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Your Monthly Lesbian Horoscope | April 2017

The second month of spring brings many of us some changes and plenty of opportunities. It could feel at times like a tornado is ripping through our houses, but we have a lot of high energy around so it’s no wonder the strong spring wind feels fierce. The Sun and The Moon are active in most houses this month and these powerful planets will bring the unexpected and lots of surprising openings. We’ll need to put the effort and the work in to get the best results, but we’ll have a head start in most circumstances with strong surges of enthusiasm and positivity. Drama could surround us in our home lives, but none of this involve us directly and we will only be required to lend support and smooth things over. Our abundance of positive energy makes us perfect for this and we’ll feel enlightened and strong.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Taurus | GeminiCancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | Aries 

Aries 3/21 – 4/19

Mars and The Sun will have your back this month, but even these two powerful planets can’t work miracles and you’ll need to be prepared for the unexpected. At work you should go through your daily tasks methodically and keep your course. It’s not a good time to be doing anything unusual or for taking on work you’re not familiar with. Stay flexible regarding anything that comes your way and be ready to adapt to the needs of others. At home you’re pleasing your girl, which is great, but don’t do this at the expense of your own happiness. Make sure you’re getting what you want as well and make sure your partner is willing to compromise sometimes.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20

Although The Moon is strong in your house this month, it isn’t best placed to give you what you need right now. Thankfully The Sun is around to offer some back up and with these two planets shining light on you together, you can’t go far wrong. Your work life should be pretty stable in April, but you will have the chance to improve your situation if you have the energy to take it. Keep alert for opportunities and weigh up the pros and cons before you do anything. In your personal life it’s important that you stay your course, even if you’re being called out for it and others seem to think you’re wrong. Listen to your heart and keep doing what you feel is right.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/21

At the beginning of this month, Gemini, you’ll feel a big surge of positive energy and you’ll feel like you can smash tasks and take on the world…but you’re unlikely to have anything to direct all this enthusiasm at, which could lead to frustration if you’re not careful. It could be confusing at first, but later in the month you’re going to need this energy so don’t waste it. This relates mostly to your work life, or possibly home based projects, where things will go well if you use the energy right. In your personal life it’s a little different and here the things

Cancer 6/22 – 7/22

The Moon will have your back in April, Cancer, and will take on the role of protector in your house. In your work life this means you can start to implement changes that benefit you and bring your work more into line with what you really want to be doing. This could be starting your own business or bringing more of your own practices and passions into what you already do. There’ll be a lot going on in your personal life, but it won’t necessarily involve you directly. It’s more likely that you’ll be enjoying being a part of what’s going on from the side lines. Family gatherings, marriage, babies etc are all likely and could bring you a lot of happiness right now.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22

During April you’re going to have The Sun shining in your house, but it’s a curious sort of energy this powerful planet is bringing to you. You’ll be encouraged to think deeply, reflect on your situation, and even meditate if it helps you to see more clearly. At work it’s the perfect time for planning and organising. You’ll be able to formulate plans well and it’s the right time to take these ideas forward and put them to your bosses as solid possibilities. In your personal life you should be able to reach a higher understanding of yourself and how you behave and interact with others. You can change your position on something now, or you can think about presenting yourself in a different way.

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22

There’s some mixed energy in your house this month, with Mercury bringing you the tools you need to make plans and organise yourself, and Mars working hard to solve problems in your way and resolve issues. This means on the one hand, it’s the right time to push forward with plans and ideas, but Mercury isn’t extending you the energy to actually put anything into action. It’s up to you from here as Mars will be working to smooth the way if you do want to go forward. Whether at work or in your relationships status, you can hold back and be sure of what you’re doing for a later time, with solid plans in place, or you can move forward and take action right now. How bold you feel is down to you.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22

There’s a lot of positive energy in your house this month and Saturn and Mars will be bringing good vibes to everything you do. Success is high right now and you’ll have a lot of opportunities coming your way in your work life. However, don’t be too quick to say yes and take on too much. This month is more about working on projects you’ve already begun, rather than taking on more, no matter how great they might seem. Make sure you pace yourself so you don’t run the risk of burning out. In your personal life there’s a lot of sunshine, but it’s also a great time for identifying any cracks in relationships and repairing them before they grow wider.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21

You’re short on support from the planets this month, Scorpio, and you may be left to go it alone in most areas of your life. However, don’t let this worry you, gather your confidence and self-belief and know that you have what it takes to make April a success. You’re going to have to put the effort it, but you’ve never been afraid of hard work. In all areas of your life you’ll be especially good at noticing the little things that others tend to skim over. This will be great for you at work and will give you a different approach to everyone else. At home this will allow you to be more attentive to your partner, and if you’re single it’s a great time to meet someone new as you’ll be alert and you’ll be a great listener.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21

Jupiter and Mars will be teaming up in your house this month to shine a slice of luck on you. However, don’t let this lead you to become complacent, luck is a tool and it’s how you use it and what you do with it that determines what you get out of it. At work you’ll be especially strong at building projects up from the bottom and really fleshing out structures. You may have to get your hands dirty this month, but with luck on your side this is going to lead you to great success. In your personal life you should use your confidence, even if you don’t have much of it, to make yourself shine. It’s especially busy for single Sagittariuns who could end up beating girls off with a stick!

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19

Mars and The Moon are bringing a lot of positive energy to your house this month, but will also create a soothing atmosphere which makes it a great time to get some rest and relax. Your work life will be split into two halves this month. In the first period you’ll be able to deal with problems affectively as they arise, and it won’t take up too much of your time and energy. In the second half you’ll gain the energy to put wheels in motion on something and really move forward. In your personal life you’re likely to experience a lot of drama, though none of it will involve you. This could become tiresome as you’ll have to deal with those around you, but stay calm and use your restful mood to bring about some peace.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

There’s a curious situation in your house this month, Aquarius. Mars is on your side and will bring positive energy, but this is highly unusual for the red planet and it could feel a little awkward to you at first. Try to settle yourself into the situation and be prepared for some instability in the first part of the month until everything settles down. There are changes in the air in your work life this month and you may have itchy feet. Don’t do anything hasty as the energy is skewed, but think things through before you make big changes. In your personal life the focus is on your family where there could be some issues between family members. It won’t affect you directly, but you should help smooth the way where you can.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

With The Sun’s energy bright in your house the first ten day period of this month will be verging on manic. At work you’ll gain a lot of opportunities. You should take on as much as you physically can at this time as The Sun doesn’t often enter your house like this and might not be around again for some time. Things might feel precarious at times because the energy is so high, but don’t be afraid to take some chances and go with it. In your personal life there’s going to be the chance for a big step forward. If you’re single this could mean entering a strong relationship and if you’re already loved up this could even mean popping the question!

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