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Monthly Horoscopes | December 2014

Your lesbian monthly horoscopes from KitschMix.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini |Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |

Aries 3/21 – 4/19

December is set to be a time of taking stock for Aries. Many see the end of the year as the ideal opportunity to look back over the past 12 months and examine life, and that’s especially important for Aries right now. Saturn is in a wicked mood and will tempt you to make the same mistakes you’ve previously made over and over. So sit tight and think before you act. If you can see what your past mistakes have been you can better avoid making them again now. For this reason it’s a good idea to keep your head down and get on at work. Your personal life might prove a little trickier though. Avoid conflict as much as you can this month, don’t rock the boat, and steer as even a course as you can through to the new year.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20

It’s going to feel like the stars are in alignment and shining just for you this month. Your work life is particularly positive and you’ll have some great successes in this area. You’ll probably feel as if you can’t put a foot wrong. You’ll be buzzing with ideas and you’ll take on more projects, feeling that you’re invincible! But you’re not, and if you aren’t careful you’ll take on more than you can handle. You are a fighter, though, and as long as you remember your limitations and be realistic there’s every chance you can pull it off. Your love life could be the thing to suffer because of all of this activity, especially during the first ten days of the month, when a serious conflict of interests will arise. If you don’t want to lose your love you’ll have to compromise with her. Remember, when things have been going this well, something has to give.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/21

The key word for Gemini through December is ‘hope’. Things will seem pretty calm for you and you can dare to see a tranquil future. You’re not wrong. Don’t let any negativity seep into your life at this point and sour this. You can hope for better things to come now. Make sure you are at your most unselfish this month and really concentrate on the needs of your loved ones. If you know what you want, it’s time to cement situations and focus on doing your bit to make them work. This might take some extra effort on your part, but you’re not the only one giving it your all and if you stick with it, you really can have all you’ve dreamed of.

Cancer 6/22 – 7/22

The only way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them. And that’s exactly what Cancer is going to have to do this month. If you have niggling doubts about someone in your life, it could well be that your gut is telling you to beware, but there’s only one way to find out. Prepare yourself for what may happen, but remember, sometimes in life you have to take a risk. And sometimes that risk does pay off. With all that’s going on in your personal life you’re going to have to be extra careful about paying attention to your work. Love is a distraction, perhaps the greatest distraction of all, but while you’re at work you’ll need to stay sharp and avoid making too many mistakes.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22

The new moon on December 6th is going to present you with a window of opportunity to fix a problem in your life. Drop your ego for a while and take this chance. You might still feel that you are right and that you shouldn’t be the one who has to do this, but unless you want to string out this problem any longer, you should grab the opportunity and sort it out. If this doesn’t ring true for you, the new moon could be offering you the opportunity to do something positive in another area. Again, discard your ego and just get over yourself. Being the one who steps up and does the positive thing will not only make you feel good, it will also store up some good energy for your future. In other words, you get back what you give.

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22

Mercury is in a pretty foul mood with Virgo this month. It’s most likely to cause problems of the financial variety and you may find that work is a struggle. The best way to combat the wrath of Mercury is to stay honest and be kind. Even the smallest lie this month is going to get you into a whole heap of trouble. The upside of all this is that Venus will step into the chaos and try to instil some calm. For those who are already in a relationship this simply means plain sailing, but for those singles it’s a bit more complicated. If you have your eye on someone now would be the perfect time to act. She’s not a mind-reader and we all have our own insecurities, so chances are she’s not sure if all your glances and hints mean what she thinks they mean. Be bold and go for it, Venus is in the mood to make it happen.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22

December can be split firmly into two halves for Libra. The Sun’s influence on Libra is going to be positive until the middle of the month when it changes its face and darkens. What this means for you depends entirely on your circumstances, but one thing you can be sure of, the second half of the month will be more challenging than the first. In your work life this should be pretty easy to overcome. The ups and downs in your work may be difficult at times, but you can weather the storm. In your love life it may be trickier. No matter how smoothly things run through the beginning of the month there are dark clouds coming. The nature of this means that you are going to find out who your friends are. Those true to you will offer their support. Take it.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21

There’s something about Scorpio this month. Mars and Saturn are teaming up in a rare alliance for you and they are feeling very positive. Even Venus, who is often cruel to Scorpio, is feeling in a generous spirit this December. The thing to do when the planets smile on you is to make the most of it. And that’s exactly what you should do. Your personal life will have opportunities in store, some surprising, and you should grab them with both hands. You have the chance to taste some rare life experiences this month and that doesn’t come around too often. Your work life is also looking rosy and it will feel like you are truly blessed. The only thing to remember is that, at times like these, it’s always a good idea to exploit good fortune. Don’t let it pass you by.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21

Mercury and Jupiter are having a bit of a stand-off in the house of Sagittarius this month. With one set to cause problems and the other taking on the role of protector, the outcome is a curious one. While the power struggle is going on, who should step into the breach, but Venus. What this means is that love is the over-riding influence through December. Simply put, you are irresistible. But don’t let this go to your head, being a girl magnet isn’t always the great blessing it might seem to be. Yes, if you’re single this could be a very good month for you. Your pulling power is going to be through the roof. But if you’re in a relationship it could be the cause of jealousy and conflict. In your work life, too, this could cause problems. No one like’s a boss’s pet, and that’s exactly what you might become this month. Play it cool and keep your head. Yes, it’s a great feeling while it lasts, but make sure you keep your feet on the ground.

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19

The new moon has no intention of making things easy for Capricorn this month. If you’ve never looked at others and thought they get results without trying, unlike you, now you will. It may feel that your work colleagues don’t have to put the same amount of effort in as you and that you’re constantly trying and getting nowhere. This is especially the case for those who are self-employed and you’ll be feeling like giving up. December really is the time to realise that there are no short cuts and hard work will bring results eventually. Put the work in now and you can rest assured your reward will be waiting down the line.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

December sees Mars creating a conflict of directions for Aquarius. With the red planet causing issues in your decision making, you might be forgiven for thinking the best course of action is to make no decisions at all. But that’s not really how you role, and December could easily be a game maker month for you if you play it right. This is especially true for those Aquariuns who are facing the festive season alone. Now is not the time to be timid or afraid. Fear has held you back before and with Mars changing the wind all the time, it’s up to you to take control and make things happen. You can be bold when you want to be, and this could be in family matters, current relationships or work. The important thing is to harness your confidence and go for it.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

The two words that best sum up December for Pisces are ‘moderation’ and ‘mediation’. It’s hardly the best month to be talking about moderation, and you do like to party, but don’t worry, you can still indulge in all the good things in life and enjoy the season. The moderation comes in the form of your emotions. You have a tendency to be an all or nothing type of person and now is not the time to fall headlong into any potentially explosive situations. You need to take a breath and think about what you’re doing before you do it. The mediation part is where you can really do some good this month. Whether it’s family, friends or work colleagues, you have the power to smooth over arguments and sort out problems. Use it wisely.

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