
Ten Killer Signs You’re with The Wrong Lesbian


She is suspicious of everything you say and do, and constantly accuse you of violating her trust. BUT guess who’s going through your phone and hacking into your email?

She treats you less like a partner and more like a possession. As in, she doesn’t care too much about who you are per-se, but who you are for/with/in relation to her.

You suspect she likes hearing the sound of her own voice more than she like hearing yours.

She disrespectful to your family. To your face. And she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

She doesn’t need any personal space, and get upset/suspicious/offended when you express the need for it.

She can’t take responsibility for her own emotions, and will always find away to take it out on you even if you had absolutely nothing to do with her bad mood.

She is constantly disapproving and discouraging of your goals and efforts, to the point where you don’t even bother telling her what you want anymore since she’ll cut it down anyway.

She doesn’t respect your time. Right NOW is the opportune moment for that tedious task / modelling project/huge argument, damn it.

She fights dirty. Sure, fighting is a normal part of any relationship, but it’s pretty easy to decipher how someone really feels about you during a fight by the type of insults they hurl.

No matter what you do, there’s always something not good enough, half-assed, or less than about your efforts. You always feel like you have to “prove” yourself and you’re always failing at it.

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