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11 Reason Why Your Unconventional Girlfriend Is A Keeper

Are you dating someone a little eccentric? Would you describe her as weird, but in a good way weird?

Great. Keep her, because you don’t even know how lucky you are.

If you’ve found someone brave enough to be her self in this world of standardised proportions and fixed ideals, adore her.

If you’ve found someone strong enough to hold on to her childlike sense of wonder, to be completely and utterly free and uninhibited, cherish her.

If you’ve found someone liberated enough to be a complete and utter weirdo, never let her go.

Because relationships with unconventional women are always better than with anyone who’s trying to be “normal.”

1. She’ll never let the fight be the same one.

She’ll have feelings and opinions that will clash with yours like any significant other. With them, however, it’s never about the same sh*t.

2. She’ll never expect the relationship to be a certain way.

She doesn’t have expectations of you or the relationship. She’ll let the relationship coast the same way she coasts through life – hoping for the best and going with the flow. She doesn’t go into things with preconceived notions because for them, a relationship is as random and unknown as life.

3. She’ll introduce you to the freak inside you.

You think you know yourself, and then met her, and she challenges every part of your being. She makes you rethink your life, your passions and what the hell you’ve been doing this whole time.

4. She’ll never be replaced.

You know you can’t let her go because the next woman will never live up to her. No one will ever show you as much, teach you as much and challenge you as much. Everyone will just make you wish you were with her again.

5. She’ll never question when you need to take time for your own adventure.

Not only do she support your personal endeavors, she push them. She doesn’t just want to be there for you; she wants to show you the way.

6. She’ll make you forget about the outside world.

Until you met her, you never experienced what it’s like to live in your own world, to never have to enter society again. She brings the only world worth caring about into yours.

7. She’ll catalyze every single creative interest you have.

Those tiny thoughts you never gave any light to, are suddenly magnified, and urged to be chased, and expanded. Those tiny dreams you never let yourself think about are all she wants to talk about.

8. She’ll never make you feel weird about your own weird self.

She wants you to be unconventional. She longs for you to open up that side you refuse to show the world. She’s ready to explore your inner workings and most obscure neuroses. She’ll thrive on your quirks and your idiosyncrasies.

9. She’s always worth the drama.

Yes, she’s not always the easiest person to deal with, but she’s always worth it. She’s going to bring the drama and intensity, but that’s what’s going to make your life worthwhile again. Those days when you were just going to work, the gym and going to bed will seem like a fate worse than death after finding someone who won’t let you be bored ever again.

10. She’ll teach you to laugh everything off.

She’ll show you what it’s like to not take anything seriously, including yourself. Life is too short and too weird to judge anything, and if you can’t get serious about it, you may as well laugh about it.

11. She’s going to be the best sex you’ve ever had.

She’s unconventional, and therefore the sex follows suit. She’s not nervous or scared; she’s down to try anything. She’s not scared to show their true, naked selves.

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