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Your Monthly Lesbian Horoscope | May 2016

Here’s your complete love and life horoscope for May

It’s nearly summer. YES, finally some sun. So, whether you want to know what’s going to happen with your romance, your career or your life in general, we have general forecasts for the month ahead.

Skip to your Monthly Horoscope Sign: Taurus | GeminiCancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | Aries 

Aries 3/21 – 4/19

With Mars aiming to bring you down this month, May will demand some craftiness and also some soul searching from Aries. The red planet is seeking to do harm, but with Venus on your side it will at least be limited. Your work life is where you’ll be hit hardest. You often feel like you’re the only one pulling your weight and that you work harder than most, and while this is a common Aries trait, it’s not necessarily the truth. Take a step back and be honest. Try to see things from others’ points of view and recognise that not everyone finds it easy. At home, things are smoother and as long as you keep communicating with your girl you should be able to negotiate a stress-free May.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20

Your work life and your personal life can be divided into two very different and distinct areas in May. Venus is in charge of love in your house and she wants to play. Whether you’re single or not, you’re going to find yourself the source of attraction for others around you. Some Taurians will lap this up, while others may find it uncomfortable. Towards the end of the month your emotions and strong feelings for someone will dominate and the fun of flirting will soon seem irrelevant. At work Pluto has the reigns and you’ll be faced with a choice of which path to take. For some it’s an opportunity to grab with both hands, while for others there’ll be some serious thinking to do.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/21

Venus and Jupiter are the two planets dominating the house of Gemini in May. Venus, as expected, is in your love sphere and is eager to give you a kick up the arse! Whichever area of your personal life has become mundane, now is the time to shake it up. With Venus urging you on, the only way you can fail is by doing nothing. Take a trip, go out with family and friends, or just spend some quality time going for dinner with your partner. Whatever you do, don’t sit at home and be lazy. At work Jupiter is pushing you forward in a different way. Here you’re going to find yourself shoved to the forefront whether you like it or not. It’s time to step up, take the driving seat, and show everyone what you can do.

Cancer 6/22 – 7/22

Curious circumstances in the house of Cancer this May will mean you are almost free of influence from any area. The Moon remains neutral while Saturn and Mars will cancel each other out with equal measures of positive and negative energy. While this means it is all down to you, it also means you have limited protection. At work you’ll be busy, but the only way to fully take advantage of all you can achieve this month is to gain a greater understanding of how your business works and what everyone does. Only this way can you empathise with other departments and see new ways forward to get more done. Perhaps not surprisingly, a feeling of isolation and loneliness will fall on you in your home life. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, these feelings can be difficult to overcome. Your family and friends are there for you and you should take advantage of offers of support.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22

The Sun will be quite literally shining in the house of Leo in May. This most glorious of planets will bring you some much needed optimism in your financial life. You’ll be presented with a handful of opportunities to make some extra cash and the possibility of taking all of these opportunities and being successful is very real. This doesn’t mean money will fall in your lap, you will have to work to get your rewards, but know it’s there for the taking and go for it! In the same way, at home opportunity is all around, only in a slightly different guise. To take advantage of all the happiness you can cope with you’ll need to put the effort in. Treat your partner, call your mother, and spend quality time with your friends. You’ll get happiness back ten-fold.

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22

With Neptune and Venus bringing dark clouds to your life, only the Moon appears to be on your side this month. Your love life in particular could take a battering in May. For those in committed relationships this will mean some serious disagreements, but if you’re strong together you can overcome anything. For those in new relationships in could cause a tipping point. You’ll either come out of this more sure of each other, or the relationship will fall apart. At work it’s time to raise the bar and check your ambitions. If you aren’t where you want to be in your career now is the time to take stock and look at your life. Spring is all about rebirth and that’s never been more apt than for Virgo this month.

Libra 9/23 – 10/22

While Saturn and The Sun have a bit of a stand-off in the house of Libra this month, Venus is left alone to cause some mischief. The loggerheads between the two S planets will mostly affect your work life in May. You’ll need to take each problem, issue, or task individually and work through it methodically. You can’t afford to make any mistakes this month and rock the boat. At home the playful influence of Venus could land you in hot water if you’re not careful. This is not the time to lose control. Whether this means staying away from parties and alcohol where you know you might go too far and regret it, or holding yourself back from charging into situations head first, try to keep a cool head this month and keep a tight rein on your feelings and actions.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21

Saturn and Venus will bring positivity in May for Scorpio, with only the Moon looking likely to try and spoil it. In all areas of your life this month, the phrase ‘everyone makes mistakes’ should be held closely to your heart. At work you’ll find this means you. We’re not necessarily talking about a major f**k up here, but rather that something you were so sure was a great idea will be unveiled to be the opposite. Don’t wallow in self pity or embarrassment, but pick yourself up and start seeing solutions. At home, it’s going to be someone close to you who makes a blunder. How big this is will vary from Scorpio to Scorpio, but the important thing is to not lose your tempter and cut the person some slack.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21

The planets are set to turn against you for the most part in May, or at least turn their backs on you. Only Jupiter will remain your allay. Venus in particular has decided it’s time she saw what you’re made of. For single Sagittariuns it’s all about learning to be humble where your friends are concerned. Put any jealousies aside and understand that someone else’s success and happiness shouldn’t take away from your own. Loved up Sagittariuns will need to be patient with their partner as she undergoes some changes in her life. These changes aren’t going away and you need to be extra supportive. At work you’ll need to thicken your skin and ignore the voices around you. Whether they mean to or not, their words can cause more harm than good.

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19

You’ll find that your intuition is on point this month, with The Moon shining positivity and heightening your senses. Only Mars is against you in May, so you’ll still have to put the work in where your life is lacking. This is a great time for taking action and being effective in all areas of your life. At work be aware of the consequences of the things you do and keep looking ahead into your future. You know where you want to go so make sure you’re taking the right steps to get you there. At home, the influences of spring will invade your relationship and cause something momentous to happen. Depending on your situation this could be a new love, moving in together, a wedding, or even a baby.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

Mars looks set to do its best to cause problems for Aquarius this month, but with The Sun and Saturn fighting your corner, it won’t be too much of a problem. The red planet is focussing its bad temper on your personal life, so your work life looks like coming out unscathed. Luck could very well be on your side in May regarding financial matters so do take advantage of any opportunities that come your way. At home the problems will be regarding a major change. This could be the question of relocating, whether to have a family or not, or simply taking your relationship to the next level. For anyone Aquariuns who have doubts there’s going to be some soul searching and some serious thinking to do. Consider the issue carefully and make sure you feel comfortable, while also being mindful of the feelings of your partner.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

Jupiter and Venus will team up and shower you with positivity in May, with only Mercury bringing the rain clouds. In your personal life you’re likely to experience a rush of passion. Single Pisces need to be especially cautious at this time. Falling head over heels and feeling the surge of chemistry is great, but what comes after that? Take a breath and think about what’s happening before you end up in a situation that’ll cause you problems. At work you’ll be given some extra responsibility and the chance to prove your worth. You are capable and you should see this is a great opportunity. However, don’t fall into the trap of taking on too much. Ask for help when you need it and delegate tasks. Other people around you are capable too and can give you some much needed assistance if only you’ll let them.

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