Tag Archives: feature

Ghostbusters’ Director Says He Can’t Confirm If Kate McKinnon’s Character In The Film Is Gay

Since the reboot was announced, people have been losing their sh*t over the new Ghostbusters simply because the ghost-busting crew is an all female cast.

But what seems to freaking people out more, is the possibility of Kate McKinnon’s character being gay female Ghostbuster.


Sadly Ghostbusters director Paul Feig (also responsible for Bridesmaids and Freaks and Geeks) talks right around the subject in an interview with The Daily Beast’s Jen Yamato, even as he assures us that he hates doing so.

I hate to be coy about it. But when you’re dealing with the studios and that kind of thing… You know, Kate is who she is and I love the relationship between Kate and Melissa’s characters. I think it’s a very interesting, close relationship.

If you know Kate at all she’s this kind of pansexual beast where it’s just like everybody who’s around her falls in love with her and she’s so loving to everybody she’s around. I wanted to let that come out in this character.”

I wasn’t like, ‘And now you should wink at them.’ This is stuff that is coming out of Kate! That’s why you connect with those characters. They’re playing versions of themselves. That’s what makes a comedic actor fantastic, when that personality comes out. That’s why it’s so terrible when writer-directors say, ‘Stick to the script!’ Why would you hire these people who have these enormous personalities and then just cut them off?”


It seems that given the lack of LGBT characters in major movies, the dearth of out actors, the overall avoidance of gay subject matter in Hollywood, Feig & co., had the opportunity for easy diversity and forfeited it to take the safest route possible.

Feig is coy on the matter of his character’s sexuality, but elsewhere in the interview, he pats himself on the back for what his movie’s representation represents:

“I’m proud of the fact that you have four women starring in a movie and three of them are in their forties. I really credit [former studio head] Amy Pascal and Sony for letting me do this. It’s crazy that that would be a big thing now, and it’s sad that it is. But thank god.”

New Study Concludes Lesbian Couples Five Times More Likely To Split Than Gay Men

A new study published in Ireland, on civil partnerships in the country has discovered have shown lesbian couples are more likely to separate than gay male couples.

The figures released by the Court Service show that of the 2,071 civil partnerships entered into between 2011 and 2015, 6% had now been dissolved.

However, when the figures were broken down into female and male same-sex couples, lesbians were far more likely to break up than gay men.

In fact, around 12% of lesbian partnerships had been dissolved by the end of last year, compared with just 2.4% cent of gay partnerships.

According to The Independent these figures are in line with international trends.

The data also showed that heterosexual divorce in Ireland was the highest it has ever been in 2015 with the majority of applications for divorces and separations made by wives.

6 Relationship Traps To Avoid At All Costs

Sometimes, it can seem like keeping your relationship afloat is nothing but hard work. Sure, she makes you happy, and you’re great together, but there are so many social rules you have to remember. After all, every relationship you’ve been in before her has ended – and that puts a lot of pressure in this one working out. (Or, at least it can seem like that – really, if it doesn’t work out, it wasn’t really meant to work out.)

Is it really that difficult, though, or are you just overcomplicating things? We’ve got the top six reasons relationships end, so you can avoid the biggest problems. If you do notice a problem, make sure you work it out before things get out of your control!

1. Never let your anger run the show.

Some people think that happy couples never fight. That’s not true. Happy couples just know what’s worth fighting about, and what’s better left alone. They take time to cool off before discussing things, so that they don’t say or do things they’ll regret.

2. Don’t gloss over the tough parts – talk about them!

Happy couples know that you can’t just ignore problems – you have to face them head-on and come up with a proactive solution. The sooner you get these talks out of the way, the better, too – many of the biggest issues can be prevented if you only work together.

3. Never break your partner’s trust.

It’s a given, but just in case you missed the memo: Once your trust has been broken, it’s pretty much impossible to get that back. The obvious solution is to do everything in your power to make sure you don’t lose your partner’s trust. Even little white lies add up over time, so make sure you’re being truthful with her.

4. Don’t avoid confrontation – but always fight fair.

During those inevitable spats, happy couples make sure they don’t say or do anything they’d regret. They know that a fight doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the relationship, and that the end of a relationship doesn’t change what it meant while they were in it – so they keep name-calling and other low blows out of it.

5. Never use sex to control or manipulate each other.

Happy couples know that sex is something you give to someone you care about, not something you use as a punishment/reward system. Their only motives for whether or not to have sex are a) do we both want it? And b) do we have enough time?

6. Don’t wait until tomorrow to solve your problems.

If you want to be really, truly happy in your relationships (and life in general), you can’t wait for some day in the future to fix things. Happy couples take note when things start to bother them, and make a point to bring it up before it festers too long. This leads to open communication and a fighting chance at forever.

9 Reasons Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You

It’s a really sad day when you find out that the woman you’re crazy about has been cheating on you with someone else. Whether you find out she’s been sexting someone on the other side of the planet or you find out you’ve actually been the side chick for the last year and a half, the humiliation of having your expectations shattered by someone you see as just a random tramp can be devastating.

Chances are, however, that she’s not random. You have to remember that your girlfriend is the one who promised her loyalty to you – and, in many cases, the other woman is essentially innocent. Don’t blame a stranger for your terrible partner. Chances are, your partner was terrible before she got there.

1. Women long for affection, attention, and appreciation.

One of the leading reasons for infidelity in relationships is that one partner is feeling neglected, unappreciated, or sex-starved. In a perfect world, she’d bring this up to her girlfriend and they’d work things out, but reality doesn’t always work like that. When two women (who are both starved for these key components of love) happen to meet and start spending more time around each other, emotions and intimacy are bound to get confusing. It’s in our nature.

Now, this doesn’t excuse the act of cheating, and it certainly doesn’t mean the side chick should be protected from hearing the way you feel. Just remember that the other woman wasn’t the only one involved in the decision for your partner to be unfaithful. She might not have even known the position she was getting into.

2. Your partner felt it was OK to go behind your back.

Regardless of whether or not the affair was “justified”, your partner is the one who made the decision to keep things from you. Your partner is the one who opened the door for someone else to enter your relationship. In a truly honest relationship, one where both partners respect and value each other, there’s no opportunity for anyone else to step in.

In some cases, your partner won’t exactly “mean” to cheat on you. She might have been too drunk at a party, or gotten caught up in an emotional moment. This doesn’t automatically excuse her from what she did. If it was truly a mistake, she should be the first one to come to you – and not because she’s afraid you’ll find out from someone else. If she acts as if what you don’t know can’t possibly hurt you, she doesn’t respect you as an equal.

3. Being a side chick is less of a commitment than having a “real” relationship.

As unfortunate as it is, I’d be remiss if I told you that there was no such thing as a woman who prides herself on destroying relationships. These women do exist, and they’re some of the worst to deal with. They may feel that they’ve done nothing wrong, because they don’t respect the boundaries of relationships, or they might just not care because they’re just looking for an easy way to fulfill their physical needs.

Of course, in this situation, it’s still not entirely the side chick’s fault – she’s still only half of the equation. Even if she was totally on board with sleeping with someone who was already in a relationship, your girlfriend still allowed her to enter your relationship. Placing the blame entirely on this other woman, as easy as it may be to do so, is not the right answer.

4. Taboo equals thrilling.

There’s something intense about doing something you’re not supposed to do. It’s an adrenaline rush, and different people get that rush in different ways. Just as there are some people who get off on robbing banks or dressing up as bunnies, there are people who get off on being unfaithful. For some people, it may even be a part of their personality. These types of people tend to do better in open relationships, but not all monogamously-challenged people fully understand their relationship style.

Does this mean that you have to accept your partner’s infidelity, or forgive her and start again as a polyamorous couple? No – not if you’re not comfortable with it. The fact still remains that she snuck around behind your back and did something she knew you wouldn’t be comfortable with. However, if you want to give the open relationship a chance (and she wants to, also), there’s no real way to know if it works for you unless you try it. Just be warned that you might still end up hurt in the end.

5. They assume you’ll never find out.

Most people don’t set out to cheat on someone with the intention of their partner finding out about it. In fact, most people who are unfaithful will go out of their way to cover it up. They might pride themselves on their ability to be sneaky, or they might think that you don’t pay close enough attention to them. Whatever the reason is, she thought she was going to get away with it.

The other side of the coin is that, eventually, there comes a time in almost every affair where the spurned partner will find out. Usually, this results in the cheater confessing, out of guilt and fear that someone else will tell before they have a chance to. This is one of the lowest forms of relationship disrespect, because your girlfriend didn’t even think you deserved to know.

6. She doesn’t really love you.

I’ve long felt that someone who’s okay with cheating on someone else and destroying their trust can’t possibly love the person they’re with. I’m not really sure if that’s exactly true, but I know that I’ve personally never been able to wrap my head around an open relationship with someone I really cared about. I can’t pretend to speak for everyone, but I know that some of the women who have strayed outside my relationship with them definitely did not love me.

If you think she loves you, but just has an issue staying faithful to a single partner, you can try the open relationship thing – if you’re comfortable with it. However, whether she loves you or not, no one is worth putting your heart through the wringer – so if you can’t handle the thought of sharing your boo, it might be best to just walk away.

7. She may be lying to the side chick, too.

As much as it sucks to admit, sometimes your scummy girlfriend is just a scummy girlfriend – whether you’re ready to assign the blame to her or not. Just because you’re not ready to admit it doesn’t mean she didn’t really do you wrong, so do your best to put the blame where the blame is due.

When you catch your girlfriend cheating, it’s easy to shift the blame to the other person, because you don’t want to admit that the person you love doesn’t love you. But her other woman has literally nothing to do with you, in most cases. Unless you personally knew this other woman, and you know for a fact that she knew your girlfriend was taken, you can’t reasonably hold her responsible.

8. Roughly half of all people, male or female, gay, straight, or bisexual, will be unfaithful at some point in their lives.

It’s unfortunate, but statistically, cheating isn’t as uncommon as you might hope it is. Thankfully, the acceptance of polyamorous relationships is making it less likely that those who prefer open arrangements end up with those who prefer complete exclusivity, but there are still a lot of stigmas out there – stigmas that result in good people making stupid romantic decisions.

Thankfully, that old adage “once a cheater, always a cheater” isn’t exactly true, either. Basically none of the old wives’ tales about unfaithfulness are necessarily true – they’re all a bunch of stereotypes, and we know where stereotypes come from.

9. Because she can.

The most important thing to remember is that your girlfriend cheated on you because the opportunity presented itself. Whether she created the opportunity for herself or refused to turn down the offer, she cheated – and the other girl is not the problem. Dump your scummy girlfriend, and wait for someone who will treat you right. You deserve it!

What You Need to Know About Angela Eagle, The Challenger For The Labour Leadership (And Potentially The First Lesbian To Become PM)

This week, Theresa May set to become Britain‘s second female prime minister. But out lesbian lawmaker, Angela Eagle has also launched her bid to head the rival party.

And if she defeats current leader Jeremy Corbyn, it would be the first time in British history that two women lead the top two political parties.

Eagle said in announcing her candidacy.

I am a person who brings people together, I don’t drive them apart. I will unite, I will not divide. I can bring our party together again. A kinder politics must be a reality, not just an empty slogan. The Tories may play out their game of thrones. But they have nothing to offer on the questions this country now faces. I love my party and I love my country. We are at a crossroads. I am ready to lead.”

Eagle, 55, was first elected to represent her town of Wallasey in Merseyside in 1992, came out in 1997 as only the second openly lesbian minister of parliament and has served in several governments.

She has a twin sister, Maria. They became the first twin sisters to sit on the government front bench in parliamentary history.

Her politics are liberal: she supports same-sex marriage, banning of fox hunting and assisted suicide for those with terminal illnesses.

Eagle voted against cuts to welfare, but did support the UK’s involvement in the Iraq war, supported air strikes in Syria, and the Trident nuclear weapons system.

She is known for championing women and minority rights, and campaigning for the U.K. to remain in the E.U.

Analysts describe Eagle as popular among her fellow lawmakers but lacking in the support and name recognition of her rival, Corbyn.

Eagle is from the “soft left” of the Labour Party, as opposed to Corbyn’s position on the far left.

Her challenge has angered supporters of Corbyn, who became leader after being backed by 60% of the party membership.

Eagle’s leadership challenge threatens to split the party between its MPs who have no confidence in Corbyn and party members who voted for him in 2015. A member of her local party hinted that she might also face a vote no confidence from her constituency.

Ronda Rousey Embraces Her Imperfections In New Ad: ‘I’m Fine With Not Being Perfect’

Ronda Rousey has teamed up with Reebok to talk about finding strength in those moments of vulnerability, and perfection in her imperfections.

Last year, the UFC fighter was finally deafened in match against Holly Holm. The defeat came as shock to us all, having seen Rousey successfully defended her championship for three years.

In the new campaign, #PerfectNever, is a part of Reebok’s larger Be More Human campaign, and centres around a video (below).


The video stars Rousey first in an elegant dress, showing off her more public face. Then, she transitions to less-glamorous moments full of sweat and grit.

The point: Both of those versions of her are ultimately her. And focusing on what society might consider the “more perfect” scenario denies the reality of what it takes to be fully “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey.

Perfect never gets to silence its critics. Perfect never gets a shot at redemption. So yeah, I’m fine not being perfect.”

On top of those issues, there’s the fact that Rousey is no stranger to body-shaming. Like many female athletes, she’s been on the receiving end of a barrage of online negativity.

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Speaking at in a press release, Rousey said.

There are a lot of unrealistic standards being put on everyone. I think it’s good to have examples out there who say, ‘You know what, not everyone is always going to like you, but life will go on. You’ll be okay, and you can still love yourself.’”


Serena Williams Reciting ‘Still I Rise’ Is All You Need Today (Video)

After winning her 22nd Grand Slam over the weekend at Wimbledon, Serena Williams solidified her place in history. Not only is she the greatest female athlete of our time, the 34-year-old might just be the best athlete – male or female – of this generation.

Yet, despite her continuingly dominating tennis and rack up championships, she still has her critics.

Williams’ celebrity hasn’t protected her from the viciousness of racism. Each time she adds another trophy to her collection, a loud chorus rises up to not only question her skills, instead pinning her win on pure athleticism alone, but also her femininity.

Still, she excels. So it’s only fitting BBC Sports would ask the champion to read Maya Angelou’s powerful poem, Still I Rise, to narrate her latest grand slam win.

In the two-minute epic tribute, Williams recites an abridged version of the poem.

In her post-match interviews, Williams said,

I didn’t come from any money or anything, but I did have a dream and I did have hope. That’s really all you need.”

A fitting way to honour Williams’ 22nd Grand Slam title — in addition to her general awesomeness, we presume.

‘But I’m A Cheerleader’ Director Jamie Babbit Discusses The Lack Of Feminine Lesbian Characters In Film

In the latest episode of Queerty’s Going Places director Jamie Babbit discusses the lack of feminine lesbian representation in film and how that issue inspired her to create the lesbian cult comedy But I’m A Cheerleader.

FYI, did you know it’s been 17 years since But, I’m A Cheerleader hit theatres.


Since its release, Babbit has focused mostly on television in recent years, directing episodes of shows like GirlsLooking, The L Word and Orange is the New Black.

However, she did reunite Natasha Lyonne for a new film, Addicted to Fresno.

Kristen Stewart Calls For A Female James Bond

KStew is the latest actor to call for a female James Bond.


During an interview promoting her new film Equals with E! News, she sketched out how the film franchise could introduce a woman to the role.

You start off as the Bond girl and then you think it’s just the girlfriend and then you’re like, ‘She’s actually [Bond],’ In the trailer, it’s him and then [a] bait and switch.”

Stewart also described the idea of middle-aged, white British men playing the infamous spy as “getting a little stale”.

50+ Questions To Ask Before Your Relationship Gets Too Real

Is your relationship starting to get a little serious? Maybe it’s time to ask these 46 super important questions – just to make sure you’re not setting yourself up for heartbreak. While these questions might seem random, they’re actually carefully crafted to judge some of the key areas of interpersonal compatibility. These might just make or break your entire relationship – so make sure you’re with someone you can compromise with.

What do you believe in?

What are your thoughts on abortion?

Do you have any prejudices?

What is your ultimate dream job?

Are you in debt?

To who?

How much?

How much money do you make?

What do you do for a living?

Are you impulsive or thrifty?

How much do you have in savings?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

How do you feel about monogamy?

Do you have any fetishes?

Is there anything you absolutely won’t do?

How do you feel about porn?

Do you like my family?

My friends?

Does your family like me?

Do your friends?

Do you want (more) kids someday?

How many?


If money was no object, where would you live?

Where do you realistically see yourself living?

How do you feel about dogs?


Other pets?

Do you consider yourself spiritual?

How do you feel about recreational drug use?

Medical marijuana use?

Where do your opinions stand in relation to your partner’s?

Would you feel comfortable honoring my family’s culture and heritage in our daily lives?

In our children’s lives?

How will we share our finances?

Will we have a joint bank account or maintain separate accounts?


Do you gamble?



How often?

What are your thoughts on marriage?

Last names – hyphenate, adopt, or trade?

Are there any bad habits I need to be aware of?

Are you comfortable with the risks associated here?

Do you get jealous easily?

Will you try to make me jealous?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 10?

In 50?

What’s the one thing you absolutely can’t stand?

Do I make you happy?

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4 Reasons You And Your Ex Should Never Ever Get Back Together

Hello there, and allow me to formally introduce myself. I am the queen of the on-again/off-again lesbian relationship.

I spend my spare time serving as a cautionary tale of what happens when you let good sex make up for bad behavior. I can also be used as an example of what happens when you’ve got the best sex around and are continually attracted to women who are totally out of your league.

(Or, at least, that’s what my exes would probably say, in between the break-up and make-up parts of our recurring cycle.)

After recycling a few exes in particular to stretch casual hookups out over agonizing years, I think I’ve come up with a few solid reasons why you should absolutely not go back to your ex – no matter how great she promises things are going to be this time.

Reason #1: You had a real reason to break up.

Once nostalgia starts kicking in and you’re feeling a bit lonely, it’s easy to remember all the things you loved about her in the first place. You start to think about which side of her bed is comfier, and which of her sweatshirts look the best on you. It’s easy to put together all those magical little pieces that made the relationship so spectacular.

The only problem is… It’s not spectacular anymore. No matter what the specifics were, one thing’s for sure: She’s not your one true love, or you wouldn’t have broken up. I know, I know… Everyone does it, and sometimes it turns out super awesome like in the movies. But your life is not a movie, and chances are, things haven’t changed that much. Save yourself the heartbreak.

Reason #2: It’s not worth the effort.

All relationships require work, but when you’re in a good relationship, it feels like you’re getting a valuable return on your (time) investment. Maybe you’ve got kids to think about, or nowhere else to live, and it feels like working it out with your ex is the only option. For the rest of us, though, it’s not your brain holding you to the commitments with your ex – it’s your hormones.

Now, what happens if you are totally stuck between working things out or being miserable? In most cases, this is just your brain stepping in and trying to make excuses for your hormones, by pretending it’s what’s best for your heart. It’s not what’s best for your heart – it’s what’s best for your sense of complacency. Why settle for being comfortable when you can do just as much work and be truly happy?

Reason #3: Your life is not a romcom – even if you’ve grown attached to your cast mates.

I know, I know – the urge to prove that our relationship is the exception to all the rules is super, super strong, especially when we fill that void in our heart with sappy love stories and songs about rain. TV and movie couples work their differences out no matter how big they are, and we feel hopeful that we can do the same.

You probably could do the same – if you had a whole team behind you handling makeup, wardrobe, expense reports, and dialogue. I’m not saying that your one true love doesn’t exist, but chances are, she’s not the one that everything’s gone wrong with. Most likely, she’s going to be the one who comes along and saves you from pining over the same person for the rest of your life. You can’t go out looking for her – you have to actually wait for her.

Reason #4: The only closure you need can be typed.

We often tell ourselves that we have to give it another go, “for old time’s sake”. We need to catch up. We need to get closure. We need to figure out where we went wrong last time. The truth is, you don’t need to do any of that. That’s just your hormones coming in and screwing things up for you.

If you need to catch up, you can find her on Facebook later. If you need to figure out where you went wrong so you can move on, you can get that from a text message. If you need to sleep with her one more time, try handling things yourself and see if you still want to hook up with her again. Trust me – this is solid science. There’s nothing you need to say to each other that has to be face-to-face, unless you ran over her cat or something… And then even I can’t help you.

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Amanda Nunes Wins UFC Batamweight Championship To Become First Openly Gay UFC Title Holder

Amanda Nunes, shocked the MMA world Saturday night after she defeated the heavily favoured Miesha Tate in Las Vegas to become the UFC women’s bantamweight champion.

Nunes’ victory made history as she is the first ever openly gay champion the UFC has ever crowned. She is also the first Brazilian woman to ever win a UFC championship belt.

Nunes screamed with joy after her hand was raised and the belt was placed around her waist.

After a touching embrace with the gracious Tate, Nunes spoke to UFC commentator Joe Rogan. “I feel amazing,” said an emotional Nunes who then spoke of her excitement to return to Brazil and celebrate with her family.

Nunes’ girlfriend is Nina Ansaroff, herself a UFC fighter, and they live in Orlando, Fla.


In a post-fight press conference, Nunes said

Nina is the best training partner I’ve ever had in my life. This girl is going to be the next UFC champion. I’m telling you. Look at her, she’s shy. This girl has so many talents. And she is going to be back in the cage soon and show everybody that she is going to be the next champion in UFC. It means everything to me. This girl, she helps me everyday. I love her. It’s amazing (to be first UFC gay champion). I am very happy with my life. That’s the most important thing.”

Nunes entered the fight with Tate as a big underdog, in terms of both media expectations and betting odds.

The native of Bahia, Brazil, who trains at American Top Team in Coconut Creek, Fla, had a professional record of 12-4 going into the contest. Despite having won three fights in a row (including one by submission and one by TKO) it was considered surprising that the lesser-known fighter was given the opportunity to fight Tate for the women’s bantamweight crown.

Tate had earned the belt back in March when she beat Holly Holm and many had expected Tate to fight someone with more name recognition, such as former champion Ronda Rousey.

Despite the odds being against her Nunes walked to the cage smiling, clearly knowing something many fans and media members didn’t quite believe — that she had the power and tenacity to stop Tate in under four minutes.

As soon as the bell rung the fight was all Nunes. Quickly she began landing hard punches to Tate’s head, over and over, making the then-champion both dazed and bloody.

Eventually Nunes’ strikes buckled Tate.


Along with this achievement, she will also forever be known as the woman who not only gave UFC 200 its most electrifying moments, but who finished off that landmark card with a stellar (and ferocious) performance that will long be replayed and remembered.

What’s next for Nunes? Many believe Ronda Rousey’s self-imposed exile from the sport is coming to an end, and with MMA now legal in the state of New York, Nunes’ next fight could be at Madison Square Garden against the biggest star MMA has ever seen.

If that fight happens, it promises to be yet another historic night for both the UFC and world LGBTQ sports.


Game Of Thrones’ Gemma Whelan On Yara’s Sexuality, & Her Promising Relationship With Emilia Clarke’s Daenerys

In the recently concluded season 6 of Game of Thrones, we learned that Yara is “up for anything” when it comes to romance.

However, the actress who plays the character doesn’t think that the Ironborn is bisexual.

Talking to Vulture, Gemma Whelan explained

I don’t think she’s bisexual. There’s a new saying going around, ‘pansexual,’ which means if she’s up for it … I think she says, ‘I’m up for anything.’ That’s her ethos. I don’t think she swings any way in particular, other than the way she feels at the time. She’s just open-minded, which fits the character perfectly.”

Yara’s open-mindedness was highlighted in her scene with Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) in the season’s penultimate episode, where the Ironborn – along with her brother Theon (Alfie Allen) – told the Mother of Dragons what they wanted from her and what their uncle Euron (Pilou Asbæk) wanted from her, too.

Euron is aiming for Daenerys hand in marriage for his help in taking the Seven Kingdoms, but his ultimate plan is to kill her right after she successfully ascends the Iron Throne.

When asked if she would like Yara and Daenerys’ relationship to turn romantic, Whelan told added.

Emilia and I both enjoy the idea. [Laughs.] We get along very well, so we enjoy working with each other quite a lot. So maybe! I don’t know! It’s up to the writers and the machinations of their minds. We like each other, we reflect each other, and whether it’s more than friendship is irrelevant, really.”

Would you like to see Yara and Daenerys as lovers? Vote in our poll and share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Game of Thrones season 7 is expected to premiere April next year.

Why Your Girlfriend Struggles To Climax

When we think about women who have a hard time reaching orgasm, we might scoff at the idea that it could happen to us. “Ha! I’m great in bed. I’ve never had a problem getting my girl off.” (© me, circa 2007.)

But just being good at what you do isn’t enough to guarantee your partner is going to thoroughly enjoy herself every time.

There are a number of things affecting her sex drive that have literally nothing to do with you, and to think it was all about your own skill would be just a bit narcissistic. (Hey, I was a teenager in 2007, so I was allowed to be a narcissist back then.)

According to a bunch of scientists from the International Society for Sexual Medicine, female sexual arousal disorders are a lot more common than we give them credit for.

Many women go through episodes of FSAD at least temporarily, while some women have a more chronic form of disorder.

There are a bunch of triggers involved with FSAD, and it’s not a simple take-this-and-you’re-cured scenario. Most of these triggers fall into one of the four following reasons:

She’s preoccupied.

One of the most common reasons a woman might have trouble reaching orgasm is because she has too much other stuff on her mind. Where we might assume that arousal requires more stimulation, in many cases it actually relies on less stressors – meaning you need to “switch off” your turn-offs before you can really “switch on” your arousal receptiveness. Try setting the scene for relaxation before you get intimate – it might help to give her a sensual massage, or stop by the grocery store so she doesn’t have to. Often, it only takes a small action to lighten her load and help her unwind.

Sometimes, the feelings of dread, anxiety, and worry are more than a favor or a back rub can help with. If your girlfriend seems to always have a lot on her plate, it might be helpful for her to speak to a therapist. Anxiety, depression, and a number of other mental illnesses can get in the way of day-to-day life and make it nearly impossible to keep up with what’s going on without you. Be supportive if she decides to pursue therapy – it’s a difficult decision and she needs someone in her corner.

She’s not turned on enough.

After you’ve been together for a while, it’s all too easy to forget the simple things that we used to do to get each other in the mood. Whenever you’re going through particularly big life changes, such as a move, a wedding, or a new child, it can be even more difficult to get turned on. But different people handle stressful situations in different ways – so you may be skipping foreplay to race to the end, right when she needs you to dedicate your energy on building up the finish.

These slight differences have a huge impact on our sex lives, and in my experience they tend to come at the worst time. If neither of you is paying attention to the progression, it’s easy to confuse “misplaced effort” with “incompatible sex drives”. The solution isn’t to try sex with other people – it’s to try different kinds of sex with each other. (And don’t rush into it – let it happen in its own time!)

She’s self-conscious.

One of the biggest stressors to affect our sexual arousal is self-consciousness and insecurity. We’d all like to pretend we’re perfectly confident in everything we are and everything we do, but the reality is that’s unattainable – at least for the large majority of us. So, we put on a brave face and hide the things we think are our weaknesses. But when you’re laid out naked in front of someone – physically and emotionally – our insecurities might just get a little more of our attention. Body image issues, concern about the way we smell or taste, or even feelings of guilt can work their way in at the worst time and just fuck up your whole day.

Unfortunately, self-confidence doesn’t come from other people – it comes from within. That means it’s super, super hard for you to actually influence someone else’s way of thinking about themselves. The most obvious course of action would be to help dismantle the things she’s insecure about, but that’s not always a realistic expectation. Instead, try to keep the focus off of your sex life until you’ve helped her work through some of the issues. The added pressure of feeling like she needs to perform can lead to even more feelings of self-doubt – try not to make things harder on her!

She has negative associations with her sexuality.

In most cases, these negative associations come from a history of sexual or emotional abuse, or other instances when a person feels shame for their sexual arousal. It could be hard for her to open up about this part of her past, but it’s still a very real possibility that can get in the way of a healthy sex life. Even if it hasn’t been an issue in your relationship up until this point, traumatic memories often make their way back into our daily thoughts at some point, and we can’t always prevent them from getting in the way.

What does this negative feeling surrounding her sexuality mean for your sex life? In some cases, it may mean a change is required. If, for example, she has started to feel like sex is the only thing she has to offer, it might be helpful to take a step back from the sexual component and remind her how much she means to you in other ways. If the problem is instead that she can’t focus on enjoying herself because her mind is stuck on her past experiences, she might just need a little reminder that you’re not the person who hurt her before you. I know it can seem unfair to be blamed for something that someone else did, but the brain makes unwanted connections sometimes. Try to be patient with her.

What does all this mean?

All in all, female sexual arousal disorders are more common of a problem than we thought. We’re used to hearing about these problems in post-menopausal women, but there are a number of issues that can make a bigger difference on your arousal than just hormonal changes. You should try to be supportive of your girlfriend while she’s working things out, but that doesn’t mean you need to stay quiet about how it makes you feel.

Remember, the health of your sexual relationship requires that both of you are happy. Your partner may be unaware that her arousal problems are affecting you until you tell her. She might be too wrapped up in her own thing to even notice! Just make sure that you’re bringing it to her attention without losing your temper – your sex life shouldn’t be the entire basis of your relationship, and it’s unlikely to help anything if you make her feel like it is. You both deserve happiness – so go out and find it together!

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How to Help Your Bestie Beat Her Heartbreak

One of the most painful things you can watch your best friend go through is the pain and torture of a break-up. Whether she’s on her third boo this year or it’s the first time ever, her emotions are a total wreck. You want to be there for her, but it’s exhausting, and you’re running out of ideas.

Generally, the best things to do are going to be what you would want someone to do if you were going through a heartbreak. Obviously you don’t need to break up with your girlfriend in solidarity, but she probably won’t want you to show her off right now, either. You want to keep her mind off the ex, but you also know she needs some support and a place to vent about it. You’re a great friend for keeping up with it all – here’s all the ways you can help her now.

Distract her.

One of the simplest things you can do for her is to simply distract her from her pain. Naturally, you shouldn’t just distract her from things – we can’t just run away from the unpleasantness of a breakup. Still, having a temporary reprieve from the hurt will keep her from dwelling on things, and may help her to move on. Try picking up her favorite magazine or movie, for while she’s home alone, and take her on a road trip or a night on the town. On the days she doesn’t feel like doing much, binge-watch your favorite show together, or have your own private movie marathon.

Pamper her.

When you’re just getting out of a relationship, your personal style can start to take a bit of a hit. Taking her to get her hair or nails done, or a trip to go clothes shopping, can help bring her self-image back up and make it a little easier to work through the pain. This might be particularly important if her ex was abusive, narcissistic, or otherwise a jerk (but let’s be real – everyone feels better when they feel good about themselves). Then, once she’s gotten all snazzy, take her out to a nice dinner. If the breakup was particularly rough, she might not be eating right, and malnourishment can definitely increase the effects of depression. Sweet treats can also help some, in moderation, so feel free to opt for ice cream, too.

Watch her health.

Breakups can make a huge impact on someone’s physical and mental health, so make sure you’re checking in with her from time to time. Physical activities, such as dancing and hiking, or fitness classes at your local gym, can all help push the blues away while also helping her meet her exercise needs. Some people have a hard time remembering to eat when they’re depressed, so bring her food when you can.

It might help if you create a miniature “survival kit” for her, too, with some of her favorite things, as well as a small notebook to write angry letters to the ex, or document other things she’s feeling. Then, once she’s past the worst pain, ceremonially dispose of the notebook in a way that keeps her from drudging up those ugly memories – such as at a bonfire, in a paper shredder, or simply burying it in the back yard. There’s something very therapeutic about metaphorically getting rid of the bad thoughts – it doesn’t hurt to try!

Be a little extra positive.

If she’s having a particularly rough time of it, it might be helpful to send a little extra encouragement her way. Write her a hand-written letter full of the things you love about her, or send her a charming card. If you can afford to have flowers sent to her, make sure you don’t send them from a secret admirer – this can just add to the hurt if she thinks they might be from her ex. Instead, attach a message that you think will make her laugh, and sign your name proudly. You do deserve the credit for being as awesome of a friend as you are.

Be there for her.

Even though much of the healing process centers around moving forward, it is important to take time to process the past and the present. She needs someone who’s going to listen to what she has to say and not make it about themselves. Try to resist the urge to give advice or personal stories, unless she asks for them. She’s hurting right now and there’s a chance she may lash out at you. Try not to take it too personally. She will move past this, eventually, and she’ll be grateful that you were there to support her.

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13 Little Ways To Let Your GF Know You Care

Are you struggling to find a way to show your girlfriend just how much she means to you? Maybe she’s been stressed out lately, or the two of you have been arguing, and you just want to let her know that you’re still on her team. No matter what the reason is, we’ve got some small ways you can let her know she’s still your #1, even when times get rough.

1. Have dinner waiting when she gets home.

It might seem a little archaic, but there’s nothing quite like a home-cooked meal to show your partner just how much you care about her. Even if you burn water and fumble TV dinners, you can still pick up dinner from your local take-out place and surprise her.

2. Write her a little love note.

There’s something magical about a hand-written note – and if you leave it somewhere she’ll see it when she’s getting ready, such as the bathroom mirror or the refrigerator door, it might brighten her whole morning.

3. Know her favorite song, and learn how to play it.

If you have an affinity for a certain instrument – even if it’s a plastic instrument you learned in elementary school – bust it out and get practicing!

4. Compliment her appearance.

Hey, everyone likes knowing that they look good. Make sure your girlfriend knows how attractive you find her.

5. Compliment her mind, too.

It’s super important to not feel like someone is only with you for your body – make sure she knows she’s the whole package.

6. Have coffee or breakfast ready when she wakes up.

The easier you make her morning routine, the more appreciated she’s going to feel. Trust me.

7. Make the bed without being asked.

I don’t think anyone really likes making the bed, so even if you hate it, consider that your girlfriend probably hates it, too. Extra credit if you leave chocolates on the pillow. (Totally kidding.)

8. Clean something just because you have some time.

If she’s out running errands or stuck at work and you’re home by yourself, why not knock something off her to-do list for her?

9. Offer to help her with her to-do list.

Chances are, she’ll be happy to share, and it’ll make the chores just a little less tedious.

10. Give her a massage.

After a rough day, getting a back rub from your partner is one of the simplest ways to de-stress – and it often leads to the most effective way to de-stress, if you catch my drift.

11. Surprise her with a gift or a card.

If you can afford to have flowers, chocolates, or those cheesy oversized bears delivered, go for it – but a handmade card can be equally nice.

12. Make her a playlist.

A list of your favorite road trip songs, songs that make you think of her, or the songs you want to have sex while listening to – the choices are limitless!

13. Tell her you love her, more often than you think you should.

All too often, we let ourselves fall out of saying the things our partners want to hear. It’s easy to forget that she likes to hear these things because, we figure, she already knows. But knowing isn’t the same as hearing. When you tell her how you feel about her, the reasons you’re grateful for her, and everything she means to you, she’s going to be happier – and that’s going to make you happier, too.

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‘Parks And Recreation’ Star Aubrey Plaza Comes Out As Bisexual

Parks and Recreation star Aubrey Plaza (and long-time fave of the queer community) has just come out as queer herself.

Well… perhaps ‘come out’ is the wrong word. It doesn’t appear to have been a secret, more than Aubrey confirmed herself as queer in a recent interview with The Advocate.


The actress was also asked about her role as a lesbian character in 2015 film Addicted to Fresno, saying the role was “less about pretending to be a lesbian and more about portraying a human being with a massive crush on Natasha Lyonne’s character.”

Natasha’s a friend, and she called me up, like, ‘Do you want to come do a movie and make out with me?’ I have a major crush on her in real life, so it was fun.”

And then, when asked if women ever come on to her, she said:

Oh, yeah. I don’t mind. I know I have an androgynous thing going on, and there’s something masculine about my energy. Girls are into me – that’s no secret. Hey, I’m into them too. I fall in love with girls and guys. I can’t help it.”


Having provided the voice for Grumpy Cat she added that the feline she is “definitely gay” and that “people just need to deal with it.”

5 Signs It’s Not Really Love After All

Wondering if the pain you’re trudging through is worth it? We dream of finding our fairytale romance that sweeps us off our feet… But we forget about all the frogs we might encounter along the way. (Yes, Princess Charming comes from a long line of frogs, too.) We get wrapped up in the ups-and-downs and forget to pay attention to our gut.

If you’re experiencing the following signs in your relationship, you’re not really in love – you’re just settling for a frog.

1. Your relationship doesn’t make you happy.

Everyone out there who has ever told you that “love hurts” is doing you a huge disservice. The feeling of loving someone else, and having them love you in return, is one of the most pleasant feelings on the planet. Love doesn’t hurt – but sometimes the person you love can hurt you. That doesn’t mean that you fall out of love with them – it just means that they hurt you.

Of course, all relationships are going to have their good days and their bad days. The occasional grey sky won’t take away from the beauty of the sunshine. But if your relationship makes you unhappy more than it makes you happy – if it feels like the grey sky never dries up – it’s no longer a good fit. If the person you were with truly loved you, she wouldn’t want to see you unhappy all the time – and she’d notice, or at least acknowledge it when you bring it up.

Only you can decide how much happiness you can stand. Each person is different, after all. But if you feel you’ve reached your personal limits, you and your partner will need to decide how to move forward. It’s hard to navigate a relationship that makes you unhappy and it’s not fair to either of you to force it.

2. You feel like a parent, an employee, or a trophy.

A happy, healthy relationship relies on both partners acting as equals. Some days, one of you may need to step up and take care of the other – such as when you’re sick, or when your partner loses her job – but for the most part, you should be taking on equal responsibilities. If one of you is continually acting as the sole provider, whether financially, emotionally, or sexually, there will eventually be resentment.

Now, keep in mind that some people aren’t accustomed to equal share relationships. If you’re starting to feel resentment and animosity toward your partner, it’s best if you bring it up to her first. It’s possible that she’s unaware of how you’re feeling and is just used to taking over a certain role. Additionally, some people thrive on a different balance in the relationship, such as one partner bringing in all the money and the other doing all the housework. If you’re not comfortable with the way the situation currently stands, you deserve to have your voice heard.

Sometimes, though, the damage is too far gone by the time we’re ready to bring it up. Maybe your temper got out of control and your emotions got in the way. Maybe you did bring it up, but nothing changed after two more years. It’s perfectly okay to let go of someone who isn’t ready to value you. You have no obligation to stick around while they learn how to treat you with respect.

3. She’s not ready to take the next step – at work, in your relationship, and in her life in general.

Let’s say you’ve been waiting around for the past four years for her to finally declare a major so she can graduate and get a job. Maybe you’ve been together for six years and you think it’s high time she proposed. Maybe she’s been working behind the counter at the local café since the day you met her, while you’ve recently been promoted to executive supervisor at the law firm you interned at. Whatever steps she should be taking, she’s not taking them – and you’re leaving her in the dust trails behind you.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: You do not have the right to push anyone into a change they’re not ready to make. You can help keep her on the path she’s chosen for herself, and make sure she doesn’t lose motivation. You can even give her career advice, when asked, in an effort to help her clarify her passions and goals.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to stay with someone who’s not keeping up with the pace you want. You aren’t responsible for making sure she achieves her dreams, but you are responsible for making your own dreams happen. It’s perfectly acceptable to leave her in your past if that’s where she wants to stay.

4. You’ve sacrificed more than you’ve gained.

There’s a misconception that relationships are about sacrifice, 50-50. That’s a bunch of bullshit if I ever heard any. If you’re actively sacrificing in your relationship, either you’re making yourself a martyr, or your partner doesn’t really love you. Being in love entails that you would put your partner’s needs ahead of your own, at least some of the time. But if it doesn’t go both ways, you’re just being used.

I know it can be tempting to give yourself fully to someone, especially if you think they “should be” perfect for you. I’ve been there, time and time again (because apparently I never learn). But you shouldn’t have to give up who you are or where you come from in order to make your partner happy. You also shouldn’t have to ask yourself what you’re getting out of it – because when you and your partner are truly in love with one another, you don’t need to keep score.

Now, because you shouldn’t actually be keeping score, it is completely normal for things to get a little skewed – so make sure you’re discussing your partner’s needs with her, too. She may be losing herself, too, and it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with either one of you – you’re just not right for each other.

5. You’re afraid for your physical or emotional wellbeing.

As much as I wish I could tell you that abusive relationships only happen in after-school specials or to “other people”, the reality is that anyone can be in an abusive relationship, and getting out isn’t as simple as it might look from the outside. Outsiders might find themselves judging the person who stays, or they might judge the person who leaves. There’s no real way to tell what could happen next, so we hope for the best with the choices we make.

In this situation, our empathetic nature takes over and we try to put ourselves in everyone else’s shoes. We base our decisions on what we would do if we were looking at the situation from the outside, instead of remembering that we are the ones stuck in our situation. The only person whose happiness we’re responsible for is our own. You can’t fix a person who doesn’t respect you, and you don’t deserve to stay in a life of fear. You deserve so much better.

One of the scariest parts of being in an abusive relationship is that the abuser may make you question whether you’re imagining it all. Other people might not see the horrible things that happen, because your abuser is on their best behavior when there are witnesses. They may even try to convince you that you’re getting what you deserve – but I promise you, the person who really loves you would never intentionally hurt you. Please, seek help from a trusted friend or family member, and get out as soon as you can. Don’t wait until it escalates to violence.

20 Totally Unique Date Ideas You’ve Probably Never Thought Of

When we go on dates, we tend to focus on the classics: Dinner and a movie, possibly followed by a quick walk back to your place. Or, you try to mix things up, and you end up at a museum or library or an aquarium. But what are you supposed to do if you’re still bored with all your date options?

We’ve gathered up 20 date ideas that we’re pretty sure you haven’t been on with your partner yet – but that we think you’ll totally enjoy. Try them out, and see how they work for you! There are no limits to the amount of fun you can have together when you put your mind to it.

1. Two-person ice cream social or dessert crawl.

Are you itching for a sweet treat to share with your sweet treat? Make a point to visit all your local bakeries, dessert shops, cafes, or other confectionary delights with your boo. Some areas might even have independent vendors and merchants – try their treats to simultaneously help support small businesses!

2. Have sex somewhere new and exciting.

Don’t get me wrong – when you’re having sex with the right person, even the same old bedroom can be a super exciting place. But if you’re looking to light a fire within your relationship, having sex somewhere new can instantly make a difference. Just make sure you’re courteous to those around you, and don’t break any local noise or public indecency ordinances.

3. Get classy day-drunk and take in your local culture.

Okay, I know, the line between “classy day-drunk” and “passed out before 2 pm” is pretty thin sometimes. I think we’ve all been there before. (Or, at least, I tell myself we’ve all been there so I feel better about the dark times I did it.) But for the less sophisticated among us (ahem, me), nothing quite matches the feeling of being tipsy off champagne and looking at art. Or books. Or musicians in the park. Doesn’t really matter if the champagne is good enough.

4. Window shop in home and furniture stores.

If you’re already living with your partner, it might seem like home improvement shopping is the least romantic date you could go on. For some of us, home improvement projects even bring about feelings of dread and anxiety. But when you go in knowing that you’re not going to buy anything, what could easily become a boring sponge to soak up your entire paycheck can easily become a childlike game of hide-and-seek or a plan for a future dream house. Have fun with it!

5. Take skydiving, paragliding, or cliff jumping classes.

Looking for a real thrill? If you and your partner are both adrenaline junkies, these activities are a great way to get the heart pumping and create long-lasting memories you’ll be proud to share with friends and family. Just make sure you’re following all proper safety protocol – there are huge risks involved if you don’t!

6. Get tattoos or piercings together.

Now, I don’t personally recommend matching tattoos, or tattoos of each other’s names. I’m not usually a superstitious person but I know far too many people in my life who have an ex’s name tattooed on them, and not enough people who have their current partner’s name tattooed on them, if you catch my drift. You should each pick something that has symbolic (or aesthetic) significance to you, and set appointments for the same date and time to carpool together.

7. Attend a show with a band you’ve never heard of.

Music has the power to connect people, and it has the power to change your entire frame of mind. You’ll never know if you like a particular band until you give them a chance, so why not take a leap and attend a concert you haven’t been excited about for months? You might find a new favorite song, and you’ll definitely find a once-in-a-lifetime memory with your partner.

8. Camp in your own back yard.

I happen to live in the middle of a rural area, so my back yard might be a little more beneficial for this – but anyone with any size back yard, or with money to rent a secluded cabin, can take part in an awesome date under the stars. If it’s safe to build a campfire in your area (and you can do so without being fined), it’s a great opportunity to stay up until dawn discussing your life’s dreams… and then watch the sunrise together in the morning.

9. Go car camping.

Personally, I have a dream that my second vehicle is going to be a full-featured RV with all the latest technological advancements. In my mental picture, this car has a bed, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a writing area, so I’d never actually have to leave it, except to explore the world around me. But until then, the seats on my Chrysler recline – and I fully intend to take advantage of that when the weather is nice.

10. Play truth or dare or 7 minutes in heaven.

Those silly games we played as teenagers are, truthfully, still totally fun as adults. Except now, as an adult, you have the ability to buy the good alcohol, instead of just what your friend’s older sister would pick up for you. You’ve also got the maturity to dedicate all your questions to one person, instead of scoping out every hottie in the room after a couple of beers. Use it!

11. Go to your local gun range.

It probably doesn’t seem like the most romantic solution. But, when you think about it, shooting a gun (and doing so properly and legally) is very similar to a loving and healthy relationship. You need to be adequately prepared (properly licensed and trained), you need to be dedicated (and committed enough to wait any mandatory background checking period), and self-control (as in, you don’t shoot at targets that don’t belong to you). What a perfect metaphor for the adventurous couple!

12. Have a picnic in an exciting location.

Have you ever had pizza and beer on top of a roof, or tandoori chicken in a treehouse? What about sub sandwiches in a library? Sometimes, the simplest change to make is a change of scenery, so give your relationship a boost by taking the mundane to all-new places.

13. Go on a no-GPS-allowed road trip.

It can be a little scary to go for a road trip without knowing where you’re going beforehand, but when you’ve got your partner-in-crime riding shotgun, there’s nowhere left for fear (except maybe the back seat). Go off exploring, but set yourself a deadline – if you haven’t found your way home by dawn, make sure you stop somewhere to take a nap.

14. Attend random local events.

Most cities have that one thing they’re well known for. My city is known for the olive festival. The last city I lived in had the asparagus festival. Whatever your region takes pride in, you should take pride in it, too! Make a date with your honey to learn the rich history, and maybe meet some new couple friends, too.

15. Play miniature or disc golf.

When it comes to physical activity, golf (of any kind) is pretty much on the low-impact list. But it can be a lot of fun, especially if you’re both out of practice – you might even meet some interesting new people. (Or, you might fall into a water hazard and find out it’s not for you – either way, you’ll have fun and make some memories.)

16. Take pictures at the highest point in town.

Many cities have designated lookout points, but for those that don’t, you’ll want to find somewhere with a high vantage point and lots of natural lighting – either through windows or open air. No matter where your place happens to be, make sure you get some good pictures of the area and commemorate your new special spot.

17. Go to a karaoke bar.

If you’ve never been out to a karaoke bar before, you’re in for a treat – even the shyest of people seem to come out of their shell once you put alcohol and a microphone in the room together. Even if drunken singing isn’t your personal idea of a good time, going to the karaoke bar with your partner can expose you to people who make you feel better about your own talents, as well as people who completely blow your mind with skill. (But, of course, you should totally go on stage, too.)

18. Play hooky at the arcade.

Believe it or not, those old coin-operated arcades of our childhood still exist and are still an incredible source of fun and shenanigans. Some arcades may even offer ticket exchanges, allowing you to bring the charm of the carnival right to your lady’s night stand, year round.

19. Build a blanket fort or tree house together.

Okay, I know this list has a lot of childlike stuff on it – but blanket forts and tree houses are solid make-out spots that will have you feeling like a teenager in no time. Whether you’ve been together for twenty years or twenty minutes, the fun of creating a special haven for your love is hard to deny.

20. Go skinny dipping.

Officially, I should warn you that skinny dipping is actually illegal some places. Especially if you’re doing it in public, like at a hotel or a community pool. So, officially, I’m not telling you that you should sneak into a hotel pool and strip off all your clothes. (But… You know… You totally should.)

What other unique date ideas can you come up with? Share them in the comments – and let us know how these ideas worked out for you and your girlfriend!

5 Reasons You’re Not Living Out Your True Sexual Fantasies

Humans, in general, are highly sexualized creatures. We’re one of very few species that actually engages in sex for fun, and not just to populate the planet. We’re also in a small group of species that has sex to show affection, and generally with exclusivity. It’s easy to tell ourselves that it’s in our nature to fall for the person we open our legs for – and in some ways, it is. There’s a ton of chemical activity that takes place to pretty much guarantee you’re going to feel safe, protected, and cared for with the person you hook up with.

But chemical reactions will only get you so far. What happens if the partner you’re absolutely crazy about just isn’t getting your motor running like you thought she should? What if every part of your relationship is perfect, but your bedroom is the land of disappointment and/or rejection?

Don’t worry. In this article, we’re going to walk you through the top 5 reasons your sex life isn’t what you hoped it would be – and some steps to help fix the problem. In many cases, your situation may be a combination of more than one reason – feel free to mix it up and try as much as you’re comfortable trying! Take responsibility for your own sexual satisfaction, and learn how to get what you really want.

Your fantasies are stigmatized.

Many women feel ashamed of their fantasies because of the way society perceives those things. Sometimes, this shame comes from their families. Sometimes, the shame comes from their cultural upbringing. Other times, women are stigmatized by society as a whole and conditioned to think that we’re not allowed to enjoy our sex lives. No matter what the source of your feelings of shame, it’s important that you put the stigmas to rest – in your own life, and in the judgment of others.

One of the easiest ways to eliminate the power of stigmas is to consciously engage in not perpetuating them. If your family and friends shame you for your sexuality and what you choose to do with your body and your consenting partner (or partners), make a conscious choice to not open that part of your life to them. You don’t need to crawl back in the closet just to close the curtains a little, either – just take note not to mention your fantasies and sexual activity to them anymore.

If the shame is coming from an inward reflection of your beliefs and heritage, many find it helpful to read through the important written works of their respective belief system. Religious texts in particular are prone to adaptation and mistranslation, so there’s a good chance that your core belief system is based on something much different than what you’re used to reading. Additionally, during this reading and introspection, some people find that the belief system they’ve been accustomed to isn’t as good a fit for them as they originally thought.

On the other hand, if the pressure to keep your sexuality a secret is coming from society at large, the easiest way to remove the stigma is to consciously choose to be unapologetically yourself. Don’t go out of your way to broadcast your desires, but don’t be your own worst enemy when it comes to chasing them. Give yourself permission to fantasize, and consciously stop yourself from passing judgment on other women’s sexual choices. It won’t automatically fix the world, but your positive actions will be contagious. Change happens one person at a time, and it can start with you.

You’re afraid to masturbate.

The subject of masturbation is still fairly taboo, too – or, at least the subject of female masturbation is. It’s tough to find women who are willing to talk about their masturbation habits, and it’s hard to tell if that’s because they don’t do it, or because they feel they’re not supposed to. Either way, the stigmas surrounding female masturbation are entirely unfounded. As long as masturbation doesn’t get in the way of the other areas of your life – such as your job, your relationship, and your sleep – there’s no harm in exploring your own body on a regular basis.

Along with the immediate satisfaction we get when we orgasm, masturbation helps us learn what our body is responsive to – and, to a lesser extent, what our partner’s body might be responsive to. Most kids start playing with themselves around the age of 6, but many parents send the wrong message when correcting the behavior. Instead of being instructed to do that somewhere privately, kids are often taught that it’s perverted and wrong. This tends to start teaching the child to shame themselves for their sexual choices and pleasures, and later, to do the same to others.

Of course, there’s room to argue that these kids definitely still do masturbate, albeit now in private – exactly like the parents hoped for. But there’s a strong connection between how we feel about ourselves and how we think our parents feel about us as children. The specifics of this connection are going to vary on a case-by-case basis, but it’s generally agreed that a fully supportive environment leads to the happiest adulthood.

Deprogramming this body-shame can take a while, since giving yourself permission to masturbate and have a good time as an adult is weird. It also might seem weird to think of your parents giving you that permission as a kid, or that you may someday give that same permission to your own kids. It’s important to realize that our world is becoming progressively more sex-positive and accepting – so what seemed impossible in our parents’ lifetime is entirely possible within our children’s lifetime. All it takes is enough people willing to make the change.

You don’t know what you want.

There’s a world of possibility out there – and most people regret the things they don’t do far more than the things they have done. After all, when you’re done, you either get a lesson, a memory, or an experience – so make the most of every chance and try new things! You might find out you don’t like the things you thought you’d like. That’s perfectly fine. You might find out that you loved the things you thought you’d hate – that’s fine, too! As long as you’re being safe, and all sexual partners are consenting, there really isn’t a limit to the things you can try.

With the wonderful age of technology we live in, it’s easier than ever to explore the things that interest us and become an expert on everything practically overnight. And yet, for whatever reasons, we’re not actually exploring them nearly as much as we should. It’s hard work learning every corner of your mind, but somebody’s got to do it – and no one else can beat you to the punch.

Even in the most organized, most prepared, most thorough psychological studies ever conducted, in the history of ever, there’s a margin of error, especially when applied to humans. We are a complex web of emotions, chemicals, materials both squishy and firm, and an overlay of algorithms and encoded information.

Whether you believe in God, Mother Nature, or the flying spaghetti monster, you can’t deny that humans have been along for a lot longer than modern technology. Even with the drastic improvements that have been made over the last century, there’s no way to know everything.

That’s why, for most of us, exploring everyone else’s brain is of little interest to us. We don’t have nearly enough time to learn everything about everything, so we need to focus our attention on the one thing that we actually can know everything about: Ourselves. It’s our responsibility to discover your truth, your purpose, and your life goals. Don’t muck it up by worrying if you’re a pervert.

You’re not telling your partner what you want.

If you already have a solid grasp on the things you want out of your sex life, but you’re still not getting it, there’s a good chance you’re not communicating well enough. You can’t reasonably expect her to know what you want if you don’t tell her, and this applies just as much to your sex life as it does to the distribution of chores and bills.

The problem here is that most of us don’t feel comfortable discussing ourselves that intimately with our partners. Maybe we haven’t been together long enough, or we’ve been taught that our desires are shameful, or any number of other reasons. What we’re not taught is that the woman who’s worth our time is the one who will listen to the things we want, and give us the things that are in her power to give.

It’s important to note that your partner has no obligation to give into your every demand – and, in fact, she shouldn’t give in to things that make her feel uncomfortable. Likewise, she’s allowed to ask for things in return, and you’re allowed to accept or decline on a case-by-case basis. After all, your sex life involves more than just you – so do your best to be fair and honor her wishes, too.

It can be hard to find balance between getting what you want and her getting what she wants. It’s best if you don’t “keep score”, so to speak, but do your best to agree to every opportunity that presents itself unless you have a solid reason to think that you won’t enjoy it. If your partner wants to be a part of your sex life, she’ll understand that no means no, and trust that you’re compromising as much as she is.

You’re with the wrong person.

If you’ve gone through all these steps to fix your sex life and it’s still not what you’d like it to be, it might be that you’re just not with the right person for you. As much as we’d like to think that sex and love are mutually exclusive, the truth is that they’re not. Not from a psychological standpoint, at least.

If your sex life with your partner is disappointing enough that it causes you distress in your life, you should consider that your partner might not be right for you. Not every sexual identity is compatible with every other sexual identity, and the likelihood that you and another person identifies exactly the same are beyond slim. Sexual needs and desires embody a large spectrum that ranges from asexual to hypersexual, from modesty to exhibition, from demure to sadomasochistic.

Of course, just because you’re sexually incompatible doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship is over. It’s possible to adapt your sexual needs over time, if it’s a change you truly want to make. You also may decide that your sexual needs aren’t really as important as you’d originally thought they were, or she might have a chemical switch tripped and regain her libido sometime down the line. It’s entirely possible that people can chance – it’s one of our greatest skills as a species.

In situations where your sexual needs differ greatly and the situation is unlikely to change, but the rest of the relationship is worth hanging onto, it may be worthwhile to consider having an open or polyamorous relationship. Be warned that it’s not a good relationship model for everyone, but those who thrive in this type of relationship often feel that it brings them and their “primary partner” closer together, as it bridges the gap between their needs. Just be advised that it is possible that you’re not right for it – and you may not be able to handle the idea of your partner being free to see other people. Just remember to be fair in your arrangements so that neither of you feels you’re being cheated.

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Judge Rules Lesbian Has No Parental Rights Because She Didn’t Marry Partner

The Michigan appeals court has ruled, a woman whose same-sex relationship ended before same-sex marriage became legal doesn’t have parental rights to a child born to her partner in 2008.

The decision, which comes a year after the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for same-sex marriage across the country, will stand as a key precedent in similar disputes in Michigan involving children who were raised by same-sex couples in relationships that ended.

Michelle Lake and Kerri Putnam were together for 13 years until 2014 but didn’t marry during that time. Lake said she deserves to enjoy the rights that would have been granted to her if they had been married.

Putnam gave birth to a boy, now 8, during their relationship, but she no longer allows Lake to see him.

The appeals court said;

We simply do not believe it is appropriate for courts to retroactively impose the legal ramifications of marriage onto unmarried couples several years after their relationship has ended. That, in our view, is beyond the role of the judiciary.”

The court said Lake has no parental rights under Michigan law because the boy wasn’t born during a marriage.

This is true whether the couple involved is a heterosexual or a same-sex couple.”

The court overturned decisions by a Washtenaw County judge, who had awarded parenting time to Lake.

Judge Darlene O’Brien last fall said the best interests of the child should be considered.

Lake’s attorney, Jay Kaplan of the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, said the appeals court ruling is “devastating.”

This young boy had two moms. The end result is (Lake) can be unilaterally erased from his life. … It’s the collateral damage of all those years of discriminating against same-sex couples.”

Putnam’s attorney, Anne Argiroff, didn’t immediately respond to a phone message seeking comment.

Appeals court Judge Douglas Shapiro said there was no evidence that Lake and Putnam would have chosen marriage years ago if it had been legal in Michigan.

He said the court might rule differently in a future case if there’s evidence that a same-sex couple clearly wanted to marry before 2015, but couldn’t because of the state’s ban on gay marriage.

Shapiro wrote.

I believe the courts would be required to recognize the parental rights of the non-biological parent.”

Woman Sentenced For Five-Year For Attacking Deaf Lesbian Couple With Baseball

A woman has been sentenced to five years in state prison for attacking a deaf lesbian couple with a baseball bat.

Shaunda Lane of California City, pleaded guilty in mid-June to two counts of assault with a deadly weapon.

Lane was arrested back in March, after attacking the victims with a baseball bat, striking one of them in the head, according to Desert Hot Springs police.

She allegedly became upset because she didn’t understand the women’s sign language.

The couple used hand signing to ask Lane to leave their property, but were attacked by Lane with a baseball bat according to a police report.

Lane has prior felony convictions for robbery, burglary, theft and check fraud, court records show.

Since the attack the women have been trying to get their lives back in order and the community has rallied together to help them. A Go Fund Me account has been set up to help the couple recover financially.

I really would like to thank the supporters who are my family and deaf friends, even deaf teachers, even hearing friends, also hearing families…who already knew who we are, for rest of our lives,” said Dee in the letter to SDGLN.

Both women suffered severe injuries; one a broken hand and concussion.

A Good Samaritan who only wishes to be identified as Team Mom stepped in to help the couple by setting up a GoFundMe page, which raised more than $2,300 over two months to help with the women’s medical bills.

WWE’s John Cena New Ad Tells Americans To Be More Accepting Of LGBTQs

American non-profit organization have unveiled their new key campaign – the #WeAreAmerica campaign – featuring World Wrestling Entertainment’s John Cena.

In the ad Cena walks through a typical small American town, talking directly to the camera, the pro wrestler draws a line in the sand early on.

Patriotism isn’t just pride in one’s country, he says. It’s love for it. And loving one’s country means embracing who and what the country really is—not what you might picture it to be.

Along the way, this small town turns out to be remarkably diverse – the essence of America itself – as we see citizens who are Latino, LGBT, Muslim, senior citizen, African American, disabled, and so on, all just as American as anyone else.


The underlying message: To be a true patriot is to accept all Americans regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or ability.

In short, patriotism is love, Cena says, and love has no labels.


The message comes at a time of toxic political discord in America. But thanks to brand partnerships struck by the Ad Council, the new spot, if not universally lauded, will certainly be noticed far and wide this holiday.

Campaign partners include The Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, State Farm, Google and Johnson & Johnson, which will promote #WeAreAmerica content across their brand channels

The campaign also has support from Facebook, Twitter, BuzzFeed and WWE.

And considering Cena and WWE’s massive fan base, that’s a powerful message that could resound far and wide.

In Her Own Words ‘Orange is the New Black’ Star Samira Wiley On Why We Love Poussey Washington

This story discusses plot points from the current season of “Orange is the New Black” that’s now on Netflix.

Yes, we’re still reeling after the gut-wrenching end of the show’s fourth season.

(Last chance to stop reading if you’re not caught up!)

Throughout the fourth season, we’re reminded of Poussey Washington’s potential as her relationship with Soso blossoms and she makes friends with her idol, celebrity chef Judy King.

Orange Is The New Black S4

But at the end of the season, things take a very sad turn.

Washington, played by Samira Wiley, is suffocated by a prison guard — one of “the good ones” — during a peaceful protest.

Now that the episode has aired, Wiley is discussing the tough issues that the finale scene forces into light, such as race, violence, and incarceration.

I just see so much potential in Poussey Washington. I root for her. I want to see her outside of prison, making it.”

The season’s final episode was penned by the actor’s real life girlfriend Lauren Morelli.

Wiley, who’s currently filming her next role, playing a therapist on the upcoming third season of FXX’s dramedyYou’re the Worst, sums up why everyone loves Poussey, and why her death will continue to resonate into Season 5 and beyond.

She’s honest, she’s funny, she puts a smile on your face. I’m so, so, so happy to have the opportunity to give life to someone like Poussey.”

Hit Australian Lesbian Series ‘Starting From Now’ Final Season Starts Now

The first episode of the fifth and final season of acclaimed Aussie lesbian web series Starting From Now is now available to watch for free at KitschMix.TV.

The independently-produced show began it’s journey in 2014, and achieved viral success for its authentic portrayal of four inner-city Australian lesbians as they struggle to work out who they are, find a place where they belong, and search for love along the way. Addictive back-to-back watching at it’s best.


The show is the brainchild of multi-award winning writer/director Julie Kalceff, and has amassed 25 million views from more than 225 countries across the world – which is amazing considering it was created by the support of crowd funding. And on the back of the success of the first three seasons, Seasons 4 and 5 were acquired for by SBS to be broadcast Australian TV.

However, the previous four series of the show are available for you to binge-watch to your heart’s content her at KitschMix.TV.

10 LGBTQ+ Documentaries Free To Watch On KitschMix.TV

Sometimes, you need a little reality check. That’s why a good documentary can be a welcomed change to, say, battering your head against a wall while watching another episode of Orange Is The New Black.

So (in no particular order) we rounded up ten great LGBT documentaries that you can stream right now on KitschMix.TV.

Lesbian Angles – A Lesbian Documentary


This was a non-profit project, created by lesbians for lesbians. Lesbian Angels’ goal was to entertain and interact with awesome people from all over the world.

We Went To Gay Conversion Therapy Camp


What Is Female Masculinity?


Buzzfeed’s new on-point video on female masculinity. In it they asks people along the masculine-presenting-female perspectives to discuss how they see themselves; from butch to masculine of centre to gender neutral.

In My Shoes: Stories of Youth with LGBT Parents

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In a time when LGBT families are debated and attacked in the media, courts and Congress, from school houses to state houses across the country, five young people who are children of LGBT parents give you a chance to walk in their shoes – to hear their own views on marriage, making change, and what it means to be a family.

Teen Line: Understanding Sexual Orientation & Gender Identities

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LGBTQ: Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities is the latest educational video released by TEEN LINE in May 2015. Hear from several youth in Los Angeles, CA about their coming out process, support, and embracing their identities. Professionals speak to the importance of support, safety, and celebrating individuality.

Just Call Me Kade


Kade Farlow Collins is a sixteen year old FTM (female to male transgendered person) residing in Tucson, Arizona. Kade’s parents maintain a supportive and nurturing relationship to Kade regarding the many challenges facing their teenage child. However, it hasn’t always been easy.

Love is Love

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In the summer of 2012 Shalem Mathew and Mitch Kitter started the Love is Love project. During the first stage of the project they photographed 28 Vibrant LGBT families from all over Alaska. Thru out the project filmmaker April Frame recorded video, interviewed couples, and compiled a video that is sure to leave you misty eyed.

Edie and Thea: A Love Story

Acclaimed directors Susan Muska and Gréta Ólafsdóttir (The Brandon Teena Story) present a lovingly crafted documentary in which life partners Edie Windsor andThea Spyer recount how their improbable romance ignited a lifelong journey around the world and through history.

Gay and Lesbian Refugees in South Africa: ‘We Thought


A new video from Atlantic Philanthropies shows that despite written law; tolerance and acceptance do not come easily to those living in Africa; and in particular South Africa.

Dave Naz : Identity


Coagula Curatorial presents Identity, a solo exhibition by Dave Naz which explores the gender spectrum in an entirely new way — by turning his camera on transgender, intersex, pangender, and every shade in between. Helping to add to the current global discussion on the structured nature of gender identity, the exhibit is an eye-opening musing on all of the people who don’t fit neatly into a convenient box.

‘First Wives Club’ Reboot: Vanessa Lachey To Play A Lesbian Restaurateur

Vanessa Lachey has been cast as the third and final lead on The First Wives Club, TV Land’s pilot rebooting the 1996 film comedy about a coterie of divorcées seeking vengeance on the husbands who wronged them.

Lachey, perhaps most famous for being married to singer Nick Lachey, joins Alyson Hannigan (How I Met Your Mother) and Megan Hilty (Smash) in the small-screen adaptation, which is written by New Girl alum Rebecca Addelman and executive produced by Jenny Bicks (Sex and the City).

Lachey will play ‘Sasha, a driven and successful chef in San Francisco. She has it all — a hot restaurant and a great girlfriend whom she plans to marry. But when she reconnects with her old friends after the death of their college roommate, she realizes she may not be as ready to settle down as she thought.’

Hannigan is playing an English professor in a flagging marriage, and Hilty is playing a once-successful actress who’s still chasing stardom while raising a son.

Diane Keaton, Bette Midler, and Goldie Hawn starred in the original First Wives Club, which was itself based on a novel by Olivia Goldsmith.


Rise of the Rebel: Elle UK Showcases LGBTQ Trio

Fashion magazine Elle UK has released four collector’s edition covers, which features three LGBTQ personalities – Hari Nef, Kristen Stewart, and Amandla Stenberg.

The special edition ‘Rise of the Rebel’ covers feature actors Amandla Stenberg and Kristen Stewart, and transgender model Hari Nerf will feature on a third.

The fourth spot will be taken by former One Direction star Zayn Malik.

The issue comes with the magazine’s redesign.

As the fashion world CHANGES beyond measure, the world’s biggest selling FASHION magazine changes with it. ELLE UK’s new design is braver, bolder, and SMARTER.”

That said, the covers will focus on what the stars’ influence in the fashion and entertainment world.

For Amandla, it’s being known as an activist on cultural appropriation and being open about being bisexual.


With Hari, it’s being one of the top transgender models in the industry who’s signed to IMG Worldwide and walked for H&M’s fall 2016 collection.


And lastly, Kristen who’s simply known as Hollywood non-conformist.


13 Queer Female Filmmakers You Need to Know About

It comes as no surprise that we love queer filmmakers. Most importantly, we feel an obligation to honor the queer filmmakers who have been movers and shakers in their industry – especially when their works touch us deeply. Although there are a number of queer filmmakers that fit the bill in this regard, today we’ve chosen to focus on 13 queer female filmmakers who have made a mark on us, sometimes in a very personal way.

Although these women all represent the smallest subsection among directors and producers, we feel that their work is invaluable – even when it doesn’t specifically touch on queer issues. So, who should you look out for?

1. Desiree Akhavan

Desiree Akhavan

What she’s known for: Appropriate Behavior, 2014

In Akhavan’s 2014 film (which she insists is not autobiographical), she plays Persian-American bisexual woman Shirin. In the movie, Shirin deals with her complicated relationship with her ex-girlfriend Maxine and her conservative family. She’s also struggling with her sexual identity and determining the best way to come out to aforementioned conservative family. Akhavan also has a web series called The Slope, with co-creator Ingrid Jungermann.

2. Jamie Babbit


What she’s known for: But I’m a Cheerleader!, 1999

Although Babbit has had a hand in some of the greatest episodes of Gilmore Girls, The L Word, and Looking, among others, she’s most known for the cult classic queer film But I’m a Cheerleader. In case you haven’t seen the film, it’s about young Megan Bloomfield (played by the adorable Natasha Lyonne) who’s sent to conversion therapy camp. The movie deals with some tough issues without being too dark – and, in fact, it borders on whimsical as the characters discover their sexuality. The best part is that there’s something relatable about it, even if you haven’t had the misfortune of going to conversion camp.

3. Lisa Cholodenko


What she’s known for: The Kids Are All Right, 2010, and High Art, 1998

Cholodenko offers the brilliant duality of mainstream success (The Kids Are All Right) and queer indie romance (High Art). While most people are familiar with the first, High Art has a bit of a smaller audience – and while it’s not specific to the queer crowd, it definitely serves as a cautionary tale for those of us attracted to the glamor of the artist’s lifestyle. OK, so not all artists turn out to be like Lucy in this movie, but there’s a lot of strong emotion hidden within this one – and it’s definitely worth a look.

4. Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster

What she’s known for: being Jodie Foster

Okay, so most people have heard of Jodie Foster, and her official coming-out story from 2013 (although there were a few of us who had our suspicions long before then). What’s less known is that she’s directed a number of amazing films over the last 25 years, including Little Man Tate (1991), Home for the Holidays (1995), and Money Monster (2016). While all of her films are worth noting, Home for the Holidays happened to feature Robert Downey Jr. as queer Tommy Larson. She even had her hand in directing an episode of Orange is the New Black – specifically, season 1, episode 3, “Lesbian Request Denied”. That sounds like a good enough excuse to rewatch season one, don’t you think?

5. Nisha Ganatra

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What she’s known for: Chutney Popcorn, 1999

In Chutney Popcorn, Ganatra plays the lesbian Indian-American woman Reena, who carries a child for her sister Sarita. This puts a major strain on Reena’s girlfriend Lisa, while Reena is already struggling to fit her sexuality into her cultural identity. Ganatra has been involved with a few other films, but she mainly works on television – including directing and producing the first season of Transparent, along with episodes of Mr. Robot and Shameless.

6. Aurora Guerrero

Aurora Guerrero

What she’s known for: Mosquita y Mari, 2012

Guerrero’s only feature theater release tells the story of two teenage girls, Yolanda and Mari, whose unconventional friendship turns into something deeper in a beautiful coming-of-age story. She has a second film in the works, Los Valientes, which has yet to be released. This second film tells the story of a gay undocumented Mexican immigrant. More than just a filmmaker, Guerrero is also an activist, and the co-founder of Womyn Image Makers.

7. Ingrid Jungermann


What she’s known for: The Slope, a web series that she co-created with Desiree Akhavan

Jungermann debuted her first feature film at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2016. This movie, called Women Who Kill, tells the story of Morgan and her ex-girlfriend Jean, who co-host a true crime podcast together. These two women begin to suspect that Morgan’s new love interest might be a killer – definitely a film to watch out for! But, if you’re looking for something to hold you over until its widespread release, The Slope and F to 7th are two wonderful web series – the latter is being developed for television.

8. Maryam Keshavarz

Maryam Keshavarz

What she’s known for: Circumstance, 2011

In Keshavarz’s 2011 film, we follow a young woman in contemporary Iran as she experiments with sex, drugs, and a homosexual relationship. The film (and Keshavarz herself) were banned in Iran, which is often the mark of a true visionary. In 2003, she also worked to explore her own Iranian heritage with the documentary The Color of Love. We recommend checking out both movies when you can.

9. Kimberly Peirce

Kimberly Peirce

What she’s known for: Boys Don’t Cry, 1999

I think we’ve probably all seen Peirce’s amazing take on Boys Don’t Cry, which tells the story of the murder of Brandon Teena in 1993. She’s also released a couple of other films since then – Stop-Loss in 2008, and the remake of Carrie in 2013. She also appeared in the documentary This Film is Not Yet Rated to discuss the unfair biases placed against queer sexual representation in movies by the MPAA.

10. Dee Rees

What she’s known for: Pariah, 2011

Rees’ 2011 film tells the story of 17-year old Alike, who is starting to explore and embrace her sexuality (as a lesbian). Rees followed this movie with the 2015 HBO biopic Bessie, about queer blues singer Bessie Smith (played by Queen Latifah). She’s helping to develop the TV adaptation of The Warmth of Other Suns, along with Shonda Rhimes. If you’ve got time, you should also check out the period film Mudblood, as well as her documentary Eventual Salvation.

11. Patricia Rozema


What she’s known for: I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing, 1987

Rozema has had an eclectic career, spanning both films and television in Canada as well as the United States. I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing centers around queer women, as does her 1995 film When Night is Falling. She also helped to adapt Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and directed episodes of In Treatment and Tell Me You Love Me. Most recently, she worked with Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood on the apocalyptic drama Into the Forest, coming out later this month.

12. Lynn Shelton

DEAUVILLE, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 01:  Director Lynn Shelton poses at 'Your Sister's Sister' Photocall during 38th Deauville American Film Festival on September 1, 2012 in Deauville, France.  (Photo by Francois Durand/Getty Images)

DEAUVILLE, FRANCE – SEPTEMBER 01: Director Lynn Shelton poses at ‘Your Sister’s Sister’ Photocall during 38th Deauville American Film Festival on September 1, 2012 in Deauville, France. (Photo by Francois Durand/Getty Images)

What she’s known for: Humpday, 2009

Although Humpday isn’t exactly your traditional queer film – being that the protagonists are straight men who consider having sex on camera in the name of art – it explores male sexuality and homoerotic tendencies present in many male friendships. Shelton herself is bisexual, and has explored the spectrum of human sexuality in Your Sister’s Sister in 2011. She also directed Laggies in 2014, which tells the story of Megan, who spends a week living the teenage dream after her boyfriend proposes to her.

13. Rose Troche


What she’s known for: Go Fish, 1994

In a timeless example of classic queer cinema, Troche’s Go Fish tells the love story of Max and Ely. Troche’s films aren’t always specifically queer-themed, although she stated in a 2001 interview that “Everything I do is informed by being queer”. Many of her directing credits lie in television work, where she’s assisted with The L Word, Finding Carter, and Six Feet Under. More recently, Troche worked on the virtual reality film Perspective; Chapter 1: The Party, which took a head-on look at sexual assault.