s the news many of us have been waiting for – red wine can help you lose weight.

Yes, my dear, drunk friends, you read that correctly.


According to recent research, the resveratrol (an antioxidant) found in your favourite red can help turn bad “yellow” fat to healthy “brown” fat; the latter helps burn off the former.

Of course this ingredient, can be ingested without downing the claret. The compound is also found in blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and apples.

In a study conducted by researchers at Washington State University, mice were fed high-fat diets and split into two groups: one was given resveratrol and the other wasn’t.

The researchers found the group of mice given resveratrol gained about 40 percent less weight than the other group over the course of the study.

Lead researcher Professor Min Du explained,

Polyphenols in fruit, including resveratrol, increase gene expression that enhances the oxidation of dietary fats so the body won’t be overloaded.

They convert white fat into beige fat which burns lipids (fats) off as heat, helping to keep the body in balance and prevent obesity and metabolic dysfunction

Of course, red wine is pretty caloric, and you’re probably better off getting your antioxidants from low-calorie fruit, such as blueberries, raspberries or even apples.

We think it’s time to celebrate, and now you can crack open a bottle of wine (enjoyed responsibly) and have a solid excuse to skip the gym today.


‘Orphan Black’ Has LGBT Characters: So What Says the People Behind the Show

The three of the people behind Orphan Black — science adviser Cosima Herter and showrunners John Fawcett and Graeme Manson
– really don’t give a fig what you think about their LGBT characters.

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In fact, they say their show looks more like the real world than its painstakingly heterosexual TV counterparts.

It’s less spectacular than it is actually a mundane fact of life.”

Since its premiere in 2013, Orphan Black has always been pretty queer.

Two years ago, Jordan Gavaris, who plays the Felix on the show, was applauded for defending the character’s flamboyance.

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You cannot collectively as a society decide that you are only going to represent one part of a minority.”

Tatiana Maslany, who plays all the female clones on the series, said,

We sort of embrace the idea of every human having the potential to be anything, and I think that opens the door for all kinds of dialogue about sexuality and about gender.”

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The key characters Cosima (played by Maslany), Felix, Delphine (Évelyne Brochu), and Tony (also Maslany) are all queer.

The show’s science adviser Herter says biology has always been used for political ends, to regulate “what’s a good body and what’s a bad body”. For example, it has been proven by science that women are inferior to men through science… “we can legitimize how we police them,” she said. It’s happened with women, and it’s happened with queer people.

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But Cosima and Delphine, in particular, are characters who were “born this way” biological: Cosima, though she’s genetically identical to her sisters, is the one lesbian clone (that we know of), while Delphine identifies as straight, until she falls in love with Cosima.

Showrunner Manson says

I can think of three examples in my life that have been like that, that just wanted to be with the right person. It’s not about questioning your sexuality or not questioning your sexuality — it’s about finding your person. Yes, you can be born like that. All of these things come together to shape your sexuality, and it’s vastly complicated, and why not allow it to be slightly mysterious?”

Fawcett added

Within the fact that we’re trying to tell a paranoid thriller, we’re trying to show little pieces of humanity. But we’re not trying to make any sweeping statements.”

HBO’s VICE Links Uganda’s Lesbian Corrective Rapes Back to American Anti-Gay Christians

The plight of the LGBT community in Uganda has largely dropped out of the headlines, but in the latest episode of VICE on HBO, correspondent Isobel Yeung travels to Uganda and shows that they’re as persecuted as ever.

Not only does the documentary highlight how churches and schools are lying to children and adults about the “evils” of homosexuality, but that American missionaries and politicians are part of the problem too.

A Prayer for Uganda highlights the teachings of people like Pastor George Oduch, a Christian Fundamentalist who has taken his lead from anti-gay American Pastor Scott Lively.

They attempt to educate Ugandans about how there’s “no difference between a terrorist and a homosexual,” and that homosexuality is just like paedophilia.

The propaganda is so distorted that children are taught that there are ‘10 different cancers that attack only homosexuals’.

Girls are also told that sleeping with another women will lead to lesbian infertility.

If a woman gets homosexuality with another woman, she cannot give birth.”

The young Ugandans repeat what they are lectured in school and in church, but also in their communities, as the adults are even worse.

In one scene, Yeung interviews poor, working class men. The men tell her that the first thing she needs to know about their culture is “we hate is homosexuality.” That is the first thing of which they are proud. Not arts, science, their families, their heritage – not even their perverted interpretation of Christianity.

“We hate that one [homosexuality] completely. If we find a woman with a woman, we will pull out one and we will do it to her.” He’s of course talking about rape. “We cannot allow a woman to have sex with a fellow woman.”

Yeung asks, “Have you ever raped a lesbian?”

“Yeah,” the man replies. “Serious raping.”

Then Yeung asks, “So what would you do if you saw a gay man?”

“Kill! Kill! You kill that one! Kill! I just kill them. Woman and woman we rape, but man and man we kill.”

She wrote later, “I don’t ever recall feeling as heartbroken as the week we spent shooting this.”

Yeung is able to speak with a Ugandan gay woman on camera, although her face is blurred and voice distorted as to not reveal her identity. The woman had a secret girlfriend, but was found out by a group of men who raped her. When she found out she was pregnant soon after, her girlfriend left her. Now she says her child is “a blessing in disguise,” because now people won’t assume she’s a lesbian so quickly. In a heart breaking moment, she shares that she won’t even tell her son she’s gay because she’s worried he will reject her.

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Last year, the government of Uganda passed a bill making homosexuality–already a crime–punishable by life imprisonment or even the death penalty. The legislation was overturned, thanks largely to the international fury it provoked, but homosexuality remains illegal and massively stigmatised.

Now, less than a year after the “Anti-Homosexuality Act” (nicknamed the “Kill the Gays” bill in Western media) was struck down, Ugandan officials are working to revive it.

More Sex, Means More Brain Power (So Science Says)

Do you want to keep your brain active as you get older? Then the answer is simple – have more sex.

As you get older, brain function starts to slow down. Your memory starts to fade, and you can’t remember things like you used to. It’s one of the biggest and scariest things about getting older because memory loss really erases a person’s identity.

Well, good news guys – a new study has found that a good way to fight memory loss is to have more sex. And to be fair, they do say the brain is a very important sexual organ, so that does make sense.

Also: 11 Awesome Older Women with Tattoos

A study conducted by The Manchester University surveyed 1,700 people between the ages of 58 and 98. Turns out, the test subjects who were still sexually active also had better brain power. The study also found a third of women over the age of 70 are still getting it on.

This isn’t the first study that has shown sex keeps the brain healthy. A 2010 study found sexual activity promotes cell growth in the hippocampus, the area in the brain that controls long-term memory.

Myths about Sex as you age debunked…

Hormone changes, less orgasms? Here are some facts about sex when you’re older.


A Lesbian Tale: When You Know You Know By A.R. Jardine

“You forgot your toothbrush,” I call out to the woman I’ve been casually dating for the last month as she hustles past my front door to teach a class.

“Oh. I’ll just leave it here. If that’s cool?”

I stare. My mouth says: Sure. But my mind says: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

It’s never just a toothbrush. This is it. She’s your girlfriend now. All it’s going to take is for one of you to say it out loud.


After she leaves, I stay in bed. Partly because the perks of being a writer and a PhD student include a lot of time in my pajamas and partly because I’m tossing and convulsing with questions now about what I’m going to do in regard to this crusty, orange foreign object.

My mind does this:

Pros & Cons

Pro: Sex, the sex!

Con. You’re still recovering from your last monster breakup with a bikini model

Pro: She has a real job and a plan.

Con. She’s a normal human so she doesn’t understand your antisocial need for idea space and sitting alone, staring out of the window for hours

Pro: She likes to travel

Con. You might be in love with a person you met last week

Pro: She makes you laugh.

Con. She is slow at doing routine things; watching her wash dishes is torture

Pro: She doesn’t have an unhealthy amount of mommy or daddy issues.

Con. You can see jealousy swarm her eyes every time you mention your friend because you let it slip once that you had drunk sex with her years ago. (Side note: You have had drunk sex with almost all of your friends)

I should say, outright, that I have terrible commitment issues and most of my mascaras last longer than my relationships. The revolving door of women is something my family, and even extended family, has grown to accept.

Last week, for example, when I mentioned to my brother, over Skype, that I was going to wait to buy a new digital SLR camera because Mercury was in retrograde, he assumed that Mercury was the name of my newest girlfriend and that Retrograde was either a club or rehab centre.

After a certain point—okay, ten years—of serial monogamy and relationships that last three months to a year, I’ve noticed patterns. As it turns out, I like the chase. It looks a bit like this: I encourage (generally bi-curious) women to date me. Often times, these women are ridiculously attractive and utterly incompatible. Our differences range from subtle (she supports the death penalty or doesn’t read) to insurmountable (she has a husband/boyfriend/children/is pregnant). When my brain stops having its new-love orgasm and the dopamine clouds part, I realize I’m in something with someone who doesn’t fit.

Thankfully, modern science suggests it’s not entirely my fault. The Chase is neurological. I don’t need a fancy psychology degree to recognize that dreaming about sipping shiraz in an affordable Air BnB in Venice this summer gives me as much joy, and will for months, as the actual trip. With all this anticipation and nostalgia constantly duking it out in our minds, it’s no wonder we have to pay a hot yoga studio eighty bucks a month to stay present.

So, holding the toothbrush in my hand, I decide to do what any emotionally problematic woman in her 20s—alright very late 20s…okay…basically a 30 year-old-woman—does and I call my mother.

Ring. Ring.

“How did you know?”

“Excuse me?”

“With Dad. How did you know he was the one? I need to know how to know.”

“Is this about the new woman you’re dating?”

“Of course. She’s gonna need an answer soon.”

“Truth is, just the other day, I was driving down the street and I saw your father walking with mail and I got that excited feeling. That wow this man chose me feeling. When you feel it, you feel it.”

“You’re disgusting.”

“I know.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

When you feel it you feel it?

I felt it once. I was 24 and she was 29. We met on a blind date and talked for six hours before having drunk sex in a sketchy park. She had didn’t have a good job, but she had a job she loved. She was jealous, but in a way that I found cute. She was bi-curious, but speed-read Judith Butler and watched every episode of The Real L Word. She looked at me the way I wanted to be looked at. Like I could do anything. Like I was the perfect person for her and she was reminded of that in almost every moment. I felt it once and, still, I ran away. After a year together, I’d asked her to move in with me. She said she wasn’t ready. The rejection made me second-guess the whole relationship and I hopped a plane.

I felt it once and let it slip away.

It didn’t take long for depression to kick in. iTunes knew to play Adele without question. My room looked like a bad soggy Kleenex art installation. I smelled like a dump truck. I knew I’d lost my true love. So I tried to get her back. It was too late. She found a rich political analyst with a bigger BMI and deeper pockets- a dude who wasn’t capable of breaking her heart as easily.

The thing nobody wants to admit is that even when you think you know that you know, the other person might not know that you know, you know?

The Compromise

I call the woman I’m dating and I tell her that she needs to pick up her toothbrush. Okay, so in a world where I’m actually emotionally honest and not terrified of crushing people, I do this. In this actual world, I call her and pretend I have a really contagious cold. The next day, I follow it up with a tale of boundless period cramps. This excuse it true. I take a week of apartness to see if I feel it. I don’t.

I make a deal with myself: no talks about future weddings or posing for family calendar pictures only to have her be somebody that I limit my Facebook posts to in the coming weeks. I’m going to stay in the present, boring, moment this time and see the situation for what it really is, or probably isn’t.

Uganda’s Constitutional Court Could Strike Down the Anti-Homosexuality Act Today

Many LGBT rights supporters inside the Ugandan Constitutional Court this week say there are strong signs that the justices will strike down the Anti-Homosexuality Act when the court reconvenes.

For two days, the Uganda’s Constitutional Court has heard submissions from LGBTI rights activists in order to repeal the anti-gay legislation. In this ruling, the court will judge on whether parliament broke the rules.

That may sound surprising, since the Ugandan political system has seemed stacked against LGBT people since legislation imposing up to a lifetime prison sentence for homosexuality was enacted in a surprise vote on December 20, 2013.

However, the court has pushed forward with hearing the case over the government’s objections during the first day of hearings, which has left LGBT rights supporters feeling confident.

“I am very optimistic that they will strike it down. In my opinion having been in court for the past two days, I think the judges are being very independent.”

Frank Mugisha of Sexual Minorities Uganda

Nicholas Opiyo, one of the attorneys for the group of ten human rights activists, also felt very heartened after the first day of hearings concluded on Wednesday, tweeting…

“The constitutional court adjourns to tomorrow further hearing of the AHA petition in Ug. We believe that the court will find in our favour”

Nicholas Opiyo@nickopiyo

The petitioners also believe by regulating the behaviour of gay and lesbian Ugandans while not regulating the behaviour of heterosexuals, the Act violates article 21 of the constitution. Article 21 ‘guarantees’ equality and freedom of discrimination. Section 13 of the Act, which bans persons ‘promoting’ homosexuality, is also said to violate freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and freedom of association.

The Ugandan government is defending the law as constitutional by referring to Article 91, which says parliament has the power to legislate and to create laws for the betterment of society. Under the law, homosexuality is punished with life in prison.