Tag Archives: girlfriend

7 Reasons Saying “Sorry” Isn’t Always A Good Thing

It seems like so many of my friends in my generation grew up in one of two categories: The constant “sorry”-sayers, and those who never apologize for anything. I happen to fall in that first category – or at least I did, until I was in my 20s. Your apologies become a part of you, an almost-tangible habit formed. After a while, you start to say “sorry” without even thinking of it – and this isn’t a good thing.

Why isn’t it a good idea to say “sorry” all the time? Here are 7 reasons that you’re probably just wasting your breath.

1. It doesn’t do anything to fix the problem.

When most people apologize, they simply look for the right words to say, and then leave it at that. Unfortunately, an apology does nothing except relieve our guilt. It doesn’t make up for the things we’ve done to the other person, and it doesn’t mend the pain we’ve caused. All an apology does is make the person apologizing feel better.

2. It’s viewed as an admission of guilt – even when you did nothing wrong.

When you apologize when you’ve done nothing wrong, the people around you (receiving your apologies) will be making their own impressions about your apologies. While the exact impression will vary based on the person you’re apologizing to as well as the person doing the apologizing, in most cases, people either assume the person saying “sorry” did what they were being accused of, and/or they assume the apology is insincere.

3. An insincere apology means even less than not saying anything at all.

We’ve already discussed that apologies are really for the person giving them, but that doesn’t exactly mean we shouldn’t apologize. Apologies are often the first step towards making the changes that we’ve (hopefully) talked about in the apology. But if you don’t actually mean the things you say, you’ll never take the next step. An insincere apology tells the person you’re talking to that you don’t really think you did anything wrong, but you’re going to say sorry to get them to get off your back about it. This approach is generally frowned upon in social situations.

4. People can tell when it’s fake – but they can’t always tell when it’s real.

I’m sure you’ve been on the receiving end of a fake apology before, or can at least recognize the signs from your favorite television shows. Our bodies are pre-programmed to pick up on the cues sent out by others – even when those cues are unintentional, and possibly also misleading. The issue is that many of the signs for stress and nervousness are very similar to the signs of insincerity and deception, so it’s entirely possible for a nervous person to accidentally convince their apology-recipient that they’re being insincere – even if they meant every word.

5. It’s not enough, by itself.

When most people apologize, they simply say “I’m sorry” and they’re done with it. A true apology should showcase the reason you’re sorry, as well as what you plan to do to change it. If you don’t think that you’re the one to blame, try to find a way to compromise. But apologies and promises have no power on their own – even the most eloquently-worded ones. Our words only have meaning when we give them meaning, so if you’re not following through, your word means nothing.

6. You may be reopening old wounds.

If it’s been a long time since the event that caused the guilt, apologizing is probably not going to do anything for the recipient – it’s just going to remind them of the things you’ve done to them and, in some cases, maybe even bringing the problem(s) back to the surface. Many people think they want an apology from the people who have wronged them, but there is a statute of limitations. You don’t have an endless amount of time to make things right.

7. No one is obligated to forgive you just because you’ve apologized.

Most of all, there’s a misconception that we apologize in order to be forgiven or to get closure. This simply isn’t true. The only person who’s obligated to forgive your past is you – everyone else is free to make their own decisions and move on or hold grudges as they see fit. We tend to picture other people as if we were them. But we’re not them, and even in our mental pictures, we get the facts wrong sometimes. You can think about someone else’s situation, but you can’t think through it for them.

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Researchers Discover The Answer For Keeping The Sexual Attraction Going In Long-Term Relationships

A new study says the key to keeping sexual attraction alive in long-term relationships is being responsive to each others needs outside the bedroom.

American and Israeli scientists found that women reacted more strongly to ‘responsiveness’.

For the study, a hundred couples kept a diary for three weeks and reported on the sexual desire they felt for their partner, in addition to their perceptions of how responsive their partner was.

The results, which found sexual desire increased along with responsiveness, were reported in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Gurit Birnbaum, a psychology professor at the Interdisciplinary Centre in Herzliya, Israel, who co-authored the paper, explained:

Our research shows that partners who are responsive to each other outside the bedroom are able to maintain their sexual desire.”

Responsive partners – who are aware of their companion’s emotional needs – demonstrate a high level of understanding of their partner and are thought to have deeply invested in a relationship.

‘Being nice’ and things like that are not necessarily based on who the partner is and what the partner really wants. When a mate is truly responsive, the relationship feels special and unique and he or she is perceived as valued and desirable.

Responsiveness, which is a type of intimacy is so important in a relationship because it signals that one is really concerned with the welfare of the other, but in a way that is truly open and informed about what the other cares about and wants.

Sexual desire thrives on increasing intimacy and being responsive is one of the best ways to instil this elusive sensation over time; better than any pyrotechnic sex.”

So, ‘being nice’ doesn’t necessarily work, but being ‘truly responsive’ to your partner’s needs makes your relationship feel ‘special and unique’.

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7 Super Simple Ways to Bring The Romance Back

The timeline that (most) relationships go through is sort of a funny thing. In the beginning of the relationship, most couples are shy and timid, followed by a period where they can’t keep their hands off each other. Things stay pretty heavy for a while, but then, in time, they start to drift back to their previously reserved state. Usually, it’s not intentional – we just start to get preoccupied with other things.

Keeping the romance and magic alive in your long-term relationship is not always easy, but it’s pretty important in maintaining your bond over the years. After all, do you want to be the couple who spends their Wednesday nights eating silently at the same table at 70 years old, or do you want to be the couple who takes trips together, plays like children, and actually has sex after the age of 40? (I’m guessing you’d rather be in that second category.)

The good news is that it doesn’t take a lot of effort to keep your spark alive – just a little bit of initiative. Try these 7 flirty mini-challenges and repeat as often as needed.

1. Massage therapy – it’s a real thing.

Most of the time, the romance starts to fade away when we get too caught up in what we need to do and don’t spend enough time thinking about what we want to do. This leads to a lot of unnecessary stress, not to mention physical pain and exhaustion. A relaxing massage can tackle all three problems without too much effort. And you don’t need to be a certified massage therapist to get these benefits – just look up some massage tips online, and listen to your partner’s body. Chances are, you already know where her most high-stress areas are, as well as her erogenous zones – use these to your advantage as you work out all the knots.

2. She needs a reminder of your love sometimes.

Another one of the biggest reasons we lose our romance is because we take for granted that our partner knows how we feel. We’re comfortable enough with one another that we assume she knows what we’re thinking. It’s important to realize that’s not the case, though, and even the most secure and self-confident women like hearing that they’re loved, respected, and appreciated. (And it wouldn’t hurt to explain the physical and mental attractions, too.) Write your partner a love note and leave it somewhere she’ll find it while she’s going through her day. If you’re a little more ambitious, consider making her a journal of your love – there are numerous prompt books available online, or you can pick up a nice notebook and do it all freehand.

3. Make out like horny teenagers.

In the beginning of the relationship, when you’re still completely infatuated with one another, it’s so easy to make out with one another. After a while, though, it feels like we don’t need to anymore – after all, sex isn’t the most important thing anymore, and what’s the point of making out if not to lead to sex? But thinking like that is part of what helps your romance go away. Because you undervalue the importance of the small romantic (and sensual) gestures, you take away the romantic feelings they bring. Make time to make out with each other on a regular basis, but don’t put any expectations on where things will lead. It’s important to keep some spontaneity!

4. Girlfriend’s choice for dinner.

Sometimes, it really is the simple things that make all the difference. Simply learning how to cook your girlfriend’s favorite meal – or, at the very least, finding a restaurant that has it on the menu – is a sweet way to show her you care, and that you know what she likes. If it’s a family recipe, ask her to share it with you or teach you how to make it. Once you’ve learned all her favorites, consider cooking a few of your own favorites and family traditions.

5. Buy her something she’d never buy for herself (even though she really wants it).

Many women feel guilty about spending money on themselves, and avoid splurges. If your girlfriend has been eyeing that expensive sweater, or disappointed in her usual boxed wine, splurge on her behalf and buy her a treat. This may be something she’s asked for, for a gift, or it could be something she’s been looking at online and keeps taking back out of her cart. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive – she’ll be happy that you thought of her. (Not sure what to get? KitschKandy has a wealth of great gift options!)

6. Get a little nostalgic.

Go back to a spot that has a sentimental significance to your relationship – maybe the place you met, where you had your first date, or the first place you two went on vacation together. Take some time to talk and remember the early days, when your relationship was still full of passion. If you live too far away from your sentimental places now, consider finding some new meaningful places – you can still think back to the good old days.

7. Kiss her in public.

Lastly, if you want to bring back the romance and you’re envious of couples who do the whole PDA thing, you’ve got to actually show a little affection. Hold her hand, steal little kisses, and even discretely touch her butt. (Hey – no judgment!) You two get to decide how much PDA you personally feel comfortable with, within any local regulations (and respective of your safety, of course). Don’t be afraid to show her how much you care about her just because there are other people around.

The Single Lesbian’s Summer Bucket List

Looking for a way to fill the rest of your summer? We’ve got 12 ideas that might make you feel like a kid again.

1. Go to the bar alone.

If you’re anything like me, you’d probably rather go to the bar with a group of people you know than to go hang out with just a bunch of strangers. That being said, there are some benefits to hanging out alone – you might meet someone new, and you won’t have to rush (or wait) on behalf of your friends. You’ll also push yourself outside your comfort zone by making sure there’s no one else to catch your crush’s attention for you.

However great your connection with your new crush is, I urge you not to go home with them if you’ve been drinking. In the heat of the moment, it can be hard to tell if you’re sober enough to give consent, and I don’t want anyone making any choices they regret in the morning. Just be sure you’re safe – if you don’t have a designated driver, call a taxi or rideshare service.

2. Say “good morning” to a stranger.

I’m sure we were all taught not to talk to strangers, and in many ways, that’s good advice – even for adults. But, I’m pretty sure that old saying was talking about having full-on conversations with random street people – either they might be crazy, or they might think you’re crazy. A friendly smile and wave, however, or a simple “good morning”, has the ability to brighten someone’s day.

You never know when someone could need that little extra push of encouragement, and it takes next to no time at all to wish someone a good morning. I’ve read many tales of people struggling with suicidal thoughts, and then a stranger’s acknowledgement of them actually made a difference. Even if your cheery “good morning” isn’t saving a life, it’s a kind gesture that helps keep the world just a little bit smaller.

3. Go on a group date.

It seems so juvenile to get a girlfriend just for the summer, so I don’t blame you if you balk at the idea of going on dates right now. The great thing about a group date, though, is that there aren’t any expectations of romance – it’s just a bunch of friends and acquaintances, hanging out to do something fun. If you do end up making a connection with someone, the fact that she knows a few of your friends means that she’s probably not such a bad person to be around.

Even if you don’t find a long-term partner out of the group date, it’s good to meet new people and see where things go. As long as you’re being honest about your intentions and your feelings, you’re sure to at least meet a few new friends. (And, if you meet someone and end up breaking up, you might still be able to avoid the awkward same-social-circle cliché that plagues so many of us.)

4. Join a local sports team or fitness class.

It might seem like just another stereotype, but joining your local sports teams can be a great way to meet new people. Plus, you’ll be having fun and keeping in shape at the same time. There are a number of sports that can be played, so if your local community doesn’t already have a league, start one!

If organized sports aren’t really your thing, consider joining a local fitness class instead. Personally, within a 10-minute drive of my house, I have 4 different Zumba classes – in a town with less than 8,000 people. I’m sure there’s something similar in your local area, so check it out and see what your local community has to offer!

5. Go on a photo walk.

For those who aren’t familiar with the phrase “photo walk”, that’s when you take a camera on a walk, with the specific intention of taking photos. In some areas, there may be camera clubs or commercial companies that sponsor a photo walk – but if your region doesn’t already have one, check local meetups, or create your own!

Really, all you need for a photo walk is a camera and a comfortable pair of shoes, so don’t be intimidated if you’re not a professional photographer. You can be a tourist in your own city, and even meet some great people. (Or, go on a photo walk by yourself, if you’re all people-ed out already.)

6. Go on an adventure or a road trip.

There’s something extra special about going for a drive without a clear set of directions – so take off in the car and wait a while before you open the GPS. Make sure you have sufficient money for gas and food before you leave, and don’t worry about having a destination – just stop at the first place that catches your attention!

If you have friends with time off from work and school, bring them along, too! The bond of friendship is important, and all too often we neglect our friends when we’re in a relationship. Take advantage of your single time and reconnect with your closest friends.

7. Rope swing into a lake or creek, or at least into a pile of leaves.

If you have a local body of water and a sturdy rope, you can partake in one of the long-lost pleasures of childhood: The rope swing. Make sure you tie your knots tight, or use a rope that’s already in place. Then, just swing and release! (If it’s been a while since the last time you were on a rope swing, it might be worth testing your arm strength first.)

For those who don’t live close enough to a large body of water, you can still get a similar experience by waiting for the end of summer and building a rope swing in your own back yard. Far too often, we stop ourselves from enjoying the things from our childhood – but why? Adults have just as much right to enjoy summertime!

8. Go swimming (or skinny dipping!) at midnight.

Summer is great for swimming, but it’s far too hot during the middle of the day! (Or, at least it is where I live.) Take a special trip out at night and go for a dip in your pool, or a local swimming hole. The more adventurous among us might enjoy skinny dipping, too – but please keep it to your own back yard!

9. Go on a guided museum tour.

It’s never a bad time to learn something new, and your local museum or art exhibit is a great place to soak in a little culture. Opt for the guided tour, and really pay attention – the tour guides often have interesting or unexpected facts that you won’t read on the placards. Ask questions, take pictures (if allowed), and have a great time.

10. Try a new hairstyle or color.

Once we find a hairstyle we like, it’s really easy to settle on it and get comfortable. But your hair is an often-untapped resource for creative expression, and changing your hairstyle is an easy way to push yourself outside your personal comfort zone. If you’re really brave, opt for a drastic change. Those who aren’t ready to commit can opt for hair chalks or temporary dye, or give extensions a try!

11. Tell someone one of your deepest secrets.

We tend to play it safe far too often. I think it’s time to put an end to that. Meet a new friend, and tell them something you don’t usually tell someone right away. (Make sure that your new friend realizes you’re pushing your comfort zone – try not to make the secret too weird.)

We avoid telling our secrets to strangers (or acquaintances) because we think that they’ll somehow have some power over us – but the truth is, by telling the secrets, we remove other people’s power to do so. If you tell your secrets, no one else can out you – and that makes you invincible!

12. Get a pen pal.

Do you remember when you were a kid, and you’d go to camp, and then when you left from camp you had all these new friends to keep in touch with? Remember how great it was when mail was a good thing (instead of just bills all the time)? Bring that same feeling back to your adulthood by finding a pen pal or two online.

Believe it or not, pen pals are still pretty popular, as long as you know where to look. Do a search on Facebook and find some groups that have similar interests – then find someone you click with. Sending letters internationally can be a bit expensive, depending on your country and the country you’re sending to, but chances are there will be someone in your own country who’d just love to write to you!

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Is She Your Girlfriend Or Just An Internet Fling?

Getting situated in the online dating world can be a mess. There are so many people using internet dating sites these days that your chances for finding your perfect match are actually pretty good.

Of course, your chances of meeting a married woman, a psycho stalker, or an online heartbreaker are pretty likely, too – after all, there are bound to be some less-than-desirables out there, too.

What’s even worse is that, sometimes, the line between the perfect match and the woman who’s wasting your time is just a little bit blurry.

She might seem perfect for you – but if she’s doing any of the 6 things listed below, she might be just an internet fling.

A FLING talks about herself. A GIRLFRIEND talks about her future.

The girl who’s wasting your time will probably talk herself up. While there’s nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments, the way she presents the information is definitely intended to shape your opinions of her. You might find yourself wondering if she’s actually done all the things she said she has – because if she’s really as accomplished as she says she is, she’s probably too busy to be with you.

The girl who is girlfriend material, however, would rather talk about the things she still has yet to accomplish. She has her own goals and dreams, and she isn’t trying to dazzle you with stories. She’s honest about her perceived flaws, and even though she might not bring them up directly, she’s not going to make up lies and excuses as to why she is the way she is.

A FLING texts you all day long. A GIRLFRIEND texts at appropriate times.

The girl who’s just using you to fill her time is going to text you whenever her other people aren’t texting back. If she’s up in the middle of the night, you might get a text. She might even stay up all night talking to you – after all, she wants to get as much information exchanged as possible before you realize she’s not really in it for the long haul.

The girl who wants to be your girlfriend is going to take a different approach. She’s going to pay attention to your schedule (assuming you’ve told her) or normal social conventions. She might also take a bit longer to think of her messages, because she’s trying to make sure she doesn’t mess anything up.

A FLING doesn’t make any solid plans. A GIRLFRIEND is eager to meet you.

Even though your fling is texting you at all hours of the day and night, she’s not actually interested in meeting up with you. She always has an excuse as to why she can’t make it – or, worse, she just doesn’t show up, time after time. She doesn’t really mind that she’s wasting your time, because it’s about the attention for her – and you’re giving her extra attention every time you set another date with her.

The girlfriend material, on the other hand, understands that you both have other commitments, and doesn’t agree to any plans unless she’s sure she can make it a priority. She’s looking forward to meeting you and will actually block it off in her schedule. If something does come up, she’s on the phone as soon as possible to let you know she’ll be a little late.

A FLING wants flirty photos, but won’t send them back. A GIRLFRIEND won’t ask for anything she wouldn’t send back.

Some women enjoy collecting pictures of attractive women, and may ask you to take pictures for you all the time. She might even ask for some sexy photos – despite not meeting face to face first. Of course, she’s far too shy to send anything identifiable back – she doesn’t anticipate sticking around, and she’d hate for you to have revenge porn material on her.

The woman who’s going to be your girlfriend wouldn’t ask you for anything unless she was also comfortable sending it back. She understands that different people have different comfort zones, and she wouldn’t intentionally try to push you further than she’d let you push her. Most of all, if she asks for a sexy photo, and you say no, that’s the end of the conversation – she’s not interested in being a creep.

A FLING is great at playing hide-and-seek. A GIRLFRIEND doesn’t have time for games.

Some women make a habit of going completely ghost when they’re not sure how they feel about you. This is frustrating, to some degree, but also essential for figuring out their feelings. If they decide they do want you in their life, they’ll pop back up unexpectedly – usually right around when you start showing interest to someone else.

The woman who wants to be your girlfriend is too busy living her own life to worry about playing games. She’ll let you know when something comes up and she won’t be able to talk for a while. She might not always answer right away, but she won’t leave you wondering if she got the call. She respects you and your time, and she couldn’t forgive herself if she purposely wasted your time.

A FLING is going to flake even after she finally makes plans. A GIRLFRIEND is worth the wait.

The girl who doesn’t want to be your girlfriend is going to take the easy way out whenever something comes up. You aren’t a priority to her, so if there’s anything else that might be more interesting to her, she’s not going to give it a second thought. She just wants to make sure she’s entertained – and, unfortunately, your feelings don’t make much of a difference.

The girl who wants to be with you is a bit different. When you finally make plans to meet up, she’s going to be the person she told you she was – not someone completely unrecognizable. Seeing her face to face the first time is going to feel like you’ve met up with an old friend, and you’ll be glad you took the time to know her. There’s no guarantee the relationship will go smoothly, but she’s already shown you more respect than the girl who just wants a fling – why not give her a chance?

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5 Things You Should NEVER Do For Your Girlfriend

When it comes to our romantic relationships, most of us fall into one of three categories: Either we give too much of ourselves, we take too much of others, or – the elusive third category – we somehow find a balance between the two.

I think the biggest problem here is that the balance ends up being built into the relationship somehow.

When two balanced givers-and-takers end up together, it’s pretty harmonious. Most of the time, though, a giver ends up with a taker, and the results can be catastrophic.

Thankfully, you can give into your caring nature without compromising your autonomy, and find your own center – simply by never doing these 5 things for anyone, ever. It might sound a bit dramatic, but trust me – these are the things that define who you are.

1. NEVER change the way you look for her.

It’s completely normal to want to look attractive to your partner – and I definitely encourage you to go with it. But if your partner is pressuring you to change your hairstyle, your weight, or your wardrobe simply to match up with her preferences, she’s not with you for the right reasons. Any changes to your appearance should be made because you wanted to make them, and your partner should be fully supportive of the changes you do want to make.

2. NEVER put your dreams on hold for her.

It might seem like waiting until after your partner has done what she wants in life makes you a good girlfriend, but realistically, it just means that you’re willing to sacrifice your happiness for someone else’s. That might be the stuff romance novels and sappy cinema are made of, but in the real world, your girlfriend should support the things you want to do. The partner who truly loves you wouldn’t even ask you to give up your dreams on her behalf.

3. NEVER wait around for her to make your decisions.

Are you a strong and confident woman who’s in control of her own life – or are you the type of person who needs someone else’s validation and approval before you move forward? You need to have your own drive and your own ambitions, rather than relying on someone else’s plan for you. Remember, this is your life, and you’re the only person who has to stick around.

4. NEVER bail on plans just for her.

Sometimes it gets a little too easy to take your family and friends for granted. It’s completely normal to move things around if something important comes up, but a partner who cares about you will fully understand if you’ve already got plans. She shouldn’t expect to be your top priority, and your family shouldn’t have to wait until she’s otherwise occupied before they get to spend time with you.

5. NEVER let her change who you are.

Throughout the course of a relationship, you’re most likely going to undergo certain changes – but you’ll need to make sure that they’re coming from you, and not from someone else. Not only are you compromising your innermost self by doing this, she’s not really going to love you more if you match her expectations. You can’t fully commit to a change you don’t want, and while your changes might catch her attention for a little while, the relationship just wouldn’t be long-term-sustainable. It’s better to save your heart, and stay true to yourself.

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14 Signs Your Bestie Wants To Be More Than Friends

Of all the stereotypes that befall the lesbian community, I think the stereotype about us falling for our (often straight) best friends is probably the most prevalent.

What’s worse is that we aren’t always open about our feelings – eye roll – so it’s entirely possible that we’ll both be crushing on one another and still not even know that the other person feels the same way.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s also the possibility that only one of you is feeling it – which can create a ton of awkwardness, and could possibly rip apart the friendship. (You can’t be friends with someone you’re in love with, so if your crush progresses too far, things get really, really complicated.)

Obviously, we wish that people would just be a little more forthright with their opinions – even if we, ourselves, are not being forthright. But, assuming that’s not going to change any time soon, how can you tell how she’s feeling?

We’ve gathered up 14 clues that she might be into you. You’ll still need to ask her to be sure, but these are some of the most common signs.

1. She goes out of her way to be nice to you.

You might be thinking to yourself that this sounds like a real grey area. After all, you’re supposed to be nice to your besties… Right? But there’s a difference between “being nice” and “going out of your way”. If she’s picking up coffee on her way over to your house, any good friend will pick you up one, too. But if your bestie chooses to go to your favorite coffee shop, the one that’s all the way across town and way out of the way, she might be trying to let you know she’s into you.

2. She makes plans for just the two of you.

This is another area where things can get a little grey. Every set of friends will occasionally hang out one-on-one, and that doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s anything more going on. Usually, though, this happens when plans were made and most of the circle backed out. If your bestie is only inviting you along – and asking you at least a few days in advance – guess what? It’s a date!

3. She does the things she says she’s going to do – always.

This is something that can vary a lot from friend to friend. After all, some friends are reliable to a fault, even without any romantic attachments, and others are completely flaky no matter who they’re dealing with. Chances are, though, if she seems to make an abnormal number of promises – and does everything in her power to keep them – she’s probably feeling you.

4. She initiates conversations with you, even if there are other people around, too.

When you’re hanging out in a group with all your mutual friends, does she make a point to say hello to you – either before or after she says hello to everyone else? These two key shout-out placements both reflect a desire to show you special attention. When she says hello first, she could be communicating that you’re the one she’s most interested in. If she instead says hello to you last, she’s opening the door for a further conversation with you.

5. She asks about (and possibly teases you about) who you’re dating or sleeping with.

Although you may talk about your sexual exploits with all of your friends – or none of them – the friend who has a crush on you is going to inquisitively ask you about what you’ve got going on in your love life. It seems like she’s genuinely interested in offering her opinions, but most likely, she’s trying to gauge if she has a chance with you or not.

6. She sends you texts she’d be embarrassed for your other mutual friends to read.

Whether it’s emoji overdose, cheesy nickname use, or inside jokes galore, a friend who talks noticeably different with you, compared to her other friends, is probably crushing on you. (And, obviously, if she seems like she’s flirting with you in text messages, she most likely is – there’s a little bit of truth behind every “just kidding”.)

7. She compliments you as often as reasonable.

This one requires a little bit of careful deduction. On the days you’re feeling down, your friends are probably going to be there to pick you back up. But those days when you’re all dressed up for a date, and your friend makes a point to tell you how hot you are… It might not just be empty flattery.

8. She texts you for no reason, at odd hours of the day and night.

In our modern society, a text is the new way to call upon your boo – so if she’s texting you for no reason, or at times that aren’t really “reasonable” (such as 4am, or while you’re in the middle of work), she might be angling for something more. (Or, she might just be insomniac – it can go that way, too.)

9. She teases you a lot… But in a sweet way (if that makes any sense at all).

I’m not talking about pulling on your pigtails or making you cry, but she’s definitely going to crack a joke or two to try and make you blush. It’s all pretty harmless – or, at least, it aims to be – but you might feel like she’s picking on you in particular. (She totally is.)

10. She brags about herself to you.

We already discussed how it’s practically your friends’ jobs to compliment you when you’re feeling down – but talking themselves up to you? That’s a pretty sure sign that they’re actually trying to talk themselves up to you! We brag about ourselves in an effort to impress someone else, and to make ourselves look better. If the things she brags about seem to tie in with the things you’re attracted to, it’s probably not a coincidence.

11. She makes dirty jokes at your expense.

Sexual discourse will vary from one person to the next, especially since people fall at all different points on the spectrum from “coy” to “vulgar”. Whether it’s sly innuendo or outright air-humping you, the friend who has feelings for you may start to make sexual jokes with you right at their center. She may also try to pass it off as “just kidding”, but like we said before, there’s a little bit of truth behind every one.

12. She has a habit of “like”-ing every single selfie.

She never gets tired of seeing your face in her news feed or timeline – so she’s going to “like” everyone to make sure you stay there. She wants you to know that she’s digging you, but she doesn’t want to be forthright about it. (Although, you might occasionally catch her accidentally liking an Instagram picture from six months ago – just go with it, and pretend you didn’t catch her stalking you.)

13. She geeks out with you over shared interests.

Obviously, you’re friends because you’ve got something in common – but she might be paying extra special attention talking about your shared interests, or things that are similar but not the same thing (this will be her trying to recommend you other things she thinks you’ll like it – check them out, even if you’re not into her).

14. She spends (unnecessary) money on you.

Just like we said all the way back in #1, all friends are going to spend money on each other if they’ve been friends for long enough – it’s just how these things work. But if she seems to regularly spend her money on you, without you asking or reciprocating, 1) she probably has a thing for you, and 2) you probably owe her a couple thank-you’s, regardless of whether you’re interested or not. It doesn’t mean you have to date her – but you do have to be gracious with your rejection if you decide to take that route.

13 Signs You’re Already Hopelessly In Love

New relationships can be exciting. Whether you’ve known each other forever and finally decided to pursue something, or you just met a few days ago and can’t imagine how you got by without her before, those early-stage butterflies can be pretty intense. But how do you tell the difference between “infatuated” and “in love”? Everyone always says “You’ll know it when you feel it” – but what if you don’t?

Thankfully, the signs that you’re in love are pretty unanimous. If you find yourself checking off at least most of the following signs, you might just be in love for real – let me be the first to congratulate you!

You see her in your future.

While our future plans are definitely subject to change at any time, due to factors within and outside of our control, there’s a strong connection between what you think about and what you really want. If your future plans happen to include her – whether next month or five years from now – chances are, you’re in love with her.

You enjoy spending time with her.

Truthfully, this is one of the areas where loving someone and being infatuated with them get a little blurred together, since you’ll probably want to spend time with her either way. But if it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, as long as you’re together, you might just be in love.

You like the things she can’t stand about herself.

One of the truest measures of your love is your ability to accept the other person’s perceived flaws. If she hates her weird toes and you can’t get enough of them, or you enjoy brushing her hard-to-manage curly hair, it might be your little way of helping complete them.

You’ve stopped caring about your past relationships.

Almost as if by magic, your past relationships suddenly don’t matter anymore. The urge to check up on your ex on Facebook is gone. You unfollow that hot girl you were Insta-crushing on. You even start to lose touch with some friends who seem to have sketchy intentions – you’re all about your partner and don’t want to let anyone come in between.

You naturally assume you’re going to grow old together.

Even though, statistically, it might not happen, you don’t care. Your relationship makes you feel like you can beat all the odds. You can’t even think about what would happen if things go bad, because it just doesn’t make sense to think like that.

You’re mentally and physically attracted to her.

When we’re infatuated with someone, it usually stems from either a mental or a physical level. When you’re truly in love with someone, the chemistry is going to be there in both areas. You’re equally happy having passionate sex as you are having a deep, meaningful conversation.

You talk to her about everything.

You’re not worried about being judged when you tell her the things that worry you, or the things that make you happy, or the things pressing against your mind. You’re not even worried about telling her the embarrassing things – like when you bruised your labia climbing the cemetery fence, or when you fell off your surf board and ate a mouthful of sand.

You can’t help but tell people about her.

Talking to other people reminds you of this funny thing that your girlfriend said the other day. Or, a song you hear at the club reminds you of her, so you tell your friends. Basically, any excuse you can find to bring her up, you probably will – but it’s all positive things, of course.

Your partner starts to be a priority in your life.

When you’re infatuated with someone, you’ll want to make a date with them whenever you start to have free time. But when you really love someone, you don’t consider dates a “free time” activity anymore – she’s a part of your regular routine now.

You miss her when you’re apart.

It seems so obvious – after all, we miss people we care about, even if we’re not in love with them. But when you’re in love with someone, you start to miss her right away. Even if you’re seriously irritated with her. And it might be confusing sometimes, because you may have even told her to leave you alone, but as soon as she’s gone, you can’t help but keep thinking about her.

You see reminders of your love everywhere.

As cheesy as it makes you feel, love songs totally make you thinking of her. So does a warm breeze, or a flower on the sidewalk, or your morning coffee…

You get mad at her, but can’t seem to stay mad at her.

Forgiveness comes naturally when you’re in love with someone, and even when she screws up royally, you’re willing to talk it out and make things work. When the love is real, you can’t just walk away over silly little things – you’re in it for the long haul.

You want to be a better person because of her.

When you’re truly in love, you’re going to feel like your partner is way out of your league – and if she’s in it for the right reasons, she’ll feel the same way about you. This inspires both of you to improve yourselves, making your future that much brighter because you’re building it together.

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14 Romantic Date Ideas for Your Next Anniversary (Or Next Thursday)

If there’s one thing that most relationships have in common, it’s that we could all use a little more romance. Even those of us who pretend we don’t have any emotions secretly yearn for someone to sweep us off our feet… Especially if it’s been a while since we really felt that spark.

While we tend to think of anniversaries and Valentine’s day for our big romantic affairs, why not celebrate the smaller milestones and events, too? It’s always a good time to have a great time. These 14 date ideas are sure to bring you closer together and spark the magic all over again.

1. Ride in a hot air balloon.

It might not be the easiest to arrange, but it’s sure to stay on her mind for a long time to come. Plus, it’s just about as close to a magic carpet ride as most people ever get.

2. Bake for a fundraiser together.

Couples who enjoy cooking or giving back to the community will love spending the day together baking sweets and breads for charity fundraisers and food drives. You get to bring joy to others, and remind yourselves of the joy you share together.

3. Sunbathe on the beach or lakeshore together.

It’s scientifically proven that spending time in the sunshine makes you happier – so get out there and soak up that Vitamin D! Just make sure you’re using adequate sun protection – skin damage is no laughing matter.

4. Go on a cruise together.

If you’ve never experienced the luxury of a cruise on the water, it’s definitely something you should look into. And the prices aren’t as bad as you might think – consider a sightseeing cruise or a dinner cruise if you’re on a strict budget, or opt for a vacation cruise if you can afford it.

5. Go out to a rooftop club or bar.

There’s something magical about looking out over an entire city while you sip champagne and imported beer. You may need to travel a bit to find one, but a bar with a great view and plenty of air flow will make it more than just a night out drinking.

6. Take dance or cooking lessons together.

For the couples who love learning new things and expanding their cultural horizons, enrolling in a class together gives you a dedicated date night and a great learning opportunity. The couple that grows together, stays together!

7. Book a night in a honeymoon suite.

It might seem a bit cheesy to stay in a honeymoon suite if you’re not really newlyweds, but – believe it or not – there’s not usually a stipulation that says you have to be on your honeymoon to stay in the honeymoon suite. Just make sure to book far in advance for the best rates and most availability.

8. Visit a museum or art gallery together.

Whether you’re looking to learn something or you’re looking to be totally blown away by the beauty around you, museums and art galleries let you soak in the collective feeling of the exhibits – and visiting an outdoor exhibit at night has even more pronounced romance.

9. Get take-out and eat at the drive-in.

If you’re going to do dinner and a movie, grab take-out and take it to your nearest drive-in theater. There aren’t too many of them around these days, but if you’re lucky enough to live close to one, there’s a reason they’ve been the go-to make-out spot for the last 50 years.

10. Book a couple’s massage or spa day.

Hey, every now and then, we all need a little pampering. While happy relationships usually involve the partners giving each other massages every now and then, there’s something extra special about paying a professional to do it every now and then!

11. Watch the sunrise together.

It doesn’t matter if you stay up all night and watch the sun rise in the morning, or if you set an alarm to wake up extra early. The colors of the morning rays are sure to bring delight, and the crisp morning air is perfect for kissing and cuddling.

12. Go see a live indie band perform.

I can’t stress enough the importance of supporting your local music scene, so if you’ve got a venue near you that books local talent, get out there and support it!

13. Cozy up and read a book together by the fire.

If you have an outdoor fire pit, either in your yard or somewhere in your town, bring a book and a cozy blanket and spend some time together basking in the glow.

14. Camp out in your own back yard.

Sleeping under the stars is a one-of-a-kind experience, so take advantage of a clear night sky and snuggle up in the back yard. For extra fun, try to spot the constellations or planets – and maybe even the star you named in her honor. (Please note that the International Star Registry is just for novelty – they don’t actually have any involvement with the scientific community.)

How To Stalk Your Crush On Facebook (Without Creeping Her Out)

Have you ever wanted to keep tabs on someone you were interested in, but didn’t want to let them know you were keeping tabs on them? With the social media age being in full-swing, it’s easier than ever to dig up all the information you could possibly want to know about someone. Of course, it’s still sort of creepy to do it… But only if you get caught, right?

While I’m not exactly promoting the idea of lurking someone’s online presence, I’m also not denying that I’ve done it before. I’m going to tell you 4 ways to make sure your crush doesn’t find out you’ve been cyber-stalking her, so you can continue building your imaginary relationship in your head. (But, I urge you to get the courage to ask her out as soon as possible. Don’t be that person who only ever pines from behind the screen.)

Don’t touch anything.

Obviously, if you don’t want to get caught, you need to make sure there’s no trace that you’ve been where you’ve been. It’s almost as if we’ve been pre-programmed to “like” everything that our crush posts, though – so when you’re six years back on her timeline, you’ll need to exercise all the self-control you possibly can.

If you accidentally “like” or “react” to something, though, you might not have anything to worry about. Some women turn off push notifications on their devices, or don’t have Facebook installed on their devices. Unless she sees the notification before you undo it, you’re still in the clear.

Follow her regular haunts.

If you don’t know your date well enough to be on her friends list (or maybe even know her name!) you might want to keep up on the places you’ve seen her. For example, if you’ve seen her more than a few times at your local lesbian club, there’s a good chance that following their Facebook page might get you some candid pictures of her.

But what if she’s not a part of the club scene? You can still follow her workplace (if you know it) or something else you remember her mentioning. And, thanks to Facebook’s new social graph search, you can search with basic English instead of Boolean text – try searching for “people who work at (your workplace)” or “events (crush’s name) has attended”.

Figure out what makes her laugh.

If you know her name, as it appears on Facebook (which it’s supposed to be, according to the kinda transphobic way the policy is written), you can figure out everything she’s liked and commented on – pages, photos, and statuses. Of course, this will probably be mainly memes and company pages, but still. The more you can find out about her, the better.

Try using the graph search for this one, too. You can use phrases like “photos (crush) has liked”, “pages liked by (crush)”, and “links (crush) has commented on”. Unless this person has been super strict with their privacy settings, it’s going to turn up some results. (Might want to check your own settings, while you’re at it…)

Get hand-delivered stalker statuses.

If your crush happens to be on your friends’ list and you happen to want to be a total creeper – without her knowing – all you have to do is add her to your “close friends” list, and you’ll get a notification every time she does anything on Facebook. Everything will be hand-delivered right to your notifications list as soon as it happens.

The creepiest thing about this particular trick is that Facebook doesn’t let you know when you’ve been added to someone’s close friends – meaning you have no idea who’s watching your every move. When in doubt, remember – stalk responsibly and no one presses charges. Good? Good.

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30 Days To A Happier Relationship – We’ll Tell You How!

Competition is, simultaneously, the bane of my existence and also my guilty pleasure. Competing against others is largely a waste of time. Sure, it might motivate you to improve yourself, but if you’re always comparing yourself to other people, you’re never really going to be satisfied with yourself.

But, that’s not to say that having a competitive streak has never done any good for anyone. In fact, when you make a point to compete with yourself, you tend to find yourself inspired to try more new things, make more positive changes, and generally just live a more fulfilled life. Bringing your partner in on your team is even better, because the two of you can team up to take on all your goals – and when one of you wins, you both win.

If you and your partner are looking to get on the path to self-improvement together, why not start with a 30-day relationship challenge? Each day of this challenge is meant to bring you closer together, without straying too far out of your comfort zone. Give it a try today and see how your relationship blossoms! (Feel free to mix up the order so it fits with your schedule – just make sure you hit all the right stops eventually!)

Day One: Learn something new.

Ideally, you should kick off your challenge by signing up for a class. Your local community center may offer one-day workshops that teach you how to make a dish, how to shape pottery, or something else. If your area doesn’t offer classes like this, find a video course or tutorial online and put your new knowledge to the test!

Day Two: Switch it up.

Start your “bedroom adventures” in another room in your house – somewhere you’ve never had sex with her before. If you’ve already had sex in every room of your house, consider a (fenced) back yard or screened-in patio.

Day Three: Watch a sunset.

Go for a walk or a drive without a destination in mind. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, pull over, lay out a blanket, and watch the sun go down from the comfort of your love’s arms.

Day Four: Get fancy.

It’s time to get dressed up for that fancy restaurant you’ve been dying to go to! Pull out your most dazzling outfit, get all dolled up, and go out. If your area doesn’t have any fancy restaurants (or if you can’t fit it in the budget), opt for a supercharged night on the town instead.

Day Five: Write it down.

Write your partner a quick note telling her how you feel about her – whether it’s sweet or sexy. Leave this note somewhere she’ll find it through the course of her day. (Extra points if you make each other blush!)

Day Six: Head start.

Start your day in the fieriest way possible: With steamy morning sex. If you’re not feeling your freshest, consider morning sex in the shower. (After a little coffee, of course – shower sex injuries are real, you know.)

Day Seven: Catch up.

Stay up late talking about the things you haven’t had time to talk about lately. Whether it’s the things that have been distracting you from work, the things she did that you’re grateful for, or the things you want for the future, really take this time to get to know each other. (Try to make sure you get at least 6 hours of sleep after, though.)

Day Eight: Go out – again!

Find a local concert, show, or even karaoke night and go enjoy the cadence of other people singing. If you enjoy karaoke, feel free to join in, too – but make sure you’re giving your partner most of your attention on date night.

Day Nine: Photo shoot.

Spend the afternoon taking pictures together. You can take pictures of her, she can take pictures of you, or you can have a stranger take pictures of the two of you together. It doesn’t really matter – as long as you’re documenting how happy you feel when you’re together.

Day Ten: Road trip.

Spend the day driving around and singing along with the radio. Leave the GPS turned off (unless you get seriously lost and have to work in the morning) and just take in the scenery and the beauty of each other.

Day Eleven: Stay in.

Rent a movie (or decide on one from your streaming service) and cuddle up on the couch to watch it. If you don’t subscribe to any renting or streaming programs, get two copies of the same book – or check out KitschMix.TV for some great lesbian web shows.

Day Twelve: Surprise each other.

Each of you should do something spontaneous for the other. It’s up to you whether you choose something your partner’s been begging for in the bedroom, a spectacular night on the town, or dinner at her favorite restaurant.

Day Thirteen: Send positive vibes.

Send her happy thoughts, compliments, and sexy texts while you two are apart. Really try to reign in on what makes her smile.

Day Fourteen: PDA.

Go out somewhere specifically with the intention of showing some PDA. It doesn’t have to be anything too risqué, and if you’re worried about outing yourself, it can be somewhere away from home. Just take a few hours to soak in the thrills of being unapologetically in love.

Day Fifteen: Chef’s surprise.

Whip up something in the kitchen – without any prepared foods. Follow a recipe and try something new together, that neither of you has ever tried before!

Day Sixteen: Get clean.

Take a shower or bath together. Pay close attention to each other’s bodies, and help each other get clean. Then, if the mood strikes you, feel free to follow it up in the bedroom!

Day Seventeen: Game on.

Play a board or card game together, or challenge each other in a tournament. Just remember to keep the competition friendly!

Day Eighteen: New moves.

Look up and try a new sex position that neither of you has attempted before – the dirtier the better!

Day Nineteen: Double date.

Go on a “couple’s date” with friends. If you don’t have any couple friends, try to meet some. Get out and socialize with some people you both like – it’s worth it!

Day Twenty: Strip tease.

Now’s your chance to show off the body your partner loves! If you’re into lingerie, get something new and model it for her. If you’re more the boxers-and-sports-bra type, dress up in something spiffy and do a little dance for her.

Day Twenty-One: Get away.

Rent a hotel room or a camping space for the night, just to get away from your everyday routine. If money is tight, backyard camping is also an acceptable option. Sleep somewhere new and fresh, and don’t let your inhibitions get in the way!

Day Twenty-Two: Gratitude.

Make a list of all the reasons you love, respect, and are grateful for each other, and then share it. If you’re the artsy type, decorating and framing it is definitely an option!

Day Twenty-Three: Unplug.

Make a commitment to stay away from screens for an entire day, in favor of spending time together instead. No phones, no TV, and no computers – can you do it?

Day Twenty-Four: Reminisce and reflect.

Look through old pictures of the two of you when you first met, or bust out the childhood pictures. Let the pictures remind you of stories to tell, and spend some time being nostalgic.

Day Twenty-Five: Get active.

Find some physical activity that you both enjoy (or at least don’t totally hate) and do it together. Running, walking, tennis, and yoga are all excellent choices.

Day Twenty-Six: New-age mix tape.

Spend a little time crafting a playlist for each other, using songs that remind you of them and songs that remind you of how you feel. If you’ve got a little more time, you can also create a playlist of “your songs” – the ones that were meaningful to both of you!

Day Twenty-Seven: Give back.

Find a volunteering opportunity in your local area, and give back to your community together. (Don’t just donate money – you should be actively helping, if you can.)

Day Twenty-Eight: De-stress.

Have your own couple’s spa day – either in the comfort of your own home, or at a spa or salon. Massages, manicures, blow-outs, or facials – as long as you’re relaxing together, you’re doing great!

Day Twenty-Nine: Clean house.

Pick a room in your house and completely change it up. Rearrange the furniture, paint the walls, or just thoroughly clean up – anything that gives it a new feeling.

Day Thirty: Slow dance.

You’ve completed the 30-day relationship challenge – congratulations! Now put on some nice soft music and dance together.

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22 Signs You And Your Girlfriend Are Soul Mates

Have you already found that person you just can’t live without? If so, then you probably know these 22 things to be true:

1. You can communicate telepathically.

Maybe not literally, but there’s definitely some things that don’t need to be said.

2. You can’t remember what life what life was like before her.

Not that you care, though – meeting her was the new start you always needed.

3. She challenges you.

Not because she thinks you’re wrong – because she knows you’re capable of so much more.

4. She knows the secret switches.

Whether you’re stressed out, pissed off, or super depressed about your favorite OTP breaking up, she knows how to make things better.

5. She knows the things that tick you off, and tries not to do them.

Of course she’s going to screw up every now and then – but she tries as hard as she can to keep your heart in one piece.

6. You have kept the chemistry alive for years.

There may have been a few bumps in the road, but she’d never even threaten to go anywhere.

7. You’re completely comfortable around each other.

You appreciate the glorious and the gross things about each other.

8. You genuinely miss each other after a few days apart.

She can’t wait to tell you what happened while she was away, and you stay up late to catch up.

9. It feels like you’ve been together a lot longer.

When it’s real, it’ll feel like she’s always been a part of your life.

10. You don’t always agree, but you agree on the things that matter.

You both know that fighting about the silly little things is just pointless.

11. Your families have merged.

Her family feels like your family, and vice versa. (Extra credit if they all get along!)

12. You don’t really even notice anyone else.

You don’t feel the need to look for someone new, because you’re happy with what you have.

13. You’re empathetic of each other’s feelings.

When she’s happy, you smile too. When she’s hurting, you feel the pain, too.

14. She’s in all the stories you tell.

In the beginning, your friends are probably going to be a little bugged about it – but eventually they’ll feel like they know her just as well as you do.

15. She thinks your quirks are adorable.

She loves your weird sneezes and the way you snore. You love her crooked fingers and her scary-loud burps. You just get each other.

16. She makes you want to be a better person.

Whether you’ve actually made changes in your life or not, she inspires you to be the very best.

17. She supports your dreams.

Even if she doesn’t fully understand why you want to travel the country in an RV, she’s totally on board with the idea.

18. She’s your partner in crime.

Whatever you do, you do it with the confidence that your partner supports you.

19. She makes you feel safe.

You feel protected and secure, and you can’t imagine how you ever got by without her on your team.

20.You feel like you’re home when you’re with her.

For the first time in your life, home feels like a person, instead of a place.

21. You feel like you’ve become the same person.

And it’s not weird, like stalker-y, but sort of nice – like you don’t really have to try so hard.

22. You are your most authentic self in front of her.

You are your best and worst when you’re with her, and she loves all of it.

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25 Life Lessons To Learn Before You Turn 30

Most of us like to think we’ve really got our shit together.

I’ve received (and overheard) a lot of advice over the years. Some of it is good, some not so good, but most of the time, it’s just a little bit maladjusted to our specific situations.

It makes sense, too – humans crave information, rather than advice. Yet people don’t like to give information nearly as much as we like to give our opinions. You can’t really give advice on something you know relatively little about – so we adapt our own experiences as if everyone else processes things the same way.

Information, on the other hand, is universal. The power of a lesson learned goes beyond anything that someone else could tell you – but most of us have to learn things the hard way. (That’s okay, though – if that’s how you learn, that’s how you learn.) We pass along the information we’ve learned in the hopes that it’ll help someone else, but since most of us screw it up and try to pass it off as advice, it falls on deaf ears.

I’ve put together a list of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the years I’ve been alive, in the hopes that I can save one person from making the same mistakes I have. How many lessons have you already learned (that you want to spare others from)? Drop it in the comments!

1. Sex is important – but it’s not the most important thing.

I’m not sure why society in general has conditioned us to think that a love of sex is a bad thing. It’s not. Sex is great. It does all sorts of amazing things for your physical and mental health, and it helps to form a vital bond between you and your partner. But, just like everything else in life, moderation is the key – and if at any point your sex drive becomes your main priority, it’s worth digging deeper into. There’s so much more to life than carnal pleasures.

2. Travel as much as you can.

For the longest time, I resented the idea of moving around. I grew up in a so-called broken home so I was always being shipped back and forth from one parent to the other. As an adult, however, I’ve learned the beauty of new experiences, and sometimes you really do need a change of scenery to appreciate the little things again.

3. Anyone you need to impress is not worth your time.

When you’re a teenager, it seems like you need to seriously impress people in order to move up the social ladder. As a young adult, it can seem much the same. But after a while, everyone starts to figure out that it’s not about impressing people – it’s about finding somewhere you fit without giving up too much of yourself. If people can’t accept you for the best version of yourself you can be, they don’t deserve your company.

4. Build up your tolerance to fear.

It might not seem like it at the time, but doing the things that scare you is usually really good for you. You can’t move past your fears until after you’ve faced them head-on. Sure, sometimes the fear lingers even after you’ve tackled it, but at least you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you are stronger than your fear.

5. Never stop learning.

In your younger years, learning seems like something you do because someone told you that you had to. You resent it and you end up trying to be “done” with school as quickly as possible – settling for the easiest options. It’s not until you discover the hidden joys of learning just for the sake of learning that you really get why everyone was always pushing you so hard. It really is for your own good.

6. Open up more (but at the appropriate times).

Most of us are far too closed off from those around us. We don’t talk about our problems until they’re totally unbearable – and unfortunately, sometimes not even then. We don’t talk about our problems when we’re in problem-solving mode. We try to handle them when emotion has taken over, and we’re a total wreck. If we shift our big conversations to a time when we’re calm and rational, the problems will often sort themselves out, at least part way.

7. You have to love yourself – even when it’s hard.

I spent far too long hating my body and my personality and not enough time changing anything. It’s fine to be dissatisfied with how you look, but that doesn’t mean you hate your body. Think about it: Would you hate your kids if they weren’t aesthetically perfect? No? Then why do the same to yourself? Once you learn to be comfortable in your own skin, other people’s opinions won’t affect you nearly as much anymore.

8. Don’t deny yourself the simple pleasures.

Humans are not designed to tell themselves “no”. It’s literally against our best interest, in most cases. By all means, practice moderation, but don’t ever tell yourself that you can’t do something that makes you happy, or that you can’t have something that brings you joy. If it’s worth it, find a way to spoil yourself. You deserve it.

9. It’s okay to be alone sometimes.

I spent most of my teenage years chasing after pretty much any girl who’d give me the time of day. I probably don’t have to tell you that this led to a lot of pain. As an adult, I learned to appreciate my time alone – after all, when you’re single, you can work on yourself, and that’s the best gift of all.

10. You don’t need any excuses – pure and simple.

When we’re kids, we look for reasons to throw parties, to have cake, to not do something. But excuses are bullshit that you use to cheat yourself out of what you want. If you have to come up with an excuse for something you want to do, it’s because you lack confidence in your pursuits. If you have to come up with excuses for things you don’t want to do, it’s because you’re disappointing yourself and trying to rationalize it. Instead, just do the things or don’t do the things – don’t lie about your intentions.

11. Don’t let other people push you around.

We all let other people sway our opinions for us from time to time. Whether we let our high school girlfriend push us into having sex earlier than we wanted, or we let our parents push us into a career path we don’t feel passionate about, we give up too much of our autonomy. Insist on keeping your own thoughts and doing your own thing. Take input from others, but don’t take any crap. You got this.

12. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it.

Just because you shouldn’t let other people push you around doesn’t mean you need to fly solo all the time, either. No one ever got anywhere in life all by themselves. The longer you put off reaching out to someone who can help you, the longer you put off your dreams. Don’t be afraid to ask.

13. You don’t have to have (or want) kids.

People are constantly being pushed by friends, family, and everyone else into having kids. Kids are an incredibly expensive and exhausting commitment and it’s no one’s choice but yours when you are ready to have them – and it’s perfectly fine if that day never comes. Don’t let anyone else tell you what you and your partner need to do. It’s not their decision.

14. Genetics aren’t the only measure of family.

Maybe it’s by the virtue of my own two-house childhood, or maybe my half-siblings on both my mom’s and my dad’s side. I never understood why other people put so much emphasis on titles and genes. My family is no less of a family because of our biological differences, and I’ve got blood-relatives who aren’t as big a part of my life as those who I adopted later in life. Once I stopped feeling guilty about that, my family only grew.

15. You don’t really owe anyone anything, by default.

Personally, I learned this in respect to my biological family, but your experience may vary. You don’t owe anyone anything in your life unless you make a promise (contract, oath, whatever) to them. Even then, if they don’t hold up their end of the deal, you aren’t really held to the things you said. Never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.

16. You’re allowed to negotiate.

Whether it’s your salary, your rent, your car payment… You’d be amazed at how many people are willing to work with you, if you just think to ask some questions and go in knowing your own worth. You are a freaking master of your own life, and just because something wasn’t offered doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not on the table. Ask and, usually, ye shall receive.

17. Don’t date anyone who can’t (or won’t) get you off.

When we look at sex as a lesser priority, it’s easy to forget that it does actually matter what kind of sex you have. You don’t get health benefits from bland, boring sex, or from faking orgasms. (Although, in some cases, faking orgasms can actually result in a real orgasm, so… The verdict is still out.) Be with someone who prioritizes your own climax just as much as – if not more than – her own.

18. Spend time outside, just because you can.

With all the modern advancements our world has gone through in just our short little millennial lifespans, there’s pretty much nothing that you actually have to leave the comfort of inside-ness for. We shop from inside a store, we drive more than we walk, some of us even work and shop from home… But avoiding the sunshine is so, so bad for you. Even just five minutes of sunlight every day can boost your mood. (And I’m sure I don’t have to tell you why being happy is a good thing.)

19. Fall in love… More than once.

It’s easy to adopt either a totally jaded mindset, or that of the hopeless “one-true-love” romantic. Don’t get caught up in the hype. There’s good in falling in love, and there’s good in getting your heart broken. You need both to experience life to the fullest, and to appreciate that next love that comes along. Don’t settle for the first person you fall for. Trust me.

20. Take your sexual health seriously.

Unfortunately, sexual health (especially in the lesbian community) is still one of those things that most of us don’t talk about enough. But we really need to talk about them with everyone we sleep with, as well as everyone we might sleep with in the near future. If you’re not comfortable talking about your health, you’re not ready to have sex. It’s really that simple. (And no, being a lesbian does not make you immune to STDs.)

21. Learn to communicate as equals.

Most relationships go bad because of poor communication. Either one person doesn’t have the effective conversational skills to express what they want, or they lack the tact to deliver their message without insulting their partner. It’s worth having good communication skills for the other areas of your life, too – you simply can’t get things done unless you know how to talk to others. (See #12.)

22. Everyone else is faking it, too.

It used to amaze me that people older than me would come to me for advice. I was completely blown away that these older people were coming to me like I was some sort of guru. But after a while I realized… The difference between an adult and an adultier-adult is that the second one is better at figuring stuff out. No one really knows what they’re doing 100% of the time. You just learn how to use your experiences to shape your judgment.

23. Make time to have fun. Seriously. You need it.

Burnout is a bitch. Really. Instead of letting your day-to-day routine suck the life out of you, you absolutely need to find a way to have a life. Dedicate a little bit of time every single day to some downtime. Whether that means a soak in the tub, a walk in the park, or an hour or two with a good book, find a way to enjoy life. You deserve it.

24. Love the life you have while you create the life you want.

You don’t have to suffer to get to the life you’ve always wanted. You can work towards something better while still enjoying yourself – as long as you know what direction you’re headed. It takes a little organization, but you can absolutely find the path that works best for you. You don’t need to settle. Where you are now is not your final destination.

25. Make yourself a priority, every day.

A recurring theme of the quotes I’ve heard from the vast majority of my personal heroes is that you need to put yourself first. You simply cannot make everyone else happy, all the time, and you’re going to drive yourself completely insane if you try. But you can make yourself happy every single day – you know yourself better than anyone else does, and no one else is putting you first. Don’t you deserve a little self-indulgence?

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24 Perks of Being In A Serious Relationship In Your 20s

I’m not very good at “casual” relationships. I’ve tried, but I just can’t date someone just on a whim. If I’m in it, I’m in it for real. Sometimes, that’s led others to push me to be a little less serious about the person I was with (okay, maybe that’s just because I used to have pretty horrible taste in women). “Why don’t you just… Explore your other options?” they’d ask me, with a smile on their faces as if they were giving me helpful advice.

While dating around works well for some, and some women have a strong need to stay single, I don’t regret the committed life I live, and here’s 24 reasons why.

1. You can still do the “single person stuff” you want to do.

My girlfriend and I can go to the bar together, or hang out with our own friends, or do our own thing. If I stay at home on a Friday night, it’s because I want to, not because she told me to.

2. You’ve already found what other people are searching for.

I didn’t go on some epic journey to find someone who understands me – she just happened to enter my life when I was still young. There’s nothing wrong with being picky and waiting a little longer – but why make yourself wait just for the sake of waiting?

3. You get to grow and learn together.

My girlfriend and I are going to be starting college together in a month and a half, and – honestly – I am so excited. I know that there’s still time to achieve our goals – I’m not stuck searching for someone who already has it all together.

4. The sex is better in a committed relationship than a casual one.

When your partner actually knows you, inside and out, the sex is better. This is proven by tons of scientific studies.

5. She’s like your own personal cheerleader.

Sure, sometimes she’s cheering you on for something she wants you to do, but most of the time, she’s reaffirming the things you’re not so confident about, and that feels amazing.

6. You already know what’s important to you.

Where other people my age might be trying to figure out what their type is, or what sort of person they’re attracted to, or how to handle their emotions, I’ve already got it all figured out. I’m the master of my own happiness, at a relatively young age.

7. You have someone to figure life out with.

Your 20s are basically a time to screw things up royally while you’re figuring out how to not screw things up royally. Being in a serious relationship while I face these new adulting challenges means I’ve got someone in my corner to keep me accountable.

8. You have someone to come home to.

At the end of the day, I know there’s going to be someone there for me to cuddle up next to. If we’re apart for whatever reason, she’s just a phone call away.

9. You don’t have to deal with dating scene drama.

Every time I listen to my friends complaining about the creeps they met on MeetMe or OKCupid or whatever site the kids are using these days, I look to my girlfriend and just breathe a sigh of relief.

10. You don’t have to have the awkward STD talk nearly as often.

Because, as we all know, if you’re not comfortable having the conversation, you’re not ready to have sex – pure and simple.

11. You get little reminders of the things that are awesome about you.

Because, let’s face it – 20-somethings aren’t always the masters of self-confidence. But when you’ve found someone who truly loves and cares about you, she’s going to remind you how great you are as often as she can. (And not to get laid, but because she thinks you should know.)

12. You get to teach each other new things and go on adventures together.

We’re not bogged down with exhausting jobs or family commitments, nor are we too shy to be ourselves around each other. Together, we can take on the world.

13. You don’t have to rush into marriage.

Once you turn 30, there seems to be this push to either get married, or swear off the idea of marriage altogether. In your 20s, everyone is pushing you not to get married yet – so we’ve got more time to get everything sorted out first.

14. You don’t feel rushed into having kids, yet, either.

We’ve been together for years and our families just started asking about grandkids. Compared to our older siblings, who already had kids at our age, we feel confident that we’ll be better prepared.

15. It’s easier to start as friends.

It’s a really sad fact that you’re better at making friends when you’re younger. Think about it: Your average three-year-old probably has at least a dozen “best friends”, while your average 40-year-old probably only has one or two. At a time when you have more friends, based on statistics, it’s even more likely that one of them is meant to be something more.

16. You’ve got someone “safe” to gossip with.

We all know that we shouldn’t discuss other people’s business, but I don’t think there’s a single person who has honestly never indulged in gossip. When you only share gossip with the person who’d carry your secrets to the grave, you can gossip without all the guilt!

17. You have someone to bring to awkward family gatherings.

Especially if you’re not actually “out” yet – your average casual hook-up probably isn’t going to come play bestie at your family’s barbecue. Your love, on the other hand, will gladly tag along, just to get a peek at the rest of your life, because she wants to be in the picture long-term.

18. You don’t have to choose between your love life and your career.

Since you found your match before you got too deep into your search for income, you have that much more time to focus on making your dreams happen. And, let me tell you, I’m glad I’m going to reach my dreams before I’m 30.

19. You have more practice being good partners, compared to people who date around.

Again, there’s nothing wrong with dating around. But by the time our less-serious friends are starting to get ready to settle, we’ve already been settled. We already know how to be a good partner, because we’ve been a good partner for so long.

20. Adulting is so much more fun with someone else.

Folding laundry magically turns into time to catch up on your favorite shows. Grocery shopping turns into a scavenger hunt challenge. Doing the dishes can easily turn into a water fight. I’m sure you get the idea.

21. You’ve got a support system when your friends are too busy.

As much as your older relatives might joke that the hard part of life has just begun, there’s no denying that your 20s are a time of major stress and depression for hundreds of millions of people worldwide. And, thankfully, your girlfriend will be there to help pick you up when you get a little crazy.

22. You save money, because you don’t feel pressured to go out all the time.

I mean, obviously, you’re down to meet friends – but you don’t feel the need to go out of your way for it anymore. Maybe you’ve settled, but it’s better on your bank account.

23. You help push each other to be better people.

Instead of changing each other to fit a predefined mold, we can urge them to be their own best version of themselves. It’s not about impressing each other, it’s about building an empire together.

24. You feel totally blessed because you have a partner.

No matter what happens in life, or how independent you may be, you get the comfort of knowing there will always be someone in your corner. That’s magical. She’s there to love, encourage, and support you, and all she asks in exchange is that you do the same for her. Who else is going to give you that?

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13 Signs She’s Not Taking Your Relationship Seriously

Are you worried that your partner might not be as into you as you’re into her? Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we end up with people we just can’t make ourselves fall for. I’m not sure why we really bother trying to persuade our heart, when numerous chances have showed us that the heart definitely wants what it wants. Yet, still, we find ourselves stuck to people when we’re not really that into them.

If your partner keeps showing you these 13 signs, she’s probably not that serious about your relationship – time to get out before you get your heart broken!

1. She’s too busy for you.

I know, everyone has their own stuff going on, and you need to respect your girlfriend’s other priorities. But if she’s serious about the relationship, you will be one of those priorities. If she makes excuses as to why she never has time to see you – or worse, only has time to pop in for sex – she’s probably not serious about the relationship.

2. You don’t know anyone in her life.

Not everyone has the luxury of being able to bring their same-sex partner home to their parents, but chances are there’s at least someone else in her life that knows she’s into women, and she’ll naturally want you to meet them. If you’ve been seeing each other for a while and the subject of meeting her friends and family has never come up – or it’s been brought up by you and immediately shot down by her – you might want to question what she’s keeping hidden.

3. She won’t tell you about her past.

First, let me start by saying that trust issues are very real, and can be a problem for many of us. But you can’t have a serious relationship without trust and communication, so if she’s dodging questions and changing the subject any time the past is discussed, she might not be ready to fully commit.

4. You have to plan all the dates.

Some people (like me) are natural born planners. Some people (like my girlfriend) are not as obsessively inclined. In any relationship, there’s going to be one of you who’s better at it than the other. But if she refuses to even make an effort to plan dates and surprises for you, and instead insists that you should just tell her where to show up and what to wear, she’s probably not looking for anything long-term.

5. She won’t call you – only texts.

I’m not sure exactly where the ratio stands of women who love talking on the phone versus those who hate it, but even among those who absolutely can’t stand being on the phone wants to hear their partner’s voice from time to time. (Not that I’m talking about myself again or anything…) If your girlfriend sends you to voicemail and then responds with a text (and she’s not otherwise occupied), she’s probably not that serious about you.

6. You don’t know what her future goals are.

Future goals are another touchy subject, since not everyone knows what they want to do in life, right? But from a more practical standpoint, if you don’t know what your goals are, you’ll never achieve them. If she doesn’t have any long-term goals, she’s not really ready for a relationship yet. If she does have long-term goals and she has no desire to share them with you, you’re probably not a part of them.

7. She still talks to her most recent ex.

I fully understand that some people are friends with their exes. That’s all fine and dandy. But you can’t be friends with someone you still have feelings for, so if she’s still friends with someone she only recently broke up with, she may still have unresolved feelings for her – and it shows that she doesn’t respect your feelings. If she was serious about you, the respect would be there.

8. She won’t hold your hand in public.

Let me start by saying that different people have different levels of comfort with showing affection in public. Once you factor in the risk of discrimination from strangers and family, public displays of affection are even more difficult. But if she won’t show any affection to you in front of other people, such as hand-holding or shoulder-rubbing, she may be trying to keep you a secret.

9. She often bails on plans together.

Sometimes, things come up, and it’s hard to do the things you planned for. You can’t plan on life, after all, and there are unexpected detours around every corner. But if it seems like she’s blowing you off, especially if she can’t be bothered to let you know something came up, chances are you’re not a priority in her life.

10. You spend more time being worried than happy.

It’s never going to be sunshine and rainbows every single day, but most of the time, your relationship should make you happy. If she seems to make you insecure and irrational on purpose, and she never does anything just to make you smile, she’s probably not into it with as much as you are. (Just make sure you’re evaluating your own emotions appropriately, too.)

11. She isn’t trying to get to know you.

When you meet someone you care deeply about, you feel like you’ve known them your entire life, which makes it easier to talk about what makes you you. But if you don’t really care that deeply, you’re not going to care what makes the other person how they are. Does she tell you things about herself and then attentively listen to the responses? Or does she only want to talk about the present moment or herself?

12. You’ve never seen her place – you always go back to yours.

Some women might be a bit uncomfortable with how their abode stacks up against their girlfriend’s. But if she’s serious about you, she’s not going to keep that a secret – she’ll just try to make her place look as presentable as possible, and invite you in. If you’ve never seen further than her front door – or worse, not even that – and she’s been back to your place more than a dozen times, she probably doesn’t expect you two to last.

13. She flirts with other women (or men!), right in front of you.

One of the most blatant signs of disrespect early in a relationship: The overt flirt. Some people have a flirtatious personality, and they can’t even seem to help it. But if she truly cares about you, she’s going to do everything in her power to make sure she keeps it under wraps, at least while you’re around. (And, of course, the woman who’s in it for the long-term will make sure she breaks the habit when you’re not around, too.)

19 Last-Minute Date Ideas that Require Practically No Effort

Maintaining regular date nights after you and your partner live together is hard, to say the least. There’s a level of comfort that you might never have felt with anyone else, or at least there’s a level of intimacy that you’re not getting with anyone else in your life. Yet, you need to keep the romance alive, or else you’ll start to drift apart. What do you do?

There’s a common misconception that your date nights have to be all-out, magical experiences. Sure, it’s a good idea to have a magical date every now and then – but all you really need to do is show her that you care, on a regular basis.

Looking for some date ideas you can throw together at the last minute, without losing their charm? We’ve got you covered!

1. Have a coffee or tea date on the front porch (or similar location).

All you need for this date is a coffee maker or tea kettle, some nice cups, and a porch, balcony, or sun room. Spend the better part of the morning catching up on the small talk, the workplace gossip, or whatever else you’ve been too busy to tell each other.

2. Go for a long walk at your local park or outdoor market.

If you live somewhere with good weather (or can get somewhere with more pleasant weather in a quick time), you can arrange to go for a walk together. Make sure you have appropriate clothing and plenty of time to wander around and take in the beauty. As an added bonus, getting physically active together is a great habit to get into.

3. Have a picnic out in nature.

I’m not suggesting you go camping (because I personally hate camping), but having a picnic in the woods is romantic, relaxing, and unique. Just make sure to stock up on bug spray!

4. Go to the club and order drinks you’ve never tried.

In general, it’s probably best to stick with one new drink per night (unless you’re going with unfamiliar beers), but use your own judgment. Mix things up by ordering for each other – and don’t forget the appetizers!

5. Spend the day at the library together.

Most of us don’t spend nearly as much time reading as we should – so spend a day signing up for library cards and picking out books for one another. Try to keep your partner’s interests in mind when you choose, but toss in a few of your personal favorites, too. It’s a strange way to bond, but it’s sure to make lasting memories.

6. Go for a hike within your city.

Whether you live in the rural outskirts or a thriving metropolis, there’s sure to be places you can access only by foot – so seek them out! If you’re short on ideas, try downloading a geocaching app and see what other local users recommend.

7. Have a personal cocktail party.

Who says drinking alone has to be boring? When your party revolves around you and your partner, there’s no one else to screw things up and get in your way. As long as you clearly define your intentions beforehand, feel free to release your inhibitions.

8. Write love notes for one another, and spend the day reading them together.

Whether it’s a simple “I love you” on a sticky note or a four-page letter sealed with a kiss, try to put your feelings into words – and then take charge and read them out loud. It’s a new way to challenge your comfort with one another while bringing your relationship closer.

9. Make beautiful things together.

Many community centers offer painting, pottery, or calligraphy classes – look into the classes offered in your area and pick one to attend together. If you’re looking for something a little more last-minute, go to your local art supply store and pick up some canvas and paint and spend the day doing portraits of each other!

10. Bring in a little green.

There’s a strong connection between taking care of plants and your overall happiness – and it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a yard. Go to your local garden department and find some cool-looking plants to spruce up your place. If neither of you has a green thumb, consider succulents – they’ve got the hardiness of cacti, without the sharp edges.

11. Make breakfast in bed.

One of the greatest meals ever is homemade breakfast in bed, and thankfully breakfast foods require very little culinary skill (usually). For those who really can’t cook, picking up coffee and take-out is almost as good.

12. Hit the road – and flex those muscles.

Bike rides can be a great way to get physically fit while having a good time, and adding a little bit of friendly competition to the equation can make it even more interesting.

13. Get dressed up and book a last-minute reservation.

You might need to call a few places to find open tables, but you might get to try something you’ve never tried before. It’s worth exploring your local cuisine – you don’t need an excuse!

14. Take photos – with real film – of each other.

Get a disposable camera or a Polaroid camera and get shutter-happy. Polaroids are great because you’ll instantly have the memory in your hand, but disposables are great because the pictures can come as a surprise later. Try both and see which you prefer!

15. Have food delivered – no cooking, no dishes, no distractions.

Check out your local apps to see what you can have delivered to you. Different areas specialize in different types of food, but you might be able to spend a little more and get an out-of-town delivery if options are limited. (Don’t forget to tip extra if they had to drive a bit to get to you.)

16. Order a movie and watch it in bed.

If you subscribe to cable, chances are, there are tons of paid movies just sitting there, waiting to be watched. Be aware of the prices, as some can be ridiculously high, but order one of those movies you’ve been wanting to see – you deserve it!

17. Explore your own city as if you were a tourist.

Chances are, there are parts of your town that you’ve completely missed, or maybe even taken for granted. Leave the maps at home and the GPS off, and rely on helpful strangers to find your way around. You’ll never know what you could be missing!

18. Watch the sunset together.

It takes no time at all to grab a blanket and go outside just before dark – so why not cuddle up to your love outside tonight? If you don’t have a yard (or it’s not safe after dark in your area), pull up chairs to the window and play some soft music. Let yourself get lost in the moment!

19. Have a game night – either just the two of you, or with other couples.

We underestimate the value of friendly competition – and your partner (and your mutual friends) are some of the best people to encourage a healthy level of challenge. Whether you like cards, chutes and ladders, or Monopoly, game nights bring us closer together. What’s not to love?

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5 Signs Your ‘Girl Crush’ Is More Than A Crush

As women who are interested in other women, we’re stuck at a particularly confusing vertex of girl crushes. We’ve got our platonic bestie crushes – those women who we aspire to be like. We’ve also got our OMG-breathless-crushes – those women whose pants we want to be all over. Lastly, we’ve got our soulmate crushes – the women who have completely changed how we feel about life. Sometimes the lines between them are pretty blurry, too. How can you decode your feelings and figure out what’s really going on?

We’ve gathered 5 signs that your girl crush is more than a crush – the signs that say you should definitely pursue this woman and see where it leads. Are you prepared to take the next step?

Sign #1: She’s the first thing you think of in the morning.

From a psychological standpoint, the first thing you think of in the morning is probably going to be the last thing you thought of the night before – and generally, the things we think before bed are the same things we thought about all throughout the day. If you wake up thinking about her, you probably spend most of your time thinking of her.

If you absolutely can’t get her off your mind, it might be more than just the butterflies.

Sign #2: She texts you “good morning”.

To be clear, there is a chance that she’s just being friendly – I used to mass-text my entire contacts list when I was walking to work in the mornings – but, most likely, if she’s texting you first thing in the morning, that means that you’re in her wake-up thoughts. Like we discussed in #1, that quite possibly means she was thinking about you all day.

If she seems to feel the same way as you do, it’s worth exploring those feelings.

Sign #3: You seem to spend a lot of time together, or talking to each other, when you don’t necessarily “have to”.

When we really like someone, we try to spend as much time around each other as possible. Sometimes, it gets obsessive and creepy and stalker-ish – make sure you don’t let it go there, please – but, usually, it’s because the two of you have a lot of similar interests, or at least you’re pretending to, in order get to know each other better.

If you’re spending all your time together anyway, there might be a reason – look into it!

Sign #4: You swear you shared “a moment”.

It’s hard to have that “special moment” feeling if the other person isn’t feeling it, too. Humans are pre-programmed to read certain body language cues certain ways by the time they reach dating age, so if you think you had a moment, she probably thinks so, too.

If you felt a spark, might as well check to see if there’s a fire.

Sign #5: You’re afraid of what will happen if you don’t explore your feelings.

If the idea of not telling her how you feel is enough to make you nauseous or anxious, you should tell her how you feel. Even if it’s not love, it’s best if you understand your feelings – especially if you’ll be seeing each other on a regular basis. You can’t be friends with someone you have unresolved feelings for. Your heart won’t let you.

If you feel like you need to tell her how you feel, you do. It’s that simple.

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6 Relationship Traps To Avoid At All Costs

Sometimes, it can seem like keeping your relationship afloat is nothing but hard work. Sure, she makes you happy, and you’re great together, but there are so many social rules you have to remember. After all, every relationship you’ve been in before her has ended – and that puts a lot of pressure in this one working out. (Or, at least it can seem like that – really, if it doesn’t work out, it wasn’t really meant to work out.)

Is it really that difficult, though, or are you just overcomplicating things? We’ve got the top six reasons relationships end, so you can avoid the biggest problems. If you do notice a problem, make sure you work it out before things get out of your control!

1. Never let your anger run the show.

Some people think that happy couples never fight. That’s not true. Happy couples just know what’s worth fighting about, and what’s better left alone. They take time to cool off before discussing things, so that they don’t say or do things they’ll regret.

2. Don’t gloss over the tough parts – talk about them!

Happy couples know that you can’t just ignore problems – you have to face them head-on and come up with a proactive solution. The sooner you get these talks out of the way, the better, too – many of the biggest issues can be prevented if you only work together.

3. Never break your partner’s trust.

It’s a given, but just in case you missed the memo: Once your trust has been broken, it’s pretty much impossible to get that back. The obvious solution is to do everything in your power to make sure you don’t lose your partner’s trust. Even little white lies add up over time, so make sure you’re being truthful with her.

4. Don’t avoid confrontation – but always fight fair.

During those inevitable spats, happy couples make sure they don’t say or do anything they’d regret. They know that a fight doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the relationship, and that the end of a relationship doesn’t change what it meant while they were in it – so they keep name-calling and other low blows out of it.

5. Never use sex to control or manipulate each other.

Happy couples know that sex is something you give to someone you care about, not something you use as a punishment/reward system. Their only motives for whether or not to have sex are a) do we both want it? And b) do we have enough time?

6. Don’t wait until tomorrow to solve your problems.

If you want to be really, truly happy in your relationships (and life in general), you can’t wait for some day in the future to fix things. Happy couples take note when things start to bother them, and make a point to bring it up before it festers too long. This leads to open communication and a fighting chance at forever.

9 Reasons Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You

It’s a really sad day when you find out that the woman you’re crazy about has been cheating on you with someone else. Whether you find out she’s been sexting someone on the other side of the planet or you find out you’ve actually been the side chick for the last year and a half, the humiliation of having your expectations shattered by someone you see as just a random tramp can be devastating.

Chances are, however, that she’s not random. You have to remember that your girlfriend is the one who promised her loyalty to you – and, in many cases, the other woman is essentially innocent. Don’t blame a stranger for your terrible partner. Chances are, your partner was terrible before she got there.

1. Women long for affection, attention, and appreciation.

One of the leading reasons for infidelity in relationships is that one partner is feeling neglected, unappreciated, or sex-starved. In a perfect world, she’d bring this up to her girlfriend and they’d work things out, but reality doesn’t always work like that. When two women (who are both starved for these key components of love) happen to meet and start spending more time around each other, emotions and intimacy are bound to get confusing. It’s in our nature.

Now, this doesn’t excuse the act of cheating, and it certainly doesn’t mean the side chick should be protected from hearing the way you feel. Just remember that the other woman wasn’t the only one involved in the decision for your partner to be unfaithful. She might not have even known the position she was getting into.

2. Your partner felt it was OK to go behind your back.

Regardless of whether or not the affair was “justified”, your partner is the one who made the decision to keep things from you. Your partner is the one who opened the door for someone else to enter your relationship. In a truly honest relationship, one where both partners respect and value each other, there’s no opportunity for anyone else to step in.

In some cases, your partner won’t exactly “mean” to cheat on you. She might have been too drunk at a party, or gotten caught up in an emotional moment. This doesn’t automatically excuse her from what she did. If it was truly a mistake, she should be the first one to come to you – and not because she’s afraid you’ll find out from someone else. If she acts as if what you don’t know can’t possibly hurt you, she doesn’t respect you as an equal.

3. Being a side chick is less of a commitment than having a “real” relationship.

As unfortunate as it is, I’d be remiss if I told you that there was no such thing as a woman who prides herself on destroying relationships. These women do exist, and they’re some of the worst to deal with. They may feel that they’ve done nothing wrong, because they don’t respect the boundaries of relationships, or they might just not care because they’re just looking for an easy way to fulfill their physical needs.

Of course, in this situation, it’s still not entirely the side chick’s fault – she’s still only half of the equation. Even if she was totally on board with sleeping with someone who was already in a relationship, your girlfriend still allowed her to enter your relationship. Placing the blame entirely on this other woman, as easy as it may be to do so, is not the right answer.

4. Taboo equals thrilling.

There’s something intense about doing something you’re not supposed to do. It’s an adrenaline rush, and different people get that rush in different ways. Just as there are some people who get off on robbing banks or dressing up as bunnies, there are people who get off on being unfaithful. For some people, it may even be a part of their personality. These types of people tend to do better in open relationships, but not all monogamously-challenged people fully understand their relationship style.

Does this mean that you have to accept your partner’s infidelity, or forgive her and start again as a polyamorous couple? No – not if you’re not comfortable with it. The fact still remains that she snuck around behind your back and did something she knew you wouldn’t be comfortable with. However, if you want to give the open relationship a chance (and she wants to, also), there’s no real way to know if it works for you unless you try it. Just be warned that you might still end up hurt in the end.

5. They assume you’ll never find out.

Most people don’t set out to cheat on someone with the intention of their partner finding out about it. In fact, most people who are unfaithful will go out of their way to cover it up. They might pride themselves on their ability to be sneaky, or they might think that you don’t pay close enough attention to them. Whatever the reason is, she thought she was going to get away with it.

The other side of the coin is that, eventually, there comes a time in almost every affair where the spurned partner will find out. Usually, this results in the cheater confessing, out of guilt and fear that someone else will tell before they have a chance to. This is one of the lowest forms of relationship disrespect, because your girlfriend didn’t even think you deserved to know.

6. She doesn’t really love you.

I’ve long felt that someone who’s okay with cheating on someone else and destroying their trust can’t possibly love the person they’re with. I’m not really sure if that’s exactly true, but I know that I’ve personally never been able to wrap my head around an open relationship with someone I really cared about. I can’t pretend to speak for everyone, but I know that some of the women who have strayed outside my relationship with them definitely did not love me.

If you think she loves you, but just has an issue staying faithful to a single partner, you can try the open relationship thing – if you’re comfortable with it. However, whether she loves you or not, no one is worth putting your heart through the wringer – so if you can’t handle the thought of sharing your boo, it might be best to just walk away.

7. She may be lying to the side chick, too.

As much as it sucks to admit, sometimes your scummy girlfriend is just a scummy girlfriend – whether you’re ready to assign the blame to her or not. Just because you’re not ready to admit it doesn’t mean she didn’t really do you wrong, so do your best to put the blame where the blame is due.

When you catch your girlfriend cheating, it’s easy to shift the blame to the other person, because you don’t want to admit that the person you love doesn’t love you. But her other woman has literally nothing to do with you, in most cases. Unless you personally knew this other woman, and you know for a fact that she knew your girlfriend was taken, you can’t reasonably hold her responsible.

8. Roughly half of all people, male or female, gay, straight, or bisexual, will be unfaithful at some point in their lives.

It’s unfortunate, but statistically, cheating isn’t as uncommon as you might hope it is. Thankfully, the acceptance of polyamorous relationships is making it less likely that those who prefer open arrangements end up with those who prefer complete exclusivity, but there are still a lot of stigmas out there – stigmas that result in good people making stupid romantic decisions.

Thankfully, that old adage “once a cheater, always a cheater” isn’t exactly true, either. Basically none of the old wives’ tales about unfaithfulness are necessarily true – they’re all a bunch of stereotypes, and we know where stereotypes come from.

9. Because she can.

The most important thing to remember is that your girlfriend cheated on you because the opportunity presented itself. Whether she created the opportunity for herself or refused to turn down the offer, she cheated – and the other girl is not the problem. Dump your scummy girlfriend, and wait for someone who will treat you right. You deserve it!

50+ Questions To Ask Before Your Relationship Gets Too Real

Is your relationship starting to get a little serious? Maybe it’s time to ask these 46 super important questions – just to make sure you’re not setting yourself up for heartbreak. While these questions might seem random, they’re actually carefully crafted to judge some of the key areas of interpersonal compatibility. These might just make or break your entire relationship – so make sure you’re with someone you can compromise with.

What do you believe in?

What are your thoughts on abortion?

Do you have any prejudices?

What is your ultimate dream job?

Are you in debt?

To who?

How much?

How much money do you make?

What do you do for a living?

Are you impulsive or thrifty?

How much do you have in savings?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

How do you feel about monogamy?

Do you have any fetishes?

Is there anything you absolutely won’t do?

How do you feel about porn?

Do you like my family?

My friends?

Does your family like me?

Do your friends?

Do you want (more) kids someday?

How many?


If money was no object, where would you live?

Where do you realistically see yourself living?

How do you feel about dogs?


Other pets?

Do you consider yourself spiritual?

How do you feel about recreational drug use?

Medical marijuana use?

Where do your opinions stand in relation to your partner’s?

Would you feel comfortable honoring my family’s culture and heritage in our daily lives?

In our children’s lives?

How will we share our finances?

Will we have a joint bank account or maintain separate accounts?


Do you gamble?



How often?

What are your thoughts on marriage?

Last names – hyphenate, adopt, or trade?

Are there any bad habits I need to be aware of?

Are you comfortable with the risks associated here?

Do you get jealous easily?

Will you try to make me jealous?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 10?

In 50?

What’s the one thing you absolutely can’t stand?

Do I make you happy?

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4 Reasons You And Your Ex Should Never Ever Get Back Together

Hello there, and allow me to formally introduce myself. I am the queen of the on-again/off-again lesbian relationship.

I spend my spare time serving as a cautionary tale of what happens when you let good sex make up for bad behavior. I can also be used as an example of what happens when you’ve got the best sex around and are continually attracted to women who are totally out of your league.

(Or, at least, that’s what my exes would probably say, in between the break-up and make-up parts of our recurring cycle.)

After recycling a few exes in particular to stretch casual hookups out over agonizing years, I think I’ve come up with a few solid reasons why you should absolutely not go back to your ex – no matter how great she promises things are going to be this time.

Reason #1: You had a real reason to break up.

Once nostalgia starts kicking in and you’re feeling a bit lonely, it’s easy to remember all the things you loved about her in the first place. You start to think about which side of her bed is comfier, and which of her sweatshirts look the best on you. It’s easy to put together all those magical little pieces that made the relationship so spectacular.

The only problem is… It’s not spectacular anymore. No matter what the specifics were, one thing’s for sure: She’s not your one true love, or you wouldn’t have broken up. I know, I know… Everyone does it, and sometimes it turns out super awesome like in the movies. But your life is not a movie, and chances are, things haven’t changed that much. Save yourself the heartbreak.

Reason #2: It’s not worth the effort.

All relationships require work, but when you’re in a good relationship, it feels like you’re getting a valuable return on your (time) investment. Maybe you’ve got kids to think about, or nowhere else to live, and it feels like working it out with your ex is the only option. For the rest of us, though, it’s not your brain holding you to the commitments with your ex – it’s your hormones.

Now, what happens if you are totally stuck between working things out or being miserable? In most cases, this is just your brain stepping in and trying to make excuses for your hormones, by pretending it’s what’s best for your heart. It’s not what’s best for your heart – it’s what’s best for your sense of complacency. Why settle for being comfortable when you can do just as much work and be truly happy?

Reason #3: Your life is not a romcom – even if you’ve grown attached to your cast mates.

I know, I know – the urge to prove that our relationship is the exception to all the rules is super, super strong, especially when we fill that void in our heart with sappy love stories and songs about rain. TV and movie couples work their differences out no matter how big they are, and we feel hopeful that we can do the same.

You probably could do the same – if you had a whole team behind you handling makeup, wardrobe, expense reports, and dialogue. I’m not saying that your one true love doesn’t exist, but chances are, she’s not the one that everything’s gone wrong with. Most likely, she’s going to be the one who comes along and saves you from pining over the same person for the rest of your life. You can’t go out looking for her – you have to actually wait for her.

Reason #4: The only closure you need can be typed.

We often tell ourselves that we have to give it another go, “for old time’s sake”. We need to catch up. We need to get closure. We need to figure out where we went wrong last time. The truth is, you don’t need to do any of that. That’s just your hormones coming in and screwing things up for you.

If you need to catch up, you can find her on Facebook later. If you need to figure out where you went wrong so you can move on, you can get that from a text message. If you need to sleep with her one more time, try handling things yourself and see if you still want to hook up with her again. Trust me – this is solid science. There’s nothing you need to say to each other that has to be face-to-face, unless you ran over her cat or something… And then even I can’t help you.

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How to Help Your Bestie Beat Her Heartbreak

One of the most painful things you can watch your best friend go through is the pain and torture of a break-up. Whether she’s on her third boo this year or it’s the first time ever, her emotions are a total wreck. You want to be there for her, but it’s exhausting, and you’re running out of ideas.

Generally, the best things to do are going to be what you would want someone to do if you were going through a heartbreak. Obviously you don’t need to break up with your girlfriend in solidarity, but she probably won’t want you to show her off right now, either. You want to keep her mind off the ex, but you also know she needs some support and a place to vent about it. You’re a great friend for keeping up with it all – here’s all the ways you can help her now.

Distract her.

One of the simplest things you can do for her is to simply distract her from her pain. Naturally, you shouldn’t just distract her from things – we can’t just run away from the unpleasantness of a breakup. Still, having a temporary reprieve from the hurt will keep her from dwelling on things, and may help her to move on. Try picking up her favorite magazine or movie, for while she’s home alone, and take her on a road trip or a night on the town. On the days she doesn’t feel like doing much, binge-watch your favorite show together, or have your own private movie marathon.

Pamper her.

When you’re just getting out of a relationship, your personal style can start to take a bit of a hit. Taking her to get her hair or nails done, or a trip to go clothes shopping, can help bring her self-image back up and make it a little easier to work through the pain. This might be particularly important if her ex was abusive, narcissistic, or otherwise a jerk (but let’s be real – everyone feels better when they feel good about themselves). Then, once she’s gotten all snazzy, take her out to a nice dinner. If the breakup was particularly rough, she might not be eating right, and malnourishment can definitely increase the effects of depression. Sweet treats can also help some, in moderation, so feel free to opt for ice cream, too.

Watch her health.

Breakups can make a huge impact on someone’s physical and mental health, so make sure you’re checking in with her from time to time. Physical activities, such as dancing and hiking, or fitness classes at your local gym, can all help push the blues away while also helping her meet her exercise needs. Some people have a hard time remembering to eat when they’re depressed, so bring her food when you can.

It might help if you create a miniature “survival kit” for her, too, with some of her favorite things, as well as a small notebook to write angry letters to the ex, or document other things she’s feeling. Then, once she’s past the worst pain, ceremonially dispose of the notebook in a way that keeps her from drudging up those ugly memories – such as at a bonfire, in a paper shredder, or simply burying it in the back yard. There’s something very therapeutic about metaphorically getting rid of the bad thoughts – it doesn’t hurt to try!

Be a little extra positive.

If she’s having a particularly rough time of it, it might be helpful to send a little extra encouragement her way. Write her a hand-written letter full of the things you love about her, or send her a charming card. If you can afford to have flowers sent to her, make sure you don’t send them from a secret admirer – this can just add to the hurt if she thinks they might be from her ex. Instead, attach a message that you think will make her laugh, and sign your name proudly. You do deserve the credit for being as awesome of a friend as you are.

Be there for her.

Even though much of the healing process centers around moving forward, it is important to take time to process the past and the present. She needs someone who’s going to listen to what she has to say and not make it about themselves. Try to resist the urge to give advice or personal stories, unless she asks for them. She’s hurting right now and there’s a chance she may lash out at you. Try not to take it too personally. She will move past this, eventually, and she’ll be grateful that you were there to support her.

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13 Little Ways To Let Your GF Know You Care

Are you struggling to find a way to show your girlfriend just how much she means to you? Maybe she’s been stressed out lately, or the two of you have been arguing, and you just want to let her know that you’re still on her team. No matter what the reason is, we’ve got some small ways you can let her know she’s still your #1, even when times get rough.

1. Have dinner waiting when she gets home.

It might seem a little archaic, but there’s nothing quite like a home-cooked meal to show your partner just how much you care about her. Even if you burn water and fumble TV dinners, you can still pick up dinner from your local take-out place and surprise her.

2. Write her a little love note.

There’s something magical about a hand-written note – and if you leave it somewhere she’ll see it when she’s getting ready, such as the bathroom mirror or the refrigerator door, it might brighten her whole morning.

3. Know her favorite song, and learn how to play it.

If you have an affinity for a certain instrument – even if it’s a plastic instrument you learned in elementary school – bust it out and get practicing!

4. Compliment her appearance.

Hey, everyone likes knowing that they look good. Make sure your girlfriend knows how attractive you find her.

5. Compliment her mind, too.

It’s super important to not feel like someone is only with you for your body – make sure she knows she’s the whole package.

6. Have coffee or breakfast ready when she wakes up.

The easier you make her morning routine, the more appreciated she’s going to feel. Trust me.

7. Make the bed without being asked.

I don’t think anyone really likes making the bed, so even if you hate it, consider that your girlfriend probably hates it, too. Extra credit if you leave chocolates on the pillow. (Totally kidding.)

8. Clean something just because you have some time.

If she’s out running errands or stuck at work and you’re home by yourself, why not knock something off her to-do list for her?

9. Offer to help her with her to-do list.

Chances are, she’ll be happy to share, and it’ll make the chores just a little less tedious.

10. Give her a massage.

After a rough day, getting a back rub from your partner is one of the simplest ways to de-stress – and it often leads to the most effective way to de-stress, if you catch my drift.

11. Surprise her with a gift or a card.

If you can afford to have flowers, chocolates, or those cheesy oversized bears delivered, go for it – but a handmade card can be equally nice.

12. Make her a playlist.

A list of your favorite road trip songs, songs that make you think of her, or the songs you want to have sex while listening to – the choices are limitless!

13. Tell her you love her, more often than you think you should.

All too often, we let ourselves fall out of saying the things our partners want to hear. It’s easy to forget that she likes to hear these things because, we figure, she already knows. But knowing isn’t the same as hearing. When you tell her how you feel about her, the reasons you’re grateful for her, and everything she means to you, she’s going to be happier – and that’s going to make you happier, too.

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5 Signs It’s Not Really Love After All

Wondering if the pain you’re trudging through is worth it? We dream of finding our fairytale romance that sweeps us off our feet… But we forget about all the frogs we might encounter along the way. (Yes, Princess Charming comes from a long line of frogs, too.) We get wrapped up in the ups-and-downs and forget to pay attention to our gut.

If you’re experiencing the following signs in your relationship, you’re not really in love – you’re just settling for a frog.

1. Your relationship doesn’t make you happy.

Everyone out there who has ever told you that “love hurts” is doing you a huge disservice. The feeling of loving someone else, and having them love you in return, is one of the most pleasant feelings on the planet. Love doesn’t hurt – but sometimes the person you love can hurt you. That doesn’t mean that you fall out of love with them – it just means that they hurt you.

Of course, all relationships are going to have their good days and their bad days. The occasional grey sky won’t take away from the beauty of the sunshine. But if your relationship makes you unhappy more than it makes you happy – if it feels like the grey sky never dries up – it’s no longer a good fit. If the person you were with truly loved you, she wouldn’t want to see you unhappy all the time – and she’d notice, or at least acknowledge it when you bring it up.

Only you can decide how much happiness you can stand. Each person is different, after all. But if you feel you’ve reached your personal limits, you and your partner will need to decide how to move forward. It’s hard to navigate a relationship that makes you unhappy and it’s not fair to either of you to force it.

2. You feel like a parent, an employee, or a trophy.

A happy, healthy relationship relies on both partners acting as equals. Some days, one of you may need to step up and take care of the other – such as when you’re sick, or when your partner loses her job – but for the most part, you should be taking on equal responsibilities. If one of you is continually acting as the sole provider, whether financially, emotionally, or sexually, there will eventually be resentment.

Now, keep in mind that some people aren’t accustomed to equal share relationships. If you’re starting to feel resentment and animosity toward your partner, it’s best if you bring it up to her first. It’s possible that she’s unaware of how you’re feeling and is just used to taking over a certain role. Additionally, some people thrive on a different balance in the relationship, such as one partner bringing in all the money and the other doing all the housework. If you’re not comfortable with the way the situation currently stands, you deserve to have your voice heard.

Sometimes, though, the damage is too far gone by the time we’re ready to bring it up. Maybe your temper got out of control and your emotions got in the way. Maybe you did bring it up, but nothing changed after two more years. It’s perfectly okay to let go of someone who isn’t ready to value you. You have no obligation to stick around while they learn how to treat you with respect.

3. She’s not ready to take the next step – at work, in your relationship, and in her life in general.

Let’s say you’ve been waiting around for the past four years for her to finally declare a major so she can graduate and get a job. Maybe you’ve been together for six years and you think it’s high time she proposed. Maybe she’s been working behind the counter at the local café since the day you met her, while you’ve recently been promoted to executive supervisor at the law firm you interned at. Whatever steps she should be taking, she’s not taking them – and you’re leaving her in the dust trails behind you.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: You do not have the right to push anyone into a change they’re not ready to make. You can help keep her on the path she’s chosen for herself, and make sure she doesn’t lose motivation. You can even give her career advice, when asked, in an effort to help her clarify her passions and goals.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to stay with someone who’s not keeping up with the pace you want. You aren’t responsible for making sure she achieves her dreams, but you are responsible for making your own dreams happen. It’s perfectly acceptable to leave her in your past if that’s where she wants to stay.

4. You’ve sacrificed more than you’ve gained.

There’s a misconception that relationships are about sacrifice, 50-50. That’s a bunch of bullshit if I ever heard any. If you’re actively sacrificing in your relationship, either you’re making yourself a martyr, or your partner doesn’t really love you. Being in love entails that you would put your partner’s needs ahead of your own, at least some of the time. But if it doesn’t go both ways, you’re just being used.

I know it can be tempting to give yourself fully to someone, especially if you think they “should be” perfect for you. I’ve been there, time and time again (because apparently I never learn). But you shouldn’t have to give up who you are or where you come from in order to make your partner happy. You also shouldn’t have to ask yourself what you’re getting out of it – because when you and your partner are truly in love with one another, you don’t need to keep score.

Now, because you shouldn’t actually be keeping score, it is completely normal for things to get a little skewed – so make sure you’re discussing your partner’s needs with her, too. She may be losing herself, too, and it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with either one of you – you’re just not right for each other.

5. You’re afraid for your physical or emotional wellbeing.

As much as I wish I could tell you that abusive relationships only happen in after-school specials or to “other people”, the reality is that anyone can be in an abusive relationship, and getting out isn’t as simple as it might look from the outside. Outsiders might find themselves judging the person who stays, or they might judge the person who leaves. There’s no real way to tell what could happen next, so we hope for the best with the choices we make.

In this situation, our empathetic nature takes over and we try to put ourselves in everyone else’s shoes. We base our decisions on what we would do if we were looking at the situation from the outside, instead of remembering that we are the ones stuck in our situation. The only person whose happiness we’re responsible for is our own. You can’t fix a person who doesn’t respect you, and you don’t deserve to stay in a life of fear. You deserve so much better.

One of the scariest parts of being in an abusive relationship is that the abuser may make you question whether you’re imagining it all. Other people might not see the horrible things that happen, because your abuser is on their best behavior when there are witnesses. They may even try to convince you that you’re getting what you deserve – but I promise you, the person who really loves you would never intentionally hurt you. Please, seek help from a trusted friend or family member, and get out as soon as you can. Don’t wait until it escalates to violence.

20 Totally Unique Date Ideas You’ve Probably Never Thought Of

When we go on dates, we tend to focus on the classics: Dinner and a movie, possibly followed by a quick walk back to your place. Or, you try to mix things up, and you end up at a museum or library or an aquarium. But what are you supposed to do if you’re still bored with all your date options?

We’ve gathered up 20 date ideas that we’re pretty sure you haven’t been on with your partner yet – but that we think you’ll totally enjoy. Try them out, and see how they work for you! There are no limits to the amount of fun you can have together when you put your mind to it.

1. Two-person ice cream social or dessert crawl.

Are you itching for a sweet treat to share with your sweet treat? Make a point to visit all your local bakeries, dessert shops, cafes, or other confectionary delights with your boo. Some areas might even have independent vendors and merchants – try their treats to simultaneously help support small businesses!

2. Have sex somewhere new and exciting.

Don’t get me wrong – when you’re having sex with the right person, even the same old bedroom can be a super exciting place. But if you’re looking to light a fire within your relationship, having sex somewhere new can instantly make a difference. Just make sure you’re courteous to those around you, and don’t break any local noise or public indecency ordinances.

3. Get classy day-drunk and take in your local culture.

Okay, I know, the line between “classy day-drunk” and “passed out before 2 pm” is pretty thin sometimes. I think we’ve all been there before. (Or, at least, I tell myself we’ve all been there so I feel better about the dark times I did it.) But for the less sophisticated among us (ahem, me), nothing quite matches the feeling of being tipsy off champagne and looking at art. Or books. Or musicians in the park. Doesn’t really matter if the champagne is good enough.

4. Window shop in home and furniture stores.

If you’re already living with your partner, it might seem like home improvement shopping is the least romantic date you could go on. For some of us, home improvement projects even bring about feelings of dread and anxiety. But when you go in knowing that you’re not going to buy anything, what could easily become a boring sponge to soak up your entire paycheck can easily become a childlike game of hide-and-seek or a plan for a future dream house. Have fun with it!

5. Take skydiving, paragliding, or cliff jumping classes.

Looking for a real thrill? If you and your partner are both adrenaline junkies, these activities are a great way to get the heart pumping and create long-lasting memories you’ll be proud to share with friends and family. Just make sure you’re following all proper safety protocol – there are huge risks involved if you don’t!

6. Get tattoos or piercings together.

Now, I don’t personally recommend matching tattoos, or tattoos of each other’s names. I’m not usually a superstitious person but I know far too many people in my life who have an ex’s name tattooed on them, and not enough people who have their current partner’s name tattooed on them, if you catch my drift. You should each pick something that has symbolic (or aesthetic) significance to you, and set appointments for the same date and time to carpool together.

7. Attend a show with a band you’ve never heard of.

Music has the power to connect people, and it has the power to change your entire frame of mind. You’ll never know if you like a particular band until you give them a chance, so why not take a leap and attend a concert you haven’t been excited about for months? You might find a new favorite song, and you’ll definitely find a once-in-a-lifetime memory with your partner.

8. Camp in your own back yard.

I happen to live in the middle of a rural area, so my back yard might be a little more beneficial for this – but anyone with any size back yard, or with money to rent a secluded cabin, can take part in an awesome date under the stars. If it’s safe to build a campfire in your area (and you can do so without being fined), it’s a great opportunity to stay up until dawn discussing your life’s dreams… and then watch the sunrise together in the morning.

9. Go car camping.

Personally, I have a dream that my second vehicle is going to be a full-featured RV with all the latest technological advancements. In my mental picture, this car has a bed, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a writing area, so I’d never actually have to leave it, except to explore the world around me. But until then, the seats on my Chrysler recline – and I fully intend to take advantage of that when the weather is nice.

10. Play truth or dare or 7 minutes in heaven.

Those silly games we played as teenagers are, truthfully, still totally fun as adults. Except now, as an adult, you have the ability to buy the good alcohol, instead of just what your friend’s older sister would pick up for you. You’ve also got the maturity to dedicate all your questions to one person, instead of scoping out every hottie in the room after a couple of beers. Use it!

11. Go to your local gun range.

It probably doesn’t seem like the most romantic solution. But, when you think about it, shooting a gun (and doing so properly and legally) is very similar to a loving and healthy relationship. You need to be adequately prepared (properly licensed and trained), you need to be dedicated (and committed enough to wait any mandatory background checking period), and self-control (as in, you don’t shoot at targets that don’t belong to you). What a perfect metaphor for the adventurous couple!

12. Have a picnic in an exciting location.

Have you ever had pizza and beer on top of a roof, or tandoori chicken in a treehouse? What about sub sandwiches in a library? Sometimes, the simplest change to make is a change of scenery, so give your relationship a boost by taking the mundane to all-new places.

13. Go on a no-GPS-allowed road trip.

It can be a little scary to go for a road trip without knowing where you’re going beforehand, but when you’ve got your partner-in-crime riding shotgun, there’s nowhere left for fear (except maybe the back seat). Go off exploring, but set yourself a deadline – if you haven’t found your way home by dawn, make sure you stop somewhere to take a nap.

14. Attend random local events.

Most cities have that one thing they’re well known for. My city is known for the olive festival. The last city I lived in had the asparagus festival. Whatever your region takes pride in, you should take pride in it, too! Make a date with your honey to learn the rich history, and maybe meet some new couple friends, too.

15. Play miniature or disc golf.

When it comes to physical activity, golf (of any kind) is pretty much on the low-impact list. But it can be a lot of fun, especially if you’re both out of practice – you might even meet some interesting new people. (Or, you might fall into a water hazard and find out it’s not for you – either way, you’ll have fun and make some memories.)

16. Take pictures at the highest point in town.

Many cities have designated lookout points, but for those that don’t, you’ll want to find somewhere with a high vantage point and lots of natural lighting – either through windows or open air. No matter where your place happens to be, make sure you get some good pictures of the area and commemorate your new special spot.

17. Go to a karaoke bar.

If you’ve never been out to a karaoke bar before, you’re in for a treat – even the shyest of people seem to come out of their shell once you put alcohol and a microphone in the room together. Even if drunken singing isn’t your personal idea of a good time, going to the karaoke bar with your partner can expose you to people who make you feel better about your own talents, as well as people who completely blow your mind with skill. (But, of course, you should totally go on stage, too.)

18. Play hooky at the arcade.

Believe it or not, those old coin-operated arcades of our childhood still exist and are still an incredible source of fun and shenanigans. Some arcades may even offer ticket exchanges, allowing you to bring the charm of the carnival right to your lady’s night stand, year round.

19. Build a blanket fort or tree house together.

Okay, I know this list has a lot of childlike stuff on it – but blanket forts and tree houses are solid make-out spots that will have you feeling like a teenager in no time. Whether you’ve been together for twenty years or twenty minutes, the fun of creating a special haven for your love is hard to deny.

20. Go skinny dipping.

Officially, I should warn you that skinny dipping is actually illegal some places. Especially if you’re doing it in public, like at a hotel or a community pool. So, officially, I’m not telling you that you should sneak into a hotel pool and strip off all your clothes. (But… You know… You totally should.)

What other unique date ideas can you come up with? Share them in the comments – and let us know how these ideas worked out for you and your girlfriend!

She’s Just Not That into You: 5 Signs You’re More in Love Than She Is

In a relationship, it’s completely normal for one person to be feeling it more than the other. In fact, if you two are in total sync, all the time, chances are there’s nowhere for the relationship to grow. But what do you do when one of you is feeling it way more than the other? This causes severe pain and heartbreak, since one person is totally invested and the other might not even care if they wake up tomorrow and it’s all gone.

Thankfully, most of the time, this off-balanced-ness is just temporary. From month to month, day to day, sometimes even hour to hour, there’s a constant ebb and flow that leads to the two of you doing what you can to keep the spark alive. If it’s unnatural for one of you to feel more in love than the other, don’t worry – that’s just a sign that you’re actually in it for the long haul. However, relationship coach and therapist Kristy De Leon recommends that you pay attention to this balance between you, and identify when the scales start tipping a little too far.

According to De Leon, “Depending on what is going on in the relationship, one person will typically feel like they are giving more love than the other person. But it is crucial to realize that these are moments, unless of course the partner has become physically or mentally ill. Then the person must decide if they want to be in this kind of relationship and can accept the new limitations on their partner’s affection. Or, if the person feels like it has been months now that they are putting in the majority of the love and effort, then it is time to talk. It is not healthy for the person or the relationship to be one-sided. Then it is not a healthy relationship; it’s an arrangement out of convenience.”

Are you worried that your relationship might be headed off to that one-sided land of dread? Check out the following list to see what some of the big signs are – and what you might be able to do about them.

Sign #1: She calls all the shots.

Picture the scene: Your friends want to go on a big trip, but your girlfriend proposes a spontaneous romantic getaway that has to happen at the exact same time. When you propose going out with your friends on a different weekend, that idea is shot down too – compromise is not on the agenda today. Since you love her, and you love how assertive she is about what she wants, you give in. Over time, she learns that she doesn’t have to compromise, because you’re going to do whatever she says anyway.

Even if this starts out with the best of intentions (as hard as it is to be selfish with good intentions), it’s going to turn sour. Relationships are supposed to benefit both people, otherwise, why be in one? If you’re doing all the work and she’s just making all the plans – regardless of what you want to do – it might be time to walk away. She doesn’t want a girlfriend, she wants a puppet, and you’re giving her exactly that.

Sign #2: She never hits you up – you have to take the first step every time.

Let’s look at another scene now. You and your girlfriend talk every day, and it’s great – but you can’t remember the last time she texted you without just replying to something you said. You make the plans and then have to chase her down for a response. You send her a “good morning” text, and then wait around for her to respond. It could just be that you’re quicker to get to your phone – but it could also be a sign that she’s just going through the motions, knowing that you’re going to pick up the slack.

Want to see if she’s really just following along because “that’s what you do”? Make a point to not text her first for a period of time. Be careful with this one, because it is a bit of a mind game, but the woman who’s truly “just a little busy” will probably hit you up when she has a chance. If days go by before she realizes that you haven’t made any effort, you might need to evaluate why you’re with her. You’re not really keeping her happy – you’re just keeping her entertained. (The difference is subtle, but definitely there.)

Sign #3: She forgets the important milestones in your relationship.

When a woman is in love, it’s our tendency to remember all the little details that make the relationship special. Things like the first kiss, first date, and first wall-crawling-intense orgasm are going to be ingrained into her head, and while she might not remember every last detail, she is going to make a point to remember the things that are important. She’ll probably share these things with her friends, too, which isn’t a sign of loose lips – it just means that you’re important to her.

On the other hand, if she’s forgetting all of them, it probably means that you aren’t that important to her. The list doesn’t need to be tit-for-tat, with each of you remembering every single thing that happened, or even an exactly equal spread. Most likely, some things are going to be more important to one of you than the other. But if you have to bring up every important occasion before she’ll make a note of them, chances are, she’s not that into you.

Sign #4: She won’t go “Facebook official”.

Okay, so the whole world doesn’t need to know all your business. I totally get that, and I totally agree. But when you love someone, you’re going to want to show them off – at least to some extent. (I know, there are private people out there. I’ve never really been one of them, but whatevs.) This is particularly a bad sign if she removes the official status on her social media accounts after they’ve already been there – this could be a sign that she’s opening herself up to other options.

She definitely doesn’t need to post a thousand pictures of the two of you together (and if you post a shit-load of “us-ies”, you might need to cut back). But if you’ve been together for more than a few months and she doesn’t have one single mention of you anywhere on her social media profiles, there could be a cause for concern. If she’s not letting others know that she’s in a relationship, there might be a reason for it.

Sign #5: She never has time for you.

In the beginning of the relationship – the honeymoon phase, if you will – it’s normal to want to be together as much as possible. But there’s a big difference between “going out a lot” and “spending every waking minute together” – and if one of you wants to hang out daily and the other only wants to chill once a week, or even just a couple times a month, there’s a good chance that your expectations are mismatched. It’s possible that she’s brushing you off because she’s not into you at all, but it’s also possible that you’re smothering her.

Try to take a step back from things, and give her some room to breathe. If she responds by approaching you when she’s got a bit of free time – and it’s not just for sex or a party – you were probably just asking too much from her. If she responds to your radio silence with even more radio silence, she’s probably not that into you. Unfortunately, we can’t really control how our feelings develop for a person, and too much togetherness can seriously put a damper on the process of getting to know each other. It’s possible that it’s too late to fix things – so try to keep a level head, and avoid smothering your next partner, too.

New Short Film Exposes How Subtle, But Dangerous Emotional Abuse Can Be (Video)

Written by and starring Ali Vingiano and Brittany Ashley, the new 15-minute film for BuzzFeed video, tells the story of the devastating reality of being in an emotionally abusive and unhealthy relationship.

Talking to The Huffington Post, Vingiano explained the importance of the video

We hadn’t seen emotional abuse honestly depicted much in TV or media, and we especially hadn’t seen a story showing it within a lesbian relationship.

Vingiano said that while the film tells a fictional story, they did draw on their own personal experiences to shed light on the often overlooked traits that make a relationship an abusive one.

We wanted to show how hard it can be to realize you’re in an unhealthy relationship, and how abuse isn’t always physical.”

Unhealthy Relationships shows those hardly noticeable moments that we so often excuse. Like constantly monitoring who a partner is texting, demeaning a partner in front of their friends and being generally passive aggressive and controlling.

Watch the video below.

How to Deal with Your First Crush on a Girl

Crushes can be hard. We tend to blow things up in our minds, and we get fixated on every little thing they say – never 100% sure if they meant it the way we took it, or if they meant something else entirely. (Although, of course, that’s true with any interaction with another person – their words aren’t necessarily their true intentions.)

Having your first crush on someone who’s the same gender as you can be even harder. Not only are you dealing with the “normal”, everyday crush stuff, but you also might be struggling with your sexuality. Many people have been conditioned to reject their sexuality if it doesn’t fall within the “acceptable heterosexual range”, even if those exact words are never used. Truly, there’s something that just sets most people off… Even if we’ve been raised in a loving, supportive family.

No matter which type of home you come from, and regardless of whether you’re still living there or not, navigating those treacherous first-timer problems can be difficult, if not impossible, unless you’ve got a strong support system. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. (And, if you do need additional help, you’re always welcome to write in and let us know the situation – we’ll do our best to figure it out together.)

Read on to learn how to deal, with as little pain as possible.

Try to understand the crush.

Not all crushes are created equal, and if it’s your first time being into a girl, it might not necessarily mean anything. Sometimes, we can mistake our adoration for our friends as something more, particularly if our love life is lacking. (Personally, I think this is the most common cause of the Bestie Crush, but I have no information to back this up, besides personal experience.) Have you been friends with this person for a long time, or do they embody the traits you wish you had yourself?

In most cases, the people we develop crushes for have some quality that we feel we are lacking. If you meet someone who’s adventurous and brave, while you’re meek and shy, you’ll probably be drawn to them a little more. Likewise, outgoing and adventurous people are often drawn to people who are soft-spoken and introverted. This type of balance is necessary in life, but if that’s the only thing drawing you in, it might not be the greatest idea to act on the crush.

In other cases, we develop crushes on people who remind us of our “preferred” parent – so those who were raised by a strong mother figure may be more inclined to be attracted to another strong female figure. It’s a little creepy to think of your romantic life this way, so let’s frame it differently: We want to find a partner who reminds us of the best parts of our lives. Since our parents are often what makes or breaks our childhood, it makes a lot of sense to lean toward someone who gives us similar feelings and experiences.

Neither of these necessarily mean you have any coming out to do, though – sometimes, a crush really is just a crush. It’s not worth the risk of potentially alienating your family and friends if you’re not totally sure that you’re really into women. If there’s a chance that it might be something more, I recommend doing a little more “research” before you make any label decisions.

Decide if you want (or need) to act on the crush.

Since we’ve already established that sometimes a crush is just a crush, it makes sense that not every crush needs to be acted on. If you think that exploring the crush in greater detail will help you figure things out, great – but keep in mind that your feelings don’t come with obligations for her. You can’t really convince someone to be into you if they’re not, and if that’s your intention, you need to stop, for your own sake. Trust me – pining for someone who has no interest in you is just heartbreaking, and actually preventable.

In some cases, though, exploring the crush a little deeper can run the risk of major heartbreak, and a potential loss of the friendship. (We all hope we’ll be the exceptions, of course, but you’re setting yourself up for disappointment if you think you can will it to work out. You can’t.) Crushes on coworkers who have openly identified as straight, for example, are a potential for high-risk, as are crushes on your lifelong best friend.

We talk a lot here about how you can’t stay friends with someone you’re in love with – but this is where it’s important to remember that a crush is definitely not love. Having a crush on someone you see every day is going to be hard, but in time, you might be able to work around your feelings and find a solution that doesn’t involve the embarrassment of putting yourself out there. It should be noted that you probably don’t want to skip every chance, but sometimes, it really is best to back down.

Decide how you will act on the crush.

If you’ve decided that you’re going to bring it up to the other person, there’s not really a specific protocol to use – it’s just a matter of finding the courage to say something. In my personal experience, texting (while totally impersonal and lacking in nonverbal cues) is often the easiest route to take. You have time to proofread everything and make sure it sounds the way you want it to, and you have time to decide if you really want to do this. You can even save it as a draft and come back to it tomorrow if you want!

But, as mentioned, texting is super impersonal, and you might not even have the number of the person you’re trying to text. It can take just as much courage to ask them for their number, knowing full-well that you plan to text them about your crush on them, as if you just asked them out in the first place. In these situations, a hand-written note can go a long way – while still maintaining the leverage of being able to “sleep on it” until you’re fully ready.

For the more outgoing among us, coming right out and telling her is probably the easiest way to handle it. After all, why waste time adding extra steps for yourself if you don’t have to?

Be clear about your situation.

It’s normal for people to keep some portion of their sexual and romantic lives to themselves, so it might be necessary to clear up any confusion. If this will be your first time with a woman, let her know. If you’ve hooked up with women before but never had a crush on one, let her know that, too. You don’t have to divulge every detail of your life, but you should be willing to let her know the basics as they pertain to her.

What if you’re not clear about your situation, exactly? Well, that’s not necessarily a problem… As long as you let the woman know that you’re a bit confused at the moment. Most women fear the idea of being played, and if you’re not honest about your intentions, you are playing her. Many women are open to the idea of experimentation, as long as the person on the other side of the scenario is honest about it. Make sure you’re not misrepresenting yourself to get your way!

Be okay with the outcome.

No matter what happens when you tell your crush how you feel (if you tell her how you feel), you need to hold your head high and be confident in your decision to speak out. In some cases, your crush will respond with the same feelings you have – go for it! But, in other cases, she might shoot you down. Even less likely is the chance of her completely destroying you with the information you give her. We all hope that won’t be the case – and I promise I’m rooting for you! – but having someone out you before you’re ready to be out is a horrible feeling, one that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

The easiest way to disarm someone’s ability to out you is, of course, to come out on your own – but I don’t recommend rushing to any labels before you’ve had a chance to explore your feelings in depth. As wonderful of a feeling as coming out can be, it can also be devastating, depending on your own particular situation. Likewise, if you live with conservative family members or you live somewhere that discrimination hasn’t been decriminalized yet, coming out should definitely be saved until you’re certain that the benefits will outweigh the risks. The risks will never truly go away, of course, but approaching them from a position of clarity will make it easier to stand your ground now.

Now that we’ve covered the potential harm, let’s discuss the potential benefits of letting your crush know how you feel. First, you’ll have the relief of getting a “secret” off your chest. Secrets aren’t good for your mental health, and too many secrets can cause serious long-term problems. Second, she may feel exactly the same way, and you can explore your newfound attraction together. She might turn out to be the love of your life – I’ve known some women whose first relationship with another woman was one of their longest! Lastly, you might have the chance to clarify your feelings and determine whether the crush was a fluke or if you really are into women. Sure, you might find out that it was a one-time thing, and that’s okay. There’s a reason experimentation is so common.

Don’t give up after the first woman.

So what if this first girl crush didn’t result in any clarity, any steamy sex, or even so much as a smile-and-blush? Believe it or not, that’s okay, too. If it’s something that still weighs on your mind, there’s never a deadline to explore it. It’s unlikely that your first crush is going to be “the one” anyway, and trying to paint her as such might make her uncomfortable. Besides – life is all about experimenting and having fun, and if you’re too fixated on a single woman (who may have even rejected you), you’re not going to find the happiness you deserve. Try to focus on the upside, and if it doesn’t work out, tomorrow is always another day.

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3 Things “The Bachelor” Can Teach You About Your Love Life

Dating shows are one of my guilty pleasures. I don’t really watch them that often, but when I do, I usually find myself yelling at the screen (much like the sportier type might be caught yelling during a football game). Shen the contestants are so obviously clueless about how “real” relationships work, I get a little crazed.

I guess that comes with the territory, though. Die-hard romantic types usually come in one of two varieties: The “don’t settle for someone based on a small amount of information”, like myself, or the “love at first sight is a combination of chemistry and fate”, like most of the people I see in these shows. I don’t think there’s really a benefit of one over the other, as long as everyone involved is giving themselves a fair chance at happiness.

Remarkably, though, one of the shows that should serve the least amount of relationship motivation – “The Bachelor” – actually serves up more good advice than you might expect. Curious? Here are 3 things I’ve learned.

1. We need the opinions of others to help keep our emotions in check.

I’m not sure if it’s universal, but most of the people I’ve talked to have dated at least one person who everyone in their life had an issue with. Personally, I refer to this ex as Big Ex, but some people may have had more than one. When Big Ex and I were together, I often heard negative – even downright nasty – things about her from my friends and family, and later on, even her friends and family. But, of course, I dismissed all this advice because it wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

Likewise, in every season of The Bachelor, there’s one person that the audience just loves to hate. Whether this person is just irritating, a little manipulative, or downright evil will definitely vary from season to season. One thing’s for sure, though – the rest of the house absolutely cannot stand them, and makes a point to tell the bachelor or bachelorette – but it falls on deaf ears.

What does this mean for your own love life? Well, simply put, if you keep hearing the same type of information, maybe you should take it to heart. There might be something that you’re not seeing, but the ones who aren’t totally infatuated with your love interest can. These things are probably hard to hear, and of course the reliability of the source does play a role here, too, but statistically speaking, it’s unlikely that all of your friends and family would be talking trash on someone who makes you happy unless they had a very good reason.

2. There’s a fine line between “losing your inhibitions” and “losing your cool”. Learn where it lies for you.

When meeting someone new, especially if it’s a blind date, it’s normal to try to get intoxicated in order to make the process a little easier on yourself. Just a sip or two here, a hit or two there, and suddenly your worries go away. Alcohol and recreational drugs can be an effective way to temporarily get rid of feelings of awkwardness, but chances are, it’s not going to make a good impression.

Think about every season premiere of The Bachelor. There’s always going to be that one person who gets completely hammered and makes a complete ass out of themselves. Maybe the contestant forgot to stop sipping when they felt OK, or they just don’t know their limits in the slightest. But, you can easily recognize them by the lack of clothing and coherent sentences. This doesn’t usually go over too well.

I think this is an especially big problem in the queer community, since so many of us lack LGBT-friendly meeting places that don’t revolve around alcohol and slimy bathroom stalls. The temptation to drink can be high. There’s also a high instance of substance abuse in the queer community, and taking just a bit too much can happen to anyone – even if you’ve been using your drug of choice for years. Your romantic interest will definitely notice that there’s something amiss, even if he or she can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, so it’s best to avoid the temptation altogether.

If you can’t handle a first date (or a set-up) completely sober, try to find where your personal limits lie. This limit is most likely going to change, but you want to set a good first impression – and you’ll want to remember it. Think about it: If you get married in a few years, wouldn’t you like to be able to tell your “first glance” story in front of your parents without getting lectured? Well, you might not need to worry about that if you screw things up on the first day.

3. A little creativity makes all the difference.

Why is it that most people opt for the standard, decades-old first date, regardless of their particular situation? I know, it seems like most of the good ideas have already been used up – but have you ever thought about coming up with a new fantastic first-date idea? Some of the best dates I’ve ever been on involved a middle school band concert, breaking into an abandoned house*, or going skinny dipping at a hotel*.

On the show, the first dates are never anything ordinary. There’s a team of writers and producers behind the scenes lining everything up, and their budget is significantly higher than the average person’s. (Well, unless you also display ads to millions of people every year, but that’s not realistic for most of us.) That doesn’t mean you can’t take some creative risks when it comes to planning your dates, though – don’t you want to be the first date she remembers in 10-15 years?

No ideas, or no money? Don’t worry. We’ve got a handy guide for unique date ideas, as well as a list of things you can do for little-to-no money. When all else fails, take a hint from your favorite television shows, and adapt one of your favorite romantic scenes to work with the budget you have. But whatever you do – don’t just take her back to your couch. Save your Netflix-and-chill for when you love her enough to share your password.

(* = Please note that both of these things are technically illegal, so do them at your own risk. I was a dumb teenager when I did them and have learned a lot since then. Also, if you do decide to break into an abandoned house, make sure you don’t actually damage anything – you can have charges pressed against you for this, in addition to breaking-and-entering charges. Depending on how long the house has been abandoned, it can make for some interesting photographs, though.)