Tag Archives: Dating Women

Top Secret | 12 Ways to Win Your Girlfriend Around

The small things you do for your girlfriend are the ones that mean the most. Why? Because those are the things that show her you’re willing to put effort in for her, just because.

A good girlfriend knows that any man who waits until Valentine’s Day to romance is missing the point 364 days out of the year.

So, here are 12 small things that will actually have a big impact on you love life.

1. Paying attention

This one is totally free of charge, but will let her know what she has to say is important, and you’ll remember next time around.



2. Actually tell her how you feel.

Despite what you may think, your girlfriend is a not mind reader. So being open and honest about your feelings is key. She will appreciate you respecting her enough to open up to her.


3. Clean up after yourself.

We’re not all Mary Poppins. Some of us have *cough* slothenly ways. So going that extra mile and tiding up just for her is a good thing (and not just in the honey moon period either).



A: You have your own place, which she visits, in which case she will appreciate you keeping it clean.

B: You share a place, in which case she will really appreciate you keeping it clean.

C: She has her own place and you spend time there, in which case it is imperative that you help keep it clean. It’s not really that hard.

4. Don’t take forever to respond to her text.


You don’t have to be completely glued to your phone, but you probably are anyway. If she texts you, at least have the courtesy to text her back in a reasonable amount of time. It will show her that she is a priority to you even when you’re busy. It just takes a few seconds.

5. Watch what she wants to watch.


Maybe you couldn’t care less about the Orange is the New Black, but being in a relationship isn’t always about only taking part in your own interests, it’s also about taking part in things that your partner enjoys, even if it’s not your favourite.

6. Learn to cook.


If you don’t already know how, learn at least one or two dishes to make for her now and then. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant.

7. Give her massages.


She’s had a long day. And even if she hasn’t, it’s an excuse to get physically close to her and make her feel relaxed. As if you needed an excuse for that, though.

8. Take her on a date.


It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together; you should never stop dating. Whether it is out to dinner or a night on the town, it is important to not let things get stale.

9. Whatever you’re getting, get her one too.


Going out to grab a coffee? Getting up to get some water? Don’t come back empty-handed. Even though it’s something tiny, she will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

10. Give her space.


The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t give her girlfriend enough attention is a woman who gives her too much attention. Sometimes she just wants to read a book or watch a trashy TV show by herself. Respect her alone time, it will allow her to rest and reset, and she will love you for it (especially if she doesn’t have to ask).

11. Listen. Just listen.


Often, when we hear about an issue we are compelled to attempt to come up with a suggestion or solution. When your girlfriend vents to you, that’s not what she’s looking for.

She wants you to simply listen and at least make an attempt to understand. She doesn’t want you to give her the answer.

12. Don’t talk badly about your ex(es).


Your girlfriend understands that how you speak about those from your past is usually more of a reflection of you than it is of them. Someday, if your relationship ends, you are basically predicting to her how you’re going to talk to your friends or your next girlfriend about her. Not very reassuring.

Why Its Not Just in Your Head – 11 Signs She’s Emotional Cheating on You

An intimate lesbian relationship consists of a framework of emotional connections that create a bond between two women.

Its not just a physical romance (sex, kissing, and hugging), but an emotionally one.

You share stories, offer emotional support, provide loving words, nurture and support. You are attentive to you girlfriend in more ways than one.

It’s a mix of both aspects — physical and emotional — is important to a healthy relationship.

But when one piece goes missing, the intimate bond begins to deteriorate.

Emotional cheating is often far more destructive to a lesbian relationship than physical infidelity. It can go much further before it is acknowledged, because the line between “friendship” and “emotionally intimate relationship” is often blurred.

There isn’t just one act that points to cheating.

Physical cheating is easy to define for most people — it’s a specific sexual act.

But what constitutes emotional cheating?

1. She starts to disconnect from you. When she gets attention and emotional reinforcement from someone else, she may start detaching from you. She’ll stop discussing problems or bad days with you, because this need is being met outside of your relationship.

2. She spends more time connecting – be it talking on the phone, texting or spending time together – than she does with you.

3. She doesn’t want to be intimate with you. When people become connected to the fantasy of another person. This can included an imagined sexual relationship, and therefore intimacy with you feels like an emotional betrayal to the other woman.

4. She seeks and gives a majority of her emotional support to this other woman.

5. She’s constantly checking out her Facebook profile. Once an emotional affair is in place, Facebook often becomes a primary way they communicate. They also make the relationship easier to hide.

6. She depends on someone other than you (her significant other) to meet her needs – to feel loved, connected and feel significant.

7. Someone else distracts her when she should be present in your relationship.

8. You catch her saying “we’re just friends” way too often. Those words are usually said to rationalise something we know is wrong.

9. She starts to keep secrets. If your girlfriend is trying to hide something from you, you’re probably going to notice, especially if you live together. She might start taking her phone into the bathroom or will stop texting the moment when you walk into the room.

10. She becomes more critical of you In addition to pulling away emotionally or physically, your partner might also put you down. Why, one reason is because she’s starting to compare you to the fantasy of the other person. The other is guilt.

11. She gets defensive if you happen to criticise the object of her affection, she gets extremely defensive if anything even slightly negative is say about the person she likes.

Emotional cheating is very real thing. In fact, over half of all emotional affairs start out innocently as online friendships. More than 70% of those friendships or flirtations will end up as real time affairs.

Does Your Cheating Girlfriend Deserve a Second Chance?

Is cheating worth breaking up over?

We all know someone who has been in a rotten relationship, where their pattern cheats or lies to them. Yet, no matter what they are willing to give that someone a second chance.


But, does anyone really deserve a second chance?

Should we simply move on the first time that we break up? When and how does someone deserve a second chance?

The biggest issues are always cheating and trust. (Usually in that order.)

If someone cheats on you (or has an affair, whatever terminology you prefer) does she deserve a second chance? Should you break it off?

Well, you know as well as I do that if you discover that your lover is a cheater – you will end up having trust issues and no matter how hard you try, what you do, or your individual situation: you’ll have a hard time trusting your partner again (if you ever trust them again).

You know that as soon you have the slightest suspicion that they’re up to no good; you’ll obsess. You’ll question, And you’ll suspect, and soon the question of whether or not your partner is being faithful will consume majority of your thoughts.

So, what if you discover your girlfriend is cheating or has cheated – What do?

In the past, I’ve gone both ways on this subject. I’ve handed out second chances like they were candy on Halloween, and I’ve also cut my losses and moved on.

The woman I continued to let come back (and yes, it happened more than once) eventually showed that she was never going to change, so I cut her loose. She and I had dated on and off for 2.5 years. She’s married now (surprisingly) and still calls from time to time wanting to know if we can “get together”, which I know means more than a simple coffee date

It also shows me that she hasn’t changed. Three years after our break up and she’s still the same.

So, what would you do in the event you uncovered an affair?


13 Facts About Kissing Women You Definitely Need To Know

The word “kiss” needs no introduction. An neither does it need any description. But I am pretty sure none of you know these crazy facts about kissing.

Read on to know some pretty awesome stuff:

1. One kiss requires the coordination of a total of 146 muscles

This includes 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles. That is quite a serious workout!

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2. Kissing burns 2 to 6 calories per minute

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3. It is possible for a woman to reach an orgasm through kissing

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4. It can boost your mood instantly

The levels of dopamine- one of the most important neurotransmitters, spike during kissing, leading to a rush of elation and craving and can also result in the obsessive thoughts that many of us experience with a new romance – almost like an addiction.

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5. Our love for kissing comes from… rats?

An ancient rat-like creature called Eomaia Scansoria, which lived sometime between 75 and 125 million years ago, is the common ancestor for both mice and humans. Kazushige Touhara and colleagues at the University of Tokyo believe that our affinity for kisses descends from this ancient rat. The science team theorizes that this creature would rub noses with a mate to sample his or her pheromones and signal desire.


6. Origin of the word “kiss”

The word “kiss” comes from the Old English word cyssan, which technically means “to kiss.” No one is completely positive where cyssan comes from, but it is thought that it represented the sound people make when they kiss.


7. You can have a career in kissing

The study of kissing is called Philematology, and someone who studies’ kissing is called an Osculologist.

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8. 10% of the world doesn’t kiss

Would you believe me if I told you that there existed people who did not know about kissing? Mangaia Island, which is about 18 million years old, is the oldest island in the Pacific Ocean. The people here had never heard of kissing until the English introduced them to the practice in the 1700s.

Although as of today, 90% of the world enjoys the art of kissing, the rest 10% does not do so. For example, certain areas in Sudan believe that the mouth is the window to the soul, and they fear that it can be stolen by mouth-to-mouth contact.

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9. On average, two-thirds of people tip their heads to the right when they pucker up.

A German researcher observed over 100 couples and noted that two-thirds of them tilted their heads to the right, too. Experts think this instinct originates from the womb when we naturally tilted our heads to the right.


10. In Nevada, it is illegal to kiss with a moustache

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11. Kissing is good for your health

Kissing has long been thought to be a way to pass along bugs and thus strengthen the body’s defenses. Scientific research also says that kissing increases the levels of oxytocin, the body’s natural calming chemical and also increases endorphins, the body’s feel-good chemicals.

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12. Lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the fingers. Not even genitals have as much sensitivity as lips.

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13. Kissing is all about exchanging information

The exchange of saliva allows us to figure out information about our partner on a subconscious level. A kiss can convey the genetic compatibility of a mate, the condition of their immune system and how willing they are to raise children. Even if you’ve paired off with a perfect match from a shared interest dating site, you have lots in common and their kissing technique is good, on a subconscious level you may reject them because of how your body has responded to this exchange of information.

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The 20 Mistakes We all Make in Life

Do you have what it takes to become a monumental success? Or will you live out a life of mediocrity? The choice is up to you.

This is the time for you to hustle, scrap and fight for the life that you want for yourself. You manifest your own destiny during these crucial years.

So try to steer clear of these mistakes.

1. Making friends instead of earning trust

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2. Working for money, not for building your dreams

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3. Sticking with jobs that didn’t teach you anything

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4. Thinking it the right time to fall in love – when it happens it happens

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5. Following the crowd instead of forging against it

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6. Holding on to friends that waste your time and add no value to your life

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7. Being oblivious to someone else feelings

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8. Trying to act like grown-up rather than learning how to become one

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9. Forgetting that family matters

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10. Not caring because you only live once — that’s for fools

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11. Making all your wants, needs

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12. Blaming anyone else but yourself for anything in life

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13. Getting too comfortable

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14. Failing to energise those around you

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15. Thinking you need to stop learning and growing

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16. Thinking that people will ever pay you back

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17. Investing in relationships with the wrong values

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18. Forgetting to save and spending every dollar you have

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19. Dating unstable people

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20. Forgetting that karma is a huge b*tch

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According to Science the Longer You Wait, Statistically Determines the Longer You Date

Humans are not know for their patience. In fact, the entire evolution of modern technology has pretty much revolved around one main premise: eliminate waiting time.

We live in a era of instant gratification. However, patience is still, and will always be, a virtue. And just because certain things may come to you quicker, it doesn’t always translate positively to quality.

According to Jeanna Bryner of LiveScience, “delaying sex makes better relationships,” as studies show.

Couples who had sex the earliest – such as after the first date or within the first month of dating – had the worst relationship outcomes,”

Results of one study conducted by researcher Dean Busby and his colleagues at Brigham Young University’s School of Family Life, concluded the reasoning behind this belief is once sex is introduced in the early stages of a relationship.

… [this] rewarding area of the relationship overwhelms good decision-making and keeps couples in a relationship that might not be the best for them in the long run.”

Sex early in relationships, as Bryner writes, skews focus away from vital aspects such as communication and commitment, due to the instant pleasure that comes with sex.

Susanne Alexander, a relationship coach, told WebMD,

It becomes much more difficult to objectively see each other’s character traits [when sex is introduced early].”

The sex might be the driving force behind the first few months of your relationship, but when you actually start to discover the more nonsexual aspects of your significant other, you may realize this person is not who you thought she was.

According to Bryner research,

Relationships fared better and better the longer a person waited to have sex, up until marriage, with those hitting the sack before a month showing the worst outcomes.”

Statistics showed when compared to the “early” group, those who waited until marriage rated:

  1. Relationship stability 22% higher.
  2. Relationship satisfaction 20% higher.
  3. Sexual quality 15% better.
  4. Communication 12% better.

Busby reported while 40% of couples are “essentially sexual” within the first two dates, when individually asked if they could trust their significant others with their pets for the weekend, “many could not answer this in the affirmative.”

This shows the lack of true trust between a great deal of sexual partners, today.

Of course, waiting until marriage is a bit extreme, but still, these statistics do present a strong case for waiting — however long you choose to — instead of rushing right into sex. Ultimately, sex requires maturity, as do relationships.

Part of maturity is knowing what’s best for the big picture, regardless of impulsive desires.

8 Really Reasons Why You Should Break-Up With Your Girlfriend

There comes a point in every person’s life when we part ways with someone we once cared for.

Upon first meeting your girlfriend, there’s was a sweet beginning, but then things shift. You think you know each other, have even grown comfortable together, but deep down you know she is not treating you how you’d like.

She isn’t the type of person you want them to be, and she’s not going to change.

While it would be selfish of you to not accept a person for whom she is, it would be unfair for you to have to endure a relationship that isn’t cultivating a better you.

Its time let go…

1. Let go because things are not the same anymore.

People simply grow a part, which is perfectly normal. You realise you want different things, no longer share the same interests, no longer understand and no longer connect.

Sometimes, it’s a matter of accepting that it takes time to let go, rather than holding on to something that just can’t be brought back, was lost a long time ago or perhaps, was never really there at all.

It’s difficult to hold on to people in life, but remember that you’re destined to meet different people along your journey who will bring you happiness, sorrow, pain and joy.

2. Let go because the trust and loyalty isn’t there.

If you know in your heart that you can’t trust this person and she cannot be loyal, then you need to ask yourself why this person is in your life. Trust and loyalty are the foundation of any relationship.

If they’re not present, it may only lead to paranoia, frustration, tension and anger that you’re better off without feeling.

Find someone with whom you can share your deepest darkest secrets and you know that after walking away, her lips will remain tightly sealed. Find someone whose faithfulness to you will be unquestionable because his or her actions, rather than empty promises, bring you a peace of mind.

3. Let go because you are unclear of where things stand.

Engaging in an undefined relationship is confusing because you don’t know what you mean to her, if anything at all. If she can’t make you feel as though you’re significant, reflect on why you’re allowing her to treat you this way.

Be in the company of someone who is proud to have you in her life and will make that known to you and the rest of the world. Be in the company of someone who won’t gamble with your heart and mind simply because he or she knows you’re not going anywhere.

4. Let go if the relationship is damaging to you.

If the relationship is making you unhappy or miserable, it’s time to bid her farewell. We must not allow ourselves to feel trapped and used to being treated far less well than we deserve.

If someone is putting you down, competing with you, not paying attention to you, not caring about you, abusing you, embarrassing you in front of others, making you question yourself, belittling you or simply just not caring about you, remove the negativity from your life as soon as possible. Respect yourself enough to be able to walk away.

5. Let go if you simply don’t see eye to eye.

It is hard to make a relationship work if you can’t ever agree or see each other’s points of view. If the one thing you can agree on is that neither of you can agree, it might be time to walk away.

In many friendships and relationships, people come together through unlikely chances, through their differences and lack of similarities. Therefore, it can work, but if you find that it’s a significant source of many of your disputes and tensions, get out now.

6. Let go if you’re the one fighting to make it work.

If your relationship makes you feel as though you’re the only one putting in effort, time and love, reflect on whether or not it’s worth it. If someone truly loves you, cares for you or wants and needs you, the person will never allow you to invest disproportionate effort.

Find someone who makes you feel worthwhile and worthy. Find someone who fights to have you in his or her life. Find someone who knows how lucky he or she is to have you.

7. Let go if she doesn’t encourage you or believe in you.

If you find that your relationship isn’t providing you with support, reflect on what the person is providing. You deserve someone who will be there to encourage you throughout your journey and believe in you maybe even more than you believe in yourself.

8. Let go if the relationship isn’t bringing you what you want and need.

Ask yourself whether you can do without the relationship or whether it’s something you unquestionably want and deserve. Sometimes, there’s this belief that we can be “too fussy” with what we want from others in life, but then again, why should we settle for anything less than happiness?

5 Kinds Of Sex Lesbians Have When You’re In A Committed Relationship

Sex is such a diverse thing; there’s no right way to have it – you just have it.

Even when you’re in a relationship, the sex is not the same all the time; and even if you’re with someone forever, the sex doesn’t stay the same.

It grows and changes along with your relationship and you. It surprises you with something new around every corner.

1.The lazy kind of sex

Sometimes, there just isn’t any rush. You’re going to be together all night, all day and neither of you has any desire to be anywhere else.

Fingers linger a little longer. Movements become a little slower. There’s nothing frantic about this. You discover something new around every curve, in every shadow cast on skin, and nothing has ever been more fulfilling.

You know you can have it all for hours, and so you do, with breaks for food and naps and lazy, sleepy talking.

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2. The “big date” sex, that doesn’t quite happen

You go to dinner, you go out, you talk forever, you throw all of your energy into the night and you couldn’t be happier about it. When you get home, you’re exhausted, and you lie next to each other, contemplating having sex.

In the end you simply fall asleep draped over each other, fully clothed and happier than you’ve ever been. You wake up the same way. Not having sex has never felt so good.

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3. The passionate sex you forgot all about

The sex isn’t always the best thing you’ve ever had. Sometimes it’s just okay. You fall into a rut, having the same kind of sex in the same kind of way.

Then one day, completely by accident, you find the passion again. You’re doing something silly or something that brings you closer, and suddenly without warning, you start having sex. Then that suddenness, silliness and closeness jumpstarts the passion and reminds you, “Oh, hey. Here I am.”

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4. The quickie sex

One person is completely dressed and ready, and then, all at once, she isn’t again.

It might make you late or it might mean you won’t have time for breakfast, but it’s worth it anyway — even if it’s quick. It just felt right.

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5. The “just because you can” kind of sex

Sometimes you initiate sex just because you can, because you know there was a time when you didn’t have someone you could be close to like that whenever you wanted.

You want to cherish what you have now: amazing, mind blowing, sometimes underwhelming, not always satisfying, occasionally messy, incredible, how-did-I-ever-live-without-this-before sex.

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Also read: 5 Kinds Of Sex Lesbians Have When They’re Not In A Relationship

10 Special Qualities Your Girlfriend Has That Mean You Should Never Let Her Go

Every once in a while – on very rare occasions – we meet the woman of our dreams. It’s always unexpected and almost never at a convenient point in our lives, but she appears nonetheless and changes your life forever.

Finding your other half is a journey of its own – usually a gruelling one at that, but worth it in the long run.

However, not all of us were so wise when we met the loves of our lives. So if you’re looking for a no regret out come, check and see if she has any combination of these 10 qualities.

1. She’s beautiful.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, but to you this woman is the one and no one can compete with.

2. She’s kind and nurturing.

3. She’s vivacious.

Being are a person who is lively, energetic and hungry for adventure will add a dynamic to your life that will only make you happier.

4. She loves you with all her heart.

If you find a woman that truly loves you then you found the greatest gift in the universe.

5. She’s willing to make compromises.

People are stubborn. We like things the way that we like them and aren’t especially open to making changes we don’t deem necessary to make. However, relationships require making compromises.

6. She feels like home.

Being in love, deeply in love, is like finding your place in the world, your home, for the first time in your life. It’s knowing that you are exactly where you ought to be and that there is nowhere in the world you’d rather be.

7. She is more than happy to tell you when you’re wrong.

Finding a woman who will keep you on track and tell you when you’re wrong can very well make or break your life.

8. She’s passionate.

A life filled with passion is a life worth living.

9. She’s driven.

Without drive, there is no purpose.

10. She means the world to you.

Sometimes we love a person beyond imagination and we aren’t sure why. To be truthful, you don’t really need a reason. If you love her and can’t imagine your life without her, then don’t allow yourself to lose her.

If she means that much to you, then understand that she means that much to you. Too often people don’t realize what the other person means to them until they lose them. We always think that there will be another chance, that it’s possible that the two of you will one day reconnect.

Good people are kind people. If she isn’t kind then she isn’t worthy of taking up a part of your life.

5 Kinds Of Sex Lesbians Have When They’re Not In A Relationship

Just because you’re not in a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not having sex.

And just like with relationship sex, single sex comes in many different forms – it can be good, it can be bad (sigh). It can be quick and it can turn into something more.

1. The horny kind of drunk sex

You’re out, you’re getting drunk and the drunker you get, the more you really want sex. You know there’s a large possibility that it won’t be the best sex you’ve ever had, but you never know with drunken sex.

Maybe it’s with someone you know, and maybe it’s not. It might not be the best idea you’ve ever had, but as long as you’re safe about it, why not? It happens. When you’re drunk you get flirty, horny or lonely, and sometimes a little sex is all you need to curb that feeling.

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2. The “its just sex” sex that leaves you wishing it would turn into more than just sex.

It’s just sex, and it’s been just sex, for a while. You tell yourself you can handle this whole “no strings attached” thing. You are chilled and mature. You can do it.

You’re with the person one night and when it’s over, you feel yourself wanting to hang on for a little longer, wanting to cuddle and talk about life, just wanting more.

You tell yourself you’re okay with just the sex, but you have a feeling you might be lying to yourself.

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3. The “friends with benefits” sex

It’s possible you and this person have been due to have sex for a long time, as in you’re flirty friends who’ve had tension since you met years ago.

Or maybe, you guys are just friends who never really thought about things that way before, but there’s a first time for everything.

Either way, you know this person really well, and overall, that probably makes the sex so much better. There’s already closeness, and a level of trust that exists. It also has the possibility to start something that was maybe supposed to happen all along, and that just might be worth taking a chance on.

It also might just be fantastic sex with someone you care about, and nothing more.

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4. The not prepared for sex

You weren’t planning to have sex. It wasn’t even a remote possibility for this evenings outing. Usually you plan for sex – throw on your best underwear and some extra perfume, just in case. This was not one of those nights. You were in no way prepared.

When you realises its happening, you just take a deep breath and hope for the best. You could turn it down, but I mean, come on. Hey, sometimes-happy accidents are a good thing, right?

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5. The “we really shouldn’t” kind of sex

So often, there’s that one person who you know you shouldn’t be sleeping with. It’s a friend’s ex, your ex or someone who is already some form of taken.

You both know this isn’t a good idea. You both know this won’t end well. You both do it anyway, with a weird, intense passion that comes from it being so forbidden. Afterward, you’re not sure if you regret it or not. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but that still doesn’t mean you regret it.

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The Best Response You’ll Ever Read to ‘How Lesbians Have Sex’

A perfect response to the time old question ‘How do lesbians have sex’ – well here is the answer from Buzzfeed’s Flo Perry – This is How Lesbians Have Sex

Step 1: Take off your lesbian attire.

This Is How Lesbians Have Sex

Step 2: Talk about your feelings.

This Is How Lesbians Have Sex

Step 3: Get yourself some scissors.

Step 3: Get yourself some scissors.

Step 4: Cut your bra right off.

Step 4: Cut your bra right off.

Step 5: Burn your bras.

This Is How Lesbians Have Sex

Step 6: Hold hands, but not for too long.

This Is How Lesbians Have Sex

Step 7: Introduce your cats. (You can hold hands if you feel the urge.)

This Is How Lesbians Have Sex
Step 8: Get out the biggest dildo you own.
This Is How Lesbians Have SexStep 9: Sword fight with your dildos.
This Is How Lesbians Have SexStep 10: High five your gal pal! You did it!
This Is How Lesbians Have Sex
Step 11: Remember to put back on your lesbian attire, and you might need to buy a new bra.
Step 11: Remember to put back on your lesbian attire, and you might need to buy a new bra.

So now the age old mystery of how lesbians have sex is finally solved! You’re welcome.

Quiz | What Kind of Woman Is Right for You?

There are different types of women in the world. Some are simple and some are very complex, but finding your ideal woman — your ideal partner in life can be tricky.

Everyone has a type. Some like them taller, others shorter. Some like simple women, others like accomplished and driven women. As far as types go, people get very creative — and often even weird. But our type is our type, and we want what we want.

So, lets try to figure it out – what kind of woman is right for you?

X Factor’s Mel B – ‘I Did Have a Four-year Relationship With a Woman’

Former Spice Girl, Mel B, told the Guardian:

“I did have a four-year relationship with a woman. But I’ve been very happily married for seven years to a penis. Ha ha! An amazing guy. I’ve definitely not been shy or been one to hold back. If I wanted to try something, I did. I had a girlfriend. So what?”

Mel B

The 39-year-old denied rumours that she has been ‘intimate’ with women since marrying current husband Stephen Belafonte in 2007.

“No, me and my husband are very tight and solid. But I will be the first one to compliment a woman, to say to my husband, ‘Oh my God, look at her legs’, or, ‘Doesn’t she look stunning?’ I do think women are gorgeous. Crazy but gorgeous.”

Mel B

The singer opened up earlier this month about having had relationships with women in the past, but said she does not identify as gay.

“… I’m happily married. People call me lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual, but I know who’s in my bed and that’s it … I have a huge libido and a great sex life.”

Mel B

Former Spice Girl Mel B Opens Up About Her Sexuality and Past Relationships With Women

Former Spice Girl Mel B has opened up about having had relationships with women in the past, but said she does not identify as gay.


In an interview with Alan Carr on his TV Show, Mel B was asked about whether she knew any women who had same-sex relationships in the past.

“Yeah, I was one of those for a few years.”

Mel B

The 39-year-old was asked by Carr whether she identifies as a lesbian, to which she said:

“I would not call it that. I was just one of those ladies . Now I’m happily married.”

Mel B



Line-up Ladies – Sinead O’Connor Announces She Wants to Date Women Again

Sinead O’Connor recently revealed that she is now looking to date women as it “ain’t really working out” with men.

The Irish singer has given several different accounts of her sexuality in the past.

She came out in 2000, saying “I actually am a dyke,” before saying a year later “It was overcompensating of me to declare myself a lesbian.”

Then she said “I’m three-quarters heterosexual, a quarter gay. I lean a bit more towards the hairy blokes.” However, later said it’s “not accurate” to call her bisexual.

This week, the singer wrote on her blog:

“Having no joy anyway in the dating department. Dating site has thrown up f**k all. I’m not exactly a great prospect once they’ve googled me.

I changed my ‘I am seeking a’ to ‘woman’. Just to see if I have any better luck. I notice at shows and generally life its women who want to marry me and or ‘do’ me etc.

I been thinking for a few years anyway it ain’t really working out with men.  So we’ll see what happens.”

Sinead O’Connor

Survival Guide: 10 Things That Happen In A Lesbian Relationship

A very funny article written by Mila Jaronie; a writer living and working in New York.

If you are new to the lesbian scene and curious about the future, here is a list of things you can expect to find yourself experiencing once you trap the lady love of your life.

Also read: 5 Common Misconceptions About Lesbian Relationships

Invincibility. When you’re in love, you’re invincible. Nothing can touch you; you share a heartbeat and that’s all that matters. There’s nothing to worry about anymore – you’re safe, you’re warm, you’re protected. You’ve made a home in each other’s arms and hearts and you’re facing the future fearlessly, together, head-on. That is, of course, until she finds an unread message with one too many smiley faces in your inbox from some hot girl. Suddenly, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do.

Olympic drinking. Prepare to be constantly tipsy. In your new relationship, you will feel joyously carefree and adopt a devil-may-care attitude, which will make every day with your girlfriend seem like a mini celebration. Going on an autumn walk? Wine in a traveling cup. She just got out of her linguistics final? Shots! You got off work at midnight instead of 2:00 a.m.? A house call with cheap vodka and champagne is in order. You’re so excited to be together you make every day a party, even if it’s a Tuesday afternoon and you have papers to write.

Olympic crying. Get ready for an onslaught of feelings, girls! You will find new and interesting reasons to be emotional, and therefore take crying to new levels. Cry because she’s the one. Cry because you’re not sure she’s the one. Cry because you’re drunk and her smile is so beautiful. Cry because she’s the only person who understands you. Cry because even after four months, she still doesn’t fully understand you. Cry because she’s fucking you too hard but you don’t want to ruin the moment. Cry because she’s crying. Really, the possibilities are endless.

Severe REM loss. Face it – once you get into a serious lesbian relationship, you will never sleep again. The hours you used to spend sleeping will suddenly be filled with one or more of these: passionate sex, mechanical sex, drunk sex, half-assed sex, angry sex, or a screaming fight about not having sex, followed by pity sex and a faked orgasm (which you don’t normally do, but damn it, you’re really tired).

Expansion. Of the horizontal variety. In a relationship, it is almost guaranteed that you will get fat and happy. You will lie contentedly in her arms on your plush couch among your eclectic throw pillows and reflect on how lucky you are. You will order in and eat out. In a spirit of domestic goddess-osity, you will attempt to cook dinner from scratch, which will of course result in half the kitchen on fire and subsequent takeout from the Chinese bistro down the street. You won’t mind. You’re in love.

BBS (Broke Bitch Syndrome). Enjoy your savings now, because once you get a girlfriend, they will disappear. Bar tabs, vacations, birthday/Christmas/anniversary/Fourth of July presents, decadent seven-course dinners, her car payment, that $245 pair of jeans you impulsively bought because they looked cute on her and she needed cheering up, etc. will chew up and spit out your bank account. You will need to apply for a new credit card just to be able to afford Valentine’s Day.

DSAS (Different-Sized Arms Syndrome). Look, at some point you are going to have to finger-bang your girlfriend. And unless you’re perfectly ambidextrous (or at least ambi-competent), you’re going to be using your dominant hand. Hours of finger-banging will cause your tendons to become extremely flexible and your forearm to exhibit muscle tone you never thought possible. Plus, if she likes it rough, you’ll also develop quite an impressive bicep. Of course, after you break up you’ll start lifting regularly to even out your two different arms, but one will always be slightly larger. Damn it.

Mobile phone aerodynamics. It is also likely that, at some point, you will get out-of-proportion upset over a passive-aggressive text or short, stroppy phone call, and in a flash of rage you’ll decide you’re done with her shit and hurl the phone across the room, at the ceiling, or into moving traffic. You will later send her a Facebook message telling her that you lost your phone, you’re sorry for ignoring her calls, and you’ll be home for dinner.

Chronic worrying. Your laid-back nature will suddenly give way to irrational paranoia and gnawing self-doubt. You will begin to worry constantly, about everything: what she’s doing when she doesn’t answer your texts (even though youknow she’s in for the night), what she meant when she said “I really need to concentrate on my work right now,” and why it’s 2:30 a.m. and she isn’t back from that “talk” with her ex yet. You will question everything – yourself, your relationship, your life choices, whether you’re even gay – and freak out accordingly

Chronic apologizing. In addition to worrying about everything, you will start apologizing for everything. Or, alternately, you will never apologize, and be the one to stomp off in a huff in the middle of an argument even when you’re wrong.

Also read: The 10 Best Things About Being a Lesbian That No One Tells You

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