Tag Archives: Lesbian Affairs

Questions: Do You Think It’s Possible To Stay Friends After A Break-Up?

They say breaking up is hard because when it’s all said and done, it’s like losing a friend. That’s the part that hurts the most. Not the lack of sex or the dissipation of romance, but the end of a friendship.

But is there hope at the end of the tunnel?

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Have a question about love, dating, or relationships? Then leave a question in the comments below.

7 Easy-ish Ways To Deal With An Argument With Your Girlfriend

The way a couple argues is a big predictor if they will break up.

How do you resolve constant conflicts and keep the peace in a relationship?

1. Separate the emotions from the situation


In any argument there are two things involved; the situation and your emotions. For example if you are upset because your partner has refused to take out the garbage. Before saying ‘holy crap take out the garbage already!’ give yourself some time. Expressing yourself when angry is ill advised. Wait until the anger is gone then speak your mind.

Never get into a confrontation while angry.

2. Stop yourself!


Do not get sucked into a fight. Refuse to fuel the fire. Instead of thinking’ they started it’, refuse to be drawn in. Search for common ground and use agreeable statements like;

  • I can see why you would think that
  • I understand what you are saying

3. Complain don’t criticise


Stop the character attacks. Sure she conveniently forgot to pay that crucial bill but that does not make her a ‘lazy snob’ or ‘good for nothing’. Tell her ‘I am upset you forgot to pay the bill again’ instead.

4. Compromise


Strive to get a win win solution in any argument. This will most often involve compromising and being ready to change your stand.

5. Take a break


Even a twenty minute break will do wonders to an argument. Come back when heads are cooler and the problem won’t seem half as bad. Hit the reset button when you’re in that destructive argument.

6. Find the humour


Nothing cuts short a heated argument like humour. Look for the funny side in the situation and tactfully extinguish the argument with a joke or a funny statement.

Fights do not have to turn angry all the time. They can actually bring you closer. It all depends on you.

Relationship Dilemmas: Escaping The Friend Zone

Do you often find yourself daydreaming that your BFF was actually your girlfriend? You get along so well and are a perfect fit.

How do you get out of the friend zone?

If you play your cards right an awesome relationship can follow. Fail and you risk jeopardising a wonderful friendship.

It’s a scary scenario. So how do you go about turning a friendship into the romance you always envisioned?


Be ready to stick it out. It is possible but it’s not going to be a short term thing. Telling this person upfront will only make things messy and awkward.

Make her jealous

When she is busy telling you about someone she likes say something like “that reminds me, there’s this new girl that I met the other day…” and then smoothly describe the story. Make sure the conversation flows smoothly. Do not let her know you have an agenda. Let the new girl appear slightly better.

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Become unavailable

Do not be too common. Keep your distance but always speak in a pleasant and brief manner when you meet. The point here is to confuse her in what is going on in your life. Make her spend time thinking about you.

Look Good

You probably know her standards. Exceed her standards and be incredibly desirable. Be bold and compliment her on her looks
when you meet. Flirt with her after arousing her interest. Tease her about her love life and her inability to recognise love when it’s right in front of her.

Pick the moment

Start by breaking the touch barriers. No more high fives. Go for lingering touches followed by eye locks. Now that you got all the preparations done with; choose a moment when you are alone and ask her out.

The Lesbian Networking: Who Needs A Dating App When You Can Be The Matchmaker All Your Friends Turn Too

Matchmaking is lots of fun. Pairing up your friends and watching the sparks fly is an awesome feeling and you get invited to all the occasions if everything goes according to plan. Here are a few pointers and things to keep in mind on your quest to be a great matchmaker.

1. Do your research

Know exactly what your friends are looking for. Take into consideration the age range, career expectations, physical attributes and things like race, hobbies etc. getting this out of the way will make it easier to sift through your vast network for a perfect fit.


2. Manage expectations

The rule here is to over deliver. Promise as little as you can to get them to meet then let her say ” oh my gosh! You did not tell me she is so funny!” Point out anything that might be a significant flaw before the first date. Make sure to get pictures before you set them up.


3. Explain yourself

Explain how you know the person and how you met. Be clear to both of them that you are matchmaking. You won’t believe how many times girls will go along with your plans simply because they think you are the one doing the hunting. Make it clear you are not in the game and will be bowing out as soon as the game is won.


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4. Pick the right venue

Avoid movies and three hour dinners. The key here is to talk so think picnics with friends or a barbecue surrounded with socialites where they can sneak off into a corner and get to know each other.


5. Stay out

The only reason you should get involved after the first date is if there’s confusion. One is not sure but the other terribly likes the match. Apart from that stay clear and watch the magic unfold.



Science Says There Are Several Reasons Why You’ll End Up Dating A Player

Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to catch yourself a nice, stable women who treats you well and makes you feel special?

You tell yourself you’re looking for someone good for you and yet, you always seem to choose someone who’s all wrong for you.

We’ve all been there.

Getting played by another woman is almost a rite of passage. It’s never a pleasant experience, but it does allow us to grow and learn from past mistakes.


So, why do we keep chasing these women? Well, it turns out the reason you can’t stop chasing that player is plain and simple.

We often find narcissism irresistible

Doesn’t it seem like whenever you’re out of one toxic relationship — with yet another heartbreaker — you seem to end up in a new romance mirroring the last?

The thing about dating is we never really learn our lesson. It doesn’t matter how many douche bags we encounter in the dating world; we’ll still be attracted to them.

We can’t just change our biology to suddenly like the nice, quiet woman who keeps asking us out.

Why is this? Well, researchers at Hartpury College in England studied 146 British women aged 18-24 and found even women with a high quantity of dating experience are still geared towards partners displaying narcissistic (read: assh*le) characteristics.

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve been burned; you just keep reaching out and touching the flame over and over again.

We often opt for hot sex over quiet conversation.

If there is one thing those hot, no good, sexy women bring to the table, it’s a fiery sex life.

And this will always top the sweet little beta females.

A study in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy zeroed in on college-aged women and what they thought of the “nice guy” stereotype.

Researchers found women preferred the nice guy for a typical dating atmosphere but the passionate, unpredictable “bad boi” nearly always won out when it came to sex.

So, while women tend to prefer the ultra-nice lady for conversation and emotional wherewithal, we want the fox with the motorcycle and the bad attitude to come home with us at night.

We think we’ll be the ones to change them.

We always think a cheater won’t always be this way. She just has to find the right girl, and once they do, everything changes.

It’s true, even though the rhetoric has suggested otherwise: once a cheater does not mean always a cheater.

However, old habits die hard, and though you may think this time will be different, you’re only hoping for a different outcome for the same patterns of behaviour.

Sociopaths are the sexiest people on earth.

While not players are not necessarily sociopaths, most sociopaths are players. According to Vice, sociopaths are the most charming, enthralling people on the planet.

She’ll charm us and make us feel good, but it’ll always be about her.

The sociopath will manipulate your emotions. She’ll put herself first and just string us along for the ride.

It’s hard to see it before it’s too late, and by then, you’re too tightly wrapped up in their web of bullsh*t.

We want what we can’t have.

Women are always attracted to the damaged, broken individual because most of us love a project.

We’re nurturing by nature and want to tend to the battered and helpless.

Unfortunately, you cannot fix a woman who doesn’t want to be fixed. More often than not, you’re the one who’ll walk away with pieces missing; she’ll walk away unscathed.

15 Surefire Ways To Kill Your Relationship

It would be nice to have some guarantee on the longevity of relationships, especially after all the work you’ve done to get into her in the first place.

Alas, there isn’t, and even the seemingly greatest lesbian romances are at risk when they’re not protected and cultivated.

Here are some things that will kill even the ones that started out amazingly well.

1. Taking each other for granted

You got her to commit, so now you can back off a bit on the effort, right? Wrong. Same thing goes for the other way around.

2. Bottling up feelings

It’s often easier in the moment to swallow small grievances, but the resentment that builds and the inevitable explosion later on is harder to get past.

3. Lack of general intimacy

Besides sex, intimacy includes being emotionally close, physically close, listening, and nurturing that bond all the time.

4. When one person denies sex

Sex is just a part of healthy romantic relationship, and if two disagree on what this means, things can go downhill quickly.

5. Being overly selfless

Yeah, giving and considering her needs is important and necessary, but so is taking care of ones self. No one wants a partner who loses her identity in a relationship.

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6. Being inconsistent.

Feeling all about the relationship one day and like you could do without the next day will only leave the other person feeling unstable and insecure.

7. Skipping dates

If the only time you spend together is on the couch at home, it’s easy to assume the feeling of restlessness is about the relationship, when it might just be about the routine.

8. Being condescending

There is a lot of learning to be had in a relationship; but not because one person takes charge. Nothing makes someone feel small like when someone they care about is constantly making them feel dumb.

Also see: 12 Types Of Lesbian ‘Non-Relationships’ You’ll Have Before You Settle Down

9. Breaking trust

Of course it’s possible to rebuild trust in the right relationships, but experience it too many times and that vow of honesty starts to mean nil.

10. Being selfish in bed

If your sex life is routine and you’re both going at it with the mind-set of taking care of yourself, it’s going to build a gap between you.

11. Denying the other in public

Healthy couples don’t mind that other people know that they’re couple. If one person shies away from being open about the relationship, they might not be ready to be in.

12. Holding grudges

If a conflict is discussed, apologies are made, and everything is back in order, no one should continue to carry around the anger about it. It’s like poison.

13. Being on different pages about life goals

A relationship can seem perfect in the moment, but if neither party is willing to make sacrifices about future plans then undoubtedly different paths will be taken.

14. Never putting away the devil’s advocate vibe

Ever argue for the sake of arguing as if you’re a lawyer or something? Yeah… that. Seeing both sides to a situation is great, but claiming the opposite of everything he says just to do it is different.

15. Constant complaining

Annoying things happen all the time, but usually when we’re with company we enjoy things like traffic or the wait at the restaurant don’t seem so important. When the small things threaten to ruin the night, they can start to threaten the relationship as well.

8 Scientifically Proven Ways to Make Your Future Girlfriend Fall For You

What is a relationship if it’s not based on lies and manipulation? If you don’t trick your partner into loving you, then how are you possibly going to keep a girlfriend?

The human mind is a wondrous, inventive and creative thing. It also horribly manipulates you without you even knowing about it.

So read and learn more…

1. Mirroring

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This could also be considered responding to social cues. Basically, you should subtly copy her body language that you are interacting with.

Don’t do a cartoonish mimicking of every single thing she’s doing, as insanity is off-putting for most. Remember: subtly.

If she smiles at you, smile back; if she leans back in a relaxed position, fight your impulse to jump on top of her, and instead assume a similar body position.

2. Look Like Her Parents

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Yes, if you have a few hundred dollars to invest in plastic surgery, this might be the way to get your partner to love you forever and ever.

Although creepy, science has proven that people are attracted to individuals that remind us of our parents. The creepiness is the result of this effect called imprinting and the mere-exposure effect. Imprinting is when you are initially exposed to a parent and is the only adult you trust.

3. Proximity

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It has been found that people that spend extended periods of time around each other in the majority of cases develop some sort of intimate feelings. Also known as the mere-exposure effect, which means familiarity plays an immense role in attraction.

The problem with this technique is you need to be able to distinguish between proximity and creepiness. For example, taking a certain way home because you might bump into the person you’re interested is fine. Hiding in the bushes outside her house and waiting for her to return crosses the line.

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4. If You Walk in Pace

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You know, like a sexy two-person marching band, without the instruments, the hats and the cool uniforms. You know what? It’s nothing like a marching band, but it seemed like an appropriate allegory at the time.

Yeah, so if someone is attracted to you, she’ll actually synch up her pace to yours.

5. Certified Friendly

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No matter how much you hate them, or loath their “ethos”, “morality” and “decency”, making nice with her friends might be your way into the bosom of her arms.

Once you’re accepted, science says she’ll accept you too.

6. Don’t Worry, Be Happy

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A sunny disposition actually plays a huge role in someone liking you. Really?! As if there has never been anything more obvious… people dedicated money and resources to research this? Pft! Anyway, if you’re a happy-go-lucky type of gal, then that will reflect positively on how people view you. Obviously.

7. Act like an asshole

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OK, so this is a bit risky. When you eventually meet the women you like, try to show them that you dislike them, just a little, and then come in for the kill, but kill them with kindness. That should get any female swooning over you in no time. This effect is grounded in the gain-loss theory that is based on the contrast of feelings.

Let me elaborate: basically, if you show her you like her and then that you don’t, when you show attraction again it will be more pronounced or, transversely, if you first treat someone with a blasé attitude to begin with, then a show of attraction will be more pronounced. Ultimately, we come to the conclusion yet again that our brains are assholes that are conspiring against us.

8. Hot or Cold

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The brain is dumb, an impulsive collection of biological matter that controls everything. And it’s a drunken conductor with brain damage that’s driving your train to Heart-breaks-ville. Comforting, isn’t it?

Well, the brain is so stupid that it can be manipulated simply by holding something warm or cold.
Psychologists have observed an effect called “Priming” which shows that the brain will take external stimuli and use them when making observations. For example, when researchers spoke to their test subjects and mentioned ‘Florida’, ‘Old’, ‘Weak’ and ‘Grey’, people subsequently walked slower.

Here’s how: the researchers gave subjects a cold drink or a hot drink to hold, and then asked the participants to rate a person’s personality if they perceived it as hot or cold. Guess what happened? Yep, you guessed it: the people that held a warm drink saw the person that they were supposed to judge as a warm personality, and the opposite effect was observed when they held a cold drink. What if they held a tepid drink?

In any case, maybe you should consider going to a cosy coffee shop and ordering a warm cupa, instead of a bar (most drinks are served cold, remember. I know you don’t get out much), and your potential partner might cosy up to you.

7 Signs You Are About To Get Dumped

Top on the list of the most frustrating things is not knowing if your girlfriend wants to call it quits or not.

Girlfriends often leave subtle hints that they are looking to move on without necessarily saying it.

So, be on the lookout for these signs if you have doubts.

1. The fighting stops

She does not want to fight anymore. There is no more make up sex.

It just “What ever”; “It’s not you, it’s me”; “Nothing’s wrong” – these are the kind of utterances she resorts to whenever you get into a disagreement.

She has given up on you.

2. Her friends give you the cold shoulder

Your once pleasant relationship with her friends is no more, all you get is an evil eye.

They know something you don’t.

3. She doesn’t call

Regular calls are a sign of a healthy relationship. The opposite is true, if she rarely calls you, then something is up.

Maybe she has someone more interesting to talk to.

4. She is critical

She doesn’t like your style anymore. Nothing you do pleases her. Your job is a “waste of time”, your friends “good for nothing” and your grooming “outdated”.

You haven’t changed, she has.

5. Uninspired sex

She just lays there expecting you to do everything. She is often tired or has a headache.

You are the cause of her headache.

6. She starts talking about ‘friendship’

Can it get any clearer than this? If she starts referring to you as good friend, and how you’d work so much better if you’d kept things to friendship, she’s already demoted you to such in her head.

Prepare yourself for the worst.

7. No future plans

She does not want to book or order anything for next month. She cringes if you mention some upcoming future event.

No, she is not superstitious; she is not planning on being here when the opera comes to town in two months’ time.

12 Struggles Of Your Girlfriend Treating More Like A Friend Than A Lover

There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable in your relationship, but sometimes, you can get a little too comfortable.


If your girlfriend is not too keen on the romantic gestures, but still loves you, chances are, she might fall into a rut of treating you like her best friend.

And while that’s not a bad thing, it’s nice to know that you’re appreciated as someone she’s attracted to with a vagina as well.

1. She greets you with “Yo”.

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2. Both of you wear the same PJs when you watch movies.

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3. She burps in your face and thinks it’s acceptable.

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4. She walks in on you pooping and thinks its cool to continue talking mid plop.

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5. When you flirtatiously ask what she wants you to wear tonight and she throws you a pair shorts and a stained white tee.

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6. You spend less alone time with her, and more time with her friends.

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7. Sweatpants are her uniform, no matter what occasion.

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8. Her idea of a night in is you watching her watching TV.

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9. You guys always go dutch. Always.

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10. You have regular eating competitions, which are not the sexiest, especially the pizza food babies that result.

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11. She doesn’t get jealous of other women.

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12. Or see them as potential threat, which actually think you’re a hot women.

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3 Reason Why Your Girlfriend Treats You Like Sh*t

Are you always annoyed and irritated at the way your girlfriend treats you? Does she make you feel like a slave, a child getting scolded by her mother, or a student being nagged by a teacher?

And it’s not like you did anything terribly wrong. You’ve been trying to figure out for ages why she’s like this when she loves you.

She just keeps throwing tantrums at you and complaining about everything. She disagrees with whatever you do and whatever you say. Nothing you do seems to impress her.

Well, these 3 reasons explain why girlfriends actually act that way.

You have a super close and comfortable relationship

Just like how people randomly get angry or ignore their family members over nothing, she feels that you are her comfort zone, so much so that she can do anything in front of you. You have always been gentle and accepting of her. You always forgive her behaviours even if you always get annoyed. Deep down, she knows that she can only do such things in front of you because you are forgiving enough, you cherish her enough and you love her enough to forget about such things.

Even if the whole world misunderstand her, she expects you to trust her

When she had a bad day outside, she grumbles to you. In the process, she may get a little too agitated and start channelling her anger towards. She can start complaining about you and keeps trying to pick a fight. She feels that everyone doesn’t have the need to know what she’s feeling inside but you have to.

When she starts complaining about you, it is probably because she thinks you are not listening to her story, not paying attention to why she’s in a bad mood and not comforting her. In the end, she is not treating you badly because she feels like it; she just wants you to empathise with her. 

She has super high expectations of you

This is why she is always unhappy about your performance. She’s easily picking out all your flaws because she believes that’s not all you have got. She thinks that you can be better or even the best. She expects you to always be the best you can, to try the hardest you can. Whenever you do something, she has secretly listed out her expectations, be it simple things like celebrating her birthday or serious things like a company project.

For example, based on her last birthday celebration, she will expect you to have a certain standard. And when you can’t reach that standard, she feels a little let down. It doesn’t mean she does not appreciate your efforts but she just can’t contain her disappointment.

And as they said – the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

15 Signs You Are Ready to Say The ‘L’ Word

We’re not talking binge watching The L Word season 1 through to 6 back-to-back. But the sweetest yet trickiest three words in the world to say to a women you have feelings for – “I Love You”

If you say them too soon, you are screwed; wait too late, and you might never get to say it at all!

1. It almost slipped out while hanging up the phone, but you stopped yourself just in time.

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2. You feel safe around each other.

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3. She is the first person you call when you wake up, and last person you talk to when you’re ready to hit the sack.

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4. Your feelings for her grow deeper day by day.

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5. You can’t help but think of her when even the sappiest songs play on radio!

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6. You’ve imagined the scenario where you declare your love a million times already.

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7. When you’re confident enough that she will fit in with your family and friends’ circle.

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8. You actually miss each other even if you’ve spent the entire day together.

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9. You love making each other laugh and do silly things to bring a smile to each other’s face.

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10. When you neither hesitate to use, nor feel uncomfortable, at the mention of the word “love” in a conversation about her and you.

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11. For some reason, you think she looks cuter now than when you first met.

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12. You’ve found yourselves addressing each other by cheesy endearments like ‘baby’, ‘honey’ or ‘sugar’.

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13. When you’ve finally realised that no one in the world can complement you better than her.

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14. When the two of you can totally imagine your future together.

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15. Because you know you love her and don’t need an excuse to tell her that!

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12 ‘Innocent’ Things I’ve Said to My Girlfriend That Just P*ssed Her Off

There are certain phrases I should just never utter when I’m fighting with my girlfriend. It doesn’t matter how rational or irrational she may actually be because, when we’re arguing, the majority of rationale has already been tossed out the window.

In that moment, she feels as if her emotions are completely justified, so when I decide to use any of these phrases, I’m mostly nullifying and invalidating them. Well at least I can admit it now ☺

1. “Relax.”


What I really mean: “Oh babe, don’t get so worked up, it’s really not a big deal.”


Why I should just shut up: Because no matter how sincere I am, this phrase is the quickest way to ignite the fire that’s already blazing.

2. “You’re crazy.”


What I really mean: “You are acting completely irrational and out of character.”

What she hears: “What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

Why I should just shut up: You ain’t seen nothing crazy until you label a woman as such; they take it as a challenge.

3. “My ex never did this.”


What I really mean: “Someone I dumped so I could upgrade to you wouldn’t even pull a stunt like this.”

What she hears: “She hates me;” “I’m about to be dumped;” “FML.”

Why I should just shut up: This is a low blow and should never ever be uttered.

4. “It’s not that big of a deal.”


What I really mean: “It REALLY is not that big of a deal.”

What she hears: “I don’t care about you at all.”

Why I should just shut up: It minimises her concerns.

5. “It’s all in your head.”


What I really mean: “I’m not sure why you would think that when there is no logical reason to…”

What she hears: “You are creating problems that don’t exist because you’re being paranoid for no reason.”

Why I should just shut up: It insinuates that she crazy.

6. “You look fine.”


What I really mean: “You look good.”

What she hears: “You look absolutely awful”; “You look like nothing special.”

Why I should just shut up: I should just tell her what she wants to hear, it’ll only helps me out in the long run.

7. “Whatever.”


What I really mean: “I give in! You win!”

What she hears: “I couldn’t give less of a sh*t.”

Why I should just shut up: She doesn’t believe for a second that I actually don’t care.

8. “I’m not mad.”


What I really mean: “I am actually not mad at all.”

What she hears: “I am actually pissed and you definitely do not want to hear how I really feel.”

Why I should just shut up: She knows I’m really pissed even if I don’t know it.

9. “You look the same.”


What I really mean: “That is the best f*cking haircut I have ever seen in my whole life!”

What she hears: “Did you just waste £100 to look exactly the same?”

Why I should just shut up: No matter, what tell her she looks great.

10. “It’s fine, no one will notice.”


What I really mean: “I can’t even tell that pimple is there.”

What she hears: “We did a half-ass job of covering up our blemishes and now you know exactly where they are.”

Why I should just shut up: Just pretend – “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

11. “I need some space.”


What I really mean: “I just need to focus on work right now; I have a very busy work week.”

What it means to her: “You’re a suffocating monster.”

Why I should just shut up: Because the opposite would be much, much worse.

12. “…Then why are you even her friend?”


What I really meant: “Why are you wasting your time with someone you clearly can’t stand?”

What she hears: “You are an irrational human being.”

Why I should stop using it: She needs someone to vent to about her friends and it’s in your job description to fill this role.

29 Relationship Truths All Lesbians Learn While Navigating The Dating World

We complain when we don’t have a girlfriend, and we complain when we do.

1. Regardless of your current relationship status, you never want to know about the new person your ex is dating.


2. Dating is about who you know, and how they can set you up with their friends.


3. You’ll never forget your first love.


4. Your best friends will date and then break-up, and you’ll be forced to pick a team.

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5. Just because a women says she’s straight doesn’t mean she won’t make out with you.


6. When you have a crush on someone, you’ll do anything to be with them.


7. When it comes to flirting, sometimes even your best game won’t be enough.


8. The workplace, while a tempting place to find a potential date, is not the place to do so.


9. You quickly learn how small the dating pool is. A single, cute, and out girl is as beautiful and rare thing.


10. Falling in love for the first time is the most beautiful and painful thing that will happen to you.

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11. Guys will still hit on you. And not always because they think you’re straight.


12. It’s not easy to figure out what to do with all those sex toys after the breakup.


13. NOBODY will leave you as emotionally wrecked as that first straight girl you fall for.


14. Break-up never go to plan.


15. Your definition of “relationship” might not be hers.


16. Your first time having sex is never your best time having sex.


17. Gaydar is not always a sure thing.


18. Seeing your ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend can be very life-affirming!


19. Sometimes, a relationship is complicated, and not even your best friends will fully understand it.


20. When someone isn’t calling you, they’re not playing hard to get.


21. Putting yourself out there isn’t easy.


22. Just because you’re lonely and she’s pretty doesn’t mean you have to make-out.


23. However, sometimes the right person is right in front of you.

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24. Realising you love someone is terrifying, especially if you don’t know how they feel.


25. It’s important not to be cynical all the time.


26. Being in a relationship turns you into the other person’s cheerleader, whether you like it or not.


27. Your true friends will love you no matter what crazy shit you do.


28. Sometimes the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.


29. And once you master that, everything else will fall into place.


19 Reasons Introverted Women Are So Damn Attractive

Sure, she might not be the life of the party, and it was you who had to make the first move when you met, but her shyness just melts your heart.

She’s mysterious. A bit of a badass. Intriguing. Quietly confident. A combination which is so irresistible to you

1. She’s very in tune with her emotions.


2. She’s also a terrific listeners.


3. She won’t smother you because she enjoys spending time by her self.


4. She spends a lot of time thinking…


5. She doesn’t need tons of attention.


6. This means, she’s less likely to find herself in compromising situations like being tempted to cheat…


7. She’s also less likely to embarrass you in public.


8. She’s mysterious and will always keep you intrigued.


9. She has a unique perspective on the world.


10. She knows how to reflect on our mistakes.


11. She’s creative, intelligent and knows how to have a good conversation!


12. She’s low maintenance and doesn’t like to make lots of drama.


13. However, just because she’s quiet doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to let loose.


14. She’s full of sound and honest advice.


15. She will never steal the spotlight from you.


16. Once she lets people into her world, she’s form intimate connection with them.


17. She’s incredibly loyal people.


18. Sure, she may behave quite differently her our extroverted counterparts…


19. But having a relationship with her is a truly unforgettable experience!

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11 Reason Why Your Unconventional Girlfriend Is A Keeper

Are you dating someone a little eccentric? Would you describe her as weird, but in a good way weird?

Great. Keep her, because you don’t even know how lucky you are.

If you’ve found someone brave enough to be her self in this world of standardised proportions and fixed ideals, adore her.

If you’ve found someone strong enough to hold on to her childlike sense of wonder, to be completely and utterly free and uninhibited, cherish her.

If you’ve found someone liberated enough to be a complete and utter weirdo, never let her go.

Because relationships with unconventional women are always better than with anyone who’s trying to be “normal.”

1. She’ll never let the fight be the same one.

She’ll have feelings and opinions that will clash with yours like any significant other. With them, however, it’s never about the same sh*t.

2. She’ll never expect the relationship to be a certain way.

She doesn’t have expectations of you or the relationship. She’ll let the relationship coast the same way she coasts through life – hoping for the best and going with the flow. She doesn’t go into things with preconceived notions because for them, a relationship is as random and unknown as life.

3. She’ll introduce you to the freak inside you.

You think you know yourself, and then met her, and she challenges every part of your being. She makes you rethink your life, your passions and what the hell you’ve been doing this whole time.

4. She’ll never be replaced.

You know you can’t let her go because the next woman will never live up to her. No one will ever show you as much, teach you as much and challenge you as much. Everyone will just make you wish you were with her again.

5. She’ll never question when you need to take time for your own adventure.

Not only do she support your personal endeavors, she push them. She doesn’t just want to be there for you; she wants to show you the way.

6. She’ll make you forget about the outside world.

Until you met her, you never experienced what it’s like to live in your own world, to never have to enter society again. She brings the only world worth caring about into yours.

7. She’ll catalyze every single creative interest you have.

Those tiny thoughts you never gave any light to, are suddenly magnified, and urged to be chased, and expanded. Those tiny dreams you never let yourself think about are all she wants to talk about.

8. She’ll never make you feel weird about your own weird self.

She wants you to be unconventional. She longs for you to open up that side you refuse to show the world. She’s ready to explore your inner workings and most obscure neuroses. She’ll thrive on your quirks and your idiosyncrasies.

9. She’s always worth the drama.

Yes, she’s not always the easiest person to deal with, but she’s always worth it. She’s going to bring the drama and intensity, but that’s what’s going to make your life worthwhile again. Those days when you were just going to work, the gym and going to bed will seem like a fate worse than death after finding someone who won’t let you be bored ever again.

10. She’ll teach you to laugh everything off.

She’ll show you what it’s like to not take anything seriously, including yourself. Life is too short and too weird to judge anything, and if you can’t get serious about it, you may as well laugh about it.

11. She’s going to be the best sex you’ve ever had.

She’s unconventional, and therefore the sex follows suit. She’s not nervous or scared; she’s down to try anything. She’s not scared to show their true, naked selves.

Spotting A Cheater: 12 Types Of Girlfriends Who Are Likely To Cheat On You

You love her, but your friends aren’t quite so sure.

Before you dismiss your friends’ claims about your girlfriend as mere jealousy, driven by the fact that they’re still single, take this into account: Science says we can often judge cheaters simply by their actions.

And as we grow up, we learn to read people. The surprise factor might be lost, but you can gain good insight and avoid a lot of potential problems, especially when it comes to relationships.

1. A girlfriend who is never clear about what they want.

She probably gives strange answers to simple questions, and then switches her phone off for weeks on end.

2. A girlfriend who is bored easily.

You know the type; she just doesn’t want to settle down. Or be tied into anything – like a relationship with you – because tomorrow is another day.

3. A girlfriend who is materialistic.

Does she love the gifts you buy her more than she loves you?

4. A girlfriend you just don’t trust.

Maybe they aren’t cheating on you, but it’s hard to trust them when they say one thing and mean something else.

5. A girlfriend who is just getting out of a serious relationship.

Chances are, they’re probably still hung up on someone else.

6. A girlfriend with low self-esteem.

They try to make up for it by constant validation via their partners.

7. A girlfriend who never tell you who they’re with.

Pretty much a dead giveaway.

8. A girlfriend who cheated on her last girlfriend with you.

I know its cliché, but she’ll probably do it again.

9. A girlfriend who is afraid you’re cheating on them.

Doubt can be a terrible thing, and so can the desire for revenge.

10. A girlfriend who thinks flirting is harmless

It is… in very few cases.

11. A girlfriend who is treats you like their dirty little secret.

If you’re in a healthy relationship, you should be socializing with each other’s friends circle with ease.

12. A girlfriend who thinks she’s better than you.

If they’re straight up snobs, then they’ll probably get bored of you pretty easily.

From The Famous Women We Love, All The Dating Advice You’ll Ever Need

There’s nothing quite like watching an empowered woman walk onto a stage, flip caution the bird and spout a hilarious one-liner about sex.

Here are our favourite bits of advice dished out…

1. Ellen DeGeneres – “Find that person that gets you, wants to take care of you, wants the best for you.”


2. Margaret Cho – “Find out how to share that desire with a partner.”


3. Chelsea Handler – “Take your socks off.”


4. Wanda Sykes – “It’s all about compromise.”


5. Tina Fey – “Talent is not sexually transmittable.”


6. Lena Dunham – “You have to love yourself.”


7. Amy Poehler – “Vulnerability is the key to happiness.”


8. Sarah Silverman – “Just be in love every day.”



Is It Possible To Really Be Friends With An EX?

Everyone in the world has an ex. At least, every queer woman I know has an ex.

Exes are a tricky topic of conversation, always. Some lesbians have exes they hate, some have exes they still love, and some have exes that they have somehow managed to keep around as a friend without any complicated emotional ties, lingering doubts, and regrets from the past.

Let’s talk about those women, the ones who seem to have mastered an impossible form of coexistence with a former flame.

They are exes with the benefit of being friends, so, “exes with frienefits”? Let’s go with that.

“Exes with frienefits” is a completely mind-boggling concept to me.

As soon as my relationships come to a screeching halt, I like to… get my money’s worth, so to speak. I make sure no words, regardless of how immature, go unsaid; I’ll give not one f*ck before hitting the unfollow button (across various platforms of social media), and if you borrowed any of my clothes during our time spent together? I want my sh*t back.

Its simple – friends, over here and the women I’ve loved and had sex with, exclusively, over there.

That’s where I like to draw the line.

BUT if you truly, truly loved someone, and even if its years later, can a friendship be developed?

According to my friend Janet – who has been friends with one ex girlfriend for 15 years – yes you can be very good friends, and in a very healthy relationship.

She says, exes, especially serious ones, who were a big part of your life make for great friends.

They know your family and your long-term goals. They know you for you, and cared for and loved you for everything that you are.

When you have an “ex with frienefits” you kind of have one more person in your corner willing to support you.

They already know the backstory; you don’t have to catch them up to speed on your complex relationship with that one friend or that problematic co-worker. If they’re your “ex with frienefits,” they still care enough to be there for you.

And she says, above all, the most rewarding part of having a “ex with frienefits” has got to be the beauty of having someone who was once so close to you, remain close to you, even though it’s in a different light.

“Exes with frienefits” still seems like an unreal concept to me, but when you look around, it is definitely present in our real-world lives.

I’m not sure I could get there with, well, hell, any of our exes. However, for those lucky people who have mastered this concept, and have made friends with their ex, I tip my hat to you.

It must take a lot of maturity, self-security, and respect for a person you once loved, to take the risk of having them back in your life. If you’re willing to take that leap for an ex, it speaks volumes about who they are as a person.

They must really be too good to let go (for forever, at least).


The Perfect Pre-Sex Diet: 10 Awesome Ingredients That Will Improve Your Sex Life

Lets be honest, when most us decide to start eating right, it has at least something to do with getting in naked shape. Hey, we all want to look good in bed.


But, it turns out, what you eat can do more than make you look good in bed. It can actually make the sex better!

The right foods can up your sex drive, performance, and pleasure.

So here’s what you should be eating to be better in bed

1. Chocolate – hell yeah!


Chocolate is a good sex enhancer because of two particular ingredients it contains, phenylethylamine and methylxanthines. Methylxanthines are stimulants that increase the body’s sensitivity to touch, always a good thing during sex.

Phenylethylamine is a chemical that causes the body to release the same endorphins that the body releases during sex, giving you a slight high. Mix chocolate and sex and the effect is compounded!

2. Fatty Fish


Fatty fish are high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which raise the levels of dopamine in the brain, which in turn raises the levels of sexual arousal. Fish also contains L-arginine, an amino acid that stimulates the body to release a growth hormone, which is then converted into nitric oxide that’s necessary for erections and is also improves blood flow to female sexual organs. Try out these fatty fish:

3. Oysters


We’ve all probably heard that oysters are an aphrodisiac, and it is actually true. Oysters have one of the highest levels of libido-boosting zinc of any food. If you can, try sucking down about six of the slippery suckers to get twice the recommended daily dose of zinc.

4. Celery


Celery seems like a boring and unsexy food, but it can actually help you attract the ladies. Celery contains the pheromones androstenone and androstenol, which can do two important things: Arouse the you when you eat it, and cause you to send out scent signals to the ladies around you that make you a hot commodity!

5. Seeds and Nuts


Seeds and nuts contain monounsaturated fats, which our bodies convert into the good type of cholesterol that our sex hormones need to work properly. Almonds are a particularly good choice because they are also high in zinc, selenium and Vitamin E, which are all important for sexual health. Zinc also increases your libido.

6. Sorry Vegies, but Steak is on the list


Steak is good for your sex life for two reasons; the protein boosts dopamine and norepinephrine, which heightens sensitivity during sex. Steak is high in zinc, which boosts libido.

So next time you are deciding where to take a hot date out to dinner, consider a steak house!

7. Watermelon


Studies have shown that watermelon may be a natural Viagra. It contains the nutrients lycopene, beta carotene and citrulline, all of which are good for sex. Citrulline is the particularly important one. When we ingest citrulline, the body converts it into the amino acid arginine, which boosts production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels (pretty much the same thing that Viagra does), so eating watermelon can treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it.

8. Spinach


Spinach is high in magnesium, which dilates blood vessels; and better blood flow to the genitals equals better sex. Also, the trace minerals found in dark, leafy greens, like arugula, have been shown to keep us from absorbing many of the environmental contaminants that can be responsible for a lower libido.

9. Fortified cereals and breads


Fortified cereals and breads have many vitamins and minerals we need to be healthy, but they contain three things in particular that are good for better sex: thiamin, riboflavin and niacin.

Thiamin and riboflavin are needed for a functioning nervous system, in turn leading to more stimulation and pleasure during sex. Niacin is a vitamin that is necessary to create histamine, a chemical the body uses to trigger more explosive orgasms.

10. Eggs


Eggs are high in B vitamins. Vitamins B5 and B6 help reduce stress and balance out hormone levels, both of which are good for a healthy libido. Have a big night coming up? Start the day off with eggs for breakfast!

20 Signs You’re Already Hopelessly In Love With Her

1. When you talk on the phone with her, you lose track of time until one of your phones needs a recharge, in which case, the other promptly calls back and the process repeats.

2. You feel protective of her and it shows when you feel an indescribable need to hold her hand when both of you cross the road.

3. And you don’t let go of her hand after you’ve gotten to the other side.

4. You willingly stay up at night texting when you should be sleeping. For some reason, exchanging sweet nothings with her feels much more important than stupid things like sleep.

5. You text ‘good night’ and ‘love you’ a minimum of 7 times interlaced with kisses, before you finally sleep.

6. You are eating off each other’s spoons.

7. You have a nickname for her, which makes her smile each time you say it.

8. You accompany her on errands and help her out. And for some reason you’re very interested in the little things, like the brands and flavours she chooses, and why.

9. You don’t mind holding her things and standing outside dressing rooms.

10. You like the smell of her perfume; but you also just love the smell of her.

11. You defend her in every way, even when the world stands against you.

12. You try to dress up the way she likes, just because her compliments make you feel on the top of the world.

13. You discover things about yourself that you thought never existed; she brings out the best in you just by her words.

14. She inspires you to be a better person.

15. You’re addicted to those wonky sandwiches she prepares just for you, with a smiley face carved out of tomato ketchup.

16. You can’t bear the thought of her falling for someone else, and promptly push such thoughts out of your mind.

17. You love the way she says certain routine words like “Duh,” and “What..” and secretly thank your stars every time you get to hear them from her lips.

18. You think she has the sexiest voice on the planet.

19. When you’re sick, or can’t sleep due to a headache, the only words that can put you to sleep are hers.

20. She has to be the last thought on your mind before you drift off.



23 Things Lesbians Love About Being in Long Term Relationships

1. Having a person who’s always there when you need them.

2. And having someone who actually understands you in a way no one else does

3. Actually being able to enjoy the lesbian bar scene without having to participate in it.

4. But staying in can be the best date night ever.

5. If you feel like cuddling, you can.

6. And if you want sex you can – no really you can!

7. Having someone on hand to feed your cats.

8. You don’t always have to wear a bra.

9. Not having to worry if you’re being too weird or silly because there’s no such thing when she’s around.

10. “Oh shit, I’m out of tampons” is something you haven’t said in months.

11. Having someone you can’t wait to come home to.

12. Having a date for every occasion.

13. Having someone on hand to stroke better when you feel unwell.

14. You can tell them if they look like shit, and it’s ok.

15. Not having to shave every inch of your body for a date night.

16. You get to see boobs all the time forever.

17. You no longer have to explain your sexual orientation to everyone.

18. You basically have two closets forever.

19. Every conversation you have is cloaked in an insider jokes.

20. You gossip about everyone you know.

21. You know every ticklish spot on her body.

22. You can watch TV shows about lesbian dating scenarios in the comfort of knowing that you are a safe distance away from being single yourself.

23. And you consider it very important to keep her up to date on the highlights of your favourite show, even though she doesn’t watch it.

The Single Lesbian’s Guide to Getting Out of a Bad Date

Lets set the scene. You’re sipping a glass of beer, on a date with someone new. You’re talking, looking into one another’s eyes, and then it suddenly hits you: “Good gods, this is the most mind-numbingly boring date I’ve ever been on. I’ve got to get out of here.”

It’s the time for an exit plan. A strategy that could include faking an illness; food poisoning and migraines are quite popular. Or staging a phone call crisis.

But the problem with these excuses is that everyone knows them and can see through them. So scrap those plans; it’s time to take those methods up a notch, get creative, and plan your exit strategy as obsessively as you plan your weekend getaways.

Here are some ideas to get you started, but be warned—some of them need great acting skills and cooperation from people you know. Click on an idea to read more about it or simply read on.

Become the dating weirdo

This takes a wee bit of practice and a willingness to humiliate yourself. But that’s not a problem if you don’t plan on your date ever seeing you again, right? You’re going to have to keep bumping up the crazy level, because you’re not sure yet what your date counts as weird.


Become obnoxious date

Think back on all the terrible dates you’ve been on and throw the most repugnant habits and behaviour of your once-and-never-ever-again dates into the mix.


Become the psycho ex

Burst into tears. Tell your date that the place reminds you so much of your ex. Hurtle down memory lane and share a long and detailed history of your last failed relationship. Give scary examples of how you showed your love to your ex but was ultimately rejected (“I sat in my car outside of her house all night long and asked my friends and her friends to tell me what she was up to when I wasn’t around. I just wanted to know she was always okay, was that so wroooong?!”). Be inconsolable and excuse yourself for the rest of the evening.


Become the clumsy date

Spill something on yourself – great new outfit be damned. Don’t go for something as lame as water; a bowl of creamy soup, the kind that can really leave a huge stain. Make sure your date definitely can’t say that the stain will be gone in an hour or so.


Become crisis solver

This is an upgrade to the phone call crisis, and involves a loyal and loving friend. Your friend should rush up to you and yell, “Oh my god, where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you! I called your roommate and she said I’d find you here. You’ve got to come with me, we’ve got a problem.” Ta-da, exit this away!


Become overly committed date

Talk at length about how you’re ready for marriage and kids. Make jokes about how you’ve already picked out a wedding and reception venue, the names of your kids, and a good honeymoon spot. After a while, stand up dramatically and ask your date, “I just want to get this straight. Do you see a future with me or not? I’m not about to waste my time on anyone.” Flounce off in a huff, but make sure you’ve planned your hiding place in case your date comes after you.


Become the commitment-phoebe

Have a friend call you and pretend that she is your next date for the night, then tell the person you’re with that you have to run to meet up with someone else. This is ideal for dates that are so openly scamming on other potentials in the room.


… Or simply be honest (my pick)

We all tend to rein in what’s really on our minds, so give yourself a chance to be honest by telling your date goodbye before you waste the rest of the evening—and maybe even a few years of your life – if you keep on being too polite – to say that you’re just not interested.


Things You Realise When You Date a Woman Who Treats The Way You Deserve

Lets all admit that bad girls are addictive. But there comes a point in life when you think, “Wow, there got to be more to love than this.”

It starts with the little things, like maybe she uses up the last of the milk, or she never listens to what you have to say. Sometimes, she doesn’t text you back, but, hey, look! She just tweeted about Ruby Rose’s pride performance, so she’s definitely by her phone. Or, she’s only ever down to hang when it’s super late and you’ve both been drinking.

Our experiences with bad “relationships” teach us to put up with this type of behaviour, because romance and chivalry are dead

But then, someone comes in and mixes it up.

She makes you question why on earth you put up with such awful treatment before.

You see each other when it’s not late, she’s not drunk, and dare I say, you even go on a date!

Maybe it isn’t love (yet), and you won’t get married and have kids with this person, but she gives you a dose of reality that makes you mushy inside and suddenly realise…

That wow, this person thinks you’re worth something…

You never have to lie to yourself that she’s good for you, or make excuses for her. This epiphany fills your heart with happiness and hope, two things that had been lacking for quite some time.

… because you are.

Not only do you realise she thinks you are special, but you also realise you are special.

You look in the mirror and smile with confidence. It’s not that she gives you confidence, but she did help you realise exactly how strong and beautiful you are.

You raise your standards

After the royal treatment, you raise your standards – as you should. The next time you go out into the game, you know what to look for.

You know how to identify the players and their moves. This time, biceps and booty won’t blind you. No amount of smooth talking will win you over.

You appreciate the woman you with

This woman made you pause and think about your love life and how badly previous people treated you.

Even if it doesn’t end up working out with this person, you still want to thank her. She helped you out from dark, murky waters so you could see all the nice and colourful fish in the sea again.

18 Struggles Women Have When Dating A ‘Bro’ Butch

Our sexy little butches – we love them, but some times they can be a little hopeless when it comes to our womanly ways.

1. She absolutely hates public displays of affection – there will be no hugging or kissing outside.

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2. She considers flowers a total waste of money.

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3. She’s not herself when she’s hungry; in fact, she literally transform into the Hulk on steroids on an empty stomach.

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4. She loves to swear – even around your parents.

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5. She can completely outdrink you and all your friends.

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6. She hates buying presents and as a result, always ends up running around a couple of hours beforehand to try and find one that doesn’t look like a last-minute purchase.

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7. She gets lost in conversation, when you go off on tangents and can’t simple tell a short, linear story.

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8. She’s blunt and direct, and doesn’t understand passive aggression behaviour.

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9. She finds it almost impossible to have something in common to talk about with girly-girls. Beauty products – huh?

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10. When something is bothering her, she’s immediately confrontational. People see this as a bad thing, even though she’d just prefer to hash things out as quickly as possible.

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11. She prefers a football game and beer, too shopping.

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12. She’ll spend hours waiting on you in a store, but can’t understand why it takes you so damn long.

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13. She gets over things quickly and doesn’t understand why people choose or actually like to hold grudges.

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14. She doesn’t understanding why you wake up early to put on makeup and do your hair when they can spend that time sleeping.
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15. And manoeuvring a curling iron baffles her.

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16. Texting isn’t important to her. In fact, it’s kind of annoying.

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17. She can identify every single person in this GIF, and know exactly what they do and why.

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18. But Pretty Little Liars — and its appeal — is unfathomable to her.

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Queer Urban Talk | The Truth About Strap-Ons (Video)

So you’ve now got this appendage that you’ve never used before. It’s attached to your hips, which is unlike any other appendage you have, and it requires a specific muscle set to be able to control it the way you really want… Ah strap-ons.

Watch and be prepared to laugh.


7 Things You’ll Learn From Your First Crush About Love

There is always a first time for everything. First day at school, first day at college, that first day when you make a new ‘first friend’ in school, or the first day of work etc.

The most special first is most definitely the first time you have a crush on someone. There is an unexplained difference between first crush and first time falling in love, but the symptoms are pretty much the same.

And it’s likely that that relationship, although ancient history now, can still teach you a lot about relationships and about what it truly means to love.

1. You release that there’s more to relationships than just sex.

Nowadays, if it’s not sex then it’s not interesting. But there was a time when you would get nervous just making eye contact or hold hands with your first crush. After we found the courage to take our first kiss, we would spend hours “making out”. When’s the last time you had a serious make-out session?

2. They’re the most honest relationship you’ll ever have.

You didn’t want anything from her, other than to be with her. You enjoy her company and nothing else. You didn’t have to lie, to cheat, and to manipulate because you didn’t believe it to be necessary.

3. They’re arguably the most stable relationship you’ll ever have.

You didn’t argue about everything and anything. You didn’t worry about what she was doing behind your back. You simply enjoyed your time together because the two of you somehow managed to make it enjoyable — and did so seamlessly. Now that we’re older, we like to overcomplicate everything and ruin just about anything special that we’re lucky enough to come across.

4. They love feel like magic.

You weren’t able to explain why you were feeling the way that you were, but you also felt no need to explain. It simply was what it was and it was magical.

5. They showed you dating didn’t have to be complicated.

You’d go for walks. You’d go on bike rides, rollerblading, or ice-skating together. You’d have lunch together, snacks together, nap time together. And there were no rules that you were supposed to follow because no one bothered to tell you they existed.

6. They teach you that love should feel natural, not forced.

You would see each other because you wanted to see each other. You didn’t wait three days to call her. You didn’t play all those pointless games that most dating individuals now play. You didn’t date for the sake of dating because you didn’t see a point in dating for the sake of dating.

7. They showed that love doesn’t have to last forever, and that’s okay.

They introduced us to love, to jealousy, to trust, to heartbreak. Even though things didn’t work out, we still somehow managed to enjoy the time we spent together.

7 Ways To Make The First Move Without Her Figuring It Out!

You like her and you want to get to know her better. You want to ask her out, but you definitely do NOT want to seem like you’re the one making the first move.

It’s tricky – we get it! The quickest way to ask a woman out may be to just ask her out, but in a situation where you don’t want to play Captain Obvious and risk embarrassment, here are some sneaky ways for you to drop the hints.

1. Turn Group Plans Into Dates

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Text her to ask if she’d be interested in meeting a drink after you’ve finished work. It’s a really smooth way to get some alone time WITHOUT sounding like you’re desperately crushing on her (which you totally are!).

2. Moves And Movies

The best non-date date? Movies! Bring up the latest film that’s running at the cinema the next time you’re talking, and ask her if she’d like to watch it. Even if she says she has already watched it, tell her that the next time a similar movie comes up that she has to watch it with you. Done!

3. Be Impromptu

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In the middle of conversation (and if you know she’s free), make a sudden plan to get coffee, and ask her if she’d join.

4. Don’t Forget To Smile

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Sometimes, you have to keep it simple. While we don’t want you smiling like a crazy lady, flashing that pretty smile every now and then will definitely make a lasting impression, and we’re pretty sure she’s going to want to see more of that happy face.

5. The More The Merrier

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If you and your crush don’t have any mutual friends, create them. The next time your gang gets together, invite her to join in as well. Apart from the fact that your friends will get to know your crush better, she’ll totally take to heart your sweet gesture.

6. Get Flirty

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Some flirting never really hurt anyone! Whether it’s eye contact, smiles or put in a kissy face emoji in that text – flirting is guaranteed to let her know what’s on your mind, and it will only be a matter of time before she asks you out.

7. Be Yourself

First Move Without Her Figuring It Out 07

It’s always fun to be all coy and flirty every once in a while, but never stop being yourself! If she doesn’t like you for you, then she’s not worth your time!


6 Reasons To Take The Next Step In Your Relationship When You’ve Found The Right Woman

We spend most of our lives looking for the right woman, yet when we find her, we hesitate.

Whether you’re deciding to call her your girlfriend, to tell her you love her, to have her move in with you, or to call her your wife – we hesitate.

But hesitation is not your friend. Sure, you need to give such decisions sufficient thought, but you should never hesitate without true cause.

When you’ve found the right woman you should never find it difficult to make decisions, because you understand such decisions need to be made.

And when you’ve found the right woman, you will not hesitate because:

1. You understand how lucky you really are

You’ve been through enough failed relationships and met enough wrong women that when you meet the right woman, you know what you’ve found.
It’s like winning the lottery. And what person waits to cash in a winning ticket?


2. You’re mature enough to face commitment

It’s not necessarily that you don’t fear commitment — most individuals do — it’s that you are ready to take that plunge nonetheless. You’re ready to make all the tradeoffs required because you believe your lady is more than worth it.


3. You want her to understand how much she means to you.

Expecting her to know how you feel without telling is a no-no. Unless she’s some sort of oracle, you need to use your words — and your actions.

You need to be there for her, tell her you love her and show her how much she means to you.

Remember, hesitation shows her your uncertainty. It shows that although you may say you’re going to always be there for her, you may very well one day get up and leave. You may feel as if hesitation is unnoticeable, but in reality, it often causes incredible damage.


4. You’re afraid of losing her.

That’s right. You’re afraid of losing the woman you love and you’re not at all scared to admit it. When you meet the right woman, you should be afraid of losing her. She has become your life, and if you were to lose her, you’d lose yourself.


5. You believe she deserves the world, and you want to give it to her.

You want to take her places, to have her try new foods, wines and adventures. You want to be her first in as many experiences as possible because, just as she is a part of you, you want to become a part of her.

And you want her to one day look back and reminisce about all her wonderful adventures and smile — that’s all you care about. You care about making her smile, about her being happy with you.


6. You can’t think of a single reason to wait a minute longer.

You can’t think of a single good reason to wait before showing her exactly how you feel. She is the right woman. When you’ve found the right person, there are no good reasons to resist.

And when you know you’ve found the one, you make her the one.
