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Your Monthly Lesbian Horoscope | January 2017

With the beginning of the New Year comes a lot of hope and thoughts of fresh beginnings and clean slates. But just like most New Year’s resolutions, things in the astrological world don’t always go to plan. Saturn is the planet most of us have to watch out for this month and this dark one will be trying to cause negative vibes in many of our houses.

We do have a lot of support and positive energy around to counter this though, and most of us can look forward to a time of opportunity and fairly stable conditions. Many of us need to watch out for new friends, acquaintances, or colleagues who come on too strong or want to get too close too quick. In fact, we’d be wise to use caution in most things in January and make sure we know just how the situation lies before we do anything.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Taurus | GeminiCancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | Aries 

Aries 3/21 – 4/19

The Sun will take over from Mars in your house this month, bringing your relationship and love life to the forefront of your attention, meaning work will take a back seat for you. This means your work life will be stable, but not much will happen of any significance. In your love life, on the other hand, you’re set for some changes, and most of this will happen within you. Some Arians are going to find their emotions will change drastically in January and they’ll no longer feel the same way about their partner. For others it will be a change of direction and you’ll find that the path you’re on with your girl is no longer right for you. This doesn’t mean you can’t move direction together, but if you can’t being honest about it is the best way forward.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20

The Moon will be your strongest allay in January and although Venus will try to bring influence to your house, the energy from The Moon will overshadow everything else. This means your love life won’t be able to gain enough of your attention this month and work will take over. It has to really, as you’ll be in the position of being the one person who gets to decide where projects are heading and where your work path is going. In your personal life someone close to you is going to mess up and they’ll look to you for help and support. This will be tricky for you as you don’t have the time, but don’t be tempted to say “I told you so”.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/21

Jupiter will be trying to work against you this month, but energy from Mercury combined with the support of The Sun and Saturn, should be enough to counter any negativity. The first half of January will be fairly quiet, but in the second half things will begin to heat up. This is when you’ll have opportunities to make more money and boost your finances. In your personal life, someone close to you will reveal something about themselves, or a side to them, that you weren’t aware of. This could be difficult to accept and work with, but by the second half of the month you will have found a way forward and you can see a successful outcome.

Cancer 6/22 – 7/22

Support in your house is shaky this month, and you’ll need to be cautious and think through situations before you react. In particular, don’t refuse to help those close to you when they need you, as this will store up bad karma for you. In fact, your oldest and closet friends are very valuable to you in January and you should be wary of any new friends or anyone who comes on too strong. This applies to your work life as well as your personal life, and colleagues who suddenly want to be your bestie are most likely up to no good. Your family and close friends will tell you straight if they feel someone is no good for you and you should listen to them, but you should also do your best to spot it for yourself.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22

This month The Sun is focussing all its energy on your personal life and will be encouraging you to let go a bit more with your emotions and don’t be afraid to let them show. In your work life you should watch out for being taken advantage of. In particular, be aware of being put upon and having too much work thrown your way. If you start to feel pressured, slow down and look carefully at what’s going on. In your personal life it’s a little different, here you shouldn’t try to work against what’s going on, but you should let everyone involved know how you feel about it and be upfront and honest. Your emotions are valid and should be listened to.

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22

Mercury is bringing strong energy to you this month, Virgo, and it will focus most of this on your relationship. Here, the gift of great communication is coming your way. This means you can easily solve any tensions or issues you have at home and in your family. It also means you’ll be attractive to others as the way you speak and communicate will act like a magnet. What you do with this depends on your circumstances, but having fun is fine right now as long as no one’s getting hurt. You will face some problems in your work life, but you can overcome these if you arm yourself with knowledge. This will be your greatest power in January, so get as much information as possible.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22

As Saturn, your natural ally, turns against you this month and goes over to the dark corner, you’ll have to be careful with how you proceed with issues and projects. Most importantly, be careful about any major decisions you have to make. You need to take your time over this and make sure you’re making the right choice, so if you’re being pressured for time, refuse to choose at all. This will be most vital in your work life where you’re likely to feel pushed to make a decision. Take the time you need and if that’s not acceptable you’ll have to let the issue go. The same thing is true in your personal life, except here any decisions you are faced with give you the chance to move upwards in your relationship.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21

As Saturn’s dark mood spreads across the stars this month, you won’t come out unscathed. Though Saturn is working against you, you can avoid negative outcomes by taking your time and being patient. In your work life you’ll need to be flexible and ready to adapt to changing situations. Focus on getting things done that are unfinished, but don’t rush them and make sure they’re done properly. If you’re in a relationship your home life will be stable and harmonious, but single Scorpios can look forward to some interesting developments. As with everything this month, take your time and don’t jump into anything without thinking it through. Following your heart is important, but you need to listen to your head right now too.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21

Things are looking good in your corner of support where Venus, Mercury and Jupiter will all be working hard to bring you positive energy. However, you do have The Moon in the opposite corner working against you and The Moon has especially powerful energy. This is going to mean you can expect good things, but you need to proceed with caution. At work you should focus on projects you already have underway and haven’t finished yet, rather than attempting to start anything new or take on unusual work. In your home life your family will be proposing changes to how you all do things, or wanting to introduce something new you’ve never done before. Again, proceed with caution and don’t rush into anything.

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19

Saturn is in a bad mood with many of the signs this month, so you’re getting off reasonably easily as for you it’s a case of the planet being neutral in its energy towards you rather than negative. The Moon is also moving position to support you so that only leaves Mars in the running for bringing you down. That being said, it looks like being a good time to implement any plans you have at work, as things will be fairly stable and stand a good chance of seeing things through positively. There’s a more complex situation in your personal life where you’ll need to be careful with your health and well-being and also be wary of new friends and acquaintances. In some instances, these two things will be connected.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

You’re in a pretty unique position of having Saturn on your side this month and with Mercury also bringing positive vibes your way, things should be pretty good. There are a lot of opportunities around in your work life, but this could lead to some frustration for you as you won’t physically be able to take advantage of them all. Try to focus your attention on the things you think are most beneficial to you and give those things 100% instead of trying to grab everything on offer and only having limited energy for each thing. In your personal life there will also be some opportunities, but here you have to decide if they are really worth the work you’ll have to put in to make those doors open.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

The combined positive energy of Venus and Jupiter in your house this month, is especially strong and means you can enjoy great success as long as you learn to listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts. In your work life you’ll have to put in the hours to make projects a success, but as long as you’re prepared to sweat for it, January will have some great rewards. In your home life you can expect a fairly quiet time, but your love life could deal with some excitement if you have the desire to make it happen. Don’t go for tired clichés here, but try to be more original in your thinking. As with everything in January, the more thought and effort you put into this, the better the outcome is going to be.

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