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13 Queer Female Characters I’d Hate to Hang Out With

Is it just me, or is there some unwritten rule somewhere that queer characters are either loved or hated, and rarely in between? Don’t get me wrong – I always love when there are queer characters in the first place, but some of them make me incredibly disappointed.

Sometimes I wonder – who makes these people up? Some of these characters are so unlikeable that I can’t imagine anyone being friends with them, let alone dating them. To each their own, I guess, but I really don’t understand it.

How many of these characters would you hate to hang out with? Do you have more to add? Let us know in the comments!

1.     Shana, Pretty Little Liars

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I’m a near-obsessive PLL fan. I love their inclusion as a not-bumbling-idiot lesbian character literally as one of the main crew. It’s pretty sad that’s so groundbreaking, but hey – at least I get it somewhere. They’ve included quite a few queer characters already – and even though a few of them have now been killed off or sent away, most of them have been pretty… Normal. It’s so nice to see normal representation that doesn’t feel forced.  Hallelujah!

Unfortunately, one of the pretty normal characters is the terrible, terrible Shana. She’s not exactly hate-inducing, for the most part, but she is a manipulative, back-stabbing wench who seriously did some emotional damage.

2.    Tori, Lost and Delirious

I haven’t actually seen Lost and Delirious yet (it’s on my list), but every account of Tori makes me not want to like her. She might have her own problems, and in some ways we can all sympathize with having problems – but her character leaves Piper Perabo’s character, and no friend of mine would ever dump Piper Perabo!

3.    Jessica, Kissing Jessica Stein

Of course, the idea of girl-meets-girl, girl-kisses-girl, boy-gets-girl-in-the-end automatically aggravates lesbians to no end. I know you can’t help who you fall for, but did you have to fall for him? Jessica’s character sounds a bit like me in some regards, so I’d probably get over my dislike eventually, but my heart would be broken the whole time.

4.    Piper, Orange is the New Black

I feel like I’m supposed to want to hang out with Piper, and that’s probably why I wouldn’t want to. She seems like a younger, more homo-naïve version of myself (which is weird, because I’m pretty sure she’s older than I am?) but I can’t get over the fact that she’s just immature about so many things.

5.    Kennedy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

This might be a little unfair, because it’s not Kennedy’s fault that I don’t like her. But she’s not Tara, and we’re pre-programmed to reject anyone who isn’t our favorite character’s OTL. But that doesn’t change the fact that Kenny definitely isn’t Tara, and she’s just distracting Willow from the appropriate mourning process. I mean, hello… She lost the love of her life and you’re just trying to get some? How rude.

6.    Marissa Cooper, The O.C.

I can’t stand selfish people, and Marissa is a huge offender in that regard. She’s the pretty embodiment of every worst ex-girlfriend any lesbian has ever had in the history of ever and that would make her off-limits as a friend in my book. I could deal with her sad story if she wasn’t so hung up on herself all the time.

7.     Maureen, Rent

At first I thought I was alone in hating Maureen, but it turns out she bugs the hell out of other people, too – as she rightly should. She’s pretty, but she uses her beauty to manipulate and use people. I wouldn’t be able to hang out with her because I just know I’d fall for her charms, and I really can’t be involved with someone like that.

8.    Tamsin, My Summer of Love

Anytime someone is toying with someone else’s emotions, it’s an automatic “no” from me. I don’t tolerate my family members who do that, what would make me tolerate it in a friend? Tamsin was such a terrible person, and it really is a shame, because she’s so beautiful – don’t let the beautiful ones be evil!

9.    Jenny, The L Word

I must admit: I had a pretty fat crush on Season One Jenny. But as she started to find her success, she let it warp her into this really awful person. She was manipulative, deceitful, narcissistic, cheating, animal abusing troll of a woman. Seriously, what the hell happened – and how do I make sure it never happens to me?!

10. Ashley, South of Nowhere

I feel like I’m alone among SoN fans on this one, but – despite my tremendous attraction for Mandy Musgrave as an actress, I absolutely hated her character. I feel like Spencer could have ended up with better, and as much as I didn’t care for her to be with Aiden, either, Ashley was just so… spoiled, and she felt spoiled, too. Can we have some bisexual ladies who aren’t rich snobs?

11.  Ramona, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

There’s another bisexual character I’m not too terribly pleased with, too: Ramona. While she didn’t exactly do anything too terrible, I think that her dry humor and “let’s not make a big deal out of it” attitude about everything would put me off a bit if I were to try and hang out with her. I think the part of it that’s the worst to me is that I really, really wanted to like her – her crazy hair is fun and exciting… But I think I’d rather be friends with Julie.

12. Tina, The L Word

Call me crazy, but… I was not happy that Bette and Tina ended up together. Tina was a complete troll about the whole Angelica thing, from the very beginning, and I think I would have the hardest time being friends with someone who acted like that. Where the women on the show often ended up hurting one another, Jenny and Tina are the only ones who set out to hurt the people they loved, and that makes me not want to be friends with either one of them.

13. Paige, Degrassi

I had a crush on Alex for a long time, so when they first showed her kissing Paige, I was super happy. But then the more I thought about it, the more I really couldn’t stand Paige. She went crazy, and she totally took advantage of Alex’s love for her. Sure, Alex wasn’t exactly easy to be with, but Paige essentially grew to hate all the things she originally loved about Alex, and that never really sat right with me.

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