
9 Things to Know Before Dating The Woman With A Plan For Everything

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Some women like to plan everything out. We like to keep a record of what we need to do, whether or not we did it, what we learned from it… All these things that seem like busy-work to non-planners, are our whole world.

I’m the type of person who has had a planner pretty much since I was 13. I keep track of everything in there, and sometimes I even have multiple planners going at once. (At the moment, I’ve got a paper planner and a digital planner – I need to write stuff down with a pen, but I also kinda need notifications to help keep me on track.)

It’s been brought to my attention recently that not all women are like me. Apparently there are women out there who can actually be spontaneous without having a panic attack! These women can do things that I would never dream of doing. But can they tell you exactly what they’ll be doing six months, four days, and twelve hours from now?

(I’ll be getting a nice fat paycheck right about then, so yay me.)

Okay, so maybe I plan a little more in-depth than most “normal” people. But there are reasons for my madness – and they’re things you’ll need to know before you date an obsessive planner.

1. We know what we want, and what it takes to get it.

Take a hint from us, non-planners! We are hard-working and dedicated, and we know what it takes to get the things we want. When you’re dating a woman with a plan, feed off her energy – she can help motivate you to reach for greatness.

2. We have no time for games.

If an obsessive planner tells you she’s too busy to hang out, she’s not making something up – she has probably looked at her calendar and decided there’s no time. If there’s a time that works better for her, she’ll probably suggest it – but make sure you keep your plans, or at least let her know. She won’t bother waiting around for someone who can’t keep their commitments.

3. We have no time for drama.

Planners don’t plan for drama, and we refuse to make time for it in our schedule. Honestly, petty fights and issues with your mom are just going to take time out of her day, so she won’t bother with them. Besides, it’s a lot faster to just flash a smile.

4. You’re probably penciled in – for now.

Women with a plan have no problem making time for someone who deserves it. The only problem is, she can’t always tell whether you’re worth the time. She won’t flake on you, so make sure you keep up your end, too.

5. We don’t need you.

It’s true – the woman with a plan is independent. All she needs is a good pen and something that can track up to two weeks in the future and she’s good to go.

6. We want you.

If an obsessive planner is dating you, it’s because she wants to be with you. She can’t be bothered to keep up a relationship that isn’t working out, so she’s not going to try.

7. We might need a reminder to relax sometimes.

The woman with a carefully-laid plan needs to unwind after a long day of being productive – but she might not remember that she needs to unwind. As her girlfriend, you’re tasked with making sure she enjoys herself sometimes, too. (We promise, she’ll appreciate it!)

8. We’re dying to be challenged.

As long as that challenge doesn’t involve ruining our carefully-laid plans. After all, we worked weeks on those. Make sure your challenges are on an intellectual or physical level – there is no gain without a risk.

9. The ones who love us are truly special.

If you have the patience to deal with someone who wants everything to be carved out in stone, trust and believe that she appreciates your love, and has probably scheduled a time to tell you this. (Mostly joking here.)

Some people would be threatened by her instinct to put work first and playtime later – especially if she postpones playtime three weeks in a row – but the women who stick around are sure to be written into our long-term plans. And that’s a happily-ever-after, in our book.

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