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Why Straight Gals Love to Watch Gay Gal Porn.

Using Technology At Night in Bed

It’s always been presumed that mainly men like to watch porn, specifically lez porn, but according to statistics, a quarter of Pornhub (an internet porn site) viewers are women and one in three women enjoy watching porn at least once a week.

Some Glamour magazine readers share what type of porn they like watching and the reasons why it turns them on.

Mostly lesbian porn and female masturbation. On occasion, gay or some soft hetero porn. Some decent amateur is preferable, because, well, at least it sets a feeling of some real process. Why mostly women? It’s impossible to avoid the male gaze here, but at least I can relate to female sex, if it doesn’t look too simulated. With hetero sex, it’s much harder because it’s still focused on women but purely in giving blow jobs and other things, which is not why I’d watch it.” —Jean, 23

So this reader likes the fact that she can relate to female sex because it’s not so simulated and she doesn’t get turned on watching a woman give a blow job. Yep, I can relate to that one.

I watch lesbian porn, primarily because I am very explorative to my sexuality. I love the concept of being able to fantasize over pleasuring someone with the same body type I do because I know it better. I feel it provides more realistic senses in the imagination, rather than being turned on by man-on-woman porn, due to the fact that there are positions I can’t relate to or that don’t work for me. It turns off my whole groove.” —Diana, 20

I have had straight women make comments like this to me. They say things such as ‘a woman knows what a woman wants’ or ‘I like watching two women just to see exactly what they do together.’

I usually like lesbian porn, though I’m a straight woman. I just find the prospect of a random penis very jarring, and the conduct between men and women in porn so often plays on power imbalances that make me uncomfortable. I like amateur porn the best, but it’s harder to find without going really weird places on the Internet. I get most of my porn from GIFs and short videos on Tumblr. I like lesbian porn because I don’t find women threatening, and the women in porn aren’t usually being threatened (I don’t watch that kind). I tell myself that while I know the orgasms are fake, at least the women aren’t being hurt in the process. Women being hurt, threatened, or taken advantage of is a huge turn-off.” —Anna, 25

So Anna likes the fact she doesn’t find women threatening in lez porn. It’s strange though that she thinks the orgasms are fake. I once interviewed a female porn star for an article I was writing and she told me that on occasion, and more so with a woman, she would orgasm during the sex.

A gay woman also gave her opinion on what porn she likes to watch:

I like straight porn even though I’m gay. I usually watch ones that look as if the woman is having a good time. For me, it’s really important to see that she is enjoying the process. What turns me on, I think, is sort of the empathy. When you see something happening, you physically respond to what’s happening. I have never seen real lesbian porn except for ones that are made for the male gaze.” —Tanya, 27

It seems that many of us prefer to watch the opposite of our usual sexual orientation when looking at porn. Perhaps it’s because it’s something different than we do in real life which makes it easier to get turned on by and get into the fantasy?

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