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Monthly Horoscopes | May 2015

Your lesbian monthly horoscopes from KitschMix.

The weather’s warming up, and it’s starting to feel like spring (finally!). But as the happy hours, rooftop soirees, and outdoor brunch invites start cropping up, you’ll want to check what’s in the stars before you commit things to your calendar.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Taurus | Gemini |Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn |  Aquarius |  Pisces | Aries

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20

With Saturn as an ally this month, things look rosy for Taurus. But before you get too comfortable, there will be a couple of forks in the road for you to deal with. This is mainly because of the position of Pluto, Saturn and The Moon each trying to cancel each other out. You will have a dilemma to face in your personal relationships and the important thing to remember here is, doing something is better than doing nothing. In other words, don’t be tempted to let this problem rumble on for too long as the situation will only get worse. At work there is a different kind of decision for you to make. Here you’ll be faced with a stark choice : either air on the side of caution and go with the motto ‘if it’s not broke don’t fix it’, or embrace change and take a forward looking stance.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/21

It’s all about perspective for Gemini this month. The position of Jupiter in the house of Gemini through May means that it’s easy to blow things out of all proportion. Take a step back and try to look at things in a more detached way. This will be particularly important at work. There will be a few bumps in the road this month in your professional life, but what might seem like a disaster will turn out to be a minor hiccup. Don’t lose your head over things that may resolve themselves easily in time. The same can be said for your home life. Keep in mind that any niggles you have with your partner are best played down at this point. But the area of your life with the most potential for serious trouble this month is in your friendships. There’s a real possibility that if you don’t keep some perspective on things you could have a major bust up with a close friend. Try not to take things to heart and remember that in the light of day even the biggest of problems appear lessened.

Cancer 6/22 – 7/22

It’s often said that when your love life is going well your career is in trouble, and vica-versa. This is certainly the case for cancer this month. You’re going to find that through May your love life and personal relationships are enjoying a period of complete harmony. Unfortunately the flip side of this is, your work life has issues. You’ll experience frustration at not being able to move in the direction you want or progress in the way you’d like. You’ll also suffer some disappointments and you’ll feel like no matter what you do things just aren’t going your way. The two contrasting halves of your life this month make it the ideal time to take some time off and have a break. Take a holiday with your partner or family or just take a few days out to spend with them. You’ll be enjoying time in your harmonious relationship and you’ll also be taking a breather from your stressful work life.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22

With Mercury directing negative energy at your work life this month, and Uranus doing the same to your love life, it could a tricky time for Leo. The good news is The Sun will be doing everything in its power to re-address the balance, so all’s not lost. The main area Uranus will concentrate its focus on is your tendency to be lazy. If you don’t fight against this in May you’re in danger of being a slob and of annoying those around you. Make a special effort to get up and do things, go out and get things done. In contrast Mercury will be doing all it can to block opportunities at work, cause problems, and to make you work harder. Don’t be fooled into pouring your energies into a situation that will never bear fruit. Take your time to analyse the details and decide where your efforts are best spent.

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22

Neptune seems intent on destabilising your emotions this month. The watchword for all Virgos in May is ‘honesty’. It could be a tricky time for Virgos at work, with some feeling stuck, some demoted and some losing their positions altogether. What happens to you may well depend on how honest you are. You might think nothing of lying to get where you want to be, but this month especially you need to consider the consequences. Work environments can be cut throat and it may be commonplace to stretch the truth, but be careful with those little lies that could be found out and used against you. In your personal relationships it’s about being honest with yourself. Ask yourself what you really want and give yourself a truthful answer. It’s not always easy, but living a lie is the harder path to follow in the long run.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22

The planets are either behaving themselves or cancelling each other out this month in the house of Libra. What this means is, even if they try to, the planets can’t have any major influence on your life one way or the other in May. That doesn’t necessarily mean it will be calm, it just means decisions and actions are down to you. Gather your strengths in the areas of your personality you know you have them and stay aware. At work it’s best to concentrate on long term projects that won’t come to fruition any time soon. Don’t make any snap decisions. At home think carefully before you do anything drastic. You have yourself to answer to this month. One set of Librans who can take full advantage of the situation in May are the singles. This could be the perfect time to meet someone new as you’ll be working from your own intuition with no outside influences.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21

The moon is going to be Scorpio’s greatest ally in May, but Venus will also be on your side. With the positive energy and protection of these two planets firmly with you, May is the month to say ‘yes’. Scorpio can confidently abandon doubts and take the bull by the horns. Life is for the living this month. If you’re single it’s the perfect time to get out there and meet new people. But for all Scorpions, this month is ripe for adventure and opportunities that come your way should be taken. At work and in your personal life you’ll be charming, attractive and fun to be around. Your work colleagues will trust you and you could be set to make some extra money and win some friends. In your personal life it’s all about new experiences and having fun. This is one month you should not be sitting at home and watching the grass grow!

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21

If it’s ever been suggested that you like to be the one in control, now is the time to have a good look at yourself and examine this idea. The negative energy of Mercury will bring your less attractive traits to the surface and this seems to be the one at the forefront. In your work life it could be a good idea to seek the opinions of others. This isn’t always easy for you to do, but there’s merit in a fresh pair of eyes and you could use the input right now. Try to let go of the reins for a while and allow yourself to consider that someone else can do things just as well as you can. In your home life it’s time to loosen your grip on the daily running of life and your household and give some credence to the viewpoints of your family and friends. Try to truly see things from another side and relax a little.

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19

The month of May will see a big dip in energy for Capricorn. This is mostly due to the position of Saturn and the changing direction of The Moon. Don’t push yourself too hard this month and remember, everyone experiences fatigue sometimes and there’s no shame in it. It’s especially important to understand this at work. If you try to ignore the way you feel and don’t take enough rest you’ll end up having worse issues with your health. Take it a little easier right now and you’ll bounce back. Push yourself and you’ll be floored. In your personal life put off any large social events or trips till a time when you feel more energised. Your friends and family will understand and your partner will back you up. She understands how you feel and is on your side. She will also be the one who supports you back to your old self in no time. All dark patches pass and the light that comes out of it can be the strengthening of relationships.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

You might feel like you’re being evaluated in all areas of your life this month, and you might be right. Certainly at work your boss, colleagues, partners and even clients will be watching you and sizing you up. This situation creates the perfect opportunity for anyone intent on causing you trouble. You might already be aware of someone who has it in for you, or you might need to keep your eyes open for someone you least expected. Either way, watch your back, someone wants to stab you in it. At home you’ll also feel under scrutiny. You may have brought this on yourself by your past actions and it’s possibly no surprise if your lover is feeling wary. Assuming she has nothing to worry about, go all out to show her she can trust you. If, on the other hand, she’s right, think about how she feels and consider this the perfect chance to put your cards on the table.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

With Mercury and Venus locking horns this month, there will be some challenges to overcome for Pisces. You shouldn’t expect either any serious problems or any great gains in May. What you should expect is some tricky issues which you will have to overcome. The best way to prepare yourself for anything the planets can throw at you is to stay flexible. Expect the unexpected and be ready to deal with whatever comes. At work especially, don’t be too quick to lay blame at others. Even if you’re sure you know whose door to lay it at, it’s better to retain the information for a later date and deal with the problem in a level-headed way. At home you should be prepared to stand up for what you want and what you think is right. Don’t antagonise your partner, but don’t be a doormat either.

Aries 3/21 – 4/19

Venus is trying very hard to influence your life this month. The Goddess of love is in a mischievous mood with Aries and wants to cause havoc. Luckily for you, most of this negative energy from Venus will be blocked by the sun who is fully on your side. At the beginning of the second ten day period, however, you’re likely to experience some turbulence. There will be confusion in your love life and you’ll feel like you don’t know which way to turn. While it’s important to follow your heart, it’s also important to remember that Venus is playing a game here and you need to use your head too. Take some time to think through the situation before you make any decisions. Venus likes to play on your emotions so keep a cool head while still listening to your heart.

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