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Monthly Horoscopes | February 2015

Your lesbian monthly horoscopes from KitschMix.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Aquarius | PiscesAries | Taurus | Gemini |Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

Saturn has an unusual gift for Aquarius this mAonth. You are being granted freedom of creativity. I know what you’re thinking, what use is being able to paint or draw to me? But creativity can take many forms. If you are looking to take up a new hobby this will be the perfect time. Maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t have the guts to try. Maybe you fancy taking a whole new direction in your life and changing track completely. But if none of that sounds like you, there is another area of life this great gift could come in useful. Creativity can relate to yourself as a person. Saturn could be granting you the ability to truly look at yourself. It’s not easy to recognise our faults and make the decision to change, but with this freedom of expression you’ve been given it will be an easier task. Examine your own personality and be your own judge. You might be happy with what you find, but it’s most likely there’ll be room for improvement.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

The phrase for Pisces in February is ‘out with the old and in with the new’. Before you chuck your girlfriend or quit your job, bear in mind this can be interpreted in various different ways! It could be that this relates to you as a person rather than external things around you. Maybe it’s time to change your ways or at least change something about yourself, maybe your image or appearance. If you’re not sure about anything, consult with your friends and family, but be prepared to take on board comments you might not like or agree with. Alternatively, if you were thinking of finding yourself someone new or leaving your dull job, now could be the perfect time. Just be sure to weigh everything up carefully before you act.

Aries 3/21 – 4/19

Mars and Venus will be performing a kind of tug of war in the house of Aries this month, and the moon will struggle to keep control. What this means for you in practical terms is that you’re likely to encounter a few personal problems through February. Tensions will be keenly felt in your home life and any slow rumbling issues will rise to the surface. Your real friends will be there for you throughout this difficult time and those you’ve long suspected of being fair-weather will show their true colours. All this bad ju-ju will also manifest in a more literal sense. Technology, and anything electrical, is going to suffer by the same hand and you’ll notice when one thing goes wrong, more will follow. The way to deal with both of these things this month is to nip them in the bud early. Sort out any problems you see in the early stages and prevent a domino effect.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20

Taurus is the chosen one this month. Yours is the only sign of the zodiac to experience nothing but good vibes in February. All will be harmonious in your family relationships and you and your girl are going to be loved up to the max. You’ll feel like the sun is shining each day and the seas are calm. The only possible problem for Taurus this month is a small detail at work which, if overlooked, can cause an issue later. It’s best to stay alert to this and spend a little extra time reading over documents and checking the small print. The good news is that your current happy mood and your sunny disposition will be carried through into your work, meaning colleagues feel the warmth and any tensions are eased away by your positivity.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/21

The first lunar quarter, February 6th, is going to have a big impact on Gemini. Unfortunately, it’s not going to be a positive one. You’re likely to notice your girl is on edge and may even focus some serious mood swings in your direction. Likewise, at work, you’ll find some of your colleagues are spoiling for a fight. The way to deal with both of these problems is to stay calm. Don’t rise to any bait. You can put your side across without adding flames to the fire. At work, it may be best to ignore your goaders as much as possible and wait for the truth to out itself. At home, meet your girl with a level head and do your best to pour cold water on the situation. If you handle it right, you’ll be receiving some apologies by the end of the month.

Cancer 6/22 – 7/22

February is going to be a time of great change for Cancer. The moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are all behaving in the opposite way to usual in regards to Cancer this month. This means your life will be literally turned upside down. In exactly what area of your life this occurs depends on your own circumstances, but there’s a big change ahead. Whatever this big change is, it comes with a warning. Due to the contrary nature of the planets this month, you’ll get something you’ve long wanted but it won’t be everything you imagined it would be. You’re going to achieve or receive something you’ve desired, only to find out you don’t want it. With this in mind it’s a good idea to not burn any bridges. Change is often a good thing, but make sure you leave yourself a clear path back out for if you need it.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22

February, for Leo, can be split quite definitely between work and love. While both of these areas of your life are under attack, one is obvious and one is stealthy. In your work life Mercury is out and out trying to ruin things for you. It will be fairly obvious when your colleagues and boss seem out to get you or make life difficult. The way to deal with this is to simply talk to them and ask them what they want from you. Don’t let Mercury win. In your love life it’s a bit more complicated. Uranus is quietly making mischief and you won’t know about it until it’s too late. The only thing you can do here is to make a pre-emptive strike. Examine your relationship closely and try to cover every base. As soon as you see a potential for a fight shut it down. Prevention is the key.

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22

You might be forgiven for thinking the January blues skipped a month and arrived at your door in February. Things look bleak this month for Virgo and you can lay the blame squarely at Neptune’s door. This month you’re going to feel the full force of Neptune’s negativity and the area you’re going to feel it in most is your pocket. Watch your spending because you’re digging yourself a deeper hole here and if you’re not careful this is going to get out of hand. It might feel hopeless, but the only way out of this is to tackle the problem head on. While Neptune’s busy blowing a cruel wind your way, Venus is trying to bring calmer air. If you’re single and feeling alone, try to hold on. This isn’t the time to meet anyone new, but bide your time and let Venus do her thing.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22

February sees some complicated movements in the house for Libra. Mars is in an angry mood and while the red planet can create havoc at times, it isn’t always successful. With Saturn on your side fighting your corner, punches are gonna fly between the planets and it won’t be until that final bell goes that you really know the outcome. In practical terms it’s a difficult one to call. Your home life and relationships look pretty even and these celestial fisticuffs don’t appear to have an impact. At work it could be a different matter. But Saturn is going to arm you with the right tools, all you need to do is use them. Make sure you go into situations with a positive attitude and bags of self-belief. This is your best weapon this month. You’re vulnerable, so hold your head up higher and harness your strength.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21

The first ten days of February will be a crucial time for Scorpio. It’s in this period that a problem will arise for someone close to you. This could be someone in your family, a friend, or lover. But whoever it is, they need your help and you’re in a position to give it. The important thing to remember is to not let this have a negative effect on your own life past this first ten day period. You need to take care of yourself too, and though you want to be there to support this person as much as you can, you also have to pay attention to your own needs. Do what you can and then deal with your own life. You can still be there for help and advice, but make sure you aren’t taken advantage of or leaned on too much.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21

It could be significant to Sagittarius to note that the full moon appears February 14th. Yes, Valentine’s day, and if you’re in a relationship you might want to stay alert around this time. From here towards the end of the moon, February 22nd, you’re going to come by a piece of information you weren’t expecting. It’s important that you keep this secret to yourself. No matter how much you might want to use it now, hold onto it. This nugget of wisdom is going to prove useful to you later on, so don’t act and don’t tell anyone. This doesn’t necessarily signal trouble, Venus is throwing energy your way so there’s no reason to think you’re doomed, but it does suggest you should tread carefully.

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19

February is a month of two halves for Capricorn. The first half of the month is about friendship. You’ll need to put all your best listening skills into practice for someone who’s going through a difficult time and just wants a shoulder to cry on. Don’t interfere in this person’s life and troubles, but just be there and show that you care. In the second half of the month you’re going to encounter something totally different which requires a completely different reaction. Your home life is going to see some problems that might seem impossible to solve. Here you’ll need to stand up for yourself and show that you won’t be walked all over. It’s time to find your voice and say what’s on your mind. Tell it how it is. You’ll be surprised how affective this can be and it’s the only way to make any progress with this particular issue.

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