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“Dear World, We’re Not Afraid” – Orlando Survivors Speak-Out (Video)

Survivors of the Orlando massacre have released a video telling the world they are not afraid.

In light of the Orlando Shooting, we think it’s important, more than ever, to stand tall and show love and give hope to the LGBT community.

Put together by youtuber, Arielle Scarcella, the video tells a story about LGBT people struggling with coming out and the world’s reaction.

My all the things that closet has seen. Inside it was dark small and lonely, but so much life has happened outside of that closet. For the LGBT community, that life often comes with judgement. At their core, judgement and hate are simply fear.”

The video also features survivors who send a message a powerful message about love following the attack.

Our LGBT community is resilient. Out of great sadness, love is born. We thrive, not because we are not afraid of hate but because we are not afraid of love.”



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