Tag Archives: Dating

18 Indications Your Fashion Style Is Low Maintenance

If you can identify with some of these statements below then your fashion style is low maintenance.

Your hair is only ever down, in a ponytail or in a bun.

You wear your favourite pair of shoes with nearly all your outfits.

Your favourite outfit is jeans and a tee.

You don’t think about what you are going to wear in the morning. You just grab what you see.

You own a few casual dresses such as sundresses as you can put one on and off you go.

You tell your hairdresser that ‘wash and go’ is your kind of style.

You keep make up to a minimum or don’t wear it at all.

If you are forced to wear a pair of heeled shoes to an event, you might even consider not attending.

You appreciate though that heels do make your legs look longer. If you could only bear the pain…..

After around an hour of being in above mentioned heels you would rather cut your feet off than endure another hour wearing them.

You feel jealous that men can wear a suit with a pair of converse. If only, you think…

Your idea of dressing up for a night out is your coolest jacket with your smartest looking jeans.

Your friends beg you to let them give you a ‘makeover.’

If you are ever caught in a different outfit everyone does a double take because they don’t recognise you.

You do own a few items of clothing, but they are shoved in your wardrobe behind your favourite tees and only see daylight when there is a wedding or a funeral.

You sobbed in horror when you realised your new job went with a dress code of ‘professional businesswoman.’

However, after a few weeks of practise, you tweaked ‘professional businesswoman’ to mean ‘business casual’ and you’ve mastered the look perfectly.

Your favourite part of exercising is being able to wear comfortable and loose gym clothes and have an excuse for wearing them.

Become More Likeable Girls By Following These 11 Simple Tips.

Sometimes it’s really hard to fit in and we can all do with a little bit of a push in the right direction. If you find it more difficult to make friends or struggle to feel comfortable in large groups, these little pointers can make all the difference.

Look People in the Eye

This might sound a little obvious but it’s surprising how many people don’t make eye contact when they are talking to someone. Make sure you look at them when you are engaging in conversation. We’re not saying you should stare, just meet their gaze and that applies even if she has a nice pair of boobs you’d rather be looking at.

Don’t Keep Looking at Your Smartphone

A real bugbear, this one. There is nothing worse than trying to talk to someone and they are more interested in looking at their phone than concentrating on what you are saying. Just don’t do it. Ever.

Call People by Name

We know, we know, what else are you supposed to call them, right? But what we mean is if you use their name mid conversation it can make people feel special and important. Give it a try the next time you are having a conversation and watch them smile.


Believe it or not some people are just not big smilers. The problem with that is it can make you seem miserable or bored. We’re not saying you have to sit there grinning inanely like a Cheshire cat, but smile now and then to show you are happy to be talking to them.

Listen Carefully

Listening is actually a skill in itself, especially if you are finding the conversation a bit boring or long winded. So make sure you pay attention and do not keep asking someone to repeat themselves.

Flatter People

There is a difference between flattering someone naturally or sounding like a creep. If someone looks nice, tell them. If they are telling you about an achievement tell them how well they’ve done. It will show them you care and that’s a nice opinion to have of someone.

Accept a Compliment

Many people find it really hard to accept a compliments they don’t want to come across as egotistical. But if someone makes the effort to praise you or say something nice, thank them and tell them you appreciate what they are saying.

Don’t Complain

Have you ever had the misfortune of talking to someone that just moans through the entire conversation? It’s harder to cope with than pulling teeth. Certain people often feel the need to moan about the weather, their hair, their partner, in fact they can find something to moan about no matter what! So don’t go there. Try and focus on some positive things to say. If you are both having a moaning fest that’s different, but if you’re engaging in a typical conversation hold back on the moaning.

Don’t Jump to Conclusions

Certain people have a tendency to always take things the wrong way or read more into a situation than there actually is. It can also mean you judge someone wrongly and build a wrong impression of them. Make sure you don’t do this. If you think someone is insinuating something, then politely ask them to elaborate on what they mean. This is better than presuming you think you know what they mean and get the wrong impression totally.

Watch Your Body Language

Big body language no nos. Yawning, bad tone of voice, scowling and putting your hands on your hips. Body language signals like these will make you come across in a really negative way so whatever you do try not to show these signals when you are talking to someone or are in a large group.

Make Everyone Feel Included

Sometimes people can feel really awkward if they are in a large group and they simply sit there and not speak because they are shy or they don’t think they have anything relevant to say. IF you notice a member of the group is not joining him direct a question at them and ask them their opinion. If you are really shy and don’t like big groups, try to show other ways you are involved in the discussion by nodding your head or even saying ‘I agree with you’ or relevant statements like that.  It won’t take long for others to then involve you more directly rather than taking no notice of you because you are not speaking.


What To Do If Your Girlfriend Is Bad with Money

Let me tell you a little story, and I want you guys to chime in on it in the comments. I’m going to change the names and leave out the specifics, and I just want to know if it sounds familiar to you. I’m guessing most of you have been either Linda* or Layla* in this story at least once in your life, and some of you might still be one of these people. Let’s see:

Linda is very self-motivated, and takes it upon herself to track her finances without “needing” to. She gets her bills paid on time, almost without thinking about it, because she has a system that lets her do so.

Her partner, Layla, on the other hand, is significantly less motivated when it comes to money, and she’s racked up a little bit of debt because of it. She makes enough money to pay her bills, but she struggles with making smart money choices.

As a result, she’s able to pay her share of the bills, but usually at the last minute (or late), and she can’t seem to save anything – no matter how much money she’s made that month. It seems like the list of things she needs to pay for expands to fill exactly how much money she has coming in.

Layla is embarrassed about her money habits, so she doesn’t tell Linda about them – and, in fact, she sometimes lies about them! She refuses to ask Linda for help, even though she knows Linda has more than enough money in savings, because she’s afraid to admit that she has a problem. She keeps telling herself that “this is the month I try harder with my money”, but because she’s completely alone in her fight, she fails.

Meanwhile, Linda gets more and more frustrated, because she feels that she’s paying more of the bills and handling more of the shopping, and – since she doesn’t know that Layla is struggling – she thinks that Layla is being totally unfair and expecting too much from them.

What should Linda and Layla do in this situation?

While the specifics of money problems are bound to vary from person to person, they most often come from bad habits set into place. Sometimes, the “bad habit” is nothing more than what I like to call “shiny-itis” (or the compulsion to buy the next new thing, whether the item is actually practical or not). Other times, the “bad habit” is that your bills are too high for your income. There are a number of other possibilities, too, but the process of getting past them is still largely the same.

Let her know you’re on the same team.

Often when there is a severe difference in money management skills within a couple, the partner who’s not so good with money will be embarrassed. Maybe past partners have shamed her or judged her for her money, or maybe she’s her own worst critic. Either way, it’s important that you let her know that you’re on the same team, and you have a better chance of fixing things together.

The simplest first step is to sit down and write out some goals. I’m not going to go into the specifics of why you need to write them down, but trust me – this list should be on paper. Don’t talk numbers yet – we’re just trying to get a picture of what you want your finances to look like.

Most importantly, you need to let her know that she has nothing to hide, and that you just want to help her improve herself. Your girlfriend is an adult – so treat her like one. Avoid being patronizing, or making her decisions for her. In order to make lasting change, it has to be a willing effort on her part.

Get to the root of the problem (or as close as you possibly can).

The vast majority of the time, money problems aren’t exactly a problem by themselves – they’re a symptom of a bigger problem. These bigger problems, if left untreated, can actually start to affect the other areas of your relationship, too, so it’s best to resolve them as early on as possible. In order to help her get past her problems, you have to understand them. You can’t give advice if you don’t know the question.

Examine where in her finances the issues lie. For example, does she spend outside of her means? This is usually a sign of insecurity. Does she have a lot of debt from credit and store cards? This could be a sign that she doesn’t take responsibility for her actions. Likewise, emotional spending can be a sign that she’s impulsive, or that she suffers from depression. (Shopping is known to give the same euphoria that drugs and sex produce, so “retail therapy” can easily become an addiction.)

No matter what the specific causes are, talking about them will help you discover what other areas of her life she might need help with – even if you’re not the right person to help with them. While it’s normal to want to help her figure everything out, it’s actually pretty important that you let her find her own answers, too. She is her own person, and there is no guarantee that you guys will agree on every step of the process.

Get started as quickly as you can.

One of my favorite quotes is by Maya Angelou: “Do the best you can until you know better. And then, when you know better, do better.” This quote works great for almost every aspect of your life, because the people who take a slow start are already doing better than everyone who hasn’t started trying yet. As soon as you understand enough of the problem to take action, take action.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t think things through. I’m definitely not recommending that you go in on a joint bank account when your partner doesn’t even know how to look at prices yet. The important part of understanding the problem is deciding what the appropriate measures are for you to take.

Sit down together and have an honest discussion about your budget. You should both disclose your income, your spending, your saving, and your bills, as well as which of those things are “needs” and which are “wants”. No one needs to give up everything that brings them joy, but you’ll have to find a balance that doesn’t make you want to rip your hair out.

Act like she’s your partner.

Now that you have gone over the budget, you can start working things out to make the budget easier for her. Explain to her that money problems don’t usually come from a lack of funds – they come from a lack of priorities. Walk her through the tips and tools that you use, and give her a chance to ask questions if she needs.

If you have any hope of actually helping, you have to make sure she actually learns. While it might seem easier to just take over for her, I promise you – you’ll get frustrated very fast if you do it that way. The conversation is going to be uncomfortable, especially if she’s been hiding the truth for a while, but it’s essential that you give her some input on things, too.

By the time you’ve finished this step, you should have a fairly specific list of your average income (separately, and together); your average essential shopping; your average savings deposits; and, of course, your recurring bills. You should also have goals set for income, spending, and savings, which are revised from your Step One goals. Take a deep breath, and remember that there’s nothing to fight or judge over.

Get help from someone smarter than you.

I’d be willing to bet money that you’re not perfect with your money, either. There is always more to learn, so it’s worth it to invest (time) with an expert who can teach you something new. Subscribe to podcasts, read books, and take workshops together in order to reinforce the idea that this is a joint effort.

Finances require major teamwork, and many people simply haven’t had that experience in their lives yet. Bad habits can be really hard to break, especially in the case of impulse shopping and emotional spending. The more someone stresses about the situation, the more likely they are to repeat the bad behavior.

Unless your financial security is drastically better than your partner’s (for example, if you were born wealthy, or your income is more than 2x what hers is), it’s important not to spend much money on these expert tools. There is a lot more free information out there than most people realize. If you must spend money on the things you’re learning, make sure that it fits comfortably within your partner’s personal budget – she might not feel comfortable about you spending money to bail her out (even if that’s not exactly what’s really happening).

Make time to work on it.

Lastly, it’s important that you schedule a regular check-in time to go over your progress, your goals, and your expectations. This doesn’t have to be some big ordeal, but it should be carved out on your planners at least once a month, and maybe more often to start.

Remember that your budget is a no-judgment zone, and that her habits may have been forming for decades before you even came into the picture. Change doesn’t happen overnight, and she’s going to make some mistakes – quite possibly a lot of them. If you want long-term results, you have to learn to expect a few bumps in the road.

Your partner has the power to be the strongest member on your team – but only if you let her. You need to consistently work together, to handle the symptoms as well as the causes for the problems in your relationship. It gets easier in time, and as long as you’re both making a grown-up effort, the lessons you learn together are going to stick.

Do you have any other advice for couples struggling with their finances? Let us know in the comments – we’d love to hear about them!

Why You Should Ask Your Girlfriend’s Permission (Even Though You Don’t “Have To”)

I’ve heard it so many times before, in so many different articles (including, perhaps, a few of my own): You should never have to ask permission from your partner.

In some ways, that’s really good advice, too. Often, in the course of a relationship, we manage to forget that we are our own people, who happen to share our lives with one another.

The bonds we form can unintentionally take over, and before we know it, we find ourselves speaking for one another.

Unfortunately, though, to erase all of those bonds would mean you’re just two people who happen to be in close proximity to one another, and that’s not good, either.

Truly, it’s a balance. You should never feel pressured to ask permission from your partner for making decisions that only affect you.

The problem is, most of our choices don’t just affect us – which is why I choose to ask permission, even though my partner would never demand that I do.

It prevents a conflict.

How many times have you caught yourself making plans for you and/or your partner, only to find out later that your partner had other plans for that timeframe, or that she was uncomfortable with you participating? I know I’ve fallen victim to that one a time or two. That’s how I learned that asking first is the easiest way to prevent it from happening.

Seriously. Just ask. And don’t be afraid to let it be known that you’re asking, either.

We put too much emphasis on being our own people, and we forget that our relationship needs to be nurtured, too. When you feel comfortable with the idea of asking your partner before making plans, you’re giving her a chance to do the same with you. This way, plans don’t come as a surprise, and unless you both happen to plan a specific surprise for the exact same time, you won’t find yourself arguing about whose plans have to change.

(And if you argue about whose surprise was better, well… That’s another discussion entirely.)

It keeps your separate lives connected.

It’s so sad when you see people who say they’re in a relationship together, but really they’re just living together. I know I’ve been in that type of relationship, too, and it’s not fun. Not even a little. It can happen completely by accident, when we get busy with the rest of our lives, or it can happen intentionally when one partner is being deceptive.

Sadly, even when it’s unintentional, it can take a lot of hard work to repair the damage. If the two of you are entirely independent of one another, then what are you really doing together? A relationship that thrives on convenience, rather than love and respect, is doomed to fail (and be totally miserable until it does).

When you ask your partner’s permission, you’re giving her a peek into what you’ve got going on, without her having to pry. While I’m not going to say that asking permission will magically cure insecurity, it can definitely help to prevent the misunderstandings that come from a disconnect.

It allows you to make better decisions.

Personally, I like to pride myself on my decision-making skills. I’m an obsessive planner, and have a major compulsion to write down literally everything that’s going on in my life. Otherwise, I get terribly overwhelmed, and I’m too busy thinking about what I need to do tomorrow, that I can’t focus on what I need to do today.

Admittedly, this takes its toll on my decision-making skills, so I need someone to keep me grounded. Sometimes, that “someone” is my planner or my journal, but other times, it is absolutely my girlfriend.

The truth is, everyone has times when their decision-making skills are not their best. Logic and emotion can’t really coexist (at least not at the same time). Having someone to “check in” with before making a decision gives us a sounding board to weigh out the pros and cons. Most of the time, my girlfriend just listens as I go through everything on my own, and then tells me that she trusts my decisions.

Other times, she calls me out when I’m being totally irrational, and actually points me to the option that makes the most logical sense. Even the most rational people sometimes have off-days, and I don’t know about you, but I’m no Einstein over here.

In both cases, I’m grateful for the ability to talk things over with her – and I’m grateful that she gives me the same position in her own decision making process. It’s always nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of, and it’s great to deflect to someone who may have a different perspective.

It shows respect.

Okay, this might be my inner traditionalist coming out to play here, but… Asking if your partner is OK with something before you do it is the respectful thing to do. Your choices do affect her, even if only minimally, and it’s nice to defer to her to make sure she doesn’t feel disrespected.

Again, asking permission won’t cure insecurity, but if it might help, why wouldn’t you do it?

Likewise, when you show your partner the respect of asking permission will also inspire her to do the same for you. If you’re the only one asking permission, that’s when it’s a problem. But if you each ask each other before you make your decisions, you’re reinforcing the idea that your relationship is a partnership.

It creates a partnership.

I know, I know – I kinda just said this. But your relationship needs to be a partnership. You two should lean on each other, and respect each other’s feelings about the important things, as well as the trivial things. (Of course, I’m not telling you to text your partner to ask if you can go to the bathroom or take your break at work – that would just be ridiculous.)

When you agree to ask each other before making your bigger decisions, you’re reminding each other that you’re on the same team, each of you allowing the other to have a say in things.

Remember, though – you both need to feel the same way, or it’s going to cause a chasm between you. If one of you is constantly asking permission, and the other is doing their own thing no matter what, you don’t have a partnership. You have a dictatorship and the relationship is going to have some serious negative consequences, for both of you.

Lastly, it gives you an “out”.

I’m sure there have been a time or two when you’ve been invited to something you’d really rather not do, but you couldn’t think of a good reason not to. (No? Is that just an introvert thing?)

In a healthy relationship, your partner will understand your desire to have an “out”, and she’ll be happy to oblige that for you. Of course, this shouldn’t be abused, but from time to time… It’s nice to know you’ve got someone to back you up.

In some cases, it gives your partner an out, too. Instead of making plans for both of you, it’s good to get in the habit of asking whether she wants to be included. “Do you mind if I…” and “Would you like to join me?” should go hand-in-hand, most of the time. You should want your partner to be an active part of your life, whenever appropriate.

(It might not be appropriate for work events, especially if you’re not out of the closet at work. It also might not be appropriate if someone else is footing the bill for the event, and your partner wasn’t invited. Use your own discretion – and then stick with the plan.)

No matter what your specific reasons for asking permission are, it’s a great habit to get into – and I am proud to say that I ask my girlfriend’s permission for something at least a few times a week. Do you?

Why You And Your Girlfriend Need To Learn Another Language

Maybe you got a C in high school Spanish. Maybe you’re a polyglot who already knows six languages. Or maybe you’ve never even thought about learning anything but English.

No matter where you fall on that spectrum, you and your girlfriend should learn another language together. It will bring you closer, spice up your love life and transform date nights into creative adventures.

Okay, you say. But how?

1. It’s a Project

Learning a language requires hours. Several hundred hours, in fact. But these hours will fly by when you’re working on something with your girlfriend, and you two will bond over the challenge of picking up a new tongue.

Learning a language is a long-term project that requires consistency, so the two of you can work together to decide how much you want to invest. If you’re a native English speaker, then French, Spanish or Afrikaans will be easiest to learn. If you want a challenge, choose a language that doesn’t use a Roman alphabet, like Arabic or Chinese.

When you’re learning a language, the whole world becomes your classroom – and a romantic date spot. What does a typical night for you and your girlfriend look like? Netflix? Take-out dinner? Homework?

Instead, picture you and your girlfriend sitting by a fire, learning to write love letters to each other in Japanese. Picture you both watching a black and white French film while sharing chocolate-covered strawberries. Or dancing the night away at salsa and bachata classes in Spanish. Or making a dozen new friends at an Italian conversation meet-up. When you’re learning another language, the ordinary – letters, movies, dancing, conversation – becomes a romantic and interesting date idea.

2. It’s a Secret Code

Your girlfriend looks particularly attractive today, and you want to tell her all the naughty things you want to do. Unfortunately, your parents are sitting across the table. Solution? You could wait until you and your girlfriend get home. Or you could switch to Swahili and say, Nakutaka – I want you.

It’s gratifying to share something with your partner. You’ll start to text in a mixture of English and another language. You’ll send each other funny cartoons or idioms. You’ll develop your own inside jokes. It’s almost like the language is just between you and her.

3. It’s a Gateway

If your girlfriend’s family speaks another language, the best way to earn their approval and demonstrate your commitment is to ask her to teach you that language. That’s also the best way to truly learn about her culture. Without knowing the language of her family, you’ll always be missing a key part of who she is.

Sure, you’ll mispronounce words and incorrectly conjugate verbs and confuse subject-adjective agreement. But the point is that you’re trying. The more you try, the more you will learn about her and the closer you will become.

Discouraged? Consider setting up a reward system. Every time you say something correctly, she gives you a kiss. Every time you don’t, she gives you a naughty punishment…

Ready, set, go!

Here are some free and fun resources to help you get started.

  • Duolingo offers twenty languages languages, everything from Spanish to Ukranian to Esperanto. It works on a game-based system, so you won’t even realize you’re learning. Compete against your girlfriend for the highest score. Loser has to do dishes.
  • Language Zen only offers Spanish, but will add more languages soon. This revolutionary program teaches you through songs and personalizes itself based on your language goals. The goal is to take the anxiety out of learning a language. With Language Zen, learning it has never been easier.
  • Fluent in Three Months may sound hardcore, but this course proves that anyone can learn any language with ease through immersion. This website offers guidebooks, blog posts, newsletters and a helpful community of thousands of people, so that you and your girlfriend can connect with others.

Happy language-learning! Viel Glück! (Good luck!)

How To Let Go Of Your Fear Of Abandonment

Have you ever caught yourself irrationally fearing that your partner will fall in love with every stranger they see on their street? That they haven’t texted you for an hour because they’re bored of you and all the magic between you has been lost since that morning when you ate pancakes together? That you’ll never be as important as their exes?

If your answer is positive, you also probably find yourself surrounded by an ugly shameful feeling, because you might see yourself as the text-reading, facebook-stalking caricature character from that rom-com you watched the other day.

Now, behaviors such as these are indeed manipulative and possessive, and you should never fall into their pit or, if you already have, you seriously need to work on that. Still, fear of abandonment and the relationship anxiety that it’s causing is a primal fear, valid and torturous, and it most definitely is not something to be guilty or ashamed for.

Most of the times this fear is irrational. You might try to find an excuse for it but fail miserably: your partner might have not given you any ground to believe that they’re going to cheat on you, any sign that they’re not as much in love with you anymore as they used to be,  that you’re not enough for them, or that they’re gonna wake up tomorrow morning with the urge to leave you. These fears just exist and come without a warning. And that’s just horrible. You may have a beautiful, healthy relationship, and yet constantly feel like you’re poisoning it because you can’t trust enough, you can’t rationalize enough, you can’t relax enough. Especially when both (or more than both, in the case of a polyamorous relationship) of you work that way, finding some peace of mind might seem impossible.

Generally, try to remember that this is how people generally function: with their insecurities, their missteps and exaggerations. All of these are a hundred percent valid human responses to love and investment and insecurity, and they don’t make you a burden, or hard to love. You can just start building this, step by step, in order to start feeling more comfortable in your own skin and with the people who are important to you.

Discussing everything with your partner is a wonderful start, and good communication might make it so much easier, but sometimes even when you assure each other that you’re okay, it’s not enough for the noise in your head to buzz out.

I might be the last person allowed to give advice on such an issue, since I still freak out about everything and ruin several dinner dates and sleepovers. However, you can let me share my experience – not about something I’m over with, but about something that’s still pretty relevant in my life. It might help just letting you know you’re not alone, since that was the first step I made to feel better myself: ask whether I was the only person on Earth that poisoned my own relationship with my phobias, and feeling oddly reassured when I found out there was nothing unusual about me. It might also help if I share with you my coping techniques: not what solves the problem, but what I have found out makes it more viable.

1 – Take some distance from your thoughts

Sometimes it comes and it’s so harsh that you can’t go on without discussing it and overanalyzing it.

Some others, though, it briefly brushes over the surface of your mind amidst a thousand other thoughts. Something along the lines of of “oh yeah, I acknowledge that fear, it’s something that exists and can possibly affect my evening and remind me that I can never actually lay back and be happy in this relationship”. In these cases it’s better if you try to distract yourself. I’ve found out that this fear, when it remains on this relatively harmless stage, can pass and let me enjoy my trip, my daydreaming or my evening at the playground, without demanding to be set upon the surgical table and be exhaustively peeled and chopped to its ingredients.

2 – If it doesn’t go away, talk

If you see that your thoughts insist, don’t let them prevent you from sleeping at night. It’s vital that you discuss such things with your partner. Don’t ever feel like you’re being ridiculous or clingy for asking questions, but remember: There’s a huge difference between asking your partner, for example, about their feelings towards a friend that causes you jealousy, and demanding that they actually stop seeing that person or talking to them, just because you feel that their relationship is taking up space from yours.

3 – If you ask, believe

Trusting someone and knowing it’s safe to do so is a process. People often deny themselves their feelings or the possibility of a relationship in order to not feel vulnerable for placing their trust on someone else. But sometimes, even when the other person has given you every reason to trust them, you find yourself incapable of believing them. That’s one of my biggest problems, and I still have to fight with it, but then I try to remember that my partner does his best to prove his love to me everyday with his actions, therefore, there lies some effort to me in order to learn to give credibility to what he says, and not assume things on my own.

4 – When you learn how to believe, let the other in

Sometimes the worst thing that can do to your communication is to translate your partner’s point of view in your own language, instead of trying to grow familiar with theirs.

For example: When I’m supposed to fall in love, I do it almost instantly and with the first sparks of attraction. My partner functions in the completely opposite way: he needs to take his time, get to know the other person as friends first, form an intimate bond with them, before he can start experiencing romantic feelings. The fact that I refused to believe that a person can work in a different way than I do, made me freak out for months. I convinced myself that we were doomed and that we’d never feel the same way (spoiler alert: eventually, we did). We had to work hard in order to start understanding how the other thinks and feels, but for the work to start, we first had to realize that it’s a thing that actually happens: people think differently, feel differently, fall and stay in love through different processes, and that’s okay.

So let your partner know what it feels like to be in your mind. It will solve many misunderstandings and help them know you better.

5 – It’s not us, it’s me

Try to check whether it’s your own insecurities acting up when your relationship doesn’t face any other challenges. I don’t mean ‘stop whining, it’s all in your mind’. Sorry to break it to you, but most things are in our mind and yet, that doesn’t make them any less real. No. What I’m saying is, once you realize that there’s nothing wrong with your relationship per se, or at least that less things are wrong than what you think, it’s a first step in the process of rationalizing things a bit easier.

When I took a step back and wondered why I’m always incapable of believing my partner when he says he truly wants me, is happy with me, and won’t turn to other people, I found out that it’s not caused by anything he does wrong. Instead, it’s induced by the fact that I can’t really imagine how I could ever want me, or be satisfied by me, if I was another person, because of my own low self-esteem.

That doesn’t mean that you can magically solve all of your problems because you acknowledge them: I don’t believe that anyone can learn to love themselves overnight just because someone told them to. Self-acceptance and self-love is a long and bumpy road. But figuring that out was at least the start of accepting that the problem wasn’t caused by the lack of my partner’s appreciation, or his potential dishonesty when he comforted me.

Here is another important detail: when your fear is there, making your life harder, but you acknowledge that it’s caused by your own insecurities and that your partner has done nothing wrong to trigger it, let them know: it’s important to assure them that you’re not blaming them when it would be unfair to do so and when, you actually, are not.

Fear escalates to worse fear, even when you discuss things and feel temporarily better: it can seem like a relationship dementor: sucking all the happiness from the room, making you believe that you’ll never relax and enjoy, or even that this relationship is doomed, if not by its ingredients, then by your overthinking itself.

6 – Analyze wisely

Discussing things with your partner is vital, but you can always talk to your friends as well, to people who’ve probably been through that before, who care for you but inspect the dynamics of your relationship more soberly, from a more detached, distanced point of view. Overanalyzing is paralyzing, some say, but when it’s inevitably what you (and I, trust me!) have learnt to do best, sometimes you need to figure out how to use it productively for your own profit.

Talk openly and deeply. Respect what you listen and demand to have your own feelings respected. Let your partner know why you feel the way you do, or try to figure it out together. Long, hard conversations, are sometimes the biggest challenges and can help you know and care for each other in a deeper way.

Everything requires effort but no effort is in vain. You learn and you grow, and you’ll stumble again, but each time, your feet will feel a bit more coordinated.

In the end, always remember: focusing on the present builds the likeliness for a future.

5 Ways You’re Unintentionally Abusing Your Girlfriend

The other day, as I was browsing the sites I frequent, I came across this article about abusive behaviors. Naturally, I was curious – the intersection of mental health, love, and abuse is a really big topic to me (and one that I hope my articles do proper justice). However, when I started to read the article, I was taken back. For those who don’t want to read the whole thing, the author seeks to describe some behaviors that he’s identified in his own relationships that can be taken as abusive.

I don’t want to think that you can accidentally abuse someone. It’s so much easier to think of an abuser as the exception, rather than the rule. It’s hard to explore the idea that the potential for abuse lies within each and every one of us.

As I kept reading his article, though, I saw myself in some of these actions. I was speechless – I am an advocate for people getting out of abusive situations, ASAP. Was it really possible that I, too, had created abusive situations for my partners, past and present? I didn’t want to believe it – but I knew I had to.

If you have the time, please read Jamie Utt’s full article (here’s that link again). His article is aimed at cis straight men, but his points ring true for so many of us. In the meantime, here’s a list of 5 abusive things you do that you probably had no idea could be taken as abusive.

1. Acting on our emotions.

Humans are super emotional creatures. There’s some debate as to whether other animals feel the same emotions we do, and in turn whether they’re capable of “actual abuse” in the clinical sense. But humans are definitely capable of feeling emotions, and when we act on those emotions without regard to how they affect others, that is abusive.

One of the most common emotions that affect our relationships is jealousy. At its core, your jealousy is not your partner’s responsibility. None of your emotions are. When you take the step to look through her phone, casually scroll through her Facebook friends list, or otherwise use your jealousy to justify an intrusion on her personal privacy, you are being abusive.

Likewise, our personal insecurities can come into play, too. Your partner’s actions and words may play a part in your insecurities, but make no mistake: Your insecurities are not her fault. They are your reaction to her actions. While she should try to keep your feelings in mind as appropriate, that doesn’t mean she deserves to be held accountable for them.

With these two emotions, we don’t see our actions as abusive, because – after all – part of being in a relationship is accepting that your actions will inspire a certain reaction in a partner. However, if we were to apply that logic to all emotions, anger can turn into aggression, which can turn into physical violence or emotional abuse of a partner. It’s easy to say that what you’re doing “isn’t that bad”, but by excusing these gateway emotional response, we’re setting ourselves up for a worse emotional response down the line.

Instead, you should work through your emotional reaction before taking an action. Emotion is a normal part of the human experience, but your partner deserves a fair chance to speak her side. If you need to let off your emotions, do so in a journal or to a trusted friend – and then, once you’ve calmed down, express your concerns to your partner and allow her to voice her side. There’s a chance your suspicions are exactly right, and you are entitled to your disbelief if the evidence is against her, but you owe her the respect of giving her a chance to explain.

2. Controlling the situation.

This is one that I’ve struggled with for much of my life. We often learn at a very young age that we need to be assertive in order to get what we want. We have to make sure that our own interests are taken care of. These are very valuable lessons to learn, of course, but they also set us up for unintended consequences.

When we start with assertiveness, this can easily shift toward control if we’re not careful. It’s important that we take actions to get the things we want, but we should not force someone else to give us what we want. In that context, it’s easy to see how it can be abusive, but it’s not usually so black and white.

Think over your relationship. When’s the last time you pressured your partner to give in to your will? For example, you want to get a puppy, but your live-in partner doesn’t want a puppy. Just as with any other examples of consent (because coercion is a byproduct of rape culture), if one person says yes and the other says no, the answer is no.

Likewise, your attitude about the situation comes into play, too. Intention does matter, even if it’s not the only thing that matters. Even when you compromise with your partner, the way you treat that compromise makes a difference. We can be unintentionally abusive when we applaud ourselves for being “accommodating”. The word itself is a bit patronizing, don’t you think?

Compromise isn’t about being the bigger person. It’s about being a decent person. And, if you think you deserve a pat on the back for being a decent person, you are not a decent person. If the motive behind your compromise is anything other than fairness and common decency, you’re making yourself a martyr – which is one of the signs of gaslighting.

3. Refusing to listen.

Particularly when we’re affected by stress, anger, or insecurity, we may be prone to ignore the things our partner wants, or the things she asks of us. We might even come up with excuses as to why it’s “not our fault” that we didn’t listen or didn’t remember the things she said. In some cases, those excuses are absolutely true – but, most of the time, they’re just excuses.

Talking to your partner is meant to be a productive experience. She brings her concerns to you because she trusts you to help with them, even if the only “help” needed is a listening ear. If you’re continually making your partner repeat the things she expects from you, you’re telling her that your convenience is more important than her happiness. You’re telling her that what you want is more important than her comfort.

What’s worse is that, by refusing to listen to her (and denying the validity of the things she says), you’re telling her that you know better. While that’s certainly going to be true, some of the time, it’s important to remember that she is her own person. Continually ignoring her wants and needs makes you a bad partner, regardless of the reasons you come up with for why you’re ignoring them.

I think the scariest part of this particular problem is that there’s often a disconnect involved. The partner who doesn’t listen may, in turn, accuse her partner of “nagging”, while the partner being ignored feels that her partner is willfully disregarding her feelings. Assuming that you don’t want that scenario to take over your relationship, you need to make an active effort to listen to her.

Does that mean you need to do everything your partner asks? No – that would make her your controller. But it’s important to listen to her and understand which of her complaints is the most important, and which you can reasonably fix. She is your partner – not your boss, and not your assistant. Treat her fairly, and take her into consideration when making your decisions.

4. Emotionally manipulating her.

Many of us have experienced emotional manipulation at some point or another in our romantic relationships. Sometimes, it’s entirely unintentional, or even conditioned (and condoned) through society. It makes sense that emotions play a big part in our relationships, but using someone’s emotions against them is a terrible way to handle your own emotions.

It’s far too easy to excuse emotional manipulation as just gaslighting and name-calling, but the truth is, emotional manipulation happens more often than we’d like to admit. Any time you withhold sex, affection, or attention from your partner, because of something she’s done (or hasn’t done), you are emotionally manipulating her. Even if you have the best of intentions with your manipulation, it’s still manipulation.

Another common form of manipulation is playing hard-to-get, or using the words “If you loved me you would…” as a precursor for a request. We see both of these behaviors a lot in our favorite “romantic” movies and television plots, but they’re definitely not romantic. They’re about using someone’s desire to make you happy against them in a very personal way.

Let’s think about this one from the other side. Telling someone that their love for you needs to be proven through certain specific actions is unfair, at best, and very abusive at worst. People love differently, and while there are some general signs that someone cares about you and some signs that they don’t, there is no single arbitrary quantifier. Love doesn’t need to be quantified, nor does it need to be qualified.

Less obvious are “relationship tests”, set up to catch your partner in inappropriate behavior. For a long time, I used to tell the people I dated, “If I find out you’re testing me, I will fail… On purpose.” That’s because secretly testing someone is unfair, and it just shows that you are too insecure to be in a relationship right now. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you realize that and choose not to be in a relationship. But no one should have to jump through hoops to make you happy, whether they know the hoops are there or not.

Instead, discuss your true feelings with your partner, without the passive-aggressiveness that leads to emotional manipulation. If you have a concern, express it as a concern – not as an ultimatum. Chances are, your relationship will be happier and stronger once you let go of your need to control your partner through her emotions. (And she will definitely be happier, too.)

5. Showing aggression when things don’t go your way.

I’m going to level with you guys: I suffer with some temper problems. I have moderate anxiety, and some days it’s incredibly difficult to keep my anger in check. But just because you feel angry does not mean you have to show aggression – and learning the difference between the two is essential to living a happy life.

The main difference between anger and aggression is that anger is an emotion – a normal and perfectly natural reaction to things gone wrong. Aggression, on the other hand, involves an act (or threat) of violence. Sometimes, this violence is sudden and noticeable – such as when a relationship turns physically abusive. It doesn’t usually start that way, though.

The threat of violence can be stated, or it can be implied – such as when Jamie (from the HuffPost article) slammed his hands down on the table and scared his wife. The implication here is that, if he’s willing to slam his hands down on the table to express his anger, he needs that physical release of his anger. You can tell yourself all you want that your anger is “under control” because you only take it out on inanimate objects – but you’re sending your partner a very clear message.

Instead, if you must reach out for a release of your anger, try channeling your anger into physical activity. From a psychological standpoint, it’s a lot more helpful in releasing your frustrations, and it’s really good for you, too. While I don’t recommend exercising with the person you’re upset with, necessarily, it’s a great way to harness your adrenaline. Remember everything you know about “fight or flight”? Well, the goal here is to use “flight” to prevent “fright”. (See what I did there?)

Physical exercise works for a number of reasons. First, it produces endorphins, which are your body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Second, it helps to lower your blood pressure, which is both a cause and an effect of elevated stress levels. Third, it helps to burn off extra energy and adrenaline that can cloud your judgment and lead you to poor relationship decisions.

Connect On A Deeper Level With Your Boo By Doing These Three Things.

Having a connection with someone is made up of three main components. Time, Focus and Sharing. Connections with your boo can occur if one or more of these components are missing. The idea is to share experiences together and implementing all of these three components in your relationship. Let’s have a look at how you can do this.


Finding the time to spend together alone in your busy schedules can be really difficult for many couples and lack of time together is one of the main components to disappear in a relationship. If you live together it’s easy to become more like ships that pass in the night as you both focus on your careers, work colleagues and friends. If you don’t live together it can be very easy to spend time with a group of friends rather than just being alone. Spending time together is really important, but it’s not how much time you spend together, it’s the quality of your alone time.

Everyone has different opinions on what quality time together means so the first thing to do is to ask your boo what she sees as quality time together. Then tell her yours. For example, you may think quality time together could just mean lounging on the couch watching a film, but she may think quality time together means getting away from normal activities and doing something different, just the both of you. Once you’ve established what quality time together means, implement them all so you both feel you’re getting quality time. It won’t take long to start feeling really connected with her after doing this.


Now you’ve both worked out how you are going to spend time together you can implement the focus. If you’re on a ‘date night’ don’t let your mind wander to what’s happened at work that day, or start mentally preparing for a presentation you have coming up. Stay in the moment. Focus on what you are doing with her. Listen to what she is saying. Forget everything else going on and just enjoy her company and the experience you are both having alone. Many people find it hard to switch off from life’s pressures but with practise it can be done. Forget the outside world during your quality time and just think about her and what you are both enjoying together in that moment.


Now you’ve sussed the time and focus you now need to start sharing as well. This means while you are together you share your thoughts, feelings, ideas, hopes and fears with her. It’s also important to share your physical self as well. Kiss her, hold her hand and cuddle her while you are alone together. It will show her that you are sharing your complete self with her and help build trust and deep bonds between the pair of you. Don’t forget the sex. Make time to make love to her and make sure she feels desirable and wanted.

Mastering these three components get easier over time and you both need to then implement as much of this into your daily lives, even if it’s just grabbing a coffee together during the day. It’s a chance for you both to talk alone, to focus on each other and share any issues you are worried about in your relationship.

Here is an experience you can both enjoy together while implementing all three components.

Cuddle up and face each other. Look into each other’s eyes and talk about something nice, such as your future plans together, where you’d like to go with her on vacation or simply tell each other what you love about each other. Exchange kisses, touch her face or gently rub her arm. These kinds of intimate experiences are very powerful and can help re-establish a connection that has been missing recently.


What to Do If You Think Your GF Is Cheating

I think, at some point in our lives, we all end up with a cheater. Even cheaters themselves end up falling for someone who can’t stay faithful, eventually. Most of the time, what we think might be cheating is just a miscommunication – but that can sometimes hurt just as bad. What do you do if you think your girlfriend is cheating on you? We’ve got 7 steps to make the process a little easier.

Take a deep breath.

Things aren’t always what they seem, and just because you’re getting a little suspicious doesn’t mean there’s actually anything going on. What makes you think she’s cheating, anyway? There are a number of things we do every day that look way worse than they actually are. For example, if your girlfriend “has to work late” every night, it might mean she’s seeing someone else – but it could also mean she’s trying to bank some extra money for your future together. Stay calm, and don’t make any rash decisions based on a hunch.

Be discrete.

Even if you have solid proof that she’s cheating on you, that’s not really your business to spread around. You don’t want to get a reputation as a rumor-starter, and there will always be people who don’t believe the facts when they’re right in front of their face. (I could get all political here, but I don’t think I will.) Be careful who you confide in about your suspicions – trying to rally all your mutual friends to your side can have disastrous consequences.

Process the information.

Gather up the bits of information that you have, and decide how you want to move forward. Remember that hard evidence isn’t necessarily required, but if there’s a legitimate alibi for everything you’re accusing, things probably won’t work out in your favor. Consider things that you’ve heard, if you’ve heard them from people you trust. Consider things you’ve seen yourself, as well as the gut feelings you have. Taking all these details into consideration will help you form a more educated plan of action.

Talk to her about it.

I know this is the part that sucks, but… You have to hear her side of things. The only people who ever really know what happened are the people who were involved. There are at least two sides to every story, after all. Keep in mind that your girlfriend might not tell you the truth (cheaters aren’t exactly known for their honesty, after all). Even if she does tell you the truth, that’s not going to make it hurt any less. But denial will hurt you way more, and for much longer, so you have to get the truth.

Decide if you want to stay or leave.

No matter what the truth turns out to be, only you can decide if the relationship is worth the pain it’s caused you. If she wasn’t cheating, there was still something off that caused you to feel that she was, so you need to explore that for yourself. It is 100% okay to walk away from a relationship that doesn’t make you happy, even if there are children involved. After all, it’s more important that your children see a loving, healthy relationship – not one where their parents are miserable all the time.

Consider therapy.

Regardless of whether you choose to stay together or split up, therapy or counseling might help you to work out the issues that have come up. A good therapist can help prevent these insecurities from turning into full-fledged phobias, and they can help you to process the changes if you decide to stay together. No matter what choices you make, there is nothing wrong with reaching out to someone for help.

Learn from it.

The biggest thing you can gain from any bad life experience is the lesson it teaches. Use this setback as a means of redefining your relationship needs, whether with your current partner or your future partners. If your partner wasn’t cheating, but spending long hours at work, you need to recognize whether future ambitious partners would be a problem with you or not. Lastly, if you keep making the same mistakes, you haven’t finished learning from them yet – try to look at things from a different perspective, and see if there are any things you could do differently to be treated the way you deserve.

How A Casual Fling Can Help You Get Over Your Worst Break-Up Ever

Break-ups suck. Even between the most mature of adults, there are bound to be some hurt feelings in the mix, even if only temporarily. Often we resort to a casual rebound hook-up just to get our bearings back. Sometimes, these rebound hook-ups are a total disaster, but truthfully, they’re not all bad. Here are 4 things that casual flings actually get right.

It helps you remember the rules of the dating game.

Realistically, casual flings and long-term relationships should follow pretty similar rules. Yet, for some reason, we don’t always follow the same rules for both situations. We tend to think that one woman – the one we’ll never see again – somehow deserves less respect than we gave our exes. Or, on the other side of the coin, we feel more comfortable being unapologetically ourselves in front of the ONS, because we can just go ghost if things don’t work out. (Long-term relationships take a little more effort to leave.)

The truth is, you always need to keep your expectations reasonable and honest. Exactly what that means may be different from one to the other, but the core concept is the same. Treat her with respect, don’t lie to her, and be open about your intentions. You should also be using proper protection, unless you are completely monogamous and have been for at least six months. Don’t take unnecessary risks with your sexual health!

It helps build your confidence back up.

We all know we shouldn’t place our sense of self-worth in the hands of another person. Yet still, many of us need some reassurance from time to time, and that’s a normal human instinct. It’s always nice to feel wanted and appreciated, and a well-chosen casual fling can provide just that reassurance. Not every fling will give you that security, but it usually doesn’t hurt to try.

Just remember that you do have an obligation to tell the other person if you’re just using them for the ego boost. Not everyone minds this implication, but they deserve the respect to choose if they’re okay with it or not. You can look out for your own happiness without sacrificing someone else’s.

It gets you out of the house.

When you’ve got someone to hang out with, you’re more likely to get out of the house… Even if you’re just going to their house. In a post-break-up funk, it can be hard to remember to get your daily sunshine. A casual fling gives you somewhere to go, something to do, and a reason to take care of your hygiene. While it’s best if you remember to do those things anyway, your casual fling just gives that extra little push.

Going out with someone can help you get out of your head, too. All too often we get hung up on everything that’s gone wrong in our lives. Since you barely know this person, you won’t be so tempted to just unload on them, like you would with your friends. (And, if you do get the urge to tell your life story to the girl you just met at the bar… Don’t give into that urge.)

It takes some of the stress out of dating.

I like to think of casual flings as the “training wheels” of the dating world. It’s nothing serious, and yet it has all the same qualities as a good serious relationship… Minus waking up to morning breath every day. Since the expectations are generally lower and it’s easier to communicate without those pesky feelings getting in the way, it’s way less stressful to have a casual relationship than a serious one.

Of course that’s not to say that serious relationships don’t have their place, too. No matter how heart-wrenching and life-affecting serious relationships are, most people will find themselves drawn to be in one at some point in time. You might end up being drawn to a serious relationship with your casual fling – my current girlfriend and I were just supposed to have a one-night stand, almost three years ago. You can’t always predict the way things are going to turn out – but you can give yourself permission to go with the flow.

8 Of The Best (And Worst) Things About Dating A Writer

I’ve been a writer (professionally speaking) for a little over a year now, and it’s still a new and exciting experience almost every day. There are definitely some things about being a writer that my non-writer-friends will probably never understand, as well as some things about my non-writer-friends that I’ll probably never understand. (Like, you mean to tell me there are people who can get through life without writing things down in their planner first? I really can’t wrap my head around that one.)

No matter what the differences really are, I knew that there were differences in my dating life even before I started getting paid for the words I write. If you’re interested in someone who writes – whether for a living, or just as a hobby – there are 8 things you really, really need to know about dating a writer.

(Also, please note that when I say “writer”, I’m not just talking about the professionals here – writing is so much more than a job, it’s a way of life.)

1. We remember things. (Like, everything.)

Those who are drawn toward being writers tend to keep written records of everything. Personally, I’ve been marking down the days I have sex, in some way or another, since shortly after I turned 18. We can’t always explain why we feel compelled to write things down – but rest assured, if there’s anything we think might be important to us, it’s probably jotted down on a piece of paper somewhere. Probably inside of a really, really pretty notebook, because that’s just how most of us roll.

This is a great thing for you, because we’ll never forget your birthday or our anniversary. We probably also have a list of things that you enjoy, as well as some things you don’t like. It’s not all strawberries and sunshine, though – we’re also going to remember that time you got way too drunk and tried to kiss our roommate. Whatever you do, make sure your writer girlfriend doesn’t find out about you doing anything horrible to someone else – you might end up finding yourself in one of her villainous characters one day.

2. We can make you famous. (Or infamous!)

Okay, I’ll admit… As I wrote this, I immediately thought of the (in)famous Jenny Schecter and how she put all of her friends on blast in a very public way. I also can’t help but think of Jenna Hamilton from Awkward and how she’s unwittingly put her family and friends in the spotlight a time or two, too. Writers draw from life experience, so as soon as you enter her life, you’re already running the chance of ending up in a story or article.

Sometimes, this is awesome, because we have a way with words that can make you sound like the most awesome person ever. If your writer girlfriend writes romance novels and there’s this one special move that you invented… Well, it can easily find its way in. On the other hand, if you do something that really pisses her off, she might end up letting everyone know – and while she won’t use your name, the people who know both of you will definitely know it’s about you, and everyone else will just know that you’re the “bad guy” in the story.

3. We are great at listening.

To a writer, every single day gives an opportunity for new material. We listen to every word you say, and we’ve probably done thorough research into the subject you need help with – and, if not that, we at least know exactly where to find the information. If you’re looking advice, we’ve got the best around – we draw from every life experience we’ve ever had, read about, or seen. Most of the time, we can play through the whole situation and predict which one is most likely to lead to a resolution – and which one is just headed for disaster.

However, this advice and knowledge comes with a downside: We can’t turn it off. Don’t come to us with a problem if you just want to complain, because we will find our way to the solution whether you like it or not. We love listening to your stories, but we’re not going to keep re-reading the same sad pages, so make sure you’re actually trying to fix your problems, or we’ll both just end up frustrated.

4. We’re probably the most romantic girlfriends you’ll ever have.

I’ve heard it said that, in order to be a good writer, you have to be a good reader. It makes sense, too – if you can’t understand the complexities of the language, you can’t possibly craft beautiful things with it. You have to fully understand how to love before you can be loved. And writers have that type of loving relationship with all the things in the world – whether they are actively thinking about it or not.

You see, as writers, we have a very intimate and passionate relationship with all the little things in life. We can see the magic within a simple coffee cup, and see the possibilities that lie within an empty page. We look at something unfinished and don’t see it as something left to do, but rather as something we can still fix up. This also means that we prefer the thoughtful or intangible gifts – a writer would never be satisfied by frivolous trinkets. We don’t want your money, we want your love, and we won’t let you forget it!

5. We have a unique perspective of the world.

The creative mind is always skilled at seeing things from someone else’s point of view. We’re skilled at taking in every detail, and figuring out which ones are worth considering. Truth be told, all of the details come into play, at least to some degree, but there are definitely some that mean more than others. We have the skills necessary to take this jumble of details and ideas and turn it into something very real.

Unfortunately for you, once we’ve made up our mind about what’s important, what’s not, and what’s right or wrong, we are pretty sure of ourselves. We are confident, because we know we’ve taken everything into consideration. There’s pretty much no use arguing with a writer, because she’s probably (literally) written the book on exactly why you’re wrong. Trust me on this one – any writer worth mentioning has her code of ethics, and won’t stand behind her facts until after she’s totally verified them.

6. We are adventurous.

Your writer girlfriend is keen on new experiences, because she knows her writing depends on them. She’s totally into having sex in new and exciting places – even if it sometimes makes you nervous. That’s not to say she’s going to push you too far out of your comfort zone, but you definitely need to be a little open-minded. She’s known for bending the rules a little bit in order to get what she wants – good writing is about bending grammar rules to your will, after all, so why wouldn’t the rest of life work the same way?

This adventurous spirit, while wild and exciting, also means that she can get bored easily if she has to stay in the same place or situation for too long. She needs to spread her metaphorical wings and fly. She might even need you to remind her to keep her head out of the clouds, but that’s what you get for loving a dreamer!

7. We are patient.

Most people think that writing is all about finding the perfect words to put on the page. The truth is, you rarely find the right words the first time around – writing is all about rewriting. We struggle to find the right words, and we struggle to make the words fit together. Honestly, when you think about all the steps that actually go into writing something, it’s a miracle that anyone would choose to be a writer – and it’s probably more true that being a writer chooses us.

This patience that we learn through our craft teaches us how to be patient in the rest of our lives, and how to fit everything together so that it works for everyone. We’re used to working and reworking things, and we’re used to sacrificing in order to meet our greater vision. The downside is that we’re going to expect that patience from you, too, and if you aren’t able to give it to us… Well… We had to fight for what we deserved in the writing world, but we’re sure not going to take the same from a partner.

8. We don’t really do the whole “goodbye” thing.

When you love a writer, you’re going to find out quickly that the things she writes have a tendency of sticking. Her words will live on much longer than she will, and you can bet that the words on the page will bring you closer to her. It’s never “goodbye” with a writer. Once she’s written about you, you’ve become one of her characters, and you’ll always be a part of her world.

The flip side is that you won’t ever truly be rid of her, either. The words she writes will be around long after she’s gone. This means that she’s not going to take down the blog posts she’s written about you, or suddenly cancel her publishing contract just because things went wrong with you. Good luck forgetting the woman who’s already written you into her memoirs.

7 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating

Sometimes we all get those little niggling doubts that our girlfriends are cheating on us. We don’t have any proof, but we just ‘feel’ something is going on. Well, if that sounds familiar to you just now take a look at some of these signs that might indicate she’s playing away.

1. She wants more sex than usual

This might seem a bit strange, but according to psychologist Nikki Martinez of Betterhelp this can be a sign your boo is having an affair. It’s not necessarily because she has suddenly developed an increased libido but could be a sign she feels guilty and is trying to make it up to you by giving you lots of sex.

2. She’s become Miss Romance

If your chica is normally unromantic and all of a sudden she is sprinkling petals in your bath and whisking you away for romantic weekends and this is totally out of character for her, beware. Rob Alex, creator of Mission Date Night, says that this kind of behaviour can be a red flag that she’s cheating and feels bad about it.

3. She looks hotter than ever

When women have affairs they become more aware of how they look on a daily basis so if she is suddenly showering more than usual, making a bigger effort with her make-up or has started working out more at the gym it may be a sign she has another love interest.

4. Her behaviour in general changes

According to Melinda Carver, a relationship coach, if your partner changes her usual behaviour totally and acts differently than how she normally does it could be an indication she’s dipping her toe somewhere she shouldn’t be.

5. She’s making a massive effort

Has your girlfriend started to make a real effort to show you affection, always arrive on time for dates and seems more motivated to show you how important you are to her? If yes, Cecil Carter, of dating appLov, suggests this could be because they are trying to overcompensate for what may be wrong in your relationship.

6. She’s become really adventurous

If climbing a steep hill was a challenge to your sweetheart and now she’s attempting to climb Mount Everest it may be an indication that she’s trying to show you how happy she is with you, even though she is doing adventurous things alone and not including you in them.

7. The green-eyed monster rears its ugly head

Life coach Kali Rogers claims that if your girlie is suddenly jealous of you looking at other women or starts to become really possessive and wants to know where you are all the time it could be because she is projecting. This is when someone assumes you might be doing the same as they are and in this case, cheating.

Not all these signs are proof that she is playing away and she simply might just be trying to put renewed energy and excitement back into your relationship.

The best thing to do is to talk to your loved one and tell her what you are thinking and feeling. Sometimes it’s easier to assume the worst but that’s not always the case.

Be brave and talk to her because accusing her of something that she is not guilty of is one sure fire way to destroy your relationship anyway.

8 Things You’re Doing to Ruin Your Relationships

It’s no secret that relationships require a lot of compromise. Sometimes, it even feels like hard work – especially if it seems more like sacrifice than compromise. When the relationship ends, we often try to place the blame largely on one person or the other, completely ignoring the fact that one-sided break-ups are actually very rare. In fact, in many cases, when it seems like one person is screwing things up, it’s actually more likely that you’re both doing things to ruin your relationship – it just happens that the other is shifting the blame a little more.

There’s really no such thing as an expert in the dating game. Sure, some people know a little more, and some people are a little more naïve, but most break-ups boil down to the following 8 reasons. How many can you count in your relationships?

1. You give your partner too much control over your life.

In the course of some relationships, one partner will end up “wearing the pants”, so to speak. This isn’t always a deliberate act of control – sometimes, the partner who seems to be controlled is voluntarily giving up their autonomy for their partner. Eventually, the in-charge partner gets used to being in charge, and it becomes a really difficult habit to break, for both partners. Different personality types play into each of these roles, and it’s not always going to happen, but recognizing it is the key to being happy in your relationship – and the rest of your life, too.

How do you know if you’re handing over too much control? One of the easiest ways is to identify the things you automatically defer to her. Do you feel the need to ask permission, or do you feel confident that the choices you make won’t upset your partner? Do you pre-emptively check in with her so she knows you are where you said you’d be at that time, or do you only check in if there’s something out of the usual going on?

There are tons of examples of this self-inflicted loss of control, and some of them may even be pruned by your partner. It’s important to identify them early, so that you can break the habit on your side. Once it’s become “business as usual”, the habit will be much harder to break, as you’ll both have to work on it.

2. You avoid responsibility for your own actions.

One of the most common excuses that I hear for infidelity, domestic violence, and even codependent drug addictions is that the other partner “made them” do it. This is dangerous, not only because it paints your partner as a bad person when they might not otherwise be classified as such, but also because it removes your ability to fix your own problems. After all, if you can’t acknowledge that you have a problem, you can’t actually plan a solution.

That’s not to say that you should take responsibility for everything that goes wrong in your relationship, though. If you’ll notice, I said you should take responsibility for your actions. Do not allow your partner, or anyone else in your life, place the blame on you for things that are out of your control. Unless you have magical powers (or a major control freak complex), you didn’t make your partner do anything, and she didn’t make you do anything, either.

This means that you need to own up to your past mistakes, too – even when it hurts. Thankfully, admitting to yourself that your past mistakes were actually mistakes gives you the chance to come up with a different approach next time. If you don’t take responsibility for these choices, you’re setting yourself up to make the same bad choices again.

3. You have unclear priorities and expectations.

Something I used to be really, really bad about is expecting that my partner would naturally know what she should be doing, at any point in time. I had a very clear picture in my head about what my priorities were, and I assumed that anyone I dated would have the same priorities. It would be great if it worked out like that, but realistically, priorities are very subjective. If you don’t communicate your expectations, she doesn’t know your expectations.

On the other side of the coin, there’s the woman who doesn’t even know what she expects from herself. (That’s all priorities really are, if you think about it – expectations you set for yourself.) We often assume that our priorities stay the same throughout our lives, but really, that’s rarely the case. Most of us have expectations for ourselves in ten general categories, as one of my favorite bloggers explains in this post. Even if you don’t have an answer for all ten categories, chances are the ones that are most important to you now are different than the ones that were important five years ago, and in the next five years they could very well change again.

It’s important that you both fully understand your priorities and expectations, as they pertain to yourselves and to each other. It might seem weird the first few times you talk about them, but in time the conversation will get easier (and, truthfully, more exciting, too). Regularly reflecting on your priorities helps to ensure that you’re both still working towards the same goals, which will guarantee your relationship’s happiness.

4. You sacrifice your sense of self.

When a relationship is going well, the urge to merge can get really, really strong. After a while, we start to inadvertently attach ourselves to our partner in new and (at the time) exciting ways. So-called romantic movies make it seem like this type of attachment isn’t just healthy, it’s super romantic. But in order to preserve your own happiness, you need to do your own thing, too. Building your entire life around your partner is not sweet. It’s highly dysfunctional.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have shared interests and hobbies, too. You absolutely should! But these should never be forced shared interests and hobbies. If one of you likes fishing, but the other can’t stand the thought of gutting a living creature, obviously fishing together is probably not a real shared interest. Does that mean the fisher shouldn’t fish? No. It means that she should fish without her girlfriend.

If you’re used to codependence, it can be really hard to separate yourself from your partner. In situations where you’re both having issues with attachment, it can even lead to resentment if one of you is ready to work on it and the other isn’t. This is one of the reasons it’s important to establish your priorities and expectations regularly – it helps avoid the awkwardness and insecurities that can come from “I think I need some space”.

5. You’re reckless with your words.

Is it just me, or is it harder to control your words with someone you’re unapologetically yourself around? It’s almost funny (in a sick and twisted sort of way). We care about them more than anyone else in the world, but we throw our words around like they don’t sometimes have sharp edges. Maybe the opposite is true instead – we care about them so much that we want to tell them what they want to hear, even if we know it’s not the truth.

Neither one of these extremes is good. Your partner deserves honesty, but she also deserves tact and respect. For those of us cursed with a sailor’s mouth (pun absolutely intended), it’s hard to remember that our words have a price. Personally, my vice is using the words “bitch” and “fuck” as sentence seasonings, without any real meaning behind them. My girlfriend, on the other hand, doesn’t care for either of those words, so I’ve got to take extra precautions to stop them from coming out of my mouth. I screw it up a lot, actually, but the effort does make a difference.

It’s not always about the vulgar words, though. Sometimes, we may make jokes at our partner’s expense, or even insult someone for something that happens to be true about our partner, too. It takes time to learn all the little quirks of your particular relationship, but you have to actually make the effort to learn. Then, once you’ve discovered what’s most important to her, consciously shift your talking style to be more respectful of her.

6. You keep your mouth shut.

We sort of touched on it in that last bit, but I’d like to elaborate a little more here. Denying a problem, or little white lies to protect her feelings, aren’t doing you any favors. If you’re denying the things you really need her to work on, you’re putting her happiness above your own. And, if you’re not a happy girlfriend, you can’t be a good girlfriend. Staying quiet to save the relationship will always lead to resentment.

In simpler terms, we teach people how to treat us. Even the best person will eventually find themselves taking advantage of their partner’s feelings if their partner continually makes their own feelings unimportant. Again, that’s not to say that it’s entirely your fault when your partner mistreats you, but you are giving up on your ability to get the things you want.

Even if it’s not so black and white, you can’t get what you don’t ask for. Communication is absolutely essential for happiness, and we have a basic human instinct to give our loved ones the things they want from us. The vast majority of partners will do what’s in their power to keep their other half happy, as long as they know what it takes. When you keep your own needs quiet, you’re not doing anyone any favors.

7. You make too many excuses.

To a certain extent, you do have a duty to protect your girlfriend’s honor. You’re probably not going to take off into the sunset with her on a daily basis, or fight everyone who wolf-whistles at her in the streets. But most people feel compelled to stick up for their partner when they hear other people talking badly about them. But does that mean you should always defend her? Actually, no.

When we hear our other loved ones talking about what our girlfriend has done wrong, it’s important that we evaluate what they say before we jump to her defense. In some cases, their accusations are entirely unfounded, in which case you absolutely should stick up for her. But, more often, we get defensive because we know there’s an air of truth in what they say, and we don’t want to admit it to ourselves.

The next time someone tells you something unfavorable about your girlfriend, pay attention to what they’re actually saying. Do you absolutely know and trust that they misunderstood what they saw? Or, are you jumping to her defense because that’s what she would say if you accused her? When in doubt, try to plan a civil conversation to discuss the information you heard. If she’s really innocent in the situation, make sure you correct the rumor as best you can.

8. You’re in love with love itself.

Lastly, there is a certain subculture that is in love with the idea of love, and who will try to form that loving bond with everyone. Not all relationships are meant to last forever, and that’s actually okay. When we try to force a bond with someone when there really isn’t one there, it’s going to end badly. This can be especially scary if both partners are in love with love, and actually have very little in common. Sure, you might stay together for a while, but you’ll never be truly happy.

At the same time, you do need to be at least a little bit in love with love in order to make the relationship work. After all, someone who doesn’t want to be in love is probably going to have a hard time keeping their focus just on their partner. But you need to make sure you’re in the relationship for the right reasons, and those sappy feelings are just the icing on the cake.

13 First Date Red Flags That Let You Know She’s Not The One

Have you ever had a first date that went so horribly wrong, but you couldn’t pull yourself away?

I know there have been a few dates I’ve been on that were absolutely dreadful. I remember one particular first date, the girl literally took me to parade to all of her friends. All of them. Like it was a giant house party at her place and, apparently, I was the guest of honor. Yikes.

As scary/creepy/flattering as that might be, the truth is that not all first date red flags are automatically bad.

In fact, some are actually pretty tame, but they serve as clues that your future with this woman is… Well, it’s not going to work out.

1. She doesn’t show up.

Maybe the most obvious red flag is when you go through all the trouble of setting and confirming a date, and she just doesn’t show up. Note that this isn’t necessarily the same thing as when someone has to cancel, although a series of cancelled first dates might mean that she’s a bit of a flake. Sometimes things do come up, but if she knows that things are going to come up, she won’t confirm the plans. No one repeatedly bails on someone they actually want to be with.

2. She has the same name as your ex.

While it’s not technically her fault that she has the same name as your ex, it’s important that you’re able to separate her from the ex of the same name. Otherwise, it’s likely that you’ll be thinking about your ex every time you say her name. This brings all sorts of unwanted (and often unfair) psychological connections. Since it’s completely unfair to apply these comparisons to someone, and you can’t really help if your brain does it for you, it’s best to steer clear.

3. She kinda looks like your most recent ex (or maybe your first love, if they’re not the same person).

This is another situation where your brain can play games on you that are totally not fair – although sometimes, this one is an intentional self-sabotage on your part. We see someone who has all the attractive features of a person, and we may think that we can “do things better” this time. But it’s important to realize that our looks are such a small part of who we are as a person. Every first date is a fresh start – don’t screw it up by living in the past.

4. She’s wearing a wedding ring.

Okay, before I get any backlash: I know that there are people who are legitimately interested in open relationships. I’ve even heard that these open relationships work out great for them. But, if she didn’t tell you that she was married before you agreed to go on a date with her, and she’s rocking a wedding ring (or worse – the tan line from a recently-removed wedding ring!), she might not be being honest with her spouse, either. Is that really the type of relationship you want to be in?

5. She shows up drunk or high.

Personally, I have nothing against drinking. I’ve often joked that it’s one of the perks of having adult responsibilities – we get to buy beer to deal when said responsibilities get to be a little too much. But if the person you’re thinking about starting a relationship with is already drunk when you meet up with each other, or if she’s obviously under the influence of something a little more illicit, dating her is probably not a great idea. She shouldn’t have to pre-game before a first date – that’s just not a good sign.

6. She tries to pressure you to get drunk or high.

Truthfully, pressuring someone into anything that they don’t want to do, or that they’re not sure they want to do, is not cute, not romantic, and 100% not okay. Even if you think (or she says) she’s just trying to help you loosen up, this is controlling behavior, and if left unchecked it can progress further into manipulation and, eventually, full-fledged abuse. Get out at the first sign of peer pressure – trust me on this one!

7. She’s a best friend’s or sibling’s ex.

I’ve heard that there are some people who don’t mind if their exes end up dating someone really close to them after they break up. I, for one, am not one of those people, and I will be very offended by it. What’s even worse is if you helped your friend or sibling get over the break-up, and you still went to date their ex. Sure, sometimes two people are just wrong for each other – but if you listen to the things that she did to hurt your loved one, and you still date her, you have no one to turn to when things turn out exactly the same for you. You were already warned, and you didn’t listen.

8. She talks about her therapist.

I went back and forth for a while on whether to list this one or not. On the one hand, therapy is definitely nothing to be ashamed of, and the sooner we can get rid of the stigmas surrounding counseling and therapy, the sooner it can actually help more people. But, on the other hand, there is an appropriate time and place for that, and your very first date is not the right time to bring up your latest psych sesh. That’s a conversation best saved for after you’ve gotten to know each other a little.

9. She tries to pressure you into having sex.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having sex on a first date, nor is there anything wrong with wanting to wait a little longer. The problem comes when one person wants to have sex, and the other person doesn’t. In cases like this, one yes and one no is definitely a no. Any woman who can’t respect your wishes does not respect you, and that’s not something that she’ll develop as time goes on. Get out before the disrespect gets worse!

10. She’s flirting with someone else, right in front of you.

Some people are “natural-born flirts”. I get that. It’s actually human nature to flirt in certain situations, at least to some extent. But she shouldn’t be flirting with the waitress on your first date, or the lady who tears your ticket stubs at the theater, or the woman who checked you in at the bar. If she can’t help but flirt with those around you, time is not going to fix this – she’s always going to be a flirt, and you’ll always wonder if she’s got some side action going on.

11. She brings someone else on the date.

One of my worst first dates ever ended up bringing a bunch of her friends on the date. I’d had a crush on her since middle school, before we ended up meeting up unexpectedly a few years later, so I looked past this red flag and paid for dinner for her and all of her friends… But it wasn’t too long before she started trying to bring other people along all the time. We didn’t have too many dates anyway (I couldn’t afford to date her and her whole crew, after all), but I want to pass along the advice: Only the people invited for the date, should be on the date. Everyone else can pay for their own dinner. No exceptions.

12. She talks about any of her exes.

Depending on how long the relationship was (or how much she felt for her), it’s normal to still think about her from time to time. But if your very first date involves her telling you all about Ms. Not-So-Perfect, there’s a good chance she’s still hung up on her, and that’s just not a good sign for your future. If things go well, you’ll have plenty of time to rehash “you’ll never guess what my ex did” stories later (assuming these stories won’t make either of you uncomfortable). Don’t let her ex ruin your relationship with her.

13. You two are already fighting.

I know there are some people who like the “fire” that comes from fighting with their partner – but, again, I am not one of those people, and those people really only get on with each other. For most people, fighting right off the bat is a really, really bad sign, and it doesn’t matter how good the make-up sex might be – you deserve someone who speaks to you like a human being, not like a child. If she’s already fighting and you haven’t even had your first kiss yet, let her go and move on!

17 Places Love Might Unexpectedly Find You

What’s your favorite type of romantic movie?

I love the ones where the couple meets in a totally unexpected way. You know the ones – the ones that leave you thinking, “But it doesn’t really happen like that.” Life is busy, after all, and it seems like the only times you can find love are the times when you’re strategically looking for it. Between your social life, work, school, pets, family, and housework, it’s a miracle anyone falls in love, ever.

Realistically, though, it’s not actually that hard to find love. In fact, it’s a lot easier if you’re not looking. I’ve always thought it was a bit ironic, but it’s true – the unexpected love really is the best. And, it actually makes things easier – here are 17 everyday places you can find your once-in-a-lifetime love.

1. At sporting events.

If you’re interested in watching (or playing) sports, there’s a good chance the love of your life might, too. If you’re lucky enough to have live sports and a sports bar, why not try for both?

2. At a concert.

Music is super important in my life, so it’s essential that my partner enjoys music, too. Going solo to concerts and shows lets you meet new people, and you’ve already got at least one thing in common.

3. At the dog park.

Pet lovers prefer people who love pets. It’s a fact. If your fur babies get to meet at the same time you do, you prevent the awkwardness of not knowing your Chihuahua hates poodles until after you move in together.

4. At work.

I generally advise against workplace romances, but things happen sometimes – so why not go for it? Just make sure that neither of you has any influence over the other’s job – that never works out well.

5. While ridesharing or using public transportation.

We all hear about the weirdos on the train, but that ignores all the perfectly amazing people who use public transportation, too. (And besides – you never know who that “weirdo” really is if you never talk to them.)

6. At networking opportunities.

This one pretty much falls under the same category as workplace romances, but easier to cut-and-run if necessary. Dating someone who understands the work you do is a must, and someone who’s in the same field is going to understand the complexities better.

7. On vacation.

Depending on how you feel about long-distance relationships, your vacation fling doesn’t necessarily have to end when the vacation is over. There’s something romantic about being long-distance, especially if you have the means to visit each other.

8. On a group adventure.

Check your local classifieds to see if there are any group outings near you. You may be able to find ski trips, photo walks, and even nature hikes – among many other awesome adventures!

9. At the movies.

For the longest time, I thought that going to the movies alone was a sign of desperation. As I got older, I realized that going on dates yourself is a super awesome idea and more people should do it. Besides, it’s easier to approach someone you’re into if they’re not surrounded by other people.

10. At school/college/university.

Hey, don’t knock it – there are probably some awesome people on campus, many of whom you might not have even met yet. Check out the clubs and events offered and plan to go to everything that interests you – your next boo might be there, too.

11. At a party or kickback.

If your friends have been hassling you to come hang out with their other friends and you’ve been resisting it, you could be squandering the chance to find your true love. Any chance to meet new people is also a chance you might fall in love.

12. At the mall.

Whether you’re spending your own hard-earned cash or the 30 gift cards you received for your birthday, keep your eyes open to see if there’s anyone checking you out. You might be surprised!

13. At the grocery store.

Believe it or not, most people have a grocery store of choice. If you and your next girlfriend already buy your vegetables in the same place, that eliminates the arguments about where to buy okra 4 years from now.

14. Online.

The stigmas about online dating are falling away, and people are realizing that there really are amazing people waiting on the other side of the screen. Are you one of them? Setting up a profile only takes a few minutes, and realistically you don’t have to do too much after that.

15. On a business trip or at a conference.

Remember how we said people who work in the same industries understand each other better? Yep, still true. Plus, business trips and conferences tap into the vacation vibe, too, which doubles your chances of meeting someone great.

16. On a set-up.

Fun fact: My longest relationship to date was sort of a blind date. Sure, some blind dates turn into major horror stories (I’ve had some of those, too) but they also turn into fantastic love stories when they work out.

17. In the places you already go every day.

Unless you sit at home 24/7, you’re bound to meet other people during the course of your day. We’ve been conditioned to avoid these other people because, hello, strangers are scary – but I have to believe that the vast majority of the strangers you encounter are more like you than you’d expect. Open yourself up to the possibility of meeting someone new, and you’re already halfway there. Obviously, you might have to kiss a few frogs along the way – and you might even meet that psycho your mother warned you about. But you’ll also make a few great friends, and maybe even meet the woman of your dreams. Be careful, but optimistic, and love will find you when it’s the right time for you.

12 Secrets To A Happy Long-Term Relationship

What exactly makes a successful long-term relationship? Some people think it’s all about having similar visions, or similar hobbies, or just being similar. The truth is, if we date someone who’s exactly like us, chances are… We’re going to hate them at some point in time. Having too much in common actually makes you incompatible, because our brains strive for someone who helps offset our own weaknesses.

Obviously, someone who’s your polar opposite isn’t going to stick around too long either – after all, you don’t want to date someone who you have nothing in common with, right? It’s a delicate balance, and not every relationship is going to do the trick – and that’s perfectly okay.

1. Not every relationship is meant to last forever – know when to let go.

It might seem a little counter-intuitive for me to start off this list, this way, but let’s get really, painfully real for a second: Not every relationship is meant to stand the test of time. Does that mean your three-week romance is a waste of time? Absolutely not! As long as you’re learning something about yourself (and hopefully having a good time while you’re at it), the relationship served its purpose. You need to be able to recognize an inevitable end, because they do exist. Now that we’ve got that out of the way…

2. The grass is always greener where you water it.

When we get wrapped up in the day-to-day happenings, it’s easy to start neglecting our relationships. It’s not right, but it happens more than we’d like to admit to ourselves. If you find you have a wandering eye, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to stray – it actually means that you need to try a little harder in your current relationship. Most likely. In some cases, it means you’ve been trying too hard and your partner just isn’t putting in her fair share… In which case, please see #1.

3. You’re not always going to agree… And that’s perfectly fine.

I know I’ve read a ton of articles that say that a happy relationship involves choosing your battles. What’s usually lacking, though, is the revelation that picking your battles does not equal don’t acknowledge your disagreements. It’s completely normal to disagree with your partner from time to time – and, in fact, if you never disagree, there’s a pretty good chance that at least one of you is lying. Acknowledge your disagreements, but don’t let the little things ruin your love for each other.

4. Independence is absolutely essential.

It’s 100% okay to have your own hobbies and interests. In fact, it’s necessary – if you give up the things you enjoy, just because your partner doesn’t enjoy them, you are making your partner way too high of a priority in your life. It’s also totally okay to spend time alone, even if you don’t really have anything going on. I’m not saying you should go so far as to sleep in separate bedrooms in the same house, but every now and then you just want to chill without any company. And it’s perfectly okay to want this.

5. Make time for each other, too.

Independence is important, but so is spending time together. Your partner is on the local softball team, but you couldn’t care less? That shouldn’t matter – you can still go to support her at the big game (or at least some of her games). Hung up on stuff from work? Make sure you’re giving her attention, too – she might even be able to help you out of your work-stress-mode. Remember that you guys are each other’s sidekick and support group – and act like it.

6. Good surprises are key.

Relationships thrive on a little spontaneity, even when it’s only spontaneous for one of you. Every now and then, you’ve got to surprise your partner. I’m not saying you need to plan an all-out bash (partially because I’d probably have a nervous breakdown if someone threw me a surprise party), but you should try to surprise each other from time to time. Even if it’s something super simple, like washing up the dishes even though it was most definitely her turn.

7. Take your problems seriously, and get help when necessary.

One of the hardest things for me to do is actually ask for help. I get so caught up in all the endless things that I, myself, alone need to do or fix or handle, and I forget that I have someone on my team. I have a bad habit of compartmentalizing things, and excusing those things that wouldn’t really be a big deal if they were on their own. But, in the scope of your relationship, a lot of little problems can be as bad as a few big deal-breakers, so make sure you’re reaching out for the proper support system. Sometimes that means counseling. That’s nothing to be ashamed of, either.

8. Understand where your priorities lie.

Your partner probably isn’t going to be the absolute top of your list, and that’s okay – but she should definitely fall somewhere within the first few. Well, not necessarily your partner specifically, but your relationship as a whole. Make sure you know what your biggest priorities are, and your partner’s, too. Your priorities don’t have to be identical, but they should be similar enough that they don’t clash.

9. Respect your differences and your partner’s choices.

You’re not going to agree with everything your partner thinks, feels, and does. You’re not obligated to agree with any of these things, as we’ve already discussed. But you are obligated to support and respect her. Does that mean you can’t tell her when she’s making poor choices? Of course you should. But make sure that the decisions are objectively bad before you say something – not just based on your personal prerogative.

10. Your words and actions have consequences.

When someone we really care about says or does hurtful things to us, they mean a lot more than when a stranger says them. Example? Once I had a random stranger call me a “fat cunt”, and it didn’t bother me nearly as much as when my partner told me I looked “gross” (after losing the weight that caught the attention of the stranger just a few years before). Your words will have an immeasurable impact on your partner, so it’s best that you avoid saying anything you might regret later. Your words can never be taken back once they’ve been said. Don’t screw it up.

11. You’re going to change, but make sure you stay true to yourself.

It always cracks me up a little when a character in a movie tells their partner, “You’ve changed!” Well… Of course they’ve changed. People don’t stay the same for years at a time, and if they did, they’re not really applying themselves. But it is important that, through all your changes, you do your best to stay the same person your partner fell in love with. Don’t forget your values, don’t get too wrapped up in newness, and try not to lose your sense of humor, either.

12. Never stop falling in love with her.

This is one of the most important things I can pass on to you today: Love isn’t a magical feeling that just stays forever. That feeling, those butterflies, all of that, isn’t love but infatuation. Real love takes a bit of work, and you need to fall in love with her again every single day, or it’s not going to work out. Date nights help, as do little tokens of your affection, but largely, it’s about remembering why you chose to be with her in the first place. Remind yourself how great she is, and take steps to make sure she knows how much you appreciate her.

Love doesn’t actually last forever – but soul mates choose to keep loving each other even when things get hard. (Especially when things get hard.)

There’s Just No Denying It, Lesbians Are Addicted To Love.

OK Chicas, wait for it, lesbians are apparently at a higher risk of love addiction, and no, this is not just an excuse to justify our behaviour when we act in a way that our heterosexual counterparts call ‘rushing into things.’

No way, I hear you cry! Us? Lesbians? You mean when we declare undying love to each other after two dates and are willing to move to the other side of the country to be with our princess charming by the third, this is called a love addiction? Yep, I’m afraid so guys. This is just some idiosyncrasy only I do, says that little voice of reasoning in your head. Not all lesbians are like me, surely?

Sorry girls, we are all guilty of this weird phenomenon. I’m sure if we were all completely honest with each other every single one of us has rushed a new relationship forwards well before we should’ve done. But fear not, we are not a bunch of addictive personality types with serious mental health issues, we actually have an excuse for it.

According to Dr. Lauren. D. Costine, author of the book ‘Lesbian Love Addiction: Understanding the Urge to Merge,’ the reason for this (hmm) behaviour is due to the fact women release the feel good chemicals oxytocin and dopamine when they start to have feelings for someone.  Dopamine is actually a feel good chemical so it’s the same effect as being intoxicated. Put two women together both feeling like this and you have your explanation as to why we want to rush into things so quickly and start nesting.

In an interview with Psych central, Dr. Costine, who is also a lesbian and psychologist, stated that women’s brains are wired to connect quickly to others for survival purposes. So, when we feel like we want hers and hers matching coffee mugs and matching gay pride tee’s there is a method behind our madness. We are surviving.

But of course, with every high comes the low. And this is where we basically crash and burn. Eventually the Dopamine subsides as we get more familiar with each other, the oxytocin disappears back into the nether regions of our brain and what are we left with? Usually a disaster of mammoth proportions where we look at our partner with loathing rather than love and despair rather than desire. Then the reality hits home that this relationship was not meant to be and we smash our hers and hers coffee cups and set fire to our matching tees.

However, I’m a firm believer in forewarned is forearmed so take heed. The next time you enter into a new relationship try and fight those pesky chemicals encouraging you to declare your undying love or start looking at lez wedding venues and take a step back. Taking things slow does have its advantages. It means you get to look at the person for real and not in a ‘brain induced haze.’ This can only be a good thing and will save you so much heartache in the future. If you really have met your princess charming I promise you she will still be there in a year’s time and you will never look at her with distain or loathing. Then you know you are truly in love and ready to consider your future together in a level headed and non-chemical induced manner.

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7 Signs Your Relationship Is Going Nowhere

Most people think that a long-term relationship automatically guarantees that there’s growth potential and compatibility. Unfortunately, though, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, we stay together not because we want to be together, but because it’s easier than the alternative. Sometimes, our relationships last a long time because we don’t care enough to actually work things out. We don’t care about the problems, because all relationships have problems – and isn’t it better to just ignore the problems until they go away on their own?

Well, no. It doesn’t actually work like that.

Of course, not all problems are worth making a big deal about, but if your relationship is starting to show these 7 signs, the relationship itself probably isn’t anything to make a big deal about. Let’s go over some of the biggest clues that your relationship just isn’t going to grow.

1. You don’t talk about the future.

If one (or both) of you absolutely refuse to talk about the future of your relationship – or maybe even the future of your lives as a whole – there’s a good chance that your relationship doesn’t have a future. Humans tend to feel guilty about this bleak end-game, so instead of telling our partner what we really see, we just change the subject instead.

What’s more is that some people don’t even know what they want out of their own future, which means they really don’t know if you fit into it or not. While not having a plan isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the people who fly by the seat of their pants don’t have a spot carved out for their relationship. In fact, nothing is set in stone – and that makes it incredibly difficult.

It’s not always about the long-term plans, though. If you and your girlfriend have been together for more than a few months and you’re not able (or willing) to set plans for more than a few days ahead, at least one of you is probably on the fence about where your relationship is headed. Make it easier on yourself and say goodbye before someone gets hurt.

2. When you do talk about the future, you’re not together in it.

Some people choose to make it look like they don’t think about the future, when in fact, they think about it a lot. Maybe you’re already thinking about the qualities you want in your next girlfriend, or she’s been talking about how things are going to be different the next time she’s single. If you’re already thinking about moving on, you need to move on.

What if you’re not really sure how she feels? Sometimes we over-complicate things for ourselves by trying to come up with excuses for behavior we know is wrong. Maybe you’ve talked about moving in together, but she made it clear that she wasn’t interested in a long-term lease. Maybe you have moved in together, but she doesn’t want to share any of the big expenses – “just in case” something happens.

You know that these signs mean she’s not in it for the long-haul, but you write it off that she’s just being practical. And, in a way, you’re right – but the fact that the relationship needs an exit strategy means that the most practical thing to do is to just get out now. Why postpone the inevitable?

3. You’re not really a part of each other’s lives.

First, let me say that there are absolutely good reasons to leave your partner out of your “personal” life. For example, if you’re not out to your homophobic family, you’re obviously not going to introduce your girlfriend to them. If you’re out to your friends, but they’re super racist (and your partner is from a different ethnic background), you probably won’t want to show her off to them. I’m not saying that these reasons are wrong – I’m saying that they close off the chances of a future together.

Let’s face it: No one really wants to be the one to cause an upset. I know I’ve dated women whose families definitely wouldn’t want to meet me, for whatever (usually bigoted) reasons. I’ve dated women whose families were in some type of weird feud with my family. (I don’t really have a Romeo-and-Juliet complex, I swear.) No matter what the reasons were, one thing was abundantly clear every time: You can’t have a future with someone if you’re not fully a part of their present.

Of course, there are some grey areas, too. What do you do when it comes to social media? She accepted your friend request, but you rejected her relationship-status-change request. Does this mean that you’re ashamed of her? Well, not necessarily, but it does mean that things are being hidden. Healthy, happy relationships are private without being a secret – there is a huge difference.

4. Your relationship feels very “part-time”.

Even in a long-term relationship, you can get the feeling that the relationship has a shelf life. Truthfully, all relationships are (most likely) going to end at some point, whether due to a break-up or a death or just some weird freak circumstances. But you shouldn’t get the feeling ahead of time – that’s not really a good sign.

Long-distance relationships are particularly at risk of becoming “part-time”. It’s easy to talk to someone who’s too far away to really be a fixture in your life, and then just never make plans to actually get together. If you’ve been long-distance for more than two years and have never discussed moving closer to each other, you probably never will.

Likewise, relationships can become “part-time” when you go out of your way to spend time away from each other. It’s great to spend time on your own, especially after you’ve been together for a few years and gotten really, really comfortable, but in order for your relationship to grow, you have to spend time together, too. If either of you is always coming up with an excuse to go your separate ways, you should probably make the split permanent.

5. You’re only together because it’s easier than not being together.

I know, after you’ve been together for a few years, it can be really easy to stay in the relationship just because “it’s what you do”. I’ve been there myself. I think it stems from the idea that we’ve put all this time and effort into the relationship, and it feels like it would be a waste to throw all that time away.

But the truth is, if all you’re doing is putting in time and effort, you are wasting your time. Maybe you’ve even thought about breaking up before, but you stuck it out because you had that wedding to go to, or you’d already bought tickets for something next month (even after your girlfriend told you she wasn’t making plans that far ahead). Whatever the reason is, you shouldn’t compromise the things you want and need, just because it’s easier to not be single.

This sort of extends to those inklings you’ve got about your partner, too. Are you bored by your sex life, but it seems like your partner is being satisfied some other way (or by someone else)? While your suspicions don’t always mean that your partner really is cheating, if you stay with someone you can’t trust, you’re definitely taking the easy way out, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Just walk away, and know that you’re doing yourself a favor.

6. Your relationship doesn’t bring you joy.

A happy relationship definitely isn’t going to fix the problems in the rest of your life, but the right partner is the one who makes you happy – even if it’s in an abstract way. Your partner should make you smile, and you should find her fun to be around. Of course, she’s going to make you sad sometimes, and she might even bug the hell out of you – but that shouldn’t be all she does.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be black and white, though. You can have a partner who doesn’t do anything to you, and still not feel the things you want to feel for her. Just because someone treats us right, doesn’t automatically guarantee that we’ll have true love for them. Sometimes you have to admit that your relationship doesn’t actually make you happy, even if it doesn’t necessarily make you sad, either.

Now, the tricky part here is that different people have different thresholds for unhappiness, and I can’t tell you what yours is. It’s completely reasonable to expect happiness most of the time, and it’s completely reasonable to expect happiness only about half the time. But if your relationship makes you happy less than half the time, you need to find a way to be happy more – even if that means you go out on your own.

7. You’re trying too hard to make things work.

All relationships require some effort – but effort isn’t the same thing as work. If your relationship feels like a chore, an obligation, or a job, it’s probably because it’s all wrong for you. Your relationship isn’t going to solve everything, but it should never feel like something you have to do.

Sometimes, though, the things aren’t so obvious from the surface. Maybe your partner wants you to do more in the relationship, or expects more out of the bedroom. Maybe she expects you to handle all the bills, or all the housework, or all the nurturing. This isn’t right. It might not be split straight down the middle, but if either partner isn’t pulling their fair share, it’s bound to lead to resentment – unless you use it to guide you towards the break-up that’s long overdue.

Finally, if you’ve been reading every item on this list and just hoping that there’s a sign that your relationship isn’t doomed… I have some bad news for you. Your relationship shouldn’t require that you constantly defend your partner’s actions, especially if those actions are against you. Don’t settle for someone who makes you feel like you’re already getting what you deserve – go for the woman who reminds you that you deserve to have everything you want.

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12 Signs You’re Dating A Writer (Even If She Doesn’t Realize She’s A Writer)

Writers really are a weird bunch. I’m not even just talking about professional writers (although I think we might be the weirdest bunch of all), but there’s something about us that non-writers just don’t really understand. It’s not your fault, either – sometimes, we can’t even understand ourselves, but somehow we manage to understand each other. (How weird is that, anyway?)

Whether your girlfriend is still keeping scrap notes in her nightstand or she’s graduated to publishing articles all over the internet, these 12 things pretty much tell you that she’s a writer at heart – so encourage her to reach for her dreams!

1. She keeps a blog with a super creative title.

I’m sure there’s someone out there who’s going to point out that most blogs aim for a creative title. I’d like to remind those people that blogging is, in fact, writing – and is the first platform that most writers use to showcase their work publicly. Even if her blog posts seem like mindless drivel to her, it’s just a sign that she needs to write.

2. She has a compulsive need to write.

We can’t explain why we feel the need to write everything down, but writers often have compulsions that deal with writing. Personally, I need my journal to get through the day – even if I don’t actually use it, I feel naked if it’s not in my bag. And if it’s not a journal, it’s a notebook, a pad of sticky notes, or even an app on her phone. One way or another, she needs an outlet for her extra words.

3. Literary puns absolutely tickle her.

I think everyone probably has a love/hate relationship with puns, but if your girlfriend is legit obsessed with puns that only major bibiophiles will get, there’s a good chance that she’s a writer (or maybe just an avid book junkie – although the two tend to cross paths a lot).

4. She definitely judges people based on the books they like.

She’s not going to talk down on you if you haven’t read her favorite, but if your home library consists entirely of a) anything 50 Shades, b) anything by Stephenie Meyer (not to be confused with KitschMix’s own Stephanie Meyer), or c) only the books that Oprah recommends, your relationship is probably heading… nowhere. Fast.

5. She tries to keep a planner, but it really turns into more of a journal.

After all, there’s a saying in the writing world that this job is 10% work and 90% not getting distracted on the internet. Actually planning when inspiration will strike is really hard, and sometimes we get so wrapped up in the things that we need to get out of our brains (like, ASAP) that our actual need-to-do-this-today plans get a little fuzzy, to say the least.

6. “Netflix-and-chill” means something totally different to her.

In fact, if she invites you over for a Netflix date, you can pretty much count on her wanting to rehash the plot holes and anachronisms and random trivia about the actors. Oh, and if you suggest a movie that’s based on a book? Chances are she’s read the book and can give you a 1,500-word essay about why the movie was a terrible adaptation.

7. Her “downtime activities” almost always involve a notebook.

In fact, most people won’t carry a notebook with them unless they “think” they’ll need it. Writers are different because we know that everything can be inspiration, and we simply can’t trust ourselves to hold onto each gem until we get back home to our slightly-obsessive notebook collections. Might as well keep one in the car, one on the nightstand, one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom… You know… Just in case.

8. When inspiration or curiosity strike her, they require immediate action.

That’s why she has so many notebooks. It has nothing to do with how awesome they are – she’s got to keep a log of everything she thinks she’ll want to Google. Or everything she did Google. Or that amazing idea she saw on Pinterest. It doesn’t really matter what it is – if she can’t handle it right that minute, it needs to be written down so she can research it later.

9. That “research” is carefully organized for future reference.

Okay, so she might not ever need to reference where the first Ferris wheel debuted (ahem… Chicago), or why men have nipples (because everyone starts out biologically female), or the 101 different uses for apple cider vinegar… But she knows that there is some chance that it’ll come in handy, so she makes a note somewhere. You know. Just in case.

10. She thinks indie bookstores and coffee shops are the most romantic places on the planet.

She might even long for her storybook romance that starts with two people reaching toward the same eclectic first-edition… Even if she’s madly in love with you. But you’ll let her have her fantasy, right?

11. She has ever taken a non-required (or not-for-credit) English class.

Let’s face it… The English language is something that you pretty much either love or hate. Writers, on the other hand, live somewhere in between. It’s been said that writing is harder for writers than for non-writers, because we’re so precious about it. So, if your girlfriend has ever taken a writing or English class “just for fun”, it’s secretly because she’s a perfectionist who wants to improve her craft.

12. Lastly, she fully appreciates the magic of simplicity and the underlying beauty of the mundane.

More than anything else, writers have a passionate relationship with words. (Please note that passionate doesn’t always mean loving – it truly is a conundrum in itself. We painstakingly obsess over using the “wrong words”, yet we take in the magic that comes from the mouths of children and yearn to have imaginations like theirs.

I’m pretty sure there isn’t a single other hobby or career that has full-grown adults envying the talents of toddlers, but creativity definitely gets harder as we get older.

In turn, we learn the absolute beauty of the things that are around us. Where non-writers might see a gorgeous star-filled night sky, a writer sees a blanket full of diamond, sapphire, and topaz. Where a non-writer sees a field of tall grass, we see a green and gold river that changes directions with the wind. Her poetic views of the world can reassure you that there really is something to smile about, even in the worst of situations. When everything is going wrong, your writer girlfriend reminds you that it’s not a failure – it’s a plot twist that’s forming your character arc. Remember that, and don’t forget to thank the writer in your life!

What It’s REALLY Like Dating With Anxiety

If you’ve never struggled with anxiety, it can be really hard to understand what an anxious person goes through on a daily basis. Sure, there’s the obvious things – like freaking out over things that don’t make sense to a non-anxious person – but there’s also a bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff that you probably don’t realize. For someone with anxiety, even the simplest things can seem like a chore, and things that are already associated with stress and uncertainty – like navigating the dating scene – can be absolutely unbearable.

That’s not to say that dating someone with anxiety is always bad, though. In fact, people with anxiety disorders are, at their core, perfectly normal – whatever that might mean.

“Anxiety” is really just a blanket term.

When we hear the word “anxiety”, it usually conjures up this picture of someone curled up in a ball, or maybe hyperventilating into a paper bag. The reality is that anxiety is so much more than that, though. Anxiety disorders are actually really common, especially once you consider that it’s not a single diagnosis. It’s so many things wrapped up into one term. It’s easier that way, though – telling someone you have anxiety is a lot simpler than telling them you have PTSD, OCD, or extreme phobias. (But, just to be clear, all of these things fall under the label of “anxiety disorders”.)

There are probably a few different anxiety disorders hidden in there.

The scariest part of anxiety (for me) is the fact that it’s very rarely just one thing. Anxiety disorders are notorious for having other concurrent disorders, and someone suffering from one anxiety disorder is more likely to experience other anxiety disorders. Personally, I’ve got touches of PTSD, OCD, social phobias, and seismophobia (an intense fear of earthquakes), as well as non-anxiety-specific issues (specifically, non-specified tic disorder and ED-NOS). In the context of the dating scene, any number of these things can make things really, really difficult, so dating is often a struggle.

Doubt is a part of our daily lives.

When dating someone who struggles with anxiety, you need to understand that doubt is literally a part of our diagnosis. Anxiety disorders are notorious for making people feel like everything they do is wrong, so it’s really important that we only date people who alleviate some of this doubt. It’s not your responsibility to fix us, but if you make things worse, you could seriously screw up our whole world – so try really, really hard to be a good person.

Some days, going out just isn’t an option.

I tend to think of myself as an introvert, as many other anxious people do. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy spending time with friends and family – but I have my limits, and sometimes those limits come a little sooner than I want them to. To the person dealing with anxiety, it’s tough to make plans too far in advance – no matter how much we want to – because we really can’t predict when we’re going to have a “bad day”. If we bail at the last minute, it probably doesn’t mean we don’t want to go. More likely, it means that we’re just struggling a little more than usual, and we need someone who can understand that.

You’re allowed to ask questions.

In fact, it’s encouraged. We might not be able to put our disorder fully into words, but that doesn’t mean that we’re trying to keep things a secret. It’s actually therapeutic to talk things out, so it means so much when the person we’re trying to date is actually trying to understand what we’re going through. Please don’t assume you know what we’re thinking – that might just make things worse. Instead, take the time to ask what’s going on, and try to be patient with us if we can’t really explain it too well.

Plans are a catch-22.

For most people with anxiety disorders, no matter what the specific diagnosis might be, often feel drawn to the idea of planning ahead. In our minds, we feel a need to solve problems before they actually come up. Unfortunately, real life doesn’t exactly let us plan as far ahead as we’d like to, and there’s a good chance that following through with our plans could trigger an anxiety attack. If we bail on plans with you, please try to understand that it’s not that we’re flaky – it’s just that our minds are totally unpredictable and sometimes we sabotage ourselves.

Our anxiety does not define us.

Perhaps the most important thing to realize about anxiety is that it’s not a summary of our lives – it’s just one piece of the puzzle. There are people with anxiety who you might never think had anxiety – sometimes, things are easier than others. That doesn’t mean that our anxiety is gone, any more than our harder days mean that we’re just an anxious person. Anxiety isn’t everything, even if it does control most of what we do. We’re still wonderful, incredible people, who just happen to have a mental illness. If you’re not able to separate us from our disorders, the relationship won’t work out. Try to remember that life is totally unpredictable, and that there are always going to be good days and bad days. Understanding that is the first step toward a happy and healthy relationship with someone who suffers from anxiety.

Research Suggests You’ll Have To Wait Until You’re 30 Before You Fall In Love

According to a group of researchers who set out to discover milestone’s in people’s lives, we have to hit our 30’s before we find happiness and success. The survey was carried out in the UK and involved 2000 participants who averaged that we are healthiest at 30 and more confident with our bodies by the time we hit 31.

In all honesty this doesn’t surprise me because women often change their careers a few times, full in love a few times and change our minds 100’s of times about many things before we are sure about what we want. Perhaps it’s because women have so many more options now regarding their lifestyle and career choices and we explore different paths until we know for sure exactly what we want?

The research suggests we are best at sex by the age of 32 and the happiest in our relationships when we hit 40. Well that doesn’t sound too bad to me. If sex is quite good for you now in your 20’s, imagine how good it will be in your 30’s! ON a not so great note we reach the peak of our careers around the age of 38 and earn our dream salary at the age of 42. Darn, I want that now, now, now!

Robert Waldinger, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School has devoted his career to an area of research called ‘the pursuit of happiness.’ The study has been going on for 75 years and he is an expert on what gives us contentment, regardless of our profession or social status. During a talk about the research he said that:

“Good relationships keep us healthier and happier, period.”

Well girls, if you haven’t found true love and contentment yet, don’t despair, it’s on its way! And if you already feel happy and contented in your career and love life, imagine how great you are going to feel by the time you hit 40 and it’s even better? So in the meantime, let’s enjoy changing our minds, growing in confidence and finding true love.

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9 Of The Best Compliments You Can Give Your Crush

Compliments are super weird. I’ve never been a very good compliment-receiver (I blame years of unmedicated anxiety and just a bit of stubbornness), but I do appreciate the effort that goes into a good compliment. That being said, there is a huge difference between complimenting someone and flattering them – and, sometimes, it’s hard to see exactly where the lines are. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy a little flattery sometimes, too – I mean, who doesn’t like hearing awesome stuff about themselves, even if they don’t really believe them?

But not all compliments are created equal. We’re going to go over the 9 compliments that are scientifically proven* to increase your chances of getting your crush to date you… Or, at the very least, make her whole day. Learn them, memorize them, and practice them – they might just save you from being forever alone.

(* = Note that there was actually no science involved with this post… But I’m still pretty convinced that they’ll help you out.)

1. Something sweet that boosts her ego.

Even the most grounded among us (which I’m assuming is not all of us) enjoy the pleasure of a simple ego boost. Whether you’re talking about the way she handles her business, the way she presents herself, or just her way with words, telling her that you wish your daughter/niece/little sister/etc. turns out exactly like her is a huge compliment. We all want to be someone’s role model, but we’ll settle for being someone else’s life goals. (Telling her you hope you turn out just like her is probably a great move, too – just make sure you’re not accidentally implying that she’s old. Calling your crush old has a 0.00001% success rate – it’s really not worth it.)

2. A reference to something else.

Maybe it’s just me, but there’s something super special about someone who tries to woo me with a line that she knows I’ll recognize. Sure, some might find it lame and cheesy and uncreative, but let me say that not everyone feels that way. If you take the time to reference a cheesy and/or romantic quote from something your crush likes, such as her favorite song or her favorite movie or even a book you know she loves (or that she should totally read), chances are, she’s going to be flattered that you took the time to make it relevant to her. Just don’t try to pass it off as your own material!

3. A hint at fate.

When in doubt, something like “I knew I just had to meet you” is a simple way to let someone know that they’ve already had an impact on your life. This is the closest (real) thing to love at first sight, and it’s bound to create a great first impression. Even those of us who are totally not into flattery are susceptible to charm if it doesn’t come with any expectations or assumptions. By letting her know that you felt compelled to introduce yourself, you’ll make her feel like she’s magnetic – and that’s a great feeling.

4. A carefully-played metaphor.

Maybe it’s just because I’m a writer, but I am a total sucker for women who have a way with words. When you craft a metaphor that embodies your crush, you’re painting a much more vivid picture than if you were being literal. Hinting that she makes you feel buzzed, without a single drop of liquor, can work wonders in your favor. Just be sure to avoid the clichés and typical platitudes that she’s already heard a million times – metaphors only work if you come up with them yourself.

5. Compliment her personality – not her looks.

Complimenting someone’s personality means so much more than complimenting her looks. Sure, we all want to feel attractive, but that goes a lot deeper than just surface impressions. Let her know that her personality is what you really value by complimenting her sense of humor, her intelligence, or maybe even her work ethic – but avoid anything that’s an obvious lie. She’ll totally know, and it will not be appreciated.

6. Compare her to the other important people in your life.

When you tell a woman that her cooking reminds you of home, or that she reminds you of your grandmother, it can be a great way to break the ice. Women know that the other women in your life can play a huge role in determining who you’re interested in, so make sure you’re comparing her to the great people in your life. Whatever you do, though, avoid comparing her to your ex or any of the other women you’re “talking to” – this will not go over well.

7. Tell her she makes you feel comfortable.

While too much comfort can break apart the real structure of a relationship, just a bit of comfort and relaxation can go a long way toward winning you a date. Let her know that you feel like you can be yourself around her, and that you want her to be her truest self around you, too. These words are like instant foreshadowing to your hypothetical future relationship, and you can bet that she’ll be thinking about the future after you’ve hit her with this one.

8. The detached compliment.

“Whoever ends up with you is the luckiest person in the world.” Have you ever heard those words? Sure, they seem cheesy, and they give a chance for her to respond with the friend zone, but if she’s into you, she’s going to love that you’re not projecting your expectations onto her. We all need a little reminder sometimes that we really do deserve the best – so make sure you make your crush feel like she deserves it all.

9. The indirect compliment.

Lastly, as great as it feels to receive a compliment from someone, it feels even better to know that someone is talking you up even when you’re not around – so make a point of telling her friends and family how you really feel about her. A well-placed compliment to her best friend will probably get back to her, and it makes it clear that you’re not just trying to get into her pants – you’re actually trying to build something with her. It also works pretty well after you’ve already won her heart, too – and what does it hurt to try?

How to Get a Lesbian Girlfriend (According to WikiHow)

The idea of finding your first girlfriend can seem really complicated, especially if you’ve just recently come out (or if you’re not fully out yet). Rest assured, though – it’s not quite as difficult as it seems, although it is definitely going to be a little intimidating the first few times. If you’re really shy, it might always be intimidating, but as you start to build your confidence, it shouldn’t be so bad.

Wondering what you need to do to get a girlfriend? Well, there are three basic steps – get her, woo her, and then keep her.

But it’s a little more complicated than that. There are a lot of mini-steps required, and we’d like to take a minute to sum up the basics.

Step One: Find someone.

Obviously, if you want a girlfriend, you’re going to have to find a woman to date. It can be difficult to determine what women are even interested in women in the first place – especially if you’re attracted to femmes. Don’t worry – there are ways to gauge her interest before you get in too deep. (And it’s always better to know before you fall for her!)

Join an LGBT-themed group in your local community.

Many places have dedicated LGBT-themed groups. These groups are usually targeted towards the at-risk youth of the queer community, but this isn’t necessarily the case in your area.

You may be able to find out about these groups from friends, or they may be listed in the newspaper or phone book. Of course, a quick search of “LGBT group” and the name of your city may help. If you are in a very small town (like I am), you might have to travel to a neighboring city, but you should be able to find something.

Try out activities you are interested in.

The best relationships can start when both partners are interested in similar activities, such as art galleries or hockey games or whatever you’re into. There’s bound to be another woman who’s into it, too. Keep in mind that, unless this is a specifically-LGBT activity (such as a drag king show) there is no guarantee that the women you meet there will be interested in other women – keep your expectations fair and be open to the idea of new friendships.

Some of our favorite places to meet new people are animal shelters, book clubs, or the movies. Truly, the opportunities are limitless if you’re willing to invest the time, so give it a shot!

Join an online dating service.

It amazes me that there are still people who think that online dating has cheapened the experience. The truth is, the internet offers a great way to connect with people from all over the world, and if you aren’t preoccupied with the distance, you’re certain to find a woman who meets your exact preferences.

Even if you’d prefer local ladies, there’s a very good chance that the perfect woman is right around the corner (so to speak) and you just couldn’t see her. Make sure to follow our online dating guide when pursuing this outlet!

Visit a gay/lesbian bar.

I generally advise against looking for a serious relationship at a bar, as it’s a situation often influenced by alcohol, and there’s a general expectation of bad decision-making. However, that’s not to say that any relationship that starts in a bar will be a disaster – my mother and my step-dad have been married for over 20 years, and they met in a bar.

It’s best if you don’t go to the bar with your male friends if you’re cruising for a girlfriend – the general impression of a male/female duo in a gay bar is that they’re looking for a threesome. Even if you know that’s not the case, the women you pursue might not be able to tell, and they may be put off by seeing you enter with a man.

It’s also best if you don’t ask for more than one phone number per night – if the women you’re interested in are still paying attention to you, it will come across as if you’re trying to play the field. Remember, they can’t see your intention – only your actions.

Know the signs that say she’s into you.

Paying careful attention to the woman’s body language and word choice can help you determine whether she’s interested or not. Eye contact, the tone of her voice, and even whether or not she’s physically facing you are good signs. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between “into you” and “being nice” – so, when in doubt, ask!

If she says no, she’s not interested, accept it and consider having her as a friend (if she’s interested in taking it that far). Friendships are important to our mental health, too, and we often find ourselves forgetting that when in pursuit of a deeper connection.

Ask her out!

There’s no set-in-stone rule as to when to ask someone out (as long as she has definitely shown interest). Whether you choose to ask her out right then and there or if you decide to wait and call her, you will have to ask, or the “relationship” will never progress to the next level. While it’s perfectly acceptable to ask her out while you’re still face-to-face, it’s widely believed that calling too soon after will make you seem clingy.

I personally don’t like this stigma, because it implies that playing a role is important to getting a relationship. Instead, I advise that if you want to see her again, you act! If she feels the same way, chances are she’ll be flattered that you were excited about it. But if she’s not, don’t pressure her. Give her a little space to process things. It might take her a little longer than it took you.

Step Two: Have your first date.

If you want to start a relationship with someone, it’s almost always going to start with a single date. Obviously, if you’re looking at entering a long-distance relationship with someone you met online, there is a completely different format for your date – but many of the same rules still apply. (Namely, #4-8, and half of #1.)

Take time to look and smell nice.

First, allow me to clarify: You shouldn’t go out of your way to present an image that isn’t true to who you really are. If you don’t normally wear makeup, don’t wear makeup. If you don’t normally wear dresses, don’t. These things may make you self-conscious if they’re uncomfortable to you, and this lack of confidence will definitely show through. If you’re the type to switch it up between dressy and casual, it may be helpful to lean further to the dressy side, but make sure it stays appropriate for the date’s location. (For example, you wouldn’t wear a suit to the movie theater… So don’t.)

You should give it the same amount of attention that you intend to do with any other date, should this turn into a long-term relationship. You should also make sure you’re showered and well-groomed – no exceptions.

Don’t be cheap.

If you’re going on a physical date (as opposed to an internet date), you don’t want to appear like a cheap skate. However, it’s not a good idea to spend more than you can afford, either. If you’re working with a limited budget, aim for activities that don’t require a monetary investment, but will help you get to know each other better.

Great examples of inexpensive dates include a picnic in the park, or a coffee shop. (Personally, I’m a sucker for a woman who can make a good sandwich, and I’m definitely a coffee lover.) Either of these will be less expensive than a dinner date, but they don’t cheapen the experience like a date to the drive-through would do. (Seriously. Drive-through dates can wait until you’ve experienced the joys of cleaning up after each other.)

Pay. (Or at the very least, offer.)

The general rule of thumb in same-sex relationships is that the person who invited should pay. If you’ve been following along with our advice – that means you. It’s important to choose something that fits in your budget and doesn’t make her uncomfortable. Many women will be uncomfortable with the idea of being treated to an expensive date with a brand-new partner.

Some women aren’t comfortable with the idea of having someone else pay their way at all – so if she expresses the desire to pay her own half, you shouldn’t push the issue. Simply say that you wouldn’t mind paying her way. If she insists, drop it and let her pay her half. You want to make sure she’s comfortable, and some women don’t like being “spoiled”. (I happen to be one of them.)

Be yourself.

This is probably the most important tip in all of this: BE YOURSELF. If you start the relationship off with a lie (because pretending to be someone you’re not is definitely a lie), there are two possible outcomes:

  1. She will eventually find out that you were lying, and question everything you ever said to her.
  2. You will have to keep up the act so she doesn’t find out, and you will question everything you ever said to her.

You should present the best version of yourself, naturally, but you should never exaggerate or make things up. Further, you’ll want to make sure that she likes you for who you really are, and the best way to do that is to be the real you from the very start.

Make conversation.

It seems so simple – but sometimes, awkward silences happen. It’s important that you know how to fill these silences without making things even more awkward. The best conversation starters are the ones that have universal appeal. As you get to know each other a little better, you can discover other things to talk about – but in the beginning, keep it simple. You don’t always want to come across too controversial.

Don’t get me wrong – I am all for debating, and I know a lot of other women who are, too. But on a first date, debating has the potential to sound like arguing – which is not a good choice, and will most likely put a roadblock right in the middle of your relationship goals. It’s safer if you wait until there’s a mutual attraction and understanding in place.

Ask her about herself.

Don’t just talk about you – invite her to talk about herself. You want to make sure it’s a fairly even mix, but if she wants to lead the conversation (and you don’t mind), let her! Some women enjoy having someone listen to them, and most women hate being interrupted. If this relationship has a future, there’ll be plenty of time for you to share your side, too. And if there’s no future, there’s no reason she really has to know the intimate details of your life.

One caveat here, though. If she doesn’t want to talk about something, do not push it. Most people are not willing to open themselves up completely to someone on the very first date, so you shouldn’t expect her to. You definitely shouldn’t pressure her if it seems like the topic is sensitive to her – it could cause her to shut down completely.

Decide how to end the date.

If you’ve been paying attention to all the little signals during your date (hint: you should), it should be apparent what direction the date has taken. If a second date seems promising, feel free to ask – but if you’re not sure, it might be nice give some time to think it over. The two of you may even decide to end the night with a kiss – or possibly even more. There is no right or wrong answer here, as long as both parties have their feelings accounted for.

If the date went really bad, it’s best to not even try. While the second date is infinitely more telling than the first date, a failed first date will rarely result in a better second date. Sometimes, there’s just no spark, and that’s not something you can easily fake. If you find yourself in this situation, head back to Step One and try again.

Step Three: Create a relationship (if it seems like a good idea).

Well, you’re here because you want a girlfriend, not just a date. Right? The two processes start out the same, but there are a few extra steps involved if you want to show her you’re in it for the long-term.

Call and ask her out again.

This seems pretty simple – if you want to get her locked down as your one-and-only, you’re going to have to go on more than one date. As we stated above, the second date tells a lot more about a person than the first date does – especially since the two of you are a little more comfortable with each other now. Don’t ask for another date the same day as your first one – make sure to give her a day or two to process how things went so that she can make a better decision.

If she says no, thank her for her time, and end the phone call. Staying on the phone after she has turned you down will just be awkward and comfortable for both of you, so avoid it unless absolutely necessary. (Hint: It’s very rarely necessary.)

Repeat step two.

If she says yes, you’ll want to go through all the same steps as outlined in Step Two above – but this time you have a little more information about her to help plan something spectacular. Of course, most likely the second date isn’t going to completely blow her out of the water, but the potential is there.

It’s important to realize that you might have to go on a lot of dates with this woman before you’re completely sure that you want to continue pursuing it – and that’s okay, as long as you’re honest about your intentions. Don’t treat it like a job interview – there’s no such thing as the “perfect candidate” here and it’s unfair to her if you try to find one.

Ask if she’d like to be your girlfriend.

Once you’ve got a good feeling about the nature of your relationship, ask to make things official! Not everyone is interested in having an official relationship, though, so be warned that there’s a chance she could say no even if everything went perfectly according to plan. If you really like this woman, but she doesn’t want to put a label on things, consider whether you would be willing to pursue something “unofficial” with her. In many cases, an undefined relationship could be the best you’ve ever had.

But even once you two do decide to make things official, there’s a very broad definition of what that really means, so it’s essential that the two of you establish clear boundaries, expectations, and goals for the relationship. This doesn’t necessarily have to happen at the same time as you make things official, but it should happen early enough to avoid any problems.

(Oh, and if you do get a girlfriend… Make sure you deactivate all your dating profiles.)

Take care of yourselves, and each other!

9 Gifts Your Long-Distance Girlfriend Will Love

I am one of those super weird people who does better in a relationship when it’s long-distance. That’s not to say I’m a bad girlfriend (or at least I don’t think I am), but I am definitely an introvert and I thrive on having my alone time. I’m also a hopeless romantic, and I don’t like the thought of not having someone to care for. What can I say – I told you I was a weirdo.

In my current relationship, we have more of a “part-time long-distance” agreement, and it works out pretty well. She goes out of town for a week or two at a time, and I stay home to focus on my work and my hobbies. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for us.

That’s not to say that long-distance relationships don’t have their own unique challenges, though. It seems like whenever I want to cuddle the most, she’s not really here for that. I think it has something to do with wanting what you can’t have, but I don’t really have any solid evidence there. I always end up buying her a ton of things when we’re apart, which isn’t so great for the bank account, but it’s a way for me to channel my affection and make sure it’s not completely squandered by the time she gets back.

Wondering what gifts you should get for your long-distance girlfriend that’ll let her know she’s on your mind even when she’s not near you? We’ve got 9 ideas to share today, and most of them are pretty inexpensive, too. Do you have any ideas we missed? Let us know in the comments!

1. Letters. Lots and lots of letters.

In the modern age of technology, it’s all too easy to just send a text and assume that conveys your message. But texting doesn’t really convey emotions, and it doesn’t feel intimate. A hand-written letter, on the other hand, tells a story. If you take the time out of your day to write a letter by hand, it shows that you really put some thought into it. And if you spray your perfume or cologne on it, too, it helps to keep you on her mind, too. Don’t worry if your handwriting isn’t that great – she’ll love that you took the time to try.

2. A scrapbook or photo album.

One of the biggest bummers of a long-distance relationship is that your partner isn’t there to share in your memories. Creating a scrapbook or photo album of the things that happened since the last time she visited you is a great way to let her be a part of your life, even when she can’t be there in person. If your arrangement is more like mine, try to make an album of your memories together for her to take with her when she goes. Either way, there’s something deeply intimate about photos that aren’t displayed on a screen – so give it a shot!

3. A jar of memories.

This one might take a little more to ship, but it’s sure to be an interesting surprise. First, find a nice-looking jar or bottle. It should have a wide enough mouth that things placed in it will come back out easily. Then, on small scraps of colored paper, write down some happy memories that you’ve shared together – such as “Remember that time you rode your bike all the way across town to see me at work?” Finally, cover the jar or bottle and write a short note that she should pull out a memory any time she’s missing you. It’s a sweet and inexpensive gift that’s all about the great times you’ve shared.

4. A shared journal.

One of my favorite long-distance gifts is a shared journal or smashbook. Of course, anyone who’s read more than a few of my posts probably knows that I’m big into journaling anyway, but sharing that journal with your partner is a great way to bridge the gap between you. One of you keeps the journal for a week or two, filling it with little tidbits about your day. Then, you send it on to the other, and she is free to read and add in her own tidbits, too. Once the two of you get back together, the book will serve as its own scrapbook of the time you spent apart – and you’ll cherish it forever.

5. One of your shirts or sweatshirts.

I know, it seems super cheesy, but there’s a reason that pretty much every distant couple ever has swapped shirts, and every spurned lover seems to hang onto one of her ex’s. You have your own distinct scent, and chances are your partner misses it! When you exchange something that smells like you, you’re tapping into the amazing powers of the Proust phenomenon – your sense of smell actually has a better memory than the rest of your body.

6. A book (that you’re also reading).

If you and your girlfriend are both avid readers, buy two copies of the same book, and have a little “book club” between the two of you. This is a great way to share an experience, especially if you choose one of the classics that are known to have powerful emotional impacts. But, even if you go for something shorter and funnier, you’re still going to be sharing a good book with your love – and isn’t that nice?

7. A personalized mug.

I’m not talking about going out and splurging on one of those engraved masterpieces they sell at the mega-malls – I’m talking about buying a simple mug and hand-painting it with a quote that means something special to you. After it’s painted, be sure to glaze it so that your quote won’t rub off. Then, every day when she drinks her coffee or tea, she’ll have you on her mind. Simple, sweet, and practical – it’s the gift-giving trifecta!

8. A romantic coupon book.

If you know you’re going to be meeting back up soon, why not make her a booklet of romantic favor coupons? They don’t have to be anything extravagant, but small tokens like a sensual massage, her favorite movie, and breakfast in bed are all great ideas. But what if you aren’t set to see each other for quite a while? That’s okay, too – send some sexy coupons and let her mull them over for a while. The sexual tension is sure to cause a stir once you’re finally face to face again.

9. A star in her honor.

Okay, so you can’t actually buy her a star, but the International Star Registry lets you claim and name a star. It’s totally cheesy and they have nothing to do with the scientific community, but how many people do you know who have a star registered in their name? They’ll even give you the coordinates so that you can look up at your star – a perfect way to bridge the gap between the two of you.

8 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Break Up With Your Girlfriend

I’m not sure about you, but I’ve been in my fair share of relationships that really, really should have ended sooner than they did. Most notably, my “big breakup” of 2013 really should have ended somewhere around 2009. Looking back, I can see that now, but at the time I found myself hanging onto something that was just never going to be the same again. Sometimes, the decision that seems the hardest – that is, walking away from the person you love, and who says she loves you, too – is the best thing you can do.

But what if your relationship isn’t that bad? Most relationships don’t end with violence, after all, but most do end with broken hearts and hurt feelings. If you want to minimize those things (for your soon-to-be-ex as well as yourself), you might want to follow these 8 prompts to breaking up with dignity.

1. Why do I want to break up with her?

Obviously, if you’re here, you’ve got reasons for wanting to break up with your girlfriend. Sometimes those reasons really boil down to the fact that you’d rather be single. Sometimes the reason is that your partner treats you like garbage. And, sometimes, it’s because you treat her like garbage.

While these are all legitimate things to consider, it’s important that you can process what the reasons are to you. No break-up is exactly the same as another (unless you’ve got one of those awful on-again/off-agains). I’m a strong advocate for all things that require list-making, and a break-up is a perfect excuse for a pros-and-cons list. (Just make sure that your girlfriend doesn’t ever find this list – if you decide to stay with her, the list could easily destroy the good things you’ve discovered.)

More than just your personal sanity, though, a list of the reasons why you want to break up will also help make conversations about it with friends and family just a little less awkward. Unless your crew totally hates your girlfriend (sorry to all the friends who tried to clue me in about Big Ex, who I completely ignored), you’re going to have some explaining to do. A list gives you some stuff to consider, and it makes it easier to strengthen your resolve, too.

2. Could we work things out?

Depending on the reasons you want to break up, working things out could actually be a real possibility. Better communication (and possibly relationship counseling) can help to sort out most problems, and might help a lot more than you’d expect. But not everything is fixable – some things need to just run their course, and some things are so deeply ingrained that change is not very likely. You need to fully understand whether you can work through things – no one wants to throw away something that’s just a little rusty, when a bit of elbow grease could make it shine.

(This coming from someone whose first car was a 1949 Willys Wagoneer that came in a bunch of boxes full of parts. A fixer-upper isn’t necessarily a bad thing.)

It’s also important that you consider whether you want to fix things or not, though. If you’ve been trying for months (or even years) to work out your problems, and nothing seems to change, there’s a good chance that your girlfriend is simply not in it. Or, if the problems are your own, you might not want to change the things about yourself that are causing the issues. You are free to make your own decisions here – no one can force you to stay in a relationship that asks too much of you.

3. Will I change my mind after it’s done?

Some people break up and then get back together. That doesn’t necessarily make it an on-again/off-again… People have the ability to change and grow back together, even if previous attempts haven’t worked out. If you think that you might fall into this category, it’s super important that you leave the door open in a way that doesn’t give false hopes or misunderstandings.

No one likes to be stuck in the back-and-forth waltz of a relationship gone awry, so it’s really important that you do try to fix the things that are fixable before you decide to walk away. Of course, we’ve already discussed that it’s not always possible (or likely), but whenever possible, working through things is where you should start.

Even if you don’t think that you could get back together in the future, it’s important that you keep things civil, and refuse to say things that you might regret down the line. After all, she is a human being with her own emotions, and attacking her character won’t do anything to help you – it’ll just make it less likely that you two will ever be friends in the future.

4. What will it really be like to be single again?

If you’ve been together for a long time, there’s a good chance that you’ll miss the single life at some point in time. If this made its way onto your list, keep in mind that it’s also completely normal to miss your ex after you break up – even if you’re the one who ended things. It’s important to revisit your list from question 1 and figure out what you’re really giving up if you walk away.

Often, when we’re frustrated, we find it easier to focus on the bad things about our relationship – pushing us more toward breaking up than staying together. If we’re sad, hurt, or conflicted, we’re going to lean more toward staying together. You might need to visit your list a few times just to make sure you fully understand what you’re going to be walking away from. If you make your list all at once, you’re bound to miss things. Give yourself permission to ruminate on it for a while.

When it’s all said and done, you’re going to be relying on your friends a lot. No one likes to go out completely solo when they’ve just left a long-term relationship, so you’ll want your crew on your side. They’ll be there to support you, because they love you – even if they also liked your girlfriend. You were their friend first – so while it’s not fair to ask them to pick sides, they’re probably going to side with you anyway (at least most of the time).

5. How do I let her go?

Your feelings are going to linger for a little while, even after you’ve made up your mind. It’s normal – and even more understandable the longer you’ve been together. You want to be civil, without giving her any false hope. You want to make sure she knows it’s over, but that you don’t necessarily blame her for everything. This is a sensitive balance, and it takes a great deal of care to achieve.

Now… I’ve already said that I’m a major proponent of list-making and mind-mapping, so of course, my solution is to make another list. Look over your pros-and-cons from question one, and decide which ones are important enough to mention in your official break-up speech. Chances are, there are some things that have swayed your decision that your soon-to-be-ex doesn’t really need to know. Pro tip: Leave those ones out! Make a list of your talking points, if necessary, and practice them until you’re actually comfortable with the idea of throwing them out there.

Almost as important as what you say is where you say it. You want somewhere semi-private, like a coffee shop or a book store. It should be neutral territory, rather than at someone’s home – you want to give her room to escape if she needs to. Remember, just because you want to talk about it, doesn’t necessarily mean she will. But, make sure that wherever you have The Talk, it’s private enough that strangers aren’t all up in your business. Trust me – public break-ups are embarrassing for everyone involved.

6. What do I actually say?

Here’s where that list of talking points really comes in. Look over the list you’ve made and try to turn it into a “script” of sorts. Your most important reasons should be the things you focus on – whether they’re hard or not – because, really, you want to be honest here. That means no sugarcoating – that doesn’t accomplish anything except giving false hopes, and we really don’t want to do that.

You also need to make sure you don’t say anything you’ll regret later. If you’re open to the idea of getting back together in the future, say that. If you can’t stand the idea of ever talking to her again, say that. You want to make sure she has a very clear picture of where you stand – this is definitely not a time to be mysterious.

Of course, even with a list of talking points and all the preparations you’ve put in up to this point, there’s still a good chance you’ll screw it up. That’s ok. Humans are supposed to make mistakes – that’s proof that you’re trying and taking chances! It’s more important that you avoid being cruel, whether directly or indirectly, than it is to get every little piece of information passed along.

7. Should we get back together once things are worked out?

There’s not really one solid answer to this one – it’s a matter of your perspective, your individual situation, and the likelihood of things getting worked out to your satisfaction. Not all problems can be fixed, even with the best of intentions, and often the intention (and reason) for the changes is less-than-pristine. If someone is only making changes so that they can get back with something, Round 2 is going to be just as destitute as Round 1 was.

It takes two (very) mature adults to give a relationship a second chance. That’s not to say that there’s something wrong or immature about you if you do give things another go and they still don’t work out how you wanted. Remember that some relationships really do have an expiration date, and it’s all-but-useless to try to push them to work if they’re really not going to.

Leaving your options open is often the easiest immediate choice, but that’s not to say that it doesn’t have its own share of complications. What happens if you leave things open, but you really can’t bring yourself to give her another chance? That’s completely appropriate, and your choice. Try to be realistic, though – if you think the relationship is doomed now, there is a very good chance that it’ll still be doomed a few years from now. (And it’s definitely not going to be better in just a few weeks or months.)

8. What did this relationship teach me about myself?

Everything that we perceive as a failure actually has infinite learning potential. It’s next to impossible to go through a relationship and/or a break-up without learning something, although some people might need to look a little harder to figure out what they should have learned from this. No matter who broke up with whom, it’s important that you give yourself time to process things and actually apply the things you’ve learned.

Most likely, neither one of you is a bad person. Relationship incompatibility is a very real thing, and just because you didn’t work out together doesn’t mean that there’s anything really wrong with you. For example, two people who love to party are going to get along better than one person with a dedication to their work and one party girl. Does that mean that the party girl is a bad person? Absolutely not. Does it mean your relationship was all wrong? Absolutely.

Moreover, it’s important that you understand that this one woman has no bearing over any future women you date. It’s hard to separate ourselves from our bad experiences, but it’s absolutely necessary. Try not to make any generalizations about other people based on your experiences with this one person – remember, the way things seem is not always the way they actually are, so make sure you’re not holding your ex’s actions against your new boo when you have one.

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7 Things You Need To Know About Dating A Woman With OCD

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that I don’t really talk about too much: I have moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s beyond frustrating, and the fact that it’s seriously misunderstood makes things even more difficult.

When most people think about OCD, they think of someone who spends all their free time cleaning and alphabetizing things, but that’s not really what this disorder is all about.

Interested in someone who’s obsessive-compulsive, or who you think might be? Let the following 7 tips guide you to the best way to approach her.

1. It’s not all about cleaning and alphabetizing.

It’s almost funny that people associate OCD with impeccable cleaning and organizational skills. The truth is that there are so many people living with OCD who are not obsessive neat freaks. The media clings to this minority, though, because it’s the easiest to convey to other people – if someone has a super clean house and freaks out if things are disorganized, it’s obvious that they have OCD. Right?

Well, this leads people who don’t have OCD to make jokes about how “OCD” they are. (Pro tip: OCD is a noun, not an adjective.)

Personally, I don’t exhibit most of the most characteristic symptoms of OCD. I’m not a clean freak – in fact, I rarely clean unless my compulsions get totally out of control. I color-code and alphabetize, but only as a way to soothe my mind – not as an everyday way-of-life.

I’m not really the most organized person, either – even though I really do strive to be – but if something has a place it “lives”, I may freak out at least a little bit if it’s not there. I’m not really sure how much of it is OCD and how much is just general anxiety, since the two often overlap, but let me assure you – we’re not all germophobes.

2. We are not trying to control your life. (Probably.)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is really a control issue, and those of us who suffer with OCD probably seem like total control freaks. The truth is that we’re not trying to control your life – we’re just trying to get a grip on our own.

Sometimes, this means that we’re double-checking the things you do, just to make sure they’re actually getting done. That doesn’t mean we’re trying to change you… It means we’re trying to quiet our disorder.

That doesn’t mean that control freaks don’t have OCD, though. There are definitely some people who want to control everything around them, and there’s probably at least a bit of OCD behind their reasoning.

But, for the vast majority of us, we’re really not trying to control you – we just want to make sure we don’t lose control of ourselves.

3. OCD is a serious mental illness.

Considering how much the media minimizes OCD, it’s no surprise that most people assume it’s not a big deal. But to the person who’s actually struggling with OCD, it’s a huge deal. We get these obsessive thoughts that invade our mind, and it seems like the only way to quiet them down is to do what our compulsions tell us to do.

We know it’s really illogical, but we can’t stop it. It’s part of who we are, at least to some degree.

The fact that most media representations of OCD show people who obsessively count things, or who clean as if their lives depended on it, neither of those things is necessarily part of an OCD diagnosis.

The actual diagnosis just means that someone has repeating obsessive thoughts or mental images that disrupt our daily lives. It’s an anxiety disorder – not just a habit we’ve picked up over the years.

4. It’s more common than you might think.

An estimated 1 in 40 adults suffer from OCD or similar anxiety disorders, but it may go undiagnosed for years, just because of the stigmas surrounding it.

These numbers are higher in developed countries, like the US and the UK, than they are in developing countries – but that’s not to say that they don’t exist in the third world, too.

Sadly, approximately 1% of children are presumed to live with OCD and other anxiety disorders, but since they may not understand why their thoughts are happening (or even that their thoughts aren’t normal for their age), they aren’t likely to seek out help.

Once you factor in the fact that OCD is really, really hard for non-OCD-sufferers to fully understand, it’s not so easy to reach out for help – so your new boo might have OCD and not even know it.

5. OCD is one of the most treatable mental illnesses.

Since anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental illnesses, there’s a bit of comfort in knowing that it’s completely possible to live a normal life, even with OCD.

That doesn’t mean that the disease will ever go away (although that is a possibility), but it does mean that proper treatment and education can make a tremendous difference.

What treatments are available for people with OCD? Two of the most common treatment options are cognitive behavioral therapy (also known as CBT) and medication.

It’s important to realize that not everyone wants to go through treatment, though, and you can’t make someone go through treatment – there’s really no benefit to being coerced into therapy.

6. There’s a chance it could be genetic.

Although the underlying cause of any anxiety disorder is bound to differ from one person to the next, there’s a good chance that the woman you know with OCD might have inherited it from one or both parents.

In my particular case, I have one parent who’s a control freak and another who’s a germophobes, so I’m pretty sure that I was born into this life. The girl you’re thinking about asking out was probably predisposed to the illness, too.

What about the woman who didn’t get it from her family members? It might also be taught, such as those who grew up with parents who expected “too much” from them. I don’t really have too much experience in this area, but I solidly believe that the way we’re raised plays a huge role in who we become as adults – and why would OCD be any different?

7. She deserves love, too.

If I can only teach you one thing about obsessive-compulsive disorder, it’s that the woman who’s suffering with it deserves just as much love as anyone else you could date. Every day, she struggles with obsessive thoughts (such as a fear of bad things happening, or feelings that she’s not good enough) and compulsive behaviors (such as the need to touch, count, or organize things).

The specific symptoms are different from person to person, but one thing is for sure: She is just as worthy and deserving of love as any other person on the planet.

That’s not to say it’ll be easy. In fact, dating someone with OCD might even be the hardest relationship you’ve ever been in. But it’s not because she doesn’t care – if anything, she probably cares too much. She might act a little “crazy” from time to time, but it’s not because she doesn’t love you.

It’s because she’s so paranoid she’s going to screw things up, that she’ll do anything in her power not to… And sometimes she overshoots a little bit. Try to be patient with her. I promise she’s harder on herself than you could ever be. Why add extra stress into the mix?

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24 Things You Should NEVER Do On A First Date

First dates can be hard. They’ve got all the awkwardness of talking to your crush, combined with the stark realization that you two are total strangers – and it’s a scary position to be in. Personally, I think that’s why lesbians have such a reputation for being serial monogamists – we just can’t stand the idea of first-dates, so we try to make sure we have as few of them as possible. Of course, this is way generalized, but let’s be real… First dates kinda suck.

But do you know what’s worse than a first date? A bad first date. There aren’t really too many totally universal deal-breakers out there, but if you’re doing any of these 24 things, you’re probably going to stay single for a while.

1. NEVER talk about anything you found while cyber-stalking her.

It’s great that you scanned her Facebook to make sure you didn’t say anything offensive – but if you bring up that crazy party she went to six months ago, that you were not at, it’s going to be really creepy, and you probably won’t get a second date.

2. NEVER ask for a kiss.

I know, I know – it’s good to get consent, and I totally feel you. But if you have to ask for a kiss, you’re going to kill the mood. Just roll with it – but be prepared to back off if she asks you to.

3. NEVER beg for a kiss.

Some people might be into the whole asking thing… But if you’re begging for a kiss, you’re not really setting a good impression of yourself. TBH, you’ll look a bit desperate. If she says no when you try, leave it at that.

4. NEVER propose, or say “I love you”.

Hate to break it to you, but “love at first sight” is total bullshit. Unless you’ve been talking for a really long time before taking things out in the real world, you don’t love her (yet) and you don’t want to marry her (yet). Give yourself some time!

5. NEVER play on your phone.

It should be silenced and left in your pocket or purse. No one wants to feel like they’re competing with technology for your attention.

6. NEVER split the bill.

Times can be hard, I get it – but there is some etiquette concerning proper first date protocol. Whoever asked should also pay – that’s just being polite!

7. NEVER bring friends with you.

Unless your date specifically said it was a “group thing” and you could bring friends, just don’t.

8. NEVER bring your pets with you.

This should go without saying, but… Your pets can be there in spirit, but not in reality. It’s okay to show a couple of pictures, if she asks, but don’t push the issue if she doesn’t.

9. NEVER talk about your therapist or your gynecologist.

I get it – you want a girlfriend who’s cool with the less-than-pleasant parts of you, too. But that can wait until you guys have gotten to know each other a little better.

10. NEVER talk about your ex.

It’s just bad juju – that relationship ended for a reason. If you bring up your ex to your new boo, she’s likely to think you still have feelings for her. (And, FYI, “animosity” still counts as a feeling.)

11. NEVER talk about your parents.

Okay, so she might ask where you grew up and all that… And there are some good reasons to talk about your family on a first date. But if she doesn’t ask, save it for later.

12. NEVER wear a swim suit as underwear.

How are you going to feel if things get a little heated and she finds out you’re wearing beach attire under your formal wear? Yikes.

13. NEVER treat it like a job interview.

It’s totally normal to want to get to know her better – but be very careful how you frame your questions. She’s not here to “apply for the position of girlfriend” – she’s here to have a good time with you. Don’t make it seem like a test.

14. NEVER imply that she is a tease.

She’s under no obligation to “give it up” to you, and if she isn’t feeling it, you have no rights over her body. And, if you call her a tease, you’re pretty much guaranteeing that you’ll never get any from her.

15. NEVER imply that she is a slut.

Just as bad as implying that she owes you something – implying that she “probably would”, or that you “knew she would”, give it up on the first date. Even if it’s true, slut-shaming is a no-go, and isn’t a good way to get a second date.

16. NEVER drop names to impress her.

So you met Beyonce that one time – totally cool! But if it doesn’t fit organically into the conversation, she’s going to know that you’re just trying to impress her, and it’s going to backfire.

17. NEVER tell your whole life story.

Again, it’s normal to get to know each other, but you need to leave a little mystery there. She doesn’t need to know that you got your tonsils removed when you were 7, or that your sister ran over your cat when she was learning to drive. Just stick with the basic summary, and let her learn more as you go along.

18. NEVER leave out the important details.

While it’s important to leave some things out, you shouldn’t leave out the important things, like whether you have kids, an STD, or you’re unemployed. Sure, it might seem like these things would ruin your chances of getting a second date, but wouldn’t you rather she be with you because she chooses to be, even knowing about your “downsides”?

19. NEVER talk about sex.

If you’re not already on your way to go have sex with her, you do not need to talk about your sexual prowess, or your sexual history. Without an emotional connection to back it up, it’s not going to turn her on – it’s going to make her uncomfortable.

20. NEVER get wasted.

It’s okay to have a few drinks to loosen up, but know your limits. If you puke on her shoes, she’s probably never going to go out with you again… Not to mention you won’t be able to remember what she’s talked about anyway.

21. NEVER share all of your dietary quirks.

If you have allergies or sensitivities and you’re going out to eat, it’s reasonable to ask the waiter about the things that could possibly kill you or make you sick. But if you’re just picky? Keep it to yourself – pickiness is equated with being high-maintenance.

22. NEVER wear dirty or falling-apart clothes.

It should be obvious, but… If there are stains, holes, or a bit of ketchup on anything you’re wearing, you’re not going to make a good impression. You don’t need to buy an all-new outfit, but your outfit needs to at least be clean.

23. NEVER try to schedule the second date.

Listen – I know you mean well. But you’re not the only person who has stuff to process after that first date. Give her time to think it over, and make sure you leave at least a few days for her to think about whether she even wants a second date with you or not. If you ask while you’re still on the first date, things could get really awkward if she says no.

24. NEVER have unprotected sex.

I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t sleep with someone on the first date. I mean, it’s not always the greatest idea, but if you’re both on board with it (and consenting adults), there’s no problem. But you should always use protection until you’re absolutely sure that you’re both clean and monogamous. No exceptions!

What other first-date blunders have you experienced? Was it something you did or something your date did? Share them in the comments!

8 Reasons Summer Is The Best Time to Be In A Relationship

For most of my adult life, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with the summer. I love being able to spend time in the sunshine every day (it’s actually really good for your mental health), but my body temperature doesn’t really agree with extreme weather conditions.

When I get cold, I stay cold for hours, and when I get hot, I’ve got no choice but to strip down to my bra and boxers. Thankfully, I live in the middle of nowhere, so I can do this without judgment, but still… There’s something that sucks about the hot, sticky weather.

Even though I’m not a fan of summer weather, or the way my legs stick to my desk chair when I wear shorts (or the above-mentioned boxer and bra combo), I love being in a relationship when the weather starts heating up.

As much as I already love being in a relationship – like I’m sure most of us who are LTR-prone do – there’s something about the weather warming up that makes it that much better. Actually, there are 8 things – and I’m going to share them with you today.

1. You don’t need to worry about how your “beach bod” looks.

Now, before I dive too deep into this one, let me clarify something: You shouldn’t care about how your beach body looks to other people, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t. Even the most secure among us want to look good when we’re searching for a partner, as we should. Sure, we want someone who likes us for who we really are… But don’t we all put a little extra effort in when you’re single?

That’s not really the case when we’re in relationships. We want to look good for our partner, but we also know that she loves us just as we are – no effort required. If we have worked up a great beach body, we have the confidence that comes from doing it for ourselves and the person we love, instead of for random strangers who may or may not ever even come into the picture.

2. The days are longer, so you have more time to spend together.

As great as hanging out in the moonlight is, there’s something extra magical about watching the sun go down first. Now that summer is here, the sunset is coming closer to the end of your day, instead of right in the middle, so you can end your day with a little bit of cuddling in the still-warm air as the sun sinks into the horizon.

Okay, maybe that’s a little too flowery and poetic for some people – I can admit that my way isn’t the best way for everyone. But the longer days also mean that you can squeeze in more of the light-required activities you want to do together than you ever could in winter time. Of course, the longest day of the year has already passed, but you still have plenty of time before the days start getting shorter again – make the most of what you’ve got left!

3. You have more date options in the summer time.

This is a wonderful time of year to work on getting fit, or to do those physically-active hobbies that you wish you could enjoy year ‘round. And, since there’s also more time in the day, you don’t have to wrap things up so soon – you’ve got full sunshine much later in the day, and that makes night adventures even more possible.

(Note that I’m not using “night adventures” as a euphemism here, but that’s definitely an option too… Just make sure you’re not putting yourself at risk of being arrested!)

4. Clothing is optional when you’re together.

If you’re anything like me, you hate the idea of “having” to wear clothes all the time. But hot summer days are the perfect excuse to strip down and get a little more comfortable with your body. I guess technically clothing is always optional, but I hate the idea of jail time more than I hate the idea of clothes (and being naked without a good reason feels silly).

Since you’re spending all your time in less clothing than you’ve worn for the rest of the year anyway, it’s a perfect time to show off those body parts that haven’t been getting your partner’s closest attention. She likes your legs but hasn’t seen them since last September? This is what summer time is all about. Just make sure you’re taking the time to appreciate your girlfriend’s body, too – even if she’s totally body-confident already, everyone loves a sincere compliment.

5. Beach party? No problem – you’ve already got a date!

Listen… Looking for a partner is a lot more work than keeping a partner. So when you already have a date for those upcoming events, you can focus on being an awesome party-goer, instead of trying to pick up on all the new people you meet. (Unless, of course, you and your partner are looking for someone to bring home with you… But that’s another subject entirely.)

It’s more than just someone to hook up with, though. When you’ve got a partner you trust to accompany to those parties, you’ve got the comfort of knowing that someone has your back if you get just a little too tipsy, and she knows you’ve got her back, too. Summer is about having fun – not about worrying how you’re going to get home safely. (It should go without saying, but please, please don’t drink and drive. It’s better to blow money on a taxi than to find out you hurt or killed someone trying to get home on your own.)

6. Picnics are awesome, and they’re even more awesome with your girlfriend.

One of the most romantic (and simultaneously least expensive) types of going-out-to-eat is a picnic with the one you love. Make some sandwiches, or whip up her favorite travel-friendly meal, then head out for a great day in the sunshine. Not only are you soaking up that ever-important Vitamin D, but you’re also giving yourselves a peaceful opportunity to get closer to each other.

What if you can’t cook, or you don’t eat sandwiches? (Gluten-free, vegan, food allergies… Whatever the reason might be…) Take a book or a card game instead! Your day in the sun doesn’t have to be put on hold just because of your culinary or dietary restrictions. Just spending time together is half the fun anyway, so make it count in a way that works for you.

7. You’ve got a default road trip co-pilot.

First of all, let me be clear that your partner doesn’t exist to be your default anything – but that doesn’t mean that she won’t make a great copilot. (Or, in my case, a driver – someone please tell me I’m not the only 26-year-old without a license.) Having her next to you won’t relieve you of any apprehensions or fears about traveling, but it’ll give you a great experience to share together, and definitely a great memory for years to come.

If neither of you drives, or you can’t afford the time to take off work, that doesn’t mean you can’t still have a great summer adventure. Go on a hike, or explore your town as if you were tourists. This summer, anything is possible.

8. When all else fails, the end of summer can be the end of it.

One of the biggest apprehensions about relationships is that, one day, it will end, and at least one of you will totally be heartbroken over it. However, summer flings have a pre-defined deadline: The start of autumn. There aren’t really major expectations, because summer flings are – by definition – temporary.

Likewise, for those who have been in their relationship for a while already, summer gives you a chance to recreate yourself. If you don’t like the person that you’ve turned into, you’ve got more time in the day to make yourself a better partner, or even become the perfect no-strings-attached summer fling. Why not? Give yourself permission to be someone else.

After all, our personality isn’t a matter of our upbringing – it’s a matter of habit. Set the right habits, and you’ll see the changes in your life – why not start today?

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9 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Gonna Love You Forever

Have you ever caught yourself wondering if your relationship is meant to last, or if it’s just a temporary situation that could change at any time?

Of course, everything is temporary in the grand scheme of things, but when it comes to relationships, there’s temporary, and then there’s long-term. (I guess it could probably be argued that there’s also happily ever after – truly a category all its own – but I feel like there’s still one of you ending up missing the other…

Unless you do some wild Thelma & Louise thing. But I’m definitely not going to encourage that.)

That being said, there are definitely a few signs that the woman you’re with is planning to stick around for a while. There are no promises in life, but the more of these clues you see in your own relationship, the more likely it is that she’s going to stick around – so make sure you’re treating her just as well!

1. She takes care of you – emotionally and physically.

The woman who’s going to love you forever might not have all the answers, but that won’t stop her from doing what she can to take care of her lady. If you’ve had a particularly rough day at the office, she’ll rub your neck and shoulders, or run you a nice warm bath. She’ll cook you dinner and surprise you with coffee in the morning. Best of all (for me, at least), she lets you vent about your day, and she tries to cheer you up once you’ve cleared your chest.

2. She wants to spend time with you.

I’m not saying she’s going to try to spend every waking minute with you – that’s something else entirely. But the woman who truly loves you is going to want to spend time with you when she can. If she can’t spend time with you, she’ll check in periodically through text, IM, or a quick phone call. Again, she doesn’t have to constantly be glued to you, but she definitely doesn’t go ghost on you.

3. Sex isn’t a big deal.

Sure, your sex life seems like a dream, and when you do have sex, it’s pretty much the best sex you’ve ever had. (Thanks, chemistry and biology!) But sex just isn’t that important. It’s not why she wants to be with you – it’s just a great bonus. She has bigger priorities than just getting it on, and even when you aren’t in the mood, she still wants to be around you.

4. Your opinion matters to her.

If she has a tough decision to make – or any decision that affects you too – she’ll check in and get your advice before she makes a final choice. She values your input and knows that the things that affect her are going to affect you, too. She doesn’t ask you just because she thinks you’ll go along with what she was already going to do.

5. She opens up to you.

Different people have different levels of barriers, boundaries, and blockages, but the woman who loves you will let her walls down little by little. She’ll tell you things that she’s never been able to tell anyone, because she trusts that you won’t use this information against her. When you talk to her, you can trust that she’s telling you things to tell you things – not just to clear her own conscience.

6. She only has eyes for you.

It seems so cliché, but the woman who loves you isn’t going to want to chase after anyone else. When you’re together, she’s basking in the awesomeness that is you and doesn’t bother checking out other people in front of you. You’re pretty sure she doesn’t check anyone out when you’re not there, either, but you trust her too much to ask for sure. Most of all, she would never flirt with someone else – regardless of whether you’d find out. If another woman hits on her, she’s quick to let them know she’s spoken for.

7. She talks about the future with you.

The future can be a really scary place, but the woman who loves you wants to explore it together with you. You’re a part of her future plans – even though she checks with you first (see #4) – and she doesn’t want to think of a world after your love ends. The relationship might not be moving very fast, but it is moving, and you feel confident that you’re not moving farther away from each other (at least not on an emotional level – physical distance is sometimes unavoidable).

8. She’s proud of you and your accomplishments.

The woman who’s always going to love you is going to be like your own personal cheerleader – pom-poms optional. She’s proud of what you’ve accomplished, and she encourages you chase your dreams. She’s also happy to show you off, and it seems like everyone in her life knew all about you (and had appropriate compliments prepared the first time you met them). She also takes (or agrees to take) those cheesy couples’ selfies with you, because that’s what you do when you love someone, right?

9. She wants you to feel special.

Most importantly, the woman who’s always going to love you wants you to feel happy and appreciated. She lets you know how she feels whenever it’s appropriate. She appreciates the things you do for her, and she tries to do just as much for you. She may have been the first person to confess her feelings, too – and she regularly lets you know that they haven’t changed.

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The Ugly Truth About Anger

The spectrum of human emotions is a crazy, crazy thing. We know that someone crying probably means that they’re hurt or upset. We know that someone laughing probably means that they’re happy or amused. And we know that, if they’re yelling, they’re probably angry about something.

But did you know that anger is often used to mask other emotions?

Think about it: When a child is throwing a temper tantrum, are they really mad, or are their feelings just hurt because they’re not getting what they want?

Believe it or not, it’s often the same for adults. We get mad to cover up the fact that we’re hurting inside. Have you ever gotten in an argument with your partner and immediately resorted to yelling, even though you really just want to cry? It’s not that we want to behave like children – it’s just that we’ve been conditioned to mask any emotions that make us look “weak”. Someone who’s angry looks a lot less weak than someone who looks sad, right? It kinda makes sense.

But, that’s not to say that it’s easy on the people around us.

We react in a way that makes things easier for us, even if it makes things more difficult on the people we’re taking our frustrations out on. We yell, scream, and maybe even break things because it’s easier for us to put on a strong offense if we’re denying the fact that we’re being defensive. The problem here is that it’s counter-productive. When we’re hurt by the things that our partner has said or done to us, the childish part of our brain tells us that we need to hurt them in the same way(s) that they’ve hurt us… So we retaliate.

This angry behavior causes a number of problems, though. First, it makes us completely unreceptive to their side of the argument. We take things personally, and we think that our partner has hurt us on purpose, so we want to do the same in return. It’s a little scary, actually, because it often happens without a thought, especially since we don’t always understand why we’re acting the way we are.

We can’t stop in the moment and process our hurt feelings, our fear, or our guilt. We can’t put into words why we’re upset, so instead we just let the other person know we’re upset by making ourselves louder. However, they can’t hear the things we’re not saying, and they’re more likely to ignore the things we’re shouting.

We’re destroying our chances to fix the problem by refusing to acknowledge the actual problem.

Is anger always unhealthy? No – far from it! In many cases, anger is a completely appropriate response to feelings of pain, rejection, and betrayal. But the way we handle our anger is often wrong. By refusing to move past the most childlike expressions, we’re removing any of the wisdom we’ve gained since childhood – and, if you’re a member of the vast majority on this one, you’ve learned a lot more as an adult than you ever did as a child.

Instead of lashing out when you’re upset, try to make a point of breaking down your anger and understanding the underlying cause. Are you actually mad, or are you just disappointed or hurt? Are you angry, or are you scared? Give yourself permission to process your emotions honestly, and remember that not everything has to be a fight.

Remember that you care about her and want to move past this.

Remember that your future depends on how you handle your present – so don’t let your emotions get in the way and screw everything up.