Tag Archives: Sex Scene

MUST Watch | Raw, Real, and Heartbreaking, Why Sex in ‘Orange Is The New Black’ is so Believable – #OITNB

Over its two seasons, Orange Is the New Black, set as it is in a women’s prison, has flirted with all the old women-behind-bars stereotypes just long enough to flip them on their backs.

However, not all sex scenes in the show are sexy. Netflix’s “Orange Is The New Black” enjoys a lot of freedom in how it shows its characters’ relationships progressing between the sheets.

The below video argues, what really makes #OITNB provocative is the unshrinking honesty when it comes to sex scenes.

“While other shows that focus on relationships between women show them ecstatically engaging in mysteriously mind-blowing sex, or making out in a way that seems designed to titillate male viewers, here the sex and affection between women is complicated, messy and wonderfully believable,”

Slate .Video

BE WARNED – there are Season 2 spoilers and lesbian nakedness.