Author Archives: Barbara Ward

Barbara Ward

About Barbara Ward

Barbara is a 26-year-old lesbian living in California with her partner (and their “fur babies” - an adorably chubby puppy named Porkchop and a ball python named Ru). In the spare time she pretends to have, she enjoys horror movies, music of all varieties, reading, and complaining about the weather.

Riding The Crimson Wave: The Pros and Cons Of Having Sex On Your Period

Many ladies get a bit squeamish when it comes to the subject of period sex. It’s pretty understandable, actually, as many women have learned to think that their menstrual cycle is “gross” or “dirty”. It’s not the cleanest time, and we may even think we smell. However, period sex is one of those weird things that you can’t help but think about. After all, many women are highly aroused and sensitive to stimulation when on their period. It’s scientific.

Is it worth putting up with the “gross” bits in order to give in to your desires? Well, that’s a matter of personal preference. There are arguments for and against it, and no two people weigh the factors exactly the same. We have taken a look into the pros and cons in order to help you make a more informed decision one way or the other.

Pro: It feels really good.

When you’re on your period, your body is naturally more receptive to certain stimuli. Sometimes this is an emotional stimulus, such as something that would normally make you a bit frustrated suddenly makes you quite angry. Some women may not be aware that this sensitivity extends to your physical senses, too.

Particularly if you haven’t been touched in a while, the nerve endings in your skin will be on fire at the slightest touch. Sometimes this can make you extra ticklish – but sometimes it means that you’ll be more turned on. We all know that the more turned on you are, the better it feels!

Con: It can be messy.

Ladies, the best sex is usually messy. This may not ring true for everyone, but if your partner is sufficiently aroused, she’s most likely to leave a “wet spot” on the bed. However, there’s a huge difference between normal sexual fluids and period blood, and often the difference can mean stained sheets if you’re not careful.

If you wish to participate in period sex, but don’t want to worry about the mess, there are some options. I find that putting in a fresh tampon and washing the area before sexual activity is generally the cleanest solution. If you are still concerned, there’s probably some old towel lying around somewhere that can help save your bedding just in case there’s any bleeding over.

For those who may be unable (or unwilling) to use a tampon, you can elect to have sex in the shower instead. It’s typically a good idea to not come into contact with someone else’s blood, so ensure that you are taking the adequate precautions. The point here is that it doesn’t have to be messy if you don’t want it to be.

Pro: It helps relieve cramps.

If you’re cramping pretty bad, it can be tough to remember that physical activity helps. Most of us, when on our periods, have very little desire to go for a jog – but there is some other “cardio” you can do that doesn’t even require getting out of bed. If your partner is willing to satisfy your sexual needs and get your heart pumping, it actually has an anesthetic effect on your uterus (your whole body, actually!).

Even if it didn’t actually stop your period pains, it can be a great distraction from them. After all, if you’re in the middle of an orgasm, are you really going to think about your headache?

Con: Some women are afraid it will smell.

When we’re on our periods, we can often smell ourselves – and this makes us uncomfortable. However, remember when I said period sex feels really good? Your sense of smell is overcharged at this point of your menstrual cycle, too – as long as you keep it clean, the only reason you can smell it is because your nose is going haywire.

If you’re worried about the smell of your vagina when you’re on your period, make sure you take a shower. Even just a quick rinse before you begin can do wonders. Most of the time, you smell worse to yourself than you do to someone else.

Pro: It feeds our desire to be pampered.

Of course, not everyone has the desire to be pampered when they’re on their period, but many women do – and period sex is great for that. The “extra work” required can be used as a foreplay tactic, and the receiver can soak up all this attention without guilt. After all, your partner is getting the pleasure of not having limits on when she can have you – that’s its own gift sometimes!

If you plan to use this as a tactic to help you talk your partner into letting you have sex with her when she’s on her period, you can start by giving her a sensual massage. I don’t know too many women who object to getting a massage – especially when they’re on their period! Her body’s nerve endings will be extra stimulated by this, and it’s easy to pave the way to passionate exploration. You might not even have to go “all the way” for her to climax – but your experience may vary.

Con: We might not feel sexy.

I know a lot of women who thrive on their perception of themselves as sexual creatures, and when we’re bloated and miserable, we’re not exactly the most self-confident. However, this is something your partner can directly help with. By showing you that she is attracted to you even when you don’t find yourself attractive, she is confirming that you really are. Her opinion might not be as important to you as your own, but it’s surely a start!

Over time, when a partner shows us that they find us attractive no matter what, our bond is strengthened. Whether we choose to admit it or not, humans are creatures of ego in at least some part. We form our opinions of ourselves indirectly as a result of the opinions of others (whether in agreement or disagreement). This means that even those women with the lowest self-esteem can eventually learn to love their bodies in every way when given enough encouragement.

Pro: It relieves sexual frustration and stress.

Truly, this is something that’s true of any good sex, but it’s particularly important when you’re on your period. The way our hormones may spike can lead to a great deal of stress, which is more difficult to relieve because of those same hormones. It seems like a catch-22, but it doesn’t have to be. You just need to focus on something that brings you joy, and separate yourself from the things that cause you frustrations.

Some women even get stressed about the fact that they “can’t” have sex while they’re on their period, which in some ways is ridiculous. There are no set-in-stone rules that say you can’t, only constructs of your mind that bring up the negativity.

Con: It’s wrong.

Okay, so I said there were no set-in-stone rules, but I think technically it’s in the Bible that you shouldn’t “lie” with a woman on her period. Obviously if you feel that it’s against your religious beliefs, you shouldn’t participate – but otherwise, the fact that it’s “against the rules” can actually be a benefit.

For those who don’t have firm beliefs that period sex is wrong, and instead only have their society or culture telling them that it’s wrong – this can be used to your advantage. Many women are aroused by the idea of doing what’s “taboo”, and period sex can be a way to indulge this. After all, outside of you and your partner, who’s going to know that you did it? It can be a secret if you want it to be – and sometimes secrets are extra sexy.

How To Be A Butch Lesbian, According To WikiHow

Have you been wondering how to market yourself as a butch lesbian lately? With the invisibility surrounding femmes, it’s no wonder that some people may seek to change their image in order to seem “more gay”. (Hey, I’ve done it – but not through my apparel.)

We took a minute to check out the WikiHow page on “How to Be a Butch Lesbian” – and here’s what we think!

Step One: Ask yourself why you want to be this way.

WikiHow-butch-01What Wiki says: Why do you want to dress this way? Will you feel attractive and natural in this look? Are you concerned about how will others react? What are the risks of changing your style?

Yes, this is always a good first step. Before you make any drastic changes in any part of your life, it’s important to understand why you want to make this change. It’s something we often consider when deciding whether or not to come out in the first place – so it should make sense that it would apply to your style, too.

I think it’s important that you change your style if the style you’re currently displaying does not reflect your true self. After all, our personal style is simply an extension of who we are on the inside – and it should be treated as such.

Step Two: Develop more masculine mannerisms.

WikiHow-butch-02What Wiki says: Walk with more confidence and stride. Don't slouch or sit with your legs together. Watch the way men move and move like them. Try to only copy more of the popular guys, when observing them think, is this guy cool? Does he seem attractive to girls? If yes, he is a good example since you do not want to move awkwardly.

While I understand what the WikiHow article is trying to say here, I think they’re taking the wrong approach. You should change your style to a more butch one if it fits in with your life – you shouldn’t have to pretend to be something you’re not, under any circumstances.

The article suggests that you should watch the “more popular guys” and copy their mannerisms. It’s important to realize that sometimes, the guys who are more popular are those who use lies and trickery to win over women – and that’s not something we should strive for.

Be you, and try to be the best you – but don’t emulate someone else just because you envy their success with ladies. (And besides, if you were going to emulate someone to be a better butch lesbian – wouldn’t you want to emulate a butch lesbian? Just my two cents.)

Step Three: Get some masculine clothing.

WikiHow-03What Wiki says: You can buy men's clothing, or, buy women's clothing that is boyish. Choose colors that you like in sizes that fit your body nicely. Some good things to get; a few polo shirts, T shirts with cool designs on them (Try not to go with big logos or dorky souvenir shirts); Loose-fitting jeans (Not too baggy, not too loose - You can go with men's jeans or women's boy-cut jeans since those are made for a female frame); Dress clothes - pants suits, shirts with ties, and nice shoes are great for special occasions. Do learn to tie a tie , as clip-ons are tacky. Get a few belts and a nice watch (go for a neutral color). A chain to wear around your neck can look handsome. Shoes. You really only need 3 pairs: comfy shoes, dress shoes, and boots. Binder. Some butches dislike having large breasts and may wish to bind them down. Boxers No butch should wear girly undies. Go for comfort. Plaid, solid, or simple patterns are best. For the most part, you will be the only one that sees them; keep in mind that your girlfriend will see them so they need to look good. Messenger bag or backpack. Purses are to be avoided.

If you strive to be a butch lesbian (no matter what your reasons are), masculine clothing is pretty much a must. It doesn’t have to be men’s clothing, even – there are some “less feminine” options in most women’s clothing brands that will suit lesbians much better.

This is because men usually have different body shapes than women. If we were to dress in clothing that wasn’t built for our body type, we wouldn’t look very good in it. There are now some clothing designers who are specifically creating “men’s clothing for women” – these should be your first choice, as they are designed both for the look you’re after as well as the body you have.

(Oh, and in regards to their statement about boxers – you should wear whatever underwear feels comfortable to you. If that’s boxers, so be it! But you shouldn’t feel the need to match your underwear to your clothing if it’s not reasonable for you. One of the studliest girls I’ve ever dated happened to wear hipsters underneath her baggy jeans. You know what? It was pretty cute, too.)

Step Four: Skip the make-up.

WikiHow-04What Wiki says: Concealer for blemishes and pimples is fine. Eyeliner is okay in small amounts and also make absolutely sure that you're always brush your teeth.

Often, butch lesbians and studs feel that they can’t wear make-up because it’s “girly”. This is a ridiculous assumption. Make-up is a personal choice and the implication that it’s just for girly women (or girly men) is ridiculous. If you like make-up, wear it! If you don’t like make-up, don’t!

I do understand why this association is made, though. Make-up is targeted towards feminine insecurities. But that doesn’t mean that all who wear make-up are insecure, or even that they are all feminine. Need a solid example for this one to sink in? Johnny Depp. Enough said.

Step Five: Get a short hair cut.

WikiHow-05What Wiki says: Look at both women and men for inspiration. To find a look that will look good on you, ask the hairdresser what will match your face shape.

A lot of butch women have short hair – but not all. My current girlfriend is, as I like to refer to her, “ostentatiously gay” – that is, her clothing style is a bit stereotypical for lesbians. But her hair is much longer than mine (and admittedly more beautiful, too!). When we’re out in public, many people are surprised to see how long her hair is, after seeing how she dresses. I have never understood why this is a point of surprise – but I think “tutorials” like this may be, in part, to blame.

The length of your hair is in no way a determining factor in your masculinity or femininity. I’ve had “super manly” friends (both male and female) who had long hair, and “super feminine friends” (again, both male and female) with short hair. Your hair is an extension of your personal style, no different than your clothing choices or your decision to wear make-up or not.

Step Six: Be active.

WikiHow-06 What Wiki says: Try to get into a sport or just work out. Be proud of your body and its strengths. Looking attractive and gaining muscle can also be a benefit.

This one falls in the category of “be you” as well. If you want to play sports, you should most definitely play sports – but it’s not for everyone.

Of course, everyone should strive to be physically active, as it’s good for your health, both physical and emotional. But it doesn’t make you any less butch if you don’t like basketball and (gasp) softball.

Step Seven: Act the part.

WikiHow-07What Wiki says: Be confident and masculine. Be chivalrous and gentleman-like. Try your best to stay calm and in control of your emotions in public. Confidence is key, so be sure to take charge and be assertive. Most of all, be yourself.

No, no, no!

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with the advice they’ve included in this section – it’s a good idea to be chivalrous and confident. It’s great to stay in control of your emotions when you’re in public, whether you consider yourself butch or femme or anywhere in between. But it shouldn’t be acting. It should be genuine.

I think the writer of the original article knew this, too, as they closed with “Most of all, be yourself” – even though this contradicts most of the other things they’d written.

So what should we really do?

Above all else, we should strive to be ourselves. If that means you dress in sharp suits with a bit of makeup, so be it! If it means that you wear skirts and dresses with a short hair cut, so be it! Our style is a part of ourselves, and it should be a reflection of who we are – not of who we want to be.

If you find yourself wanting to make the transition into a butch/stud style, nothing should stop you from achieving that. But if you have to change many things about yourself in order to reach that goal, it’s probably not a reasonable goal to strive for.

No one can really tell you who or what you are – that’s for you to decide on your own. You might think that you have to change yourself to attract the girls you want to attract. This may be true, if you’re not a “good fit” – but generally speaking, there’s someone out there who will love you for exactly who you are. If you’re changing yourself to attract a woman (or to get others to accept you), you’re not being genuine to yourself, and you will have to go through so much work just to market yourself.

Instead of trying to market yourself to someone who’s not interested in you, you should focus less on labels and allow people to know who you really are. It might mean that you don’t get what you want, but it’s not fair to others if you misrepresent yourself in order to gain.

Always be true to yourself, and to your partners. Keep doing what you need to do, but don’t add the unnecessary pressure of fitting in somewhere you don’t belong.

Arm Chair Sex: 9 Positions You Need To Try Tonight With Your Lady

Every now and then, the situation will arise where you’ll want to add a new element to your sexual repertoire, but you might not know how to do it. It doesn’t always need to be anything fancy; sometimes all you need is a chair or two. In fact, we have searched the internet and compiled a list of the best sex positions that utilize a chair. Read on to find some new inspiration.

9. Love Seat

Love seat

You will need a chair, a couch, or (as the name implies) a love seat for this position. Seated next to each other, you can use your hands to pleasure each other – either individually or at the same time. For an extra sexy bonus, consider trying this at the movie theater or under a blanket (just please keep it away from kids’ movies or places you could be arrested!)… The addition of the sneakiness is sure to get the juices flowing. Make sure you don’t get too loud, though, or you’re bound to get caught!

8. Head First

Head First

You must exercise a bit of caution with this position, as the blood may rush to the receiver’s head and potentially render her unconscious if you’re not communicating effectively. In order to achieve this, the “giving” partner will be seated in a chair, with the “receiving” partner straddling her lap. Very carefully, the giver should assist their partner in leaning forward so that her head is facing the floor. (I recommend using a cushion under your arms for a more comfortable support.) Once you’re properly positioned, the partner who is seated is free to pleasure whichever parts of the receiver that she wishes. The receiver will undoubtedly feel a bit vulnerable in this position, but with adequate trust and communication, this should only enhance the pleasure.

7. The Stronghold

The stronghold

You will need two chairs of the same height in order to get into position. Each partner will be seated at the edge of one of the chairs, using her arms to support herself – make sure that you are facing each other. Tangle your legs together and press and rub your pubic bones against each other. This variation on typical tribadism allows for a new angle and some increased support in order to rock each other’s worlds. Keep in mind that this can take a fair amount of practice in order to successfully pull it off!

6. Welcome Back

Welcome Back

The giving partner will need to be seated in a fairly low chair. The receiving partner will then bend over in front of her, allowing for oral pleasure from behind. Be sure that you don’t use a rolling chair for this as the partner who is bent over will likely need to support herself on the seated partner’s legs. The partner who is bent over is also able to pleasure the seated partner with her hands or a toy.

5. Best Seat in the House

Best seat in the house

When you want to be in complete control of your partner, it could be as simple as sitting in a chair (or on a stool) and commanding her to go down on you. The receiving partner is able to hold onto the head and/or shoulders of her giver for extra control, if desired. Both partners are sure to be turned on by this wonderful “feast” – and the view’s pretty great, too!

4. The Naughty One

The naughty one

This position allows for a total view from behind, which can be loads of fun! One partner should be seated in a chair, with the other partner standing on a chair of similar size. The standing partner will need to support herself, so make sure that her chair has a back of adequate height to bend over (and neither chair should have wheels; dining room chairs work perfect – as long as you live alone!). The seated partner can then use her hands, a toy, or her tongue to please her partner while taking in the wonderful view.

3. Joystick


One partner should be seated in a chair, with one foot on the floor and one foot on the chair itself. This works best if the chair is slightly reclined, with ample seating space; definitely not one for a dining room chair. The partner who is to receive the stimulation is then to climb on top of your leg, straddling your thigh, so that she can rub her clit against your leg. She can even grab your lower leg in order to maneuver you to the position that brings her the most pleasure. It might not make your everyday routine, but it’s certainly something to try!

2. High Voltage

High voltage

Be aware that this position will cause a bit of a head rush for the receiving partner, but with proper precautions it’s sure to be a hit. One partner (the giver) will be seated in a chair, while her partner is kneeling at the sides of her legs, facing the floor. The seated partner can then provide intense oral pleasure to her partner with this seated variation of the traditional 69 position. However, due to the angles you’re at, it will be nearly impossible for mutual stimulation. This shouldn’t be an issue, though, as the partner who is receiving will already be in a rather vulnerable position and should be catered to in order to guarantee her orgasm before all the blood fills her head.

1. In a Spin

In a spin

Essentially, this position is just scissoring in a chair. It can be a bit tough to understand the angle you need, but once you have it down the rest is really self-explanatory and guided purely by pleasurable intuition. Seated facing each other in the same chair, you will need to intertwine your legs and rest your clits against each other. From there, you can guide each other by grabbing hips, as well as rocking yourself in order to satisfy yourself – which will ultimately satisfy your partner, as well.
Once you have mastered all of these positions, it’s time for you to start expanding your options. Get creative! That’s what passionate sex is all about. If you’re seeking to add some more spark into your love life, sometimes all it takes is a bit of out-of-the-box thinking to really get the juices flowing. Remember, there are no wrong answers – just things you haven’t tried yet.

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The Psychology Behind Most Female Sexual Fantasies

When we think about our sexual fantasies, we may think that they are rooted in a psychological problem. Sometimes, if we fantasize about someone who isn’t our partner, we may be worried that these fantasies put us at risk of acting on them – however, that’s not always the case.

In most situations, our fantasies are just that: Fantasies. Being able to act them out in our mind is often enough for most of us, and if they aren’t, our partners may be willing to accommodate us to a certain extent. It’s only when this “certain extent” isn’t enough for us that there’s any real cause for concern, and even then, it’s iffy.

Fantasizing about someone else

This is, believe it or not, the most common fantasy out there. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to cheat on your partner, and should only be considered an indicator of this if you actually have a strong leaning towards being unfaithful. Even then, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with you – only that there’s something wrong with your relationship.

Sometimes, we may be drawn to the idea of having sex with whomever we please. It’s human nature, and anyone who denies that they’ve ever had these types of thoughts is probably lying. However, inwardly, we know the consequences of acting on these fantasies, and we choose to keep them fantasies. Instead of sleeping with the neighbor, we will instead ask our partner to don a costume for a particularly sexy night. Hey, it’s not cheating if the “side girl” is still your girl!

If, however, you are unable to confine yourself to just sleeping with your partner, it may be beneficial to you to seek out an open relationship. It has its own hazards and consequences, of course, but for those who are unable to commit themselves fully to one partner, it may be the best option. Opening yourself to the idea of having multiple partners, while being completely honest with them, will allow you to explore these feelings and determine what they mean from you.

You may discover that you don’t like having sex with other people as much as you like the idea of having sex with other people. This is understandable, as fantasies thrive on the best case scenario, and reality does not. In these cases, you and your partner may decide that openness doesn’t actually work for you after all!

In other cases, you may feel that the sexual activity you share with the other women helps you forma deeper connection with your partner. After all, you are allowed to seek out a partner who is more willing to accommodate the fantasies that your partner might not be comfortable with – allowing you to focus your intimacy on her and her alone.

Neither of these scenarios is inherently “right” or “wrong” – your relationship should be a balance of your needs and hers.


A lot of people equate dependence on pornography with sexual misconduct. This, in general, isn’t a fair assumption. Of course, those who are drawn to pornography involving children are, indeed, committing their own form of sexual misconduct and should be dealt with appropriately. But as long as there is no direct communication between the porn “actresses” and the person watching the movies… There is no implied foul play.

One of the easiest ways to drive this particular point home is the fact that lesbian porn is a common male fantasy – but most men don’t actually want to have sex with lesbians. This is because, in their mind, they know that the association of the “lesbian” label means that the woman has decided that she will not, in fact, have sex with a man. However, when viewing “lesbian” porn (which is often just paid actresses who truly prefer men) they are able to act out their internal “challenges” and translate them into something else.

The same can be said for women, as well. I know some lesbians who get off on homosexual male porn – does it mean that they want to have sex with a gay man? Probably not. Often, the idea of pornography is to indulge our inner voyeuristic fantasies, and not to actively participate. Certainly there are some who may imagine themselves inside the movie and interacting with the actresses, but this isn’t always the case.

If your partner is interested in porn and you have a problem with it, it may be valuable to ask yourself where your problem is coming from. Generally, there’s no good justification for banning pornography in your relationship, as long as your partner wouldn’t rather participate in self-gratification than in sexual acts with you. I’ve encountered a lot of women who actually look at porn as if their partner were cheating on them – and I can’t imagine how the connection is made!

Of course, you are free to define infidelity in your relationship in whatever manner you choose, but under normal circumstances, pornography doesn’t indicate any greater problems, and should be encouraged as an outlet for sexual fantasies that you might not be willing to accommodate directly. For example, if I had a partner who were into dark-skinned women, I’d much rather she watch porn involving women of color than to stray to seek out someone else to meet that need.

Domination and Submission

While being aroused at the idea of dominance and submissiveness doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong, we can find a place that it’s typically coming from. As children, we may have been denied some aspect of our formative teaching, which results in our inability to process this. We encode this lack of foundation into our sexual desires – and it takes the form of a “permanent helplessness”.

This permanent helplessness can take either the form of submission (an intentional display of helplessness) or dominance (an intentional display of “proving” your power). Of course, children who are able to address these issues while they are still in their formative years may be able to bypass this, but that’s not to say that they’re automatically a bad thing.

In general, when a traumatic experience (no matter how repressed) is turned into a sexual fantasy, it’s our mind’s way of coping with the trauma. This coping mechanism may not be understood by those who don’t share it with us, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Any way that you find to put a “positive spin” on something that would otherwise be bad is, in general, a good thing.

In most relationships, there will be a sense of balance between the dominance and the submission. This balance may mean that one partner is more “powerful” and one is more “overpowered”, or it may mean that there is balance within each partner separately. I personally enjoy both “roles” at different times depending on my outlook for that particular sexual encounter.

Generally speaking, as with any other sexual fantasies, as long as there is an agreement between you and your partner and no laws are being broken, there’s nothing wrong with a little “deviant” play. It’s only when the need for deviance becomes overwhelming that there is a problem – if you’re unable to orgasm without your fantasies being accommodated, there may be a deeper issue at play.

Naturally none of this is to be taken as medical advice, and if you are concerned I absolutely urge you to seek the help of a qualified psychological professional to address the underlying issues that may be at hand. But if you’re not worried, and your partner’s not worried, there’s probably nothing wrong, and it’s best to keep your personal life as personal as you’d like it.

The Honeymoon Is Over: How To Keep Enjoying Your “Routine” Relationships

I used to be a bit of a free spirit. (Okay, that’s a bit of an understatement – I was a “very free spirit” before, and I’m “a bit of a free spirit” now.) I used to resent the idea of settling down with someone, as it seemed like it was going to be the same boring thing, every day.

However, things happen as we grow up, and now I can’t picture myself without a partner. Not just any partner like when I was younger – this partner.

A lot of the time, we do the same things. I go to work, she goes to school, we both take care of the house, and then we lay in bed and watch movies. Some nights we have sex, and some nights we don’t.

It doesn’t mean I’m bored, though. We keep things alive in our own way – and at KitschMix, we think you should, too!

Being with the same person doesn’t have to mean doing the same things.

Find hobbies to participate in! Sometimes these hobbies will be shared between the two of you, and sometimes these hobbies will be separate. It’s important that we allow ourselves balance between the two categories. This balance isn’t always 50/50 (in fact, it rarely is) – you’ll have to find the balance that works best for you.

Allow yourself to keep some mystery.

One of the hard parts about a long-term relationship is that we become comfortable with each other. This comfort isn’t automatically bad, but once we’re completely comfortable with someone, we may find it hard to find them attractive. Our mind starts to see them as someone we know inside out – someone we don’t have to learn anything else about – and this is dangerous territory. If we don’t have anything else to learn about our partner, what are we going to talk to them about?

Make time for “dates”.

Even if you’re married (or similarly committed), having an occasional date night is important to keeping your relationship young. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – my girlfriend and I used to go to Denny’s every pay day. It wasn’t much, but it was the thing we did that was just for the two of us. Of course, it can help keep it exciting if you don’t do the same thing every single time. Throw some surprises in there – it’ll add to the mystery!

Get each other gifts, just because.

These gifts don’t have to be anything fancy and expensive. They don’t have to be the latest technology or the sparkliest watch. They just need to be something simple to show your lady that you were thinking of her when you saw it. As long as it’s not something that she’ll be offended by the association toward, she will likely be happy that you were thinking of her.

Talk sexy to each other.

I know some people are dirty talkers, and some people aren’t. I never used to be until I got with the woman I’m with now. It can feel weird when you first start doing it – especially if you’re shy or easily embarrassed (or all of the above, like me!). This simple step can help add a spark into your relationship that may have been lacking.

Talk sweet to each other.

This is just as important in a happy relationship. Even if you don’t have a particularly “sweet” relationship, chances are you at least have nicknames for each other. I affectionately refer to my partner as “Butthole”, and she calls me “Vavosa” – your “sweet words” don’t necessarily have to be “nice words”, as long as you and your partner understand they’re said with love.

Don’t forget the foreplay.

If we’ve been with someone for a long time, we might eventually start to gloss over the foreplay in the bedroom – and then we wonder why our sex lives start to dwindle. Foreplay is just as important after five years as it was the first time you had sex – maybe even more so now!

The main thing to remember is that your relationship only dies if you let it die. Without growth, anything will eventually start to deteriorate. Get to know your partner again every chance you get, in every way you can – but don’t give away every answer, either. Decide what things you will keep for yourself, without keeping any “secrets” from her, and your relationship is sure to thrive for years to come.

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How Should I Deal With My Crush? | We Answer Your Questions

We aim to get to the heart of your sex and relationship problems, so if you need advice, please contact us.

Q: How should I deal with my crush?

Dear KitschMix,

Help. I’ve just started my first term at university and I can feel myself developing a crush on my housemate. We met at freshers week and instantly clicked. We have so much in common.

She’s attractive, funny, sensitive… everything basically. But we’re going to be spending the next three years together so I really don’t want to make a move if it’s going to make things awkward.

Also, I can’t even tell if she’s gay! What should I do?

A: Well, reader, the easiest thing you could do would be to ask her. It might make things awkward, but if you don’t ask, you’ll never know.

My girlfriend actually brought up a really good idea – you could bring up some past partners you’ve had, if you’ve had some, to see if she offers any information about her past relationships – such as the possibility of some of them being female.

She says, in her experience, this allows her to subtly “out” herself without putting pressure on her to instantly come up with a recovery if she’s not interested in ladies. If you’re worried about things being awkward, this can be a lifesaver – you don’t have to express your interest in her until you’re at least sure she’s playing for the same team.

If you’re a little less for subtlety, you could consider coming straight out and telling her that you’re gay, and asking if she is (or if she has a boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.). It has more of a chance of awkwardness, but pretty much only if she’s homophobic. (And if she is – do you really want to share a flat with her anyway?)

If you find out she is gay, you can continue to discover whether she’s interested in ladies like yourself – of course, the same choice of “subtlety” versus “overtness” will still apply. Get to know her on a deeper level and in time you’ll discover whether you two have a standing chance to be together. There’s no rush to jump into it; as you’ve said, you’ll be spending the next three years together.

Best of luck to you reader, and let us know how it turns out!

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What Happens When Consensual Sex Still Feels Wrong?

There’s been a big to-do lately about the difference between consensual sex and non-consensual sex (short version: “non-consensual sex” isn’t a real thing; that’s called rape). However, what happens if you consent to the sexual activities only to find out that you’re not actually comfortable with what that entails?

Consent is on a case-by-case basis.

As far as consent goes, there’s no rule that says that you always have to consent to having sex with someone just because you consented once. Think about your body as if it were anything else you own. (Yes, you own your body – no one else does, even if you have “promised” yourself to them.)

If you allowed someone to borrow your car, would that entitle them to use your car any time they felt like it?

What if they damaged your car the last time they used it (such as physically hurting you during consensual sex) – would you be forced to let them use it again?

No, of course you wouldn’t! Why would you treat your body with less respect than you treat your possessions? If you no longer feel comfortable with the idea of having sex with them, it is your right to deny them sex in the future. You shouldn’t use this as a “bargaining tactic” to get the things you want, although it’s certainly done – but there is no such thing as “implied consent”.

Just because you give consent doesn’t mean you have to follow through.

People may get up in arms because you’ve given your consent to them, but you don’t want to go through with it in the end. Let’s return to our car analogy for a second.

You offer to let someone use your car, but later you find out that they want to change the interior or that they will reprogram all your radio stations. OK, so it’s a silly analogy – but bear with me. Just because you gave your consent for them to drive your car (in other words, have sex with you) doesn’t mean you have to let them do everything they want with it.

In the heat of the moment, we may provide consent to our partners – but then they begin to do things that we don’t actually want. This might mean anal play, it might mean a fetish we didn’t intend to participate in, it may mean that we changed our mind and we don’t want to have sex after all.

Those on the receiving end of the rescinded consent may feel frustrated at this implication, but it doesn’t mean that they have rights over your body. If you change your mind, speak up! Even if you have promised them something, there’s no contractual obligation for you to let them do it, as long as you revoke the consent before it’s done.

Communication is your responsibility.

The only time that you can’t withdraw your consent is after the deed is done. If you let someone borrow your car and after you get it back, you decide that you don’t like what they did with it – can you say that they stole it from you? No, because you gave your permission – just because you changed your mind after the fact doesn’t mean that they stole it, it means you regret giving it to them.

It’s the same thing with sex. It’s not “rape” if you don’t enjoy it after you wanted it. Those who would accuse someone of rape when they really mean “bad sex” are a good portion of the reason that real rape victims aren’t taken seriously.

If you have ever accused someone of sexual misconduct after you regretted an encounter with them, I urge you to stop. It’s damaging to all of us as women if you do this.

If you’re not happy – speak up!

You can’t reasonably expect someone to know what you like and don’t like if you don’t tell them. It’s the same as if you let someone borrow your car. You gave them permission to drive it, but you didn’t want them to take it on the freeway or to go through mud puddles – you need to tell them this. They might not listen, and they might continue to do those things anyway – but if you don’t speak up, it’s indirectly your fault as well.

I’m aware that this might come across as victim-blaming, so allow me to explain. If you are raped, it is not your fault. But if you don’t say no when you mean to say no, and instead let things happen that you do not like – it’s not the other person’s fault, either.

Instead of allowing ourselves to feel used, we should speak up when a partner requests something that isn’t in line with our plans for ourselves. If you don’t like it, your partner cannot read your mind. Even the most in-sync partners need to communicate verbally.

A quick example from my own life: I had a sexual experience that was going very well, and then my partner went for some anal play. I’m not into that, at all. I spoke up – and she hasn’t attempted it since. If I hadn’t spoken up, she would have probably continued doing it, and I would be miserable with it, but it would have been my fault for not speaking up.

You’re allowed to set limits on your consent.

In the movie/book “50 Shades of Grey”, there are numerous flaws when it comes to the execution of a bondage lifestyle – but one thing they did get right is “hard no” and “soft no”. It’s important that you make yourself clear where the lines in your own relationship are drawn.

If you enjoy sex with your partner and want it to continue, but you do not want to participate in a certain fetish she has, for example – it’s up to you to let her know that this isn’t something you consent to. If you’re not sure if you’ll enjoy it or not, this is your responsibility to let her know, too.

If we were talking about your car, it might translate as follows: You allow someone to use your car, but you don’t want anyone else driving it. You’re willing to let them extend it to certain people who you trust to drive it – so this is a “soft no” on the extra drivers.

However, you don’t want them to take it through glass because it’ll ruin the tires. You’re responsible for the upkeep of the car, after all, and if they damage it, you’re the one who has to suffer to make it right. This is a “hard no” and if they refuse to honor this, you have every right to take back your permission.

Consent is only yours – your partner cannot demand it.

If you don’t consent to something, even if your partner feels entitled to it, she has no right to demand it. It might lead to some sexual frustrations on her part, but your own emotional well-being should be more important to you than her sexual satisfaction. (Not that you shouldn’t try to accommodate your partner’s needs as well, but you should be more focused on your own.)

Often we may allow our partners to take control of a part of our lives that we probably shouldn’t. As a rape survivor, I often deny requests from my partner for things to do in the bedroom. It’s not that I don’t love her or trust her; it’s because I need to have comfort with what I’m doing to ensure that I don’t return to the place of the victim. It frustrates her to no end sometimes – but she respects me enough to honor even my most unreasonable rules. (To my girlfriend, if you’re reading this right now, thank you for this – I can’t even explain how much it means.)

If your partner feels the need to demand anything from you, you’ll need to evaluate the respect she has for you. It may seem as if she loves you, but as mentioned in a previous post, just because you love someone doesn’t mean the situation is right. Respect for your partner is mandatory. Even in situations where there is a “dominant” partner and a “submissive” partner, if there isn’t respect between the two, it’ll never work.

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How Do I Get Her Back? | We Answer Your Questions

We aim to get to the heart of your sex and relationship problems, so if you need advice, please contact us.

 Q: How Do I Get Her Back?

Dear KitschMix,

Okey so I was in a relationship with another woman for sometime, n then things got rocky and we split for a short time, now during that time of the split i met someone else and we began to develop feelings… now this is where the drama sets in. So what happened was my ex got back in the picture and we kinda decided to give it one last try. So we did even thou I knew at the time I had developed feelings for another.

When she found out i got back with her, she was angry and really disappointed. Even right she texts me now and then but its not the same. The thing is I really have strong feelings for her, I have left my partner but she doesn’t know yet. How do I go about apologising and try to sort of make up for the disappointment I have brought?

Hi there, Reader! This can be a difficult situation to be in. I was actually in a mess like this at the beginning of my relationship with my current girlfriend. You see, I had been “seeing” someone for quite a while, but it was nothing official. I thought she was perfect for me – but she kept blowing me off.

We decided to take some time apart, and I met someone else. Honestly I didn’t really give her the time of day, because part of me was just trying to make the other girl jealous with this new “friend”. The thing was, it was working – and the other girl decided to give me a shot after all!

In one of the worst ways possible, I ended up blowing the new girl off. She had been wonderful, exactly what I wanted in a girlfriend, even though she wasn’t my girlfriend… But I took the other girl back anyway. Turns out, the other girl hadn’t changed at all – she was just jealous of the new girl and pretended she’d do better.

Once things collapsed a final time, I couldn’t believe what an ass I’d been to the new girl! Here she was, everything I wished the other girl would be, and I still picked the other girl over me. Stupid, right? Anyway, we went our separate ways, and I had to figure out how to woo the first girl back.

Like you, I hadn’t stopped talking to either of them the entire time, I just altered what I shared with them. I realized I had made a stupid mistake and sent the first girl packing. In my situation, the new girl was already right there waiting for me – she had told me for a while already that she was perfect for me and she’d be waiting when I gave up on the other girl. (I thought she was being cocky, but she really was right.)

In your situation, it’s possible that it could be the same – if she’s still talking to you, she obviously wants you to be in her life, in some facet. But you’ll have to prove to her that your eyes are opened and you’re free from the spell of your ex. It won’t be easy, but it can usually be done.

Once you do win her over, you’ll probably have to prove yourself for a while, although it should be because you want to and not because she’s forcing you to. You’ll want her to know that you’re not indecisive, you’re not confused anymore, you want to be with her. One of the easiest ways to do this is to be open and honest with her.

Personally, I made a big to-do about taking the password off my phone. Hey, it’s sort of a dumb step (and my partner admitted to me that I was a bit silly about the whole thing) but that’s what it took for me to convince myself that I could be trusted not to go backwards.

I’m not saying that a phone password is necessarily the answer for you – you’ll have to figure out that variable on your own. The point is, you should do something simple to show that you’ve made the necessary changes within yourself to be hers and not your ex’s. Don’t try to open too many doors at once, or it’ll just come across as awkward.

Of course, it’s also possible that you won’t win her over, and if that happens, you’ll have to respect it. Just because we want a second chance doesn’t mean we will get one. I was very fortunate that my girlfriend had it figured out long before I did and that she hadn’t given up on me in the time it took me to realize things. But in my opinion, if you can’t win her over, that means she’s not the one!

Best of luck to you, Reader, and I hope to hear back about how it goes!

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What Your Zodiac Sign Says About the Way You Fall in Love

Is true love in the stars?

When thinking about the successes and failures we have in our love life, we are often looking for ways to ensure greater successes and less frequent failures. However, if you follow your horoscopes, you may know that some things are considered unavoidable – they’re destined in the stars.

Each of the signs has its own characteristics that will help determine their love, now and into the future. Read on to learn a little more about your sign – and maybe even the sign of a prospective partner!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries women fall in love pretty fast when compared to other signs. They tend to fall hard, too – which will make them dedicated lovers when the time comes. They are courageous and enthusiastic, which will be sure that their partner knows how they feel about them. On the other side of the coin, they may be selfish and impatient, which can be frustrating when they’re dealing with one of the signs who takes longer to fall in love. If you’re in love with an Aries, make sure you let her know where you stand in the relationship at all times – it’s only fair!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus women fall in love with subtlety. That’s to say that they don’t always realize that they’re falling in love until it’s too late to “change” anything. Not that they’d necessarily want to change it anyway – their nature is to be patient, loving, and persistent, which means that any relationship they enter is under the assumption that it will lead somewhere mutually beneficial. They can be a bit jealous, so it’s best not to bring this out in them, and they can be rather resentful if they can’t get their way. If you’re in love with a Taurus, it’s best to let her make the plans!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini women are hesitant about falling in love – because they often fall in love with the last person they’d expect. However, their adaptability ensures that they will find a way to make it work regardless. They enjoy communicating with their partner and may become nervous if their partner isn’t as open with them. They are often eloquent and intelligent, and this can be either a blessing or a curse. It’s best that you treat your Gemini right, as she’s likely to have her revenge planned ahead of time!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer women fall in love with the imperfections of a person. They are protective over their partner’s imperfections and will stand up for her even if she may be wrong. Cancers also have one of the widest “ranges” of any sign – they can be either loving or moody, intuitive or over-emotional, sympathetic or clingy. If you are a Cancer, it’s best if you work to balance out these traits as best as you can. If you’re in love with a Cancer, rest assured that this woman is going to love you with every ounce of her being unless you do something to mess that up.

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Leo (July 23-August 22)

In stark contrast to the things that Leos are overly confident about, Leo women are shy about their love. They won’t say it until they’re certain. They are often generous and faithful, even if they aren’t ready to admit their love yet – and their creativity can bring an exciting edge to the bedroom. However, they may be a bit bossy, sometimes to the point of misunderstanding – if you don’t agree with them, they assume you’re wrong. If you’re in love with a Leo, it can be a challenge to work around her potentially patronizing ways. Just rest assured that it’s coming from a place of love – she loves you enough to point out when she thinks you’re wrong.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo women take a long time to fully fall in love. This is in part because of their meticulous nature; they have to be certain that it’s right for them before they allow their emotions to take over. They like to analyze all the details of the relationship and weigh these things against any feelings they may have to ensure that it’s worth their effort. They can be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to their lovers, which is true to their nature, and they tend to forget to “soften” their words before they say them. However, if you love a Virgo, it’s best to remember that they are shy and practical, which is why they caution themselves so much.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra women fall in love almost like it’s a joke. Those around them will see that they’re falling in love, but they’ll just laugh it off until the time is right. It’s a bit silly to keep it “hidden” when everyone knows, but Libras do this to help protect their own hearts. They are charming and easy-going, which makes it easy for others to fall in love with them – but this can translate to flirtatiousness and self-indulgence, which may make it difficult to maintain the relationship they’ve formed. If you’re in love with a Libra, you’ll need to be aware that their indecisiveness may someday outweigh their romance. This is especially true since they are easily influenced, and other women may be able to convince them to stray.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio women are passionate about their loves – but they do their best to keep their private life private. They are intuitive over the various aspects of their lives, which may lead them to unnecessary jealousy if they put the pieces together wrong. However, they are determined and magnetic, which guarantees that they will keep you enthralled once they have you. Just be aware if you are in love with a Scorpio that they may be keeping things a secret. In most cases, these are minor secrets, but in certain scenarios it may be something negative – make sure you try to push her to communicate with you for the most success.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius women fall in love super fast. They know “the one” when they see them, and often make the decision soon after that they will be a large part of their lives. They do love their freedom, but what they love more is a woman to share their freedom with them. They are honest, and because they assume others are too, they can be a bit optimistic (sometimes when they shouldn’t be). If you are in love with a Sagittarius, it’s important that you remain truthful to her – after all, her high intelligence assures you that she will find out at some point, and then you’ll be in trouble!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn women take a logical approach to love. They have a method to their emotions, and they won’t declare their love unless they know the person will do right by them. They are ambitious and driven towards a practical solution – and they are always patient in their execution. Unfortunately, this ambition leads them to a bit of pessimism, as they are worried that things might not go the way they’d like them to go. If you’re in love with a Capricorn, you’ll need to reassure her that you’re not going to do wrong by her. Don’t just tell her – show her!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius women fall in love quickly – but with subtlety. They will feel themselves drawn to a person, but won’t be able to pin their finger on it right away. They’ll be faithful and honest, but they’ll keep their emotions to themselves – which can be frustrating to the women who love them. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible, though; they’re just independent. You should strive for their love and respect, but let go of the idea of her needing you – she won’t. She can be a bit unpredictable and detached, but with the right partner (preferably one who is patient) she will open up over time.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces women are innocent about their love. They will enter any relationship with the idea that it could lead to love – and when it does, they feel completed by it. These women are imaginative and intuitive, which can be a tricky combination – even she will have a hard time determining what’s a realistic outcome and what’s just a figment of her imagination. They can be vague and may have a tendency to flee if their needs are not being met. However, if they are satisfied in their relationships, they are compassionate, selfless, and sensitive. Therefore, if you love a Pisces, it’s best if you are ready to lead her in the right direction.


Butch vs. Stud vs. Tomboy: Putting Things into Perspective

What’s the difference between the “masculine” labels, anyway? Aren’t a butch and a stud the same thing?

Lesbian labels span a wide spectrum. At the far-masculine end, we have the butch lesbians: The ones who look and act like men. At the far-feminine end, we have the lipstick lesbians: The ones who are often misappropriated as straight women. In a community that’s so solidly dependent on inclusion, it’s important to understand that each of these labels means something different to everyone – but generally they fall under certain criteria.

Today, we’ll be addressing the labels that fall on the more masculine side: Butch, stud, and tomboy. After a bit of examination, we should be able to determine the primary differences and start addressing our partners by the appropriate terms (as long as the term is one they agree with; remember, labels are a very personal thing, and no one can assign a label to someone else).

Butch Lesbians

Butch lesbians are those who have helped shape the stereotypes involving who “looks” gay. Generally, when we think of “butch women”, we think of short hair, flannel, and denim. Of course, a woman’s individual style still plays a heavy part into this, but the short definition of a butch woman is “a woman who presents herself to look like a man, but doesn’t identify as a man”. This is a different category than trans men, as we have addressed in a previous article, but society may tend to lump the two together.

If your partner identifies as a butch woman, she will likely choose to identify with “masculine” characteristics. Many times, for example, a butch woman would prefer to be called “handsome” rather than “beautiful”. (Shortly after coming out, I made the mistake of telling a stone-butch that she was pretty – and she was rather offended!)

Butch women are also likely to have more masculine interests as well. I have the urge to jump to the “lumberjack” stereotype, but this is purely a point of reference. Truly, butch women may be into cars, or sports, or even construction trades.

There is a stereotype that butch lesbians tend to be misogynists – but generally this isn’t true. In reality, they are the epitome of feminism – proving that you don’t have to look, think, or act “like a woman” to be a woman.

Stud Lesbians

Studs are slightly different from butch women, although they may share many of the same traits. A stud will typically dress masculine as well, but probably less “baggy” and more stylish than butch women. (This isn’t to say that butch women can’t look good – just that “style” isn’t as high on their priorities.) A stud may have long or short hair, but she will typically keep it held back if it’s longer. My girlfriend, for example, identifies as a stud, and she wears her very-long hair in braids. Occasionally I’m able to convince her to leave it free, but only if I offer to brush it out for her at the end of the day.

Studs tend to invest a lot of thought into their fashion choices, and they will want to look good for their partners, as well as the other people they encounter during their day. She’ll probably have more shoes than a butch woman (who really only needs a pair of boots and a pair of sneakers), and her clothes may take up more of the closet than a more feminine woman’s clothing. That’s not a bad thing! In fact, it’s nice to have a partner that cares about their appearance – as long as it’s not the most important aspect of their personality.

Studs typically regard themselves as “players” in some aspect of the definition. Some may have a hard time with faithfulness, although the label doesn’t guarantee it. Some may play team sports as they have a competitive nature. Either way, they are typically drawn by a need to be the best – the best looking, the best lover, the best basketball player, the best at whatever they attempt.


Tomboys are a different category altogether. They don’t necessarily identify themselves as masculine, although their clothing is usually on the more masculine side of the scale. They aren’t likely to be offended by your use of the word “beautiful” – or handsome, or gorgeous, or really any positive attributes. They’re happy that you find them attractive, and they are happy that you felt the need to tell them.

Typically, tomboys don’t care too much about how they look – so you will be pleasantly surprised when they make an effort to look extra good for you. Maybe their hair is normally in a basic ponytail or covered by a cap, and then one day they’ll leave it down. They may even dress feminine from time to time – although they’re likely to feel out of place if they try to force it.

The nature of a tomboy starts young for many women. They may have had more fun playing in the dirt than playing inside with their dolls, and they may have felt more comfortable playing baseball than learning ballet. However, they are likely to have a background that combines what society would expect from a lady (such as playing with dolls and dancing ballet) with what they would rather do instead (such as playing baseball and getting muddy).

It’s also important to note that “tomboy” is not considered a specifically lesbian label. Yes, there are straight tomboys, too! However, there is a stereotype in the heterosexual community that “tomboys” are always lesbians that just haven’t come out yet. This falls into the category of not assigning labels to others – and someone’s sexuality is an extra personal label indeed.

Within the lesbian community, a tomboy may also be referred to as a “soft stud”. Sure, she usually presents herself in a more masculine manner, but occasionally she’ll switch things up and veer more towards the feminine, or more towards the stud (remember, a studly appearance implies a greater fashion sense). Her long hair and feminine body type will remind you that she is definitely a woman and definitely identifies as such, but her clothing choices could go either way.


Of course, this list in no way represents every lesbian out there – and not even every masculine lesbian. Someone’s label is a personal decision that deals with how they see themselves and how they want others to perceive them. Check back in as we detail some of the other common lesbian labels.

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What Your Favorite Sex Position Says About You

Who we are in the bedroom isn’t necessarily who we are out in the world – but there are some cues to your personality hidden within your sexual style!

Even the most adventurous among us most likely has that one go-to position that reveals something about their personality. This might be something that doesn’t need to be said, such as someone who only has sex while fully (or mostly) clothed may have some body confidence issues. Other times, it might be something deeper and more hidden. If you are having sex within the confines of a committed relationship, it’s likely that your partner already knows these things about you from outside of your sexual relationship – but wouldn’t it be nice to know what it means?

Of course, we encourage our readers to pursue many different sexual activities (safely, and with both partners consenting), but the things you try don’t say as much about you as your go-to position. Read on to find out more.

Favorite Position: Missionary/Traditional Sex

Many people might think that the missionary position between lesbian partners means that one of them is emulating a heterosexual relationship, as the missionary position is considered the “standard” for straight couples. However, it’s actually pretty standard for most relationships. It’s usually the easiest, and the position we’re most comfortable with. But that doesn’t mean it’s “straight-acting” or “boring”.

Traditional or missionary sex as your favorite go-to position indicates that you are afraid of change. This isn’t always a bad thing, as long as you are willing to spice it up every now and then. The preference for missionary position indicates that you would rather do something you know you can do well than to branch out and possibly fail. It doesn’t mean you aren’t willing to try new things – but you feel more comfortable in your “safety net”.

Favorite Position: Doggy Style

The appeal of this position in the bedroom is irrefutable. There’s something sexy about the act of being “taken”, and doggy style sex eagerly lends itself to this. Whether you use a toy, your hands, or even your mouth, sex from behind is a way to take charge (on the part of the giver) and a willingness to give your body fully (to the receiver).

What this means for your personality is that you’re probably either a “giver” or a “receiver” – although those labels aren’t as cut-and-dry as they may seem. In fact, the one who is the “giver” in doggy style sex is more likely to be the “receiver” outside of the bedroom – that is, they may require a great deal of attention from their partner, and in return they offer their “services” in the bedroom. The “receiver”, on the other hand, is likely to be more caring and dedicated in their actions outside of the bedroom – often giving themselves wholly to their partner in every aspect they can.

That doesn’t automatically mean there isn’t equality in the relationship. If both partners are particularly fond of this position, it indicates a level of balance that often isn’t understood by others, but that’s okay. Your relationship isn’t for spectators – it’s for you!

Favorite Position: 69

This is an implied position of balance. I have often remarked on how the “69” representation looks an awful lot like a yin-yang symbol, and for good reason – the two are in harmony.

If you and your partner both prefer a 69 position, it means you value the most efficient process to get things done. (And what could be more efficient than mutual oral gratification?) You’re likely to be successful in other aspects of your life, because you’re used to balancing the “giving” and the “getting”. You know that it can’t all be work, and it can’t all be play – so you find a way to enjoy the tasks at hand, as well as to turn the “play time” into something you’re dedicated to.

Outside of the bedroom, the couple is likely to share tasks whenever possible. They know that if they are able to get through the “have to” more quickly, they can get to the “want to” more quickly. They also understand that if they can prioritize and multi-task effectively, they can actually enjoy more fun than if they hadn’t taken the time to coordinate.

(It should be noted that “actual” multi-tasking is a lie; often, in a professional standpoint, if we try to focus on multiple things at a time, often at least one of them will suffer, if they’re not in complete symbiosis – but that’s another story for another day.)

Favorite Position: Sitting on Your Partner’s Face

This is a position of control. The person who is doing the face-sitting will undoubtedly be in a position of power in the relationship, and possibly in life outside of the relationship. They are used to getting what they want and will take it if it’s not offered to them outright. They know what it takes to reach their goals and they won’t stop until they get them.

In the bedroom, this often means that they’re the more dominant partner, although that’s not necessarily the case. (I once got on my knees to be taken from behind, and much to my surprise my partner slid herself underneath me instead – this was quite a shock, but in the best possible way!) Even if you know what you want, sometimes it’s nice to have someone else show you what else you might like. We often don’t know what we like until we try it.

Favorite Position: Try Anything Once!

For those who can’t pick a favorite position, it may appear that they are indecisive or hard to please. However, that’s not usually the case. An inability to pick a single position usually implies that they have a wide variety of tastes, which often translates outside of the bedroom. It’s definitely more common to have a favorite than to not have one, but that doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with not being able to choose.

If you or your partner would rather try something new than to revisit an “already tried” position, it means that you value excitement and stimulation. You may be easily bored, but you don’t have a short attention span as may be implied. Rather, you feel that your sex life should be based on new experiences, which requires a great deal more learning and experimenting than those who stick with the routine.

Outside of the bedroom, this may translate to an inability to decide what we want to do with our lives. However, this isn’t so much an indecision as it is a fear of missing out. We may wonder what if we had chosen a different path – so we switch directions. We can’t stand the idea of not knowing every possible outcome.

Sometimes, a lack of a favorite may indicate anxieties and compulsions in the personality. This isn’t always bad, as anxiety and over-thinking stem from high intelligence, and compulsions are seeded in thinking as well. Just because you don’t have a favorite position (or a favorite color, or a favorite song…) doesn’t mean that you don’t like any of them – it means you like them all so much that you can’t limit yourself to just one. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

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I’m In A Relationship, But I Have Major Crush On Another Woman – Help! | We Answer Your Questions

We aim to get to the heart of your sex and relationship problems, so if you need advice, please contact us.

Q: In A Relationship, But I Have Major Crush On Another Woman

Dear KitschMix,

My SO and I have been together for 2.5 years. I love her more than anything and we both want to spend the rest of our lives together. She makes me incredibly happy! We’re so comfortable with each other, tell each other EVERYTHING, and there’s never a time when our conversation feels “dead”. Point being, we’re madly in love.

But… We’ve been doing long distance the past month, and I developed a crush on a girl with whom I work. I told this to my SO, and she said that if the occasion arises, I should not feel bad about kissing said crush.

Part of me is conflicted. Why am I feeling the need to kiss someone else? I was immediately attracted to my crush the moment I saw her. We’ve flirted, sent texts, pictures, etc, but nothing beyond that. (And yes, I showed my SO the pictures and texts). Crush has a boyfriend, but the flirtation from her end was insane. Selfies, innuendos, emojis… She’s calmed down her flirting, but I told my SO that I do miss it a little.

Anyway, it felt good to get that off my chest. SO has been very supportive, and I thank Raptor that she’s in my life!!

Dear Reader,

It seems like you’re in a complicated position right now – but also that you have a very supportive girlfriend. Not everyone is able to support an “open” relationship. It certainly doesn’t work for everyone, but if it works for you – I know many people who are quite in love inside of their polyamorous relationships.

In my opinion, you should discuss with this other girl whether or not her boyfriend is aware of her flirtation with you. As I’ve said, there are a great deal of people who get along wonderfully inside of an open relationship – but if it’s not built on honesty, it’s dangerous territory. If her boyfriend knows and is OK with the situation, and your girlfriend also doesn’t mind, I don’t really see a problem in pursuing it.

You should be aware that there is always a potential for these things to go sour, though. There’s a chance that your girlfriend starts out OK with it and a later point decides she isn’t, at which point you’ll have to choose between the two women. Often, if your true feelings lie with your girlfriend, the choice may be easy and you’ve already “got it out of your system” with the other girl.

Other times, however, this won’t be the case. There is a potential that you will develop deeper feelings for this other girl. This can be difficult emotionally on everyone involved, but I am a firm believer that “what will be, will be” and eventually you will arrive at the right decision for you.

Of course, the main point of all of this is that there should be complete honesty between everyone involved. Make sure you communicate the situation at every step of the way, to avoid as much hurt as possible. There is no such thing as a perfect shot, but if the lines of communication stay fully open (ideally between all of you) your chances are as good as they can be.

Best of luck!

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How to Get Used to Sleeping Alone

Once we get used to sleeping with our partners, the simple act of sleeping by ourselves can be hard to adjust to.

I have been a part of a variety of “different” relationships. I’ve had my fair share of casual, super romantic, and entirely platonic relationships. I’ve had relationships where we lived together, ones where we lived apart, and even ones where we lived in different area codes. There’s always one thing that’s tough, among all these different types of relationships: Getting used to a drastic change in your sleeping arrangements.

When you first start sleeping together (actually sleeping) it can be tough to get used to sharing your bed with a partner. However, it’s a fair amount harder to go back to sleeping on your own once you’ve gotten used to sharing with someone else.

How likely is it to happen?

In the beginning of my current relationship, we never spent more than a week apart at a time. Sometimes she’d come to see me, and other times I’d go to see her – but it was our “weekend thing”. I worked two jobs, so sometimes we’d only be together for a few hours before I had to leave for work again, but on the weekends my time was a little freer, and I’d be able to spend the night with her more frequently. It’s very comforting to have that with someone.

Now that we live together, a few hours away from her family, we actually spend longer periods of time apart (although we also spend longer periods of time together). Recently she went to go see her family, and I was unable to go because of work. It was originally going to be a two-week trip, but by the middle of the third week, I was getting a bit cranky – I couldn’t sleep right without her!

Every time she goes away, I have to re-learn how to sleep alone. Of course, it’s the same basic process as it was every other time – probably a hundred separate times between all my past relationships and break-ups. I’d like to pretend it gets easier with experience, but that’s not exactly the case.

When you’re too cold by yourself:

When your body is getting used to sleeping alone again, it can be difficult to get to sleep. In my situation, I have a relatively low body temperature, so sleeping with someone when it’s cold out is pretty important. When I’m alone, I feel extra cold, because I don’t have her body heat to help keep me warm.

Now, the obvious solution here would be to grab an extra blanket – but a blanket doesn’t hold a candle to the arms of your loved one. After all, the warmth is only one of the aspects that we miss about cuddling, and no matter how soft and warm a blanket is, it can’t really cuddle back with you.

Sometimes the best solution in this case is to simply find something else to cuddle with. If you’re used to being the “little spoon” this can be a bit harder than it is for “big spoons” – inanimate objects won’t hold you. However, to help mimic someone cuddling against you, a heavy pillow along your back might do the trick. Coupled with a nice warm blanket, it definitely won’t be as good as the real thing, but it’ll help hold you over in the meantime.

When you can’t unwind by yourself:

This one has always been difficult for me. Like many women, I enjoy the routine of sex, followed by some talking, followed by a deep and restful slumber. It’s pretty hard to mimic that process if your partner is away, and pretty much impossible to mimic it when you’re going through a break-up. There are steps you can take that will help make the adjustment process a little easier, though.

The most obvious way to emulate sex would be with masturbation, naturally. I personally am not the type to “do the job myself” if I’m in a relationship; after all, that’s one of the perks of having a girlfriend! But that’s not to say that I don’t do a little self-servicing when my girlfriend is away. It might not seem like the most romantic answer to the problem, but it can easily turn into a bonding activity between the two of you. When my partner and I are apart, and I do decide to take matters into my own hands – I make sure to tell her about it!

Just as with cuddling, it’s nowhere near a replacement for the real thing, but in a pinch it can get the job done.

The process of telling her what I’m doing to myself directly transforms into the “after-sex talking” that we would normally do, although this time separated by literal distance between us. Once your sexual needs have been met (extra bonus points if you can both handle them simultaneously), you’re already texting or talking on the phone – just talk to her as you normally would, and focus on getting yourself ready for sleep.

This process isn’t that much different if it’s due to a relationship ending, at least not as different as it may seem. All you really have to do is find someone who puts your mind at ease, usually a close friend, and talk to them about your day. (Maybe leave out the part where you played with yourself, though, unless you have that type of a relationship with that person.)

When you miss waking up next to her:

This one is probably the hardest to work around, as there’s not really anything that comes close to seeing your partner’s face when you wake up. If you’re only separated by physical distance, keeping a photo close to the bed can help some. Your best bet will be a photo that invokes a particular memory. Maybe it’s a picture of the two of you at the beach together, or a photo you took of her at her last birthday party. Whatever it is, it should have some emotional significance, because that joy you get when you see her face when you wake up is tied directly into your happy memories with her.

If it’s emotional distance that has you sleeping alone, you should take an entirely different approach. Instead of having a picture of your ex-girlfriend at your bedside, opt instead to have a picture of someone (or something) else that represents positivity in your life. After all, a picture of someone you’re missing who isn’t missing you is just going to be painful for you. Don’t get rid of them entirely – your photos still represent good memories, most likely – but don’t make them the first thing you see when you wake up.

At the end of my last relationship (which was incredibly toxic, but very long-term), I completely rearranged my bedroom. I didn’t want it to be associated with my ex anymore. She did leave permanent damage to the structure of the room (holes in the walls, a door that didn’t shut properly, etc.) but I rearranged my room in such a way that these negative reminders weren’t the first thing I saw upon waking up. I faced the bed in a different direction, and in front of it I placed a collage of some of my favorite things. There were friends, family members, and happy memories covering the wall.

This is so important, because of the principle of first impressions. We know that these impressions apply to people and places, but did you know that they factor into how your day goes, too? If you start your day off with negative thoughts, you’re more likely to have a bad day – but if you start the day with happy thoughts, you’re more likely to have a good day.

That’s not to say that getting over someone can ever be made easy. Especially if you were with the person for an incredibly long time, or if you have an attached personality, it can be very difficult to move on. But the more steps you take to make it easier on yourself, the higher the likelihood that it will go smoothly.

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The Psychology Behind Rough Sex

Why do some people like rough sex so much?

As humans, we have distinctly different sexual tendencies from person to person. But almost everyone likes rough sex from time to time, even if they’re the sweetest, gentlest people outside of the bedroom. Where is the appeal of mixing pleasure with pain? It’s tough to understand, even from those who are enticed by the idea of rough sex with their partner.

There are probably a million reasons why we may do the things we do, and sometimes they can be different from one person to the next. However, some of the reasons may be psychological in nature, and these can be grouped to help evaluate our individual situations.

We crave it.

By human nature, we crave being scared. Of course, the amount of this craving is different from one person to the next, and it’s important that your partner trusts you to respect her boundaries. But just like watching a scary movie or riding a roller coaster, when we feel safe that we can avoid the situation going out of hand (you can tell your partner to stop, you can shut the movie off, you can trust that the ride has been well maintained) we long to be scared.

This, of course, isn’t true for everyone, but as someone who loves both horror movies and sex that hurts, the connection is definitely there.

For the person who’s being rough, the craving is for the power and the control. Of course, this power truly lies in the hands of the person who’s receiving the roughness – or at least it should. When you are in complete control of your partner and are allowed to take her body exactly how you like it, it’s hard not to get excited – which generally leads us to faster, harder, and more intense sex.

It implies urgency.

There’s nothing sexier than the thought that your partner wants you so bad that she just has to have it now, and rough sex gives us that. The excitement of pinning a partner to the bed to have your way with her is intensely erotic, and usually what we think of when we hear the term “erotic”.

If you think about a “quickie”, for example. It’s not exactly sexy to have sex in the shortest amount of time possible – but if your goal isn’t to have sex quickly, but rather to have sex right that second regardless of what you might have to do in ten minutes… Well, the whole situation changes.

When we’re having rough sex, we’re tapping into the part of our brain that deals with immediate gratification. We’re not as worried about slowly working our way to climax – we’re taking it, and that’s sexy.

It’s an act of pure trust.

All (consensual) sexual activity requires trust on the part of the giver as well as the receiver. However, if you’re participating in rough sex, there’s an extra trust involved. You’ll need to be able to trust that your partner will stop if you need her to, if it becomes too much. Of course, in some cases this may mean a safe word, as we may think we’re done but our partner could have other ideas for us. But being able to trust her to listen to what you need to say, when you need to say it, and not overstep your boundaries is a huge commitment.

For a long time, rough sex has had the stigma of being purely sexual, but in fact it’s more intimate than gentler sex in some ways. Sure, you might not have that full-body skin-to-skin contact that you might have with “more loving” sexual styles, but you’re getting intimate on a much deeper level.

When you trust someone to take your body at their own demand, you are basically telling them that they are a part of yourself. There is an implied “forced consent” here, but in any healthy sexual situations, both partners will know what they need to withdraw their consent if needed – and their partner will honor it.

It doesn’t make you any less “dominant” if you ask your partner if she is okay with things, just as it doesn’t make your partner any less “submissive” if she says she’s not. It’s just a matter of communicating your trust, and if you’re too focused on your labels, it becomes a job instead of sex – and no one wants that.

There are hard and soft lines in any relationship, and rough sex helps bring some of those things to the front. And there’s no rule anywhere that says you can’t cuddle and talk about your relationship afterward – in fact, it’s encouraged!

It’s not a sign of psychological issues.

Many people think that enjoying the “dirtier” aspects of sex may indicate a deeper problem, aside from just a need to be dominant/dominated in bed. However, Dr. George Simon reassures that there is no real reason to make the assumption that these things indicate psychological issues in most cases. As long as your desire for rougher, kinkier sex doesn’t intrude upon your life, it’s perfectly fine.

That being said, there are a few things to look for if you’re worried that it might deal with a psychological problem:

  • If you (or your partner) cannot enjoy sex unless in the typical “dominant/submissive” roles – you should be able and willing to change it up every now and then.
  • If you (or your partner) always requires “newer, better” sex than the last time – if you’re not happy with “regular” sex every now and then, there may be a psychological tie to the rough sex and possibly your sex life as a whole.
  • If you (or your partner) is driven primarily by the search for sexual activity – there is nothing inherently wrong with sex, or even liking sex, or truthfully even craving But if your home life or your work life are suffering because of your sexual urges, this may indicate the need for professional intervention.

Aside from those things (which seem a bit extreme and will probably raise a red flag long before you read about it on the internet!), there’s nothing wrong with rough sex. It doesn’t mean you have a problem, and it certainly doesn’t mean that you’re going to have a violent relationship outside of the bedroom.

Remember, ladies – sex bruises are sex bruises, and violent sex is not the same as sexual violence! Make sure you are well educated on the difference and keep the lines clearly drawn, for your own health and well-being.

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Puff, Puff, Pass: 8 Reasons To Get High With Your Girlfriend

If you and your girlfriend both smoke marijuana already, you should be smoking together.

Let me preface this article by saying that marijuana is not for everyone. If it’s not legal in your local area, of course I can’t promote it, and if it is legal in your local area but you’re not a legal age to purchase it, well… Same thing.

That being said, for those who live in regions where recreational marijuana use is within their legal rights (and they choose to partake), it can be fun to unwind and enjoy a toke or two with your girlfriend. Any girlfriend who is worth anything would obviously not pressure you into it if it’s not your thing – but assuming the two of you enjoy it on your own, why wouldn’t you want to enjoy it together?

1. Smoking is a bonding activity.

It can be a form of foreplay for those who are really into it, and while it should never be the basis of your entire relationship, it can make you feel cuddly – which of course increases the bonding potential.

2. It can make your anxieties disappear.

This is certainly not true for everyone. If smoking marijuana makes you paranoid or anxious, I don’t advise you to smoke it. But, if you use recreational marijuana use to help supplement your other anti-anxiety regimens, smoking together can have an extra calming effect.

3. It makes sex feel great.

For the longest time, I was opposed to the idea of having sex while high, as it’s difficult to say no – and therefore you may be saying yes when you otherwise wouldn’t. But if it’s a partner you’ve had sex with and enjoyed it, you’re sure to enjoy yourselves at least as much if you have sex after smoking.

4. It’s safer than drinking together.

While the exact statistics on marijuana use are unclear (many people who smoke marijuana recreationally aren’t inclined to participate in studies), there are far less deaths associated with “marijuana overdose” than “alcohol overdose”. In fact, last I checked, that number was zero, unless the marijuana had been laced with another substance.

5. It can help you open up.

I happen to be a very shy person – unless I’ve been smoking. The use of marijuana enables me to focus less on how I sound when I’m talking and instead focus on the talking itself.

6. It inspires creativity.

It’s important to note that constant, chronic marijuana use actually ruins your creativity, but occasional use has been shown to increase it. Creativity is great for a relationship because you’ll think of new solutions that you may not have thought of before.

It puts you in a better mood.

Along with #2, this is not true for all individuals, but it is true for enough people to be considered a connection. For those who react positively to marijuana, you can be in a happier mood – which can result in a more peaceful resolution to an argument.

It’s no fun smoking alone.

If you and your girlfriend are both going to be smoking, I can guarantee you’d rather be smoking together. Smoking marijuana alone is boring, and in my opinion, shouldn’t be done. It’s a social vice – it should be shared with people you trust and care about. Who do you trust and care about more than your girlfriend?

In conclusion…

I know that marijuana is not for everyone. Whether there are personal, religious, legal, or mental health reasons involved in your decision to not smoke, they are all perfectly legitimate and your partner should never ignore these. However, this article is aimed at those who already know that they enjoy marijuana (or those who are curious and it is legal in their area).
If you’re going to smoke, smoke with your girlfriend!

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5 Reasons to Rekindle an Old Flame

Is it possible that your old lover is no longer the person you broke up with?

I have often said that going back to your ex is a recipe for disaster. Naturally, people change, but that isn’t always a good thing. The girl who was perfect for you in the first few months ended up turning into someone you couldn’t stand, and that’s why you broke up with her.

When I was with my first girlfriend, I was a bit of a player. I wasn’t “sleeping around”, because I only had sex with people I was committed to – but that wasn’t to say that I was committed to any of the girls I was seeing.

Now, on the other hand, I view sex as separate from commitment. I still wouldn’t sleep around on someone I was committed to, but when I’m single – I’m single. Overall, I don’t know if I would say that this is an entirely positive change for me, but the separation in my mind is a new development. Ten years since my first girlfriend and I have very few of the same characteristics I had back then. I don’t even look the same anymore.

That being said, you shouldn’t always assume that a past partner has changed in the ways that you want them to. Change and personal growth are deeply internal. No matter how many outside pressures may push us towards being a better human being, it’s up to us to make the changes that will result in us being different.

There are some situations where you will be able to see that the old flame has changed for the better, or that your expectations have changed – and in these scenarios it may be a good idea to give it another go. After all, we are constantly changing in some way or another, and just because your ex hasn’t gotten “better” doesn’t automatically mean they’re still wrong for you.

Reason #1: She used to be afraid of commitment, but now she’s ready to settle down.

If, in the past, you had a desire for her to commit to just you, and she wasn’t willing to do so – there’s a chance that her needs have matured and she’s now looking for a “partner” instead of a fling. You’ll need to evaluate whether you’re still looking for the same things you were, but if your needs are now on the same page, it may be worth a second look.

Reason #2: She used to be bad in bed, but now she’s got some more experience.

I personally usually vote against breaking up on the basis of sex, but it does happen sometimes. If your partner was lousy but she’s been with more people, it’s possible that her skills have improved – just as it’s possible that your sexual demands have been reduced. After all, your hormones will vary over the course of your life. When we’re younger, we may put more emphasis on sex, only to find out later in life that it’s not as big of a deal.

You shouldn’t necessarily “take her word for it” that her skills have gotten better – as there is a chance that her partners in the meantime haven’t been entirely truthful with her, or that she’s not being entirely truthful with you. But if you no longer care as much about the sex in the relationship, and she was otherwise a good girlfriend – why not give it a shot?

Reason #3: She used to be a cheater, but she’s reformed.

There’s a widely-known saying that “once a cheater, always a cheater” – but quite frankly that’s not true. Sometimes it’s a matter of circumstance. Of course, with this one, you’ll be depending on her honesty about her reformation, but it is entirely possible that she’s grown and learned to handle her emotions (and her hormones) better than she did when you were together.

If this is the reason that applies to you, and you decide to give it another shot, keep in mind that she may not have actually changed – and you’ll need to remember her past indiscretions so that you can save yourself from future pain. If she commits one of the “crimes” that led to the downfall of your last attempt at a relationship, let her go – she obviously hasn’t changed.

Reason #4: She wasn’t sure of her sexuality, but now she is.

This one is a special category that almost exclusively pertains to the gay community. We question and we experiment – and the results of that experimentation are different from person to person. Sometimes, we’re someone’s “experiment”, and they later find out that we’re actually exactly what we wanted or needed.

In particular, this may be one of the contributing factors for bisexual invisibility. After all, sometimes we assume that we’re an experiment to our partner because they’ve only been with men in the past – but that doesn’t mean that they don’t know that they want to be with us. In these cases, we should definitely give it another try if this was truly the only reason it didn’t work out in the first place.

Reason #5: You didn’t know what you had until you didn’t have it anymore.

Hindsight is 20-20, and this definitely plays a part in our happiness in a relationship. Sometimes, someone is really good to us, and really good for us – but we let them go because we think there’s someone else out there who may be better. It’s not fair to our partners, and it sucks no matter which side of the equation you’re on.

You should never settle for being someone’s second-best, but sometimes the time apart is enough to tell them that you weren’t second best after all. Keep your guard up and be aware that there’s no guarantee that they won’t move on in search of greener pastures again – but this “second chance” opportunity may be exactly what you needed.

(This scenario happens to be true whether you were the wanderer or the cast-off party; sometimes we take for granted the situation we have and it takes some time to realize what’s really possible.)

Do you think there are any reasons I’ve missed? Let us know in the comments section if there’s a scenario where you think it could be beneficial to go back to an ex – or if you want more detailed advice, don’t hesitate to send in a letter. You deserve to be happy!

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What Happens When You Lose Your Best Friend to Her Toxic Girlfriend

Everyone is entitled to their fair share of “bad decisions” in life and in love – but what can you do if someone you care about is wrapped up in her bad decisions?

We’ve all been there: Stuck on some woman who’s totally wrong for us, and everyone can see it but us. Our friends probably voice their disapproval of our girlfriend, and we just nudge their concern to the side because, after all, we love her.

The situation looks entirely different from the other side. Being the person brushed off can be frustrating. We suddenly see meaning in the old saying “love is blind” – because we can’t think of any other possible reason our best friend would be so hung up on someone who’s so wrong for her!

How much do you really care about your friend’s happiness?

Sometimes your friend may see a part of the relationship that you can’t see. Other times, you can see things that she can’t. In both situations, it’s important to know that you don’t always know as much as you think you do.

If your friend is being honest with herself, chances are, she notices the things that are “wrong” – and she has accepted responsibility for accepting these flaws. You might not agree with it, but it is her choice, after all. No one can force you to stay in a relationship you want to leave, and no one can force you to leave a relationship that makes you happy.

It’s most important then that you should make yourself available to your friend if she needs you. Don’t offer your (negative) advice unless she specifically asks for it – if she doesn’t want the advice, she’s not going to take it anyway. Don’t waste your time telling her things that will leave you frustrated with her for not listening.

How sure are you that her girlfriend is toxic?

If you have no doubts whatsoever that her partner is bad news – you should definitely bring your findings to her attention. But in most situations, you won’t know the whole story, and you shouldn’t contribute to gossip. Your friend may resent you if you tell her things that aren’t true, even if you told her with the best of intentions.

Things that you can be certain of and therefore should definitely pass along:

  • If her girlfriend openly flirts with you. Some girls are ok with this – but many others would consider it a betrayal. In either situation, it’s important that you tell your friend. If she doesn’t care, you have no guilty conscience – and if she does care, you aren’t keeping a secret from her.
  • If you see her girlfriend put hands on her out of anger. Sometimes we can misappropriate bruises that we see – so it’s important that you are certain before you accuse her partner of being abusive. This can be a difficult one to hold back, but if you accuse her partner of being abusive when the bruises actually came from rough sex… Well, I’m sure you can imagine how this might be awkward for everyone involved.
  • If you see her partner stealing from her. Of course, sometimes things look like “stealing” when the person being accused had full permission – but you can’t make that distinction on your own. Only they know the agreement they have, and if she hasn’t given her girlfriend permission to dip into her purse, she may be more understanding of your concerns if you have seen with your own eyes that she has done it.

Of course, you’ll probably notice one thing that all these situations have in common: They’re unlikely. In most cases, especially if her girlfriend knows that you’re her best friend, she’ll expect you to pass the information along – and therefore she won’t let you see the things she’s doing that she shouldn’t be doing. But if you don’t know for sure, it’s just gossip and hearsay – which can put an unnecessary strain on your friendship.

Are you willing to step up to perform your Best Friend Duties?

Anyone can tell someone that they’re being taken advantage of. I hear it all the time, in fact. But if you’re not able to offer a solution to the problem (when asked), or proof that you’re not just being a hater, you shouldn’t bring it up. Why?

Let’s frame the situation differently. Pretend you’re working at a retail store. One of the employees is terrible – I’m talking no training, no product knowledge, no skill. You tell your manager that this employee is bad for business – but you can’t provide any information as to why, and you don’t offer a way for the employer to fix the problem.

The manager probably isn’t going to pay any attention to your claim.

It’s the same with your best friend’s relationship. If all you have is accusations with no proof or helpful advice, what is she supposed to do with that information? If you’re wrong, it could start a fight between her and her partner (if she listens to you). If you’re right, she may assume that you’re not because you don’t have enough to back it up. Or, in the absolute worst-case-scenario, if her girlfriend is truly using her, abusing her, or taking advantage of the situation – she may not be able to get out of it on her own.

Again I stress that you shouldn’t take action unless your friend wants you to take action, but you have to be ready to step in if you’re needed. Yes, even if your friend ignores your advice until the situation gets out of her control.

I was in a relationship a few years back that everyone could see through but me. Every time someone told me what they had seen, I ignored it – because they didn’t have any proof, only opinions. Thankfully one of my best friends lived next door to me at the time, and when things did go bad (and boy did they go bad!) she was actually right there to help me.

All the friends and family members who told me my ex was a low-life and not worth my time meant little next to the one person who actually proved that my happiness was her concern. Instead of just urging me to break up with her as so many others had done, she instead encouraged the three of us to spend more time altogether.

She’d come see me when my ex was being particularly trying, and she’d speak up on my behalf if my ex got out of line. Of course, this had my ex mad at me – but in time I realized that the fact that my ex blamed me for the actions of someone else was just further proof that she wasn’t the angel I wanted her to be.

Overall, it can be difficult to see someone we care about in pain, even if they’re too stubborn to admit that they’re in pain. This can be especially hard with those who are closest to us, and even more so if they don’t see us as their closest confidant. I say it all the time – no one can make the decisions that affect your relationship for you.

This is even true if the relationship is bad. Bad relationships are a bit like a drug addiction. Even if we know that it’s toxic, that doesn’t always mean we’re ready to give it up. If we give it up before we’re ready, we’re more prone to making bad decisions (such as the numerous times I went back to that same ex before I finally admitted that she wasn’t the one for me).

As her best friend, you need to understand that this addiction will take some time to get over – and you should encourage her to stick to her guns. If she really thinks she can make it work, encourage her to do so. Pick her up when she falls and reassure her that you don’t respect her any less because of it. After all, friends are there to lift you up, not to make you feel worse about your situation. Be the best “Best Friend” you can be, and let her know you have her back.

Foreplay First Please: 7 Moves You Need To Try With Your Girlfriend (Like ASAP)

Looking to get your partner in the mood but not sure how to proceed? We’ve got you covered!

Whether your relationship is still new and you’re looking for a segue towards sexual activities, or you’ve been together for years and you’re looking to bring back that spark, foreplay can work wonders toward ensuring that you’re nice and wet before anything happens.

However, sometimes that’s easier said than done, as it can be tough to think of how your partner will react to your advances – often, your partner needs to already be warmed up before they’re even willing to consider the idea of sex.

However, KitschMix has you covered! We’ve gathered up some of the best positions for getting in the mood that we could find, and summarized them to ensure your success. Read on to learn some techniques that should be in your arsenal. If properly implemented, your partner won’t be able to resist!

Hot Spot

Hot Spot

The Hot Spot is a great way to get your partner in the mood for a bit of private time. In this position, one partner will be on her knees, while the other partner is seated in front of her. Both partners will kiss and caress each other; the partner who is seated should be at a perfect height to tease the nipples and rub the clit, while the partner who is on her knees will be in a position of “control” (which can be exciting if you’re into these roles).

Carnal Rodeo

Carnal Rodeo

This wonderful warm-up position calls for one partner to be on her hands and knees, with her legs straight. She can then reach around to fondle the partner in back, who will be kneeling behind her. The rear partner can caress her partner’s entire body in order to ensure that everything is warmed up and ready to proceed as you wish.

Skin Deep

Skin deep

For this position, both partners should be standing, back-to-front. You will be at a perfect vantage point to caress each other and warm things up. Although it’s difficult in this position to achieve a full orgasm, it’s definitely a sexy way to get things warmed up, as the partner in front will be able to fondle her partner’s back and butt, while the partner in back will have full access to the breasts and vagina. As far as where it goes after that – that’s entirely up to you!



This sounds very similar to the 69 position, but the reality is that it’s more similar to a spooning position. Both partners should be on their knees, in a back-to-front arrangement. Then, you simply reach around to each other and caress and tease. The position itself might make it difficult to reach climax this way, but it’s certainly not impossible.

The Promise

The promise

This one is great for when you’re watching a movie and cuddling, and you decide to take it a bit further. The partner who is going to receive should be sitting between the legs of her lover, while the giver is free to explore her body as she pleases. This probably won’t include any penetration, but it can definitely mean a lot of kissing, rubbing, and teasing – go wild! Just don’t be surprised if you end up missing your whole movie!

Special Friends

Special friends

Both partners will need to be seated in a cuddly position for this to work. The partner who is in front will drape her legs over her partner’s; ideally, slightly elevated so that she can still provide some sexual attention to her partner. Whether you decide to play with each other or play with yourselves, the intimacy and sexiness of this position is sure to offer a great amount of fun for both of you.

The Moment

The moment

You should both be standing and facing each other. This is an excellent way to tease each other before you get down to business, as it’s great to be able to explore each other’s bodies without the focus on the sex itself. You’ll be at a fine position to kiss each other’s lips, neck, and ears, as well as being able to caress each other’s breasts, butt, and clit. You probably won’t be finishing this way, but it’s a wonderful warm-up activity that will get the juices flowing and make you want it even more.

Often in more committed relationships, we neglect the need of foreplay, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still important. In fact, it can be even more important once you and your partner are comfortable with each other – and it can be especially great to initiate make-up sex after a painful fight. (But please, for the sake of dignity, don’t try to initiate make-up sex with someone you have no intention of actually making up with!)

With a little bit of practice, all of these moves will be a wonderful addition to your foreplay regimen, and some can even be used in place of “regular” sex for a bit of extra intimacy.

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What Happens When She’s Perfect in Every Way – But Terrible in Bed?

The importance of sex in your relationship is hugely different from couple to couple – and sometimes it’s even hugely different between people in a relationship together. Sometimes, the sex is the catalyst for the relationship as a whole – in that “rare” situation where a one-night-stand turns into the love of your life. Hey, I’m not saying it doesn’t happen – but usually, the sexual compatibility doesn’t come into play until later.

But what happens if your girlfriend is perfect in every way – she’s smart, she’s funny, she’s attractive, she’s successful… But she’s a lousy lover? Thankfully, even if sex is the most important part of your life (which we all know it shouldn’t be, but things happen sometimes) – sex isn’t a gift, it’s a skill.

Are you willing to teach her?

A lot of the time, a lack of skill in the bedroom is simply a matter of a lack of experience. Women may watch porn and think that this sets them up to be a great lover, when in reality, porn stars are paid to arouse the viewer – not their partner. This means that there are things that they do that look incredibly sexy, but play no part in the pleasure of the person they’re supposed to be pleasuring.

Other times, the woman may be experienced, but no one has spoken up to tell her that she’s lousy. In some cases, this is done out of love – for example, “I didn’t tell you that it didn’t feel good because I thought it would hurt your feelings.” In this scenario, the shock that comes from your confession that she’s not the greatest lover who’s ever touched you will probably hurt more than if her first lover had said it. We can get arrogant about the things we think we’re good at – and finding out that we’re not really so good at them after all can be crushing.

If you are willing to teach her to be a better lover, it can be done, as long as you are willing to communicate and she isn’t sensitive to your instructions. It’ll take a bit of work, especially if she’s not eager to please. But if she thinks that your “tutoring” is coming from a place of love, she’s likely to be eager to please.

Is she willing to learn?

Some women simply don’t care about sex. They may see it as a chore, and therefore they put the minimal amount of effort into it. In these cases, there’s not a lot you can do – if she doesn’t want to learn, she doesn’t want to learn.

In these types of scenarios, I often find myself wondering if the woman in question actually likes being with women. After all, one of the most important aspects of a healthy sexual relationship is the desire. Some women may have higher sex drives than others – but if your woman has absolutely no desire for you, it’s going to be hard to work around.

Even those of us who are completely confident in every aspect of our lives will want to feel that the woman we’re with wants us, and wants to make us happy. Sometimes it’s just a fantasy, but in most cases it should be true. If the woman you’re with doesn’t want to make you happy, you can’t force that – and it might be best to let her go.

Are you hard to please?

In my experience, I know that I am incredibly difficult to please in bed. The vast majority of my previous partners were unable to satisfy me. However, that doesn’t necessarily speak to their skill – I tend to get more pleasure from giving than from receiving, so when I am receiving I end up focusing on other things (like my lack of body confidence, or what I have to do afterwards, or any number of things, really). Of course this won’t be the situation for everyone, but if you find yourself difficult to please, it may be beneficial for you to evaluate your expectations.

Even if you are all-but-unresponsive in the bedroom, there are things you can do to make your sexual experiences more satisfying. I don’t think this is a situation where “fake it until you make it” comes into play – faking an orgasm doesn’t help anyone involved. You’re just frustrated because you didn’t really get off, and your partner is either a) hurt that you faked it, or b) proud of herself if she can’t tell it was fake. Neither one of these outcomes is good.

One of the things that works best for me is to have my partner take extra time getting me in the mood. Sure, sometimes she grumbles about the “extra work”, but she knows the more work she puts into the foreplay, the less work she has to put into the actual sexual activities.

My go-to fantasy for making the best of my sexual experience? My partner will give me a massage, followed by a fair amount of teasing (until I’m practically begging for it), and then immediately after I finish, she lets me return the favor to her. Now, most of the time this stays a fantasy, but even thinking about this hypothetical scenario can help me get in the mood – so it’s worth going to.

Is she trying too hard?

Remember when I said that desire was the most important part of a sexual relationship? Well, there’s a catch. If your partner is too focused on your release, rather than the experience, she could be glossing over the important bits that would lead to your pleasure. It doesn’t always have to be about the orgasm! Sex (usually) feels good. Sure, orgasm feels good too – but it’s not the be-all and end-all.

For couples who are trying too hard to make the sexual chemistry happen, there are two approaches you can take. I’ll detail them both and you can decide which will work best in your situation. (I expect a fair mix of the two, but every situation is unique in at least a few ways.)

Option A: Let go of your focus.

The obvious answer if you’re trying too hard is to stop trying so hard. Seems easy enough, right? But the reality is that it’s a little more complicated than that. Sometimes the partner who isn’t performing well may be an over-achiever, and she’s doing everything in her power to ensure her success – which is actually preventing it.

For these women, I suggest that you take the time to re-connect with your partner in other areas of your intimacy. Get in touch with her inner self – fall in love with her all over again! Then you can learn to focus on the things that turn her on instead of the things that get her off. Sometimes, there will be some overlap – but if you’re just going off what you “know”, you’ll never actually improve.

Take a step back from your sex life and do the little things. Hold her hand! Give her a massage! Make out like teenagers! Whatever it takes to get the juices flowing, it shouldn’t be a race to the finish line. Sometimes all it takes is a slow and steady build-up. And if you can learn to prolong the sexual arousal over a few days, rather than a few minutes, your overall satisfaction will skyrocket.

Option B: Seek out someone who’s more in line with your sexual energy.

Sometimes relationships take work – but it should never be all work. If you and your partner truly aren’t compatible, at least one of you will be compromising the things that you need in order to satisfy the other one’s wishes. It’s okay to admit that you aren’t right for each other, even if it’s over something as seemingly trivial as your sex life.

For many women, sex is an important part of the relationship, and a lack of sexual chemistry can be almost physically painful. It seems a bit extreme, but if you’re really not happy, you shouldn’t stay with the person who’s making you unhappy. We all know it, but we may have some trouble convincing ourselves when the time actually comes to make a change.

If you have tried for an extensive period of time to “fix” your sex life, it may be that the other person just isn’t in line with your needs. Considering no two women are exactly alike, it actually makes sense that you’re going to end up with some who aren’t a good fit for you. There’s no rule that says you have to make it work if it’s not working.

7 Romantic Things that Actually Become Cute Once You Fall in Love

Sometimes, the things we do in a beginning of the relationship gain a whole new meaning once we’ve been together for a while.

When you’re first starting out in your relationship, there are a million things you do to win her over. Some of these things are super cheesy (like renting her favorite movie because you think it’ll get you lucky), but others are totally sweet (like making her breakfast in bed after she’s had a long week at work). Too often, we can forget to continue these things once the relationship becomes serious – but in a way, they’re even more important then!

1.    Buy her favorite movie.

Originally I thought of saying “rent” her favorite movie, but then I realized I’m old and most people don’t exactly rent movies anymore. But if her favorite movie is an old classic (one that’s been out for a while) and she doesn’t own it yet, why not pick it up for her? Most movies that have been out for a few years are pretty inexpensive now – the way the movie industry is moving forward, they know that most people are using streaming services, so actually having a physical copy of the movie will be super sweet.

If it’s a newer movie, or just one she really, really wants to see (and you missed seeing it in theaters), consider trying Redbox or other similar movie rental kiosks in your area. They aren’t everywhere yet, but in the United States at least they’re getting close, and they’re quickly cementing their place as a replacement for actual rental stores. Plus, they’re a lot cheaper than the old stores used to be, because they don’t have to pay someone to staff them 12 hours a day. It’s a win-win!

2.    Make her breakfast in bed.

In the beginning of a relationship, if we make our partner breakfast in bed, it’s usually because we’re hoping for some type of “bonus points” for our thoughtfulness. However, if this continues further into the relationship, it’s sure to woo your partner. After all, who doesn’t like being treated like royalty every now and then?

Obviously, you probably won’t be making her breakfast in bed if you can’t cook, but there are other options that can be just as cute. Consider going to her favorite coffee shop and picking her up a scone and a latte (or whatever her preference is). It’ll show her that you care and that you want her day to start off on the right foot.

3.    Do the dishes for her.

I can’t stress enough how many times I’ve just wished that my partner would help with little things around the house. It might seem boring and not romantic, but think of it another way: You taking the time to do something simple for her eliminates something off her to-do list – something that she doesn’t really have to do herself. You can’t exactly take over her job for her, and you can’t take her showers for her, but the gesture of doing one of her household chores when she’s stressed is sure to be appreciated.

Of course, I’m using “the dishes” as a blanket term here. It can mean the laundry, it can mean taking out the trash, or even taking the dog for a walk. Basically, your goal is to help make her day go a little smoother by surprising her with something she’d otherwise have to do on her own. Not everyone is cut out for domestic work, and that’s okay. Your efforts will be appreciated even if in small doses.

4.    Rub her back and shoulders.

In the beginning of a relationship, massages are usually used as a foreplay tactic. (I don’t know about you, but for me it’s a pretty effective one, actually.) However, as the relationship progresses, sex becomes a little less important – and we still have kinks and knots that have to be rubbed out!

If you sense that your partner is under an inordinate amount of stress, consider gently rubbing her back and shoulders. It might lead to sex, or it might not, but I can’t think of a single person who doesn’t love a good massage. Even if you’re not a pro, just the thought that you put into doing it for her without her having to ask will go a long way.

5.    Draw her a picture.

My girlfriend happens to be a brilliant artist. Not all women are, and that’s okay – I’ve been with girls who were just OK, and I still keep some of the pictures they drew for me. Why? Because it’s a symbol that someone put their time and effort into making something just for me, and that makes us feel special inside!

Even if you’re not a great artist, a little cartoon doodle will be cute and meaningful. Your girlfriend will see your doodles as a symbol of your love, and she will treasure them. (And if you can manage to make a stick-figure representation of foreplay, somehow, this may even turn into a sexy inside joke between the two of you.)

6.    Pick her flowers.

Most people think that buying flowers is the way to go – but I personally don’t like the idea of buying flowers. I’m a bit of a free spirit, and I think that the mass-produced floral arrangements that you find in a shop seem to imply that you’ve done something wrong. A nicely picked bouquet of wildflowers (if they’re legal to pick in your area) or flowers from your own yard, on the other hand, says “I love you, and the beauty of these flowers made me think of your beauty.”

Don’t think that this is limited to femmes, either! My girlfriend is incredibly masculine, but she still grins from ear to ear when I leave her small hand-picked floral gifts. There’s something programmed in us to be happy with gifts, especially if those gifts have beauty to them. And chances are, if your girlfriend is a stud, no one may have brought her flowers before – isn’t it nice to be the first at something?

7.    Write her love letters.

Obviously, as a writer, I am fond of the written word on a page. “Love letters” can mean many things – they don’t have to be long and fancy. In fact, a simple sticky note with “I love you” written on it can do wonders for a woman who needs a little reminder of how she makes you feel.

It doesn’t have to be on paper, either. My girlfriend has sent me spontaneous text messages when we were apart that made me feel valued and missed, and I treasure these. Your girlfriend will, too – it’s the thought that counts, and knowing that she’s in your thoughts will warm her heart.

Do you think there’s anything I missed? What cute little tokens of your affection do you do for your partner that started in your early courtship, but continue now? I want to hear your ideas in the comments!

Do You Need To Be A “Lipstick Lesbian” To Be Considered A Femme?

When we think about our lesbian labels, there is an endless list of possibilities for what a woman may consider herself. In this article, we’ll be focusing on the labels that fall at the more feminine side of the spectrum – generally grouped as “femmes”.

Although “femme” seems to be a pretty specific label in itself, the truth is that it covers a wide array of different characteristics and attributes. Sometimes, these areas overlap, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But it’s important to realize that if your girlfriend is more feminine, that doesn’t automatically mean she’ll be into heels and makeup.

Stem Lesbians

I like to classify stems as falling into the “more feminine” category because, unlike tomboys, they tend to portray themselves as feminine a bit more of the time – or at least present their feminine characteristics alongside their masculine aesthetic.

Stems tend to not particularly care whether they are taken as masculine or feminine. They may have a diverse background which covers regions from playing with dolls (which most likely meant at least one of their dolls was a lesbian, let’s face it) to watching hockey and Nascar. They don’t care about your gender roles, and they’ll do what they want – not what society wants them to do.

Most of the stems I’ve found myself involved with were willing to modify their appearance to suit the tastes of their partners (if their partner had a preference). For some stems who are attracted to other stems, this may mean “balancing each other out” – if one is dressed girly, the other may dress more masculine to compensate. However, this is not necessarily the case, and it’s important to realize that your girlfriend’s preferred way to dress is just as important as (if not more important than) how you’d like her to dress.

With stems, you often get an androgynous “stud” look – that is, you can’t pin whether they are masculine or feminine. For those who are attracted to stems, this can be incredibly sexy, as you’re not as able to pin them into a certain category.

Femme Lesbians

With femmes, they typically present themselves as feminine, but this doesn’t necessarily mean dresses, skirts, and heels. Sure, they feel more comfortable in yoga pants than basketball shorts, but they’re not necessarily going to spend two hours on their hair and makeup. Instead, these things are reserved for “special occasions”.

Femmes are often referred to as “chapstick lesbians” – they take their feminine appearance seriously, but they don’t necessarily care about makeup and the top fashion trends. They want to be considered attractive to their partner, but they want it to be because of who they are – not what they’re wearing. And some days, your femme girlfriend may just really want to dress in sweats and your baggy t-shirts. (This should be encouraged!)

Typically, femme lesbians prefer things that could be considered “cute”. While this isn’t exclusive to femmes, their appearance usually reflects this preference. For example, she may wear shorts and form-fitting clothing in the summer time, and perhaps some skinny jeans and a fitted blouse in the winter time. It’s more important to her that her partner finds her attractive than the people outside of her relationship.

Lipstick Lesbians

These are the girliest of all the lesbians, and the ones most likely to be mistaken for a straight girl. They spend a great deal of time on their appearance, and aren’t likely to wear the same outfit to a similar event. That cute sun dress she wore to your birthday party? She probably won’t wear it to another party again – it’ll get demoted to beach wear soon.

Lipstick lesbians gained the name from their affinity for makeup. She probably subscribes to makeup tutorial channels on YouTube, and she probably likes getting her hair done. She also likes dresses and nice shoes – in fact, she might not even own any pants!

That being said, one can be a “lipstick lesbian” without even owning a single dress. Since it’s more about the effort she puts into her appearance, her focus will probably be more in line with her body than her clothes. After all, you can certainly look feminine without being in a dress or a skirt – it’s about how you style yourself.


The descriptions in this article are definitely very loose, and every woman has the right to pick her own label – something that reflects how she feels about herself and how she would like others to think of her.

In some cases, the right label may be “no label” – and there’s nothing wrong with that! We at KitschMix think that what’s most valuable is who you are on the inside – and you’re wonderful just the way you are.

5 Changes To Make After A Break-Up

Have you just been through a nasty break-up? Here’s 5 things you need to change before you try to find a new partner.

When we go through a break-up, we typically want to put all the blame on the other person.

Maybe they were cheating, or maybe they were using you, or whatever the case may be. The truth is, it’s rarely completely one-sided.

There are things about yourself you should change going forward, both in order to attract a better partner as well as to be a better partner.

1.    Change your wardrobe.

No, I’m not saying that your clothes are even remotely responsible for the break-up. But if you’re anything like me, these clothes will hold an association with a part of your “self” that is no longer actually a part of you. I’m the type to let go of things that are in the past. After all, you can’t ever truly fix what’s been done – all you can do is move forward and try to make it right.

This is probably why I routinely purge my closet, even when I am in a happy relationship. When I have clothes from before I lost a good deal of weight, I get rid of them, because I have no desire to become that person again. The same is true for clothing that I associate with that ex.

For example, on a recent “closet purge”, I found a shirt that used to belong to an ex-girlfriend. I still wore it because it looked good on me. But I realized that the shirt had more significance as a part of my ex than it did as a part of me – so it had to go.

Aside from the negative associations that may come from cleaning out your wardrobe, you’ll feel better about yourself. Even women who hate shopping can get energy from new clothes. If we find something that looks good on us, it becomes our favorite thing – and we feel better when we wear it. Plus, we can donate these old clothes to someone less fortunate – which means we’re making a positive impact on the happiness of our community.

When you are ready to go out and meet someone new, wouldn’t you rather have the positive energy from your favorite new shoes as opposed to the negative energy of the shirt your ex bought for you for your birthday?

My mom once told me that I should “dress to attract the lady I’m trying to attract”, and I think this is an important note to touch on: I don’t think you should ever change your personal style for someone else. Your clothes are about making you comfortable, and if you’re making yourself uncomfortable in order to attract a partner – essentially, you’re lying about who you are. Dress for who you are and the right woman will be attracted to the real you.

2.    Change your attitude.

We want to pretend that our partner’s attitude is always to blame when something goes wrong. This is actually damaging to our self-respect, because internally we know we’re not always right. We, as humans, are stubborn by nature, and this directly affects our relationships.

Even if “most” of the problem was your partner, I’m sure you can think of times when your expectations were unreasonable. We are not without our flaws. If you can identify what were actually flaws, you can work to improve upon them instead of pretending they don’t exist.

There is no such thing as a perfect person – we can only try to be the best we can.

If you notice something you should have reacted differently to in the past, try to keep that in mind for the future. Learn to admit when you are wrong and to confess to the things that are your fault. I’m not saying you have to share every detail, but you should generally convey respect and trustworthiness.

3.    Change your outlook.

If your examination of your relationship has showed that you are too trusting (for those whose past relationships have left them taken advantage of) or too wary (for those who lacked self-confidence and trust), it may be necessary for you to change your outlook on the nature of your relationships in the future.

The truth is, no relationship will ever be perfect – so you shouldn’t expect it to be, you shouldn’t pretend it is, and you shouldn’t be disappointed if it isn’t. The good news is that most relationships aren’t horrible, either. Certainly you will have had some, but if it happens routinely, you might be playing a part in the failures.

When we are too trusting and forgiving with our partners, we tend to “let slide” things that aren’t really okay. Over time, our partners become accustomed to this “glossing over” and they start to plan for it. We wouldn’t believe that they are trying to hurt us or take advantage of us, so we allow it to continue and progress.

If you have found yourself in this position for a majority of your past relationships, you’ll need to know how to stand up for yourself. It is possible that your partner isn’t intentionally doing these things – but if you don’t stick up for yourself, you’ll never know and you’ll never fix the problem. Don’t be afraid to speak up if your needs aren’t being met.

If, on the other hand, you feel that you didn’t trust your partner enough, and this led to them being “put in a bubble”, you’ll need to realize that no one is perfect, and your partner is not to blame for the problems that came before your relationship started.

In some situations, bad experiences with your exes are to blame for the lack of trust. It’s important that you remember that this partner is not your ex. If they make the same mistakes, then you can blame them for those mistakes – but you have no right to accuse them if they haven’t actually shown themselves to be untrustworthy.

In other situations, one partner may have had experiences in her past that make you uncomfortable. My personal motto in these types of situation is, “If it was before my time, it’s not my business.” You can’t assume that someone is still the same person they were when they were younger – we make mistakes. What matters is whether or not we learn and grow from them. If she has obviously changed since then, let it go!

4.    Change your criteria.

Sometimes we may find ourselves in a repeating pattern of the same bad energy. Maybe our last three girlfriends in a row were unfaithful – but the initial thing that attracted us to them was their sex appeal. In some ways, you can adjust the type of girl you attract by simply refusing to tolerate certain behaviors. If there is a link between what you pursue and what you receive, try to find it and eliminate it from your future relationships when possible.

Of course, sometimes people will portray themselves differently in the beginning of the relationship than they do once you’ve been together for a while – and you may think that there’s nothing you can do to protect yourself from this.

However, just because you enter a relationship with someone doesn’t mean you’re forced to stay with them!

If your partner changes in ways that affect your happiness in the relationship, you have every right to speak up and have your opinion heard. Sometimes those opinions might be rude and you might lose your girlfriend over them – but only you can decide what you are unwilling to settle for. If you stay in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy, you are settling, even if your expectations are too high.

After any relationship ends, you should take some time to think over what you don’t want to deal with from your future partners. Humans are constantly growing and learning as individuals, so what you wanted 3 years ago is most likely not what you want now. If something that used to matter a lot to you doesn’t really matter anymore – update your preferences!

(Of course, this “preferences” list is probably in your head – it’s probably not a good idea to leave a list of criteria around for your girlfriend to find.)

5.    Change your direction.

Often we are tempted to jump from one relationship to another. In fact, I think it’s actually a pretty common lesbian stereotype, too – but really it affects most humans about the same.

Whether the relationship you’re trying to rush into is purely sexual or if it has a romantic nature – rushing into something new won’t actually help you get over your ex. The temptation can be hard to resist, because we feel particularly lonely and vulnerable when we recently lose the “security” of a relationship. But actively seeking out any new relationship while your figurative wounds are still healing is a recipe for even more pain.

If we are in a vulnerable state entering a relationship, we’re less likely to think through the consequences of our decisions. We may get attached quickly because we’re still in the mindset of wanting to be in a relationship for the sake of the relationship. However, take a second to picture it from the other side:

Would you want to be with someone who was still hung up on her ex?

I’m guessing probably not. If you’re still attached to your ex-partner, you can’t possibly be a good partner to your new love. It’s unfair to hold onto someone you can’t be good to.

Why Porn Is Attracting More Female Viewers

The subject of porn has long been stigmatized. If you watch porn, you’re a pervert – if you don’t watch porn, you’re a prude. This isn’t really fair to the vast majority of people who fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum – sexually aware, but not sexually perverse.

Generally, most women fall in this middle section, although some may portray themselves as being at one of the ends, as it suits their overall image.


However, recently porn for women has been making huge advances. Women are more ready to admit that they are watching porn than they were in the past – which has resulted in more porn directed for women.

Since the directors now know that women are interested, too, they can create things that are actually targeted at us, instead of us being forced to watch porn that was designed with a man in mind.

Sex is a thriving industry, after all, and those who manage the business side of sex know that it’s in their best interest to cater to their audience.

Reason #1: Because women watch it.

Certainly, there have always been women who watch porn; it’s nothing new in itself. However, the sexual liberation that women have felt in the last decade or so (with people calling attention to the hypocrisy of “slut shaming”, for example) makes it to where they’re less likely to keep it hidden.

Reason #2: Because the industry knows women want it.

When Lego found out that girls were playing with their toys, too (even though they were originally marketed as a “boys’ toy”), they began putting out sets that were “for girls”. The same can be said for many industries. If they know that a change needs to be made, and they value their profits, they will make that change in order to cater to a wider audience.

If women are watching, the porn industry is listening – and responding. This is just a good business decision!

Reason #3: Because it’s more widespread.

Once upon a time, porn was seen as sleazy and something reserved for those with specific fetishes. Nowadays, porn covers a much wider variety of “topics”, or categories… If you’re interested in something, even remotely, there’s probably a porn for it.

This means that now you can find porn you like, even if you’re not into “anal fisting”. (Of course, this is only one example, but the point is there’s a huge selection out there.)

Reason #4: Because it’s a legitimate industry.

Back in the early days of the industry, online porn was pretty much limited to “amateur” stuff. There’s nothing wrong with amateurs, actually, but there’s a greater deal of porn actors and actresses who are now transitioning into “real” acting.

This position as a gateway career move may not be the best choice for all actresses, but if you see an actor or actress that you like, you’re generally more likely to want to see the other stuff they’re in. Sometimes, that “other stuff” is porn.

Additionally, it used to be impossible to find “lesbian porn” that wasn’t aimed at a straight male audience. These women were often heavily made up and usually sporting long acrylic fingernails – something that we know to be an inconvenience in “real” lesbian sex.

However, as the industry becomes more reputable, we have seen a new influx of lesbian porn that is actually targeted to real lesbians. It’s still not as widely known as its “artificial” counterpart, but as it becomes more readily available, lesbians are eating it up!

Reason #5: Because nothing has changed except our inhibitions.

In general, our society is becoming less inhibited as time goes on. As recently as ten years ago, no one would have thought that an erotic book would become a best-seller – especially with women!

However, 50 Shades of Grey showed up and changed everything. People were suddenly very interested in the idea of a bondage lifestyle, even though the book (and the movie) didn’t accurately portray them. The important thing is that it caught our interest.

In addition to being more accepting of these things, we are more willing to share our interests with others. The social media age has made it so simple to share what you’re reading, what you’re watching, and every aspect of what you’re doing. Indeed, some people still hold back on what they post for fear of being judged – but the actual judgement isn’t there in the same degree it used to be.

Overall, I don’t think that porn is really attracting more female viewers; it’s just catering to its female viewers better than it ever has before. Porn is less what 13-year-old boys watch when they can get a hold of it and more a real movie genre now.

Production values have gone up, marketing has improved, and stylistically there are some pornographic films that are absolutely breath-taking. This beauty is something we as women will inherently flock towards.

Am I Being Too Picky – Should I Settle For Second Best, Because I’m Struggling To Find Ms Right?

We aim to get to the heart of your sex and relationship problems, so if you need advice, please contact us.

Q: Am I being too picky – should I settle for second best, because I’m struggling to find Ms Right?

Dear KitschMix,

I’m struggling with this right now. I don’t know how “picky” I can afford to be, since the lesbian dating pool is so small in my home town. Maybe my standards are too high.

I recently broke up with a really sweet girl because I thought I wanted to be with someone I had more in common with.

It wasn’t that I was unhappy with her; it was just that I thought maybe there was someone out there who would be a better match. I did like her; I just thought I could like someone else more.

But now there’s the problem of there not being anyone else who I think is “as good” as her, and I’m wondering if I made the wrong decision.

A: Well, Reader, my answer to this question depends on what you mean by “settling”. I strongly believe there is a “right person” out there for everyone – but at the same time, there is no such thing as “perfect”. You have to take an inventory of the things that matter to you in a relationship, and decide which are the most important.

For example, the reason you gave – someone you have more in common with. Common traits and interests are a wonderful thing, because they help us to understand a person better, and sometimes they even help us decide who we want to date. But not having everything in common is actually a blessing, as it allows you to have your own autonomy.

Picture your future: Are you going to want to be with someone who you spend every minute with? Most likely not, because having a “shadow” can get irritating after a while. Ideally, you should be seeking someone who you have some things in common with, but who accepts your differences as a part of who you are.

In other words, it’s not as important that you be similar as it is that you be compatible.

If you’re a vegan, for example, you probably won’t want to date someone who’s an avid hunter, just as someone who’s highly religious won’t likely be happy with someone who’s a self-proclaimed heathen. (I’m not saying that I believe anyone is truly a “heathen” by a broad definition, but I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.)

This girl who you broke up with. Were the differences things that truly clashed, or were they just differences? I strongly feel that you should never settle for someone who doesn’t mesh well with your core values. They don’t necessarily have to agree with you on everything, but they shouldn’t fight you on it, either.

In my own relationship, my partner has long wanted her partner to carry a child. But I made the decision when I was much younger that I would rather be an adoptive parent – I have genetic traits that I choose not to pass along to a child. To me, it didn’t matter if my future child was biologically related to my partner or if we both adopted – just that I did not conceive and give birth to a child.

It caused a bit of tension in the beginning, as she was convinced that I was going to change my mind, and I was quite adamant that I had made my mind up 20 years ago (yes, I made the decision at a very young age). However, as our relationship grew, we reached a compromise: I have a brother who would be willing to donate on my behalf, in order to conceive a child that would be biologically related to me. I was willing to accept the idea of us using a surrogate in order to have a child when we’re ready. She came around and realized that who carries the child is not as important as who raises the child – a family is built on love, after all.

If I were you, I would probably try to get back in touch with the girl you broke up with, although depending on how you left the break-up that may not be possible. If she’s not willing to give it a second chance, you have to respect that.

However, before you do anything, it’s important that you take an inventory of the things you want out of a partner and determine which you are absolutely not able to live without. If your partner meets all of your requirements, but not necessarily all of your requests, give it a chance! You never know. That “imperfect person” could be exactly what you need.

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7 Awkward Sex Moments Every Queer Gal Has (But is Too Afraid to Admit)

Ladies, let’s face it – our sex lives aren’t always perfect.

Sex is often a bonding activity full of pleasure and emotion. However, sometimes things don’t go as planned. There are so many things that can go wrong, it can be downright embarrassing.

Rest assured, though – almost everyone has gone through them at least once!

“I didn’t wash down there this morning!”


Sometimes we’re in a rush, and we sometimes skip over the “intimate parts” if we don’t think they’re getting attention that day. But life has other plans, and we end up getting lucky that day anyway – but we have a hard time enjoying it because we’re thinking about how we smell.

The truth is, in most cases, your vagina is going to smell worse to you than it smells to others. This is because we’re not particularly attracted to ourselves, so the smell doesn’t smell “good”. Our partners, on the other hand, are attracted to our vaginas – and therefore it smells good to them.

(Of course, I’m not saying you shouldn’t wash your vagina – definitely do! But chances are, your lady isn’t going to mind if you skip a day here or there.)

“I’m wearing my period underwear!”


This is almost the same thing. If your partner had to choose between your underwear and your vagina, which do you think she’d be more attracted to? Your vagina, of course! Therefore, most likely it doesn’t matter if you’re wearing your oldest, ugliest pair – it’s what’s inside that counts, right?

Some women are particularly attracted to underwear, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything when it comes to sex. Very rarely has any woman ever been denied sex on the basis of her underwear (or lack thereof).

“My room isn’t clean!”


If you and your partner don’t live together, sometimes we might slack a little on cleaning. If it’s really messy, you should probably clean up before you try to get lucky – but if it’s just a little disorganized, chances are it won’t have any effect on the mood.

If it is particularly messy, something you can do to help set the mood in the right place is for a classic “maid roleplay” scenario. Of course, it won’t work for everyone, but hey – sometimes it does the trick!

“My partner is bad in bed!”


It happens to everyone from time to time. You’ll be getting ready for sex with someone new, and they won’t know what the hell they’re doing. It’s frustrating for you, but you don’t want to hurt their feelings – so you don’t say anything.

“Oh baby, you’re the best I’ve ever had!”

Generally speaking, lying to your partner isn’t going to help anything here. If your partner doesn’t know they’re not doing a good job, they won’t know what to do to fix it. The truth is, sex is one of the easiest parts of a relationship to fix, as almost everyone can learn to be a good lover. If your lady isn’t getting the job done, tell her what you’d prefer!

“I was fantasizing about someone else!”


Even in committed relationships, sometimes we think about someone else. It doesn’t always mean that we’re not faithful to our partners, and in most cases it’s healthy to fantasize.

What’s not okay is if you’d rather be having sex with the other person – and it’s a possibility.

This is when you border on the territory of cheating, and when it should probably be brought to your partner’s attention. But if it’s something as simple as pretending Scarlett Johannsen is going down on you, there’s no harm in imagining it.

“I’m in the mood – but I feel sick!”


We all know that we shouldn’t have sex if we’re sick. But just because we know, doesn’t mean it’s easiest not to. Sometimes, we really, really want it – but our immune system is set against us.

When it comes to being sick, the same rules apply for sex as do for exercising. That is, if it’s in your head (such as a cold or a headache), exercise/sex can actually be helpful. But if it’s in your stomach (such as food poisoning or the flu), you shouldn’t push it.

Keep in mind that if you are used to doing a lot of kissing during your sexual adventures, you probably shouldn’t if you have a cold, as they can be contagious. (And no one wants to get sick just because they were horny!) But as long as there are no tummy troubles, you should be fine for sex.

“My partner fell asleep before I finished!”


Ladies, let me tell you, I feel your pain. There are many different situations where this might apply.

Maybe your partner was drunk, and wanted to be intimate with you, but passed out right after getting it started. (It’s happened to me before.) This can be incredibly frustrating, but basically it’s a sign that your partner was too intoxicated to be trying to have sex in the first place. The best thing to do is take care of her to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself, and maybe finish the job yourself (if you’re still in the mood at this time).

In another situation, maybe you took care of your partner – but instead of taking care of you, she rolled over and went to bed. This can be pretty frustrating, too, especially if it’s intentional. My personal approach to this situation is to make sure you get morning sex the next day. She gets her beauty rest, you get morning sex – everyone is happy.

A third situation in which this may be a problem is if your partner is oblivious to the signs that you’re in the mood, or she’s just not in the mood to give it to you. This is when it’s important to remember that no one will fault you for taking care of things yourself. Hey, sometimes life gets in the way – and if you care about your partner you’ll forgive her for it.

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How Sex Isn’t the Only Form of Infidelity

Everyone has a different opinion on what is considered “cheating” in a relationship. Some partners consider themselves open and nothing is “wrong” as long as everyone knows the situation. Some couples are much stricter on their definition, and consider kissing to be cheating, even if no sex happens.

It’s important to understand how your partner feels about the situation – because, truthfully, their opinion is the one that should matter to you.

Even if you aren’t being physically intimate with someone other than your partner, there are lines that might be crossed that can give you a sign that you’re headed down the path of unfaithfulness.

After all, in its simplest definition, your loyalty to your partner means that you put their desires at least on the same level you put your own. If the things you’re doing would make your girlfriend upset if she knew, you probably shouldn’t be doing them.


Even in a polyamorous relationship, one of the main factors in the happiness of the couple is honesty. If you feel the need to be dishonest with your partner, it’s coming from a place of guilt. Sometimes this guilt is unfounded – for example, one may feel guilty when they look at someone of their preferred gender who isn’t their partner. However, their partner might not care. But, even if your partner doesn’t really care – your dishonesty shows that you did it without regarding your partner’s feelings.

There are many levels of dishonesty, ranging from “leaving something out” (a simple lie of omission) to “masking” (hiding the evidence of the indiscretion), all the way to flat-out lying. Of course there are some types of dishonesty that are “worse” than others, but if you want your relationship to be healthy and happy, you should avoid keeping secrets.


Maybe you’re not dishonest with your partner, but you do things behind your partner’s back, or intentionally plan things around when she’s not available. The reason could be as simple as needing some time apart – which there’s nothing wrong with. However, you should be able to tell your partner that you need some time to yourself. You shouldn’t have to take it forcibly.

It’s also important to evaluate whether you’re sneaking around because you need some time apart, or if it’s because your partner wouldn’t approve of the activity. For example, if you sneak off to a strip club, even if you have no intention of touching – if you have to keep it from her, you probably shouldn’t be doing it.

Hitting on other people

It should be understood that “flirting” and “hitting on” are two entirely different concepts. Many women are okay with the idea of their partner harmlessly flirting with another woman. But if you’re talking dirty to someone or making passes at her, this is usually not so okay.

The obvious exception here is for those in open relationships. Often, those who participate in open relationships will have a different definition of “cheating” – for example, their partner may sleep with whomever they like, but they can only spend the night with each other, or something along those lines. As I mentioned before, it will be different from woman to woman, and it’s important that you ask.

I do strongly feel that you shouldn’t tell your partner about harmless flirting from other women, as long as you are certain that it’s harmless. This can lead to unnecessary jealousy, which can cause her agony when she attempts to reassure herself that you wouldn’t actually stray. If it’s just a waitress angling for a better tip or some random stranger at the gas station who checked out your butt – let it be your own little ego boost.

Being emotionally attracted to someone else

This can be a particularly tricky spot if you’re entering a new relationship before you’ve fully healed from your previous one. Some women are okay with being a “second choice”, but for many others, they would be quite offended if they knew you were having romantic thoughts about someone else.

This is extra difficult because we can’t always control who we’re attracted to. However, if you still have feelings for your ex (or if you begin to have feelings for someone new), it’s important that you and your partner be on the same page to avoid any possible heartbreak.

That’s not to say you should tell your partner about every little crush. Just like as it pertains to flirting, there’s not really a risk here if you find yourself attracted to someone unattainable. It’s only a real problem if it’s someone you could be with – she has the right to know if your relationship is in jeopardy.

Sexting anyone who isn’t her

This is something that really wasn’t a problem until the last few years. Once upon a time, it was mostly nerds who had sex through a screen, but nowadays it’s almost more common than people who have real sex. There are even places you can get body-part emojis to send to your boo, and places that let you chat anonymously with other horny internet goers.

Unless you specifically know that your girlfriend would be okay with it (hint: it’s difficult to bring up tactfully), you really shouldn’t be seeking sexual attention from anyone who isn’t your girlfriend. This is exactly what makes the difference between “watching porn” and “watching sex cams”. If you’re watching a live nude cam, you actually have the ability to chat with the person on the other end. It’s an interactive experience, and in some ways you have control in the situation (aside from pausing and stopping).

There are some girls who don’t mind it, but most would consider this “interactive sexual experience” to be just as bad as having sex with the person. You’re pouring out details of what you want this other woman to do, and she’s doing them. When you think about it this way, it’s obvious that the only real difference is whether you can touch her or not.

As mentioned previously, this isn’t the same thing as porn – unless the porn is homemade, and not with her. If you’ve still got old sex videos of you and your ex, or naked pictures of her, you should be deleting them when you break up. It’s just a courtesy to everyone involved in the situation. It gives your ex the respect of guaranteeing the videos won’t be shared, and it gives your new lady the respect of knowing you won’t be tempted to go back to your ex.

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Advice for Couples Thinking of Moving in Together

If you’ve never moved in with a partner before, it can seem like the answer to every problem.

You’ll save money on bills, because you’ll only have bills at the one place instead of two.

You’ll get to spend so much more time together – which is great for everything you had planned!

You’ll only have to clean up at one place, you won’t have to go out to eat because you’ll be cooking from home… It sounds like a bunch of joy and sunshine.

Once you move in together, things can get a little more difficult. I am definitely not saying you shouldn’t move in with your girlfriend, but there are a few questions you should know the answers to before you take that step.

Is your partner a neat and tidy person, or is she a little more relaxed?

This is one area of compatibility that a lot of people take for granted. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with either category, it can be a pretty good indicator of how the housework will be divided between the partners.

  • Option A: Two messy partners. Neither of you will really mind when the house is a mess, but the basic chores probably won’t get done unless you have a roommate. (And your roommate will probably resent you for the mess you leave for them.)
  • Option B: One messy partner and one tidy partner. In this situation, the basic chores will probably be done – but most likely by the tidier partner. This partner will probably not be happy with the situation, and may periodically “go on strike” until the messy partner agrees to start helping. Over time, the tidy partner may be able to teach the messy partner to be more tidy, or the tidy partner will give up on the situation. In some situations, the tidier partner may enjoy cleaning and won’t mind that the messier partner doesn’t do much – but these cases are rare.
  • Option C: Two tidy partners. All the housework gets done, and everyone is satisfied. There is complete symbiosis in your relationship and you share the responsibilities equally.

Obviously, these scenarios appeal to the tidier partner – so generally, if you are the messier partner, you should be trying to meet the tidier partner’s wishes. If the tidier partner isn’t happy with the situation, your compatibility will suffer.

Does your partner have any specific dietary needs?

I come from a family with a lot of food sensitivities. My mother is allergic to shellfish, wheat, and peanuts, and I have problems with peanuts, soy, and dairy. If you’re going to be living with someone, it’s important that you are aware of how their diet is different than yours. In some cases, it’ll be a matter of preferences, but in some cases it can be a matter of life and death.

Sometimes you’ll have knowledge of your partner’s dietary needs before you get to the idea of moving in together. This is actually much better, if you can learn to accommodate it. Sometimes it’ll be disappointing (I still frequently forget to buy real milk for my girlfriend, oops!) but eventually you do learn to adjust.

Can you handle spending large quantities of time with them?

Sometimes, when we only spend short amounts of time with someone, we’re able to tolerate some of the things that would otherwise irritate us if we had to put up with it longer. The only way you can know that you can handle it on a more frequent basis is if you’ve been with them for an extended period of time.

Before you move in together, you should have an idea of how they are in the long term. Consider spending a weekend first, and then maybe a week. Committing to the idea of living together full-time is huge!

Will you be comfortable giving up your own space?

Let me tell you a little secret: I kept paying rent at my old place for about 8 months after I moved into my girlfriend’s place. I couldn’t handle the idea of moving on from my independence, but I wanted to be with her. I rarely went “home”, but I still enjoyed the safety net of knowing I could.

If you’re not entirely comfortable with the idea of letting go of the last bit of “mine”, you might not be ready to move in. Inwardly we know that “mine” is negative mindset to be in for a committed relationship, but it can be quite an adjustment to give up that last little bit. There’s no set-in-stone time for when you should be ready, and pushing yourself to be ready isn’t going to help anything.

If you’re not comfortable, don’t do it.

Are you truly ready?

Only you will be able to decide if you’re ready or not. Every situation is different, and sometimes we put ourselves under unnecessary pressure to move forward. You should understand that there’s no situation you should move forward faster than you want to. After all, this relationship is about your happiness too.

If you decide you’re ready – move forward! Your relationship will most likely be in balance if you decide to move in together after answering all the questions. As long as there’s an equal effort from both parties, your relationship is likely to blossom and flourish for years to come.

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My Straight Crush Admitted She Likes Me, So What Should I Do? | We Answer Your Questions

We aim to get to the heart of your sex and relationship problems, so if you need advice, please contact us.

Q: My Straight Crush Admitted She Likes Me, So What Should I Do?

Dear KitschMix,

We’re both 18. She’s had a few boyfriends before. I’ve never been in a relationship. I kind of got introduced into her friend group around 12th grade and we got kinda close. I’m pretty sure everyone in my friend group was in love with her, like Jesus she’s amazing. I was fine being just friends because I was (am) confused by my sexuality, and she’s always been the straight girl I would never have a chance with.

Anyways we started texting and she asked me if I’ve ever thought about girls as more than friends. I tell her I think I’m bisexual. She says she’s been questioning a lot lately and it’s confusing.

Me being me, tell her I “used to” be crushing on her “for a bit.” She says she has a crush on me too. I proceed to freak the fuck out but play it really cool in convo trying to lighten the mood and stuff cause neither of us know how to react haha. I’ve never been in a relationship and now I’m freaked out. She freaked out a bit more than me like “let’s pretend we’ve never had this conversation” I’m all like “relax” “don’t worry about it”.

I’ve never had a relationship before so I have no idea what I’m doing although I try to play off the more “totally cool with everything” vibe, which I’m not sure is the right thing to do. She’s confused, I’m confused – should I even go there?

A: Dear Reader,

It sounds to me that you are both curious – which is possibly the best situation to explore a relationship (if you are both on the same experience level).

Keep in mind if you have never been in a relationship before – there is always a chance it will go sour. The fact that you’re both curious doesn’t really factor in quite as much as if one of you were curious and the other were out-and-proud.

It is possible that one (or both) of you will discover that you don’t actually like girls at all.

It is possible that one (or both) of you will discover that you are definitely bisexual.

It is possible that one (or both) of you will realize that you’re a lesbian.

All of these factors can result in some bad endings, but usually only if one of you decides you’re definitely straight and the other begins to develop deeper feelings. Of course, the chance that one of you will fall harder than the other can’t really be avoided.

I would strongly recommend you pursue it, but only if you can handle the idea of losing her as a friend. You’ll never know the answers if you don’t ask the questions, and the uncertainty and confusion can really mess with your head. Of course, I hope that you two will remain happy together, but it’s unlikely that your first relationship will be the “right” relationship for the rest of your life.

It’s not impossible, just as it’s not impossible to stay friends after a break-up. But you have to understand what the consequences could be.

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My Butch Girlfriend Has Suddenly Gone Femme | We Answer Your Questions

We aim to get to the heart of your sex and relationship problems, so if you need advice, please contact us.

Q: My butch Girlfriend Has Suddenly Gone Femme

Dear KitschMix,

OK. I have a problem and hope people here won’t judge me because I feel terrible about this situation. I have a girlfriend of 2 years who I absolutely adore. I came out rather late (when I was 24) but she has been out since she was a teenager.

Both of us identify as gay and have no interest in men. However, I have always been attracted solely to butch women – or at least women who had a masculine, or at least androgynous appearance.

My girlfriend fits this to a T – short hair, jeans and T-shirt, tall and muscular figure, plays softball, etc. In contrast, I have always been on the more feminine side of the spectrum.

Anyway, last month we went together to a wedding of a family friend. To my surprise, when we were getting ready, she comes out of the bathroom wearing a dress. I have literally NEVER seen her wear a dress, and in fact, in the past she has always told me that she felt uncomfortable wearing women’s clothing. She looked pretty nervous, and asked if I liked it. I told her that I did … but in reality, I was weirded out, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

We went to the wedding and when we came home, she pulled me into the bedroom. And this sounds SO terrible to say but while she was kissing me, all I could think about was how we were both wearing dresses and heels and how I felt like I was kissing my mother, or my aunt, or my best (platonic) female friend. Something about it felt wrong.

It’s been a month since this happened, and (without any further explanation), she has started wearing dresses/skirts on a regular basis and has even started growing her hair long. And I haven’t said anything, but my feelings haven’t changed. It feels weird to me, and it’s hard for me to feel attracted to her even though I still love her as a person.

What is the reason for this?? I feel like a terrible human being. On one hand, I know love is about more than what someone looks like. My girlfriend hasn’t changed at all on the inside, so I should love her regardless of what clothes she’s wearing. But on the other hand, how many straight women would lose all attraction to their boyfriends/husbands if they suddenly started wearing women’s clothes? (Lol.) And also, is my attraction to butch women some sort of manifestation of a hidden homophobia or something? I don’t know what to do or why I’m feeling like this.

A: First let me start with your first paragraph – anyone who is willing to judge you isn’t worth your time. This is a free space, and your opinions are valuable. No one is here to judge you.

Second, you are allowed to have your preferences. In this day and age, as people begin to become more accepting (especially as it pertains to the gay community) the unfortunate side effect is that people feel entitled to be offended by things that have nothing to do with them. In this situation, who you are attracted to is out of your control. If you’re more attracted to butch women, it is your right to have that preference.

Just as someone who prefers to date tall women or short women exclusively – we all have a type, and some are more specific than others. No one can tell you that “your type” is wrong.

It doesn’t mean you’re secretly homophobic. It means you prefer butch women.

Beyond that, however, you need to evaluate how important this new part of her personality is to you. My girlfriend, for example, is strictly butch – but I’m not typically attracted to women who have a strong leaning one way or the other.

In my relationship, I have decided that it’s less important than other factors (although I do often request that she wear something girly, just for me – without having to go out in public in it) but the fact of the matter is that only you can decide if that is true for your relationship. No one can force you to be attracted to something you’re not attracted to.

If you can’t handle the idea her of presenting femininely, your next option should be to see how firm she is about this new style. In some cases, when women change their style, it may simply be because they’re trying to accommodate an assumption they have about their girlfriend. If this is the case, most likely you’ll just have to tell her that no, you’re not into it, and she’ll go back to her old self.

If she does want to express herself in more feminine clothing, my advice is that you see if you can negotiate. For example, “If you’re going out with your friends, I don’t mind how you’re dressing, but if we are going to go on a date would you mind dressing in your old clothes?” It won’t always work, but if you care deeply about each other, you should be willing to compromise.

If she’s not willing to budge, and you’re not willing to budge, you may be best served by some time apart. (This is actually what made me realize I was willing to accept my girlfriend’s masculinity – we broke up for a while, and I realized I missed her more than I cared about how she dressed.) It’s possible that you’ve simply grown in different directions. This is an unfortunate part of the process of growing up in general, and there’s not really a way to address that issue alone.

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Why Are Some Women So Overly Generous in Bed?

In a world full of takers, some women just want to give. What’s so wrong with that?

For most of my sexually-active life, I’ve been primarily a giver. I enjoy every aspect of my partner’s body, and I’ve always made sure she knows it. For the longest time, it’s all I’ve really known.

I think it started when I was a teenager, and I realized that most of the girls I was chasing were “curious”. I already pretty much knew I wasn’t going to get anything out of it, but the idea of giving them pleasure brought me enough pleasure on its own. I enjoyed satisfying them, and felt that I had failed if I hadn’t.

After high school, I began pursuing a different type of girl – primarily the type that would do me wrong. (Hey, we don’t want to think of “jerk” as our type, but it happens sometimes.) These girls didn’t usually match my effort in any aspect of the relationship, so I was used to giving more. I’m a bit of an over-achiever, after all, and I felt it was necessary to make up for where things were lacking.

These girls reciprocated more than the bi-curious girls did, but I didn’t mind doing most of the work. It’s not like I’d ever really craved someone’s touch, after all. I was content with the status quo.

Then, after my fair share of the “bad girl” types, I met someone on accident – someone who was so much different than the other girls I’d been with. She actually treated me right, and wouldn’t even let me do anything for her for the first several months we were physical. She had been through a history similar to mine, and she was a giver, too.

It took me a long time to get so used to this different type of treatment. In fact, I think in some ways I’m still getting used to it. Of course, we’ve negotiated since then, and we now have a more “even” distribution of who gets what. In the end, I feel I’m more satisfied than I have been in the past.

My situation isn’t the only reason women can be over-generous though. Here is a rundown of some of the most common reasons some women prefer to give rather than to receive:

1. She’s not used to it.

As in my story, some girls are used to being the giver. It’s not always a bad thing; everyone has their own preferences, after all. But sometimes when a woman just isn’t used to receiving, she can be convinced to let you return the favor – although it will require a bit more foreplay.

Personally, because I went a long time before receiving any from a partner, it takes a really long time for me to get warmed up unless I’m doing something to her. If your girlfriend won’t let you give her any and you want to – negotiate that you’ll let her give you some first.

2. She may have been molested.

Since one in four women is sexually assaulted at some point in her life, that means you have a one in four chance that your partner has been molested by a previous partner or acquaintance. In these cases, you’ll have to be patient with her – if you force the issue, it may have devastating traumatic effects.

If your partner has been molested or sexually assaulted, she needs you to be patient with her until she can trust you completely. The less pushy you are about the issue, the more likely she’ll get comfortable with the idea sooner.

3. She’s embarrassed about her body.

Hey, I’ve been through those days where you can’t help but focus on the way your legs jiggle when you walk. We’ve all been there at some point – so you should be able to understand why your girlfriend doesn’t want to get naked. However, for some women, these feelings happen much more frequently than they do for most people. Self-confidence issues can put a huge weight on your girlfriend’s shoulders.

The best way to make her comfortable in this situation is to reassure her that she’s absolutely beautiful. Make sure you don’t put in the words “to me” or “today” – while you may think this is sweet, someone with self-confidence issues may read them as “but not to everyone else” or “but not most days”. It doesn’t make sense, but it’s practically programmed into women’s brains at some point or another. Can you imagine how it would feel to be stuck in that mindset every day?

Reassure her that you love her and that there’s nothing wrong with her body. Make her feel beautiful/handsome (depending on her preference) and she may warm up to the idea.

4. She’s on her period.

Many women are uncomfortable with the idea of “receiving” when they’re on their period. Society has ingrained in us that our periods are dirty and shameful. Beyond that, when you really think about it, they really are dirty and gross. There’s a potential for diseases passed through the blood, which is otherwise unlikely in a lesbian relationship.

However, when performed cleanly and safely, sex on your period is a miracle cure. It helps to relieve cramps, it puts you in a better mood, it effectively gets rid of headaches, and it allows you to stretch out your muscles, which makes your whole body less sore. Other than the blood, period sex is wonderful!

There are extra precautions you can take when you’re “getting your red wings”. If your partner doesn’t want to use a tampon to help stop the blood flowing out, you can have sex in the shower. We advise that you do not actually play in her blood, as this is not a safe activity. That doesn’t mean you can’t use a toy or rub her with your fingers, though! (Make sure you clean the toy particularly well afterward to prevent viruses and bacteria from growing.)

It can be difficult to convince a woman to participate in period sex if she hasn’t done it before, though. Once she’s agreed to feel its magic once, she’s less likely to argue it in the future. It’s up to you to figure out how to get her to try it that first time!

5. She gets pleasure from your pleasure.

Some women truly do get more pleasure out of the satisfaction of pleasing their partner. It’s not scientifically clear how this happens, but it tends to be more common in women who are more empathetic towards others and those who enjoy giving in other aspects of their life, too.

This type of woman isn’t so difficult to win over to the receiving side, but you’ll have to be impressive or she won’t give it a second thought. If she can get more satisfaction from getting you off, she would feel it’s a waste of her time if she doesn’t feel as good when you do it to her.

6. She’s asexual.

Asexuality is still a relatively mysterious concept to most people. People often lump their sexuality with their romance, but this isn’t the case for everyone. Asexuals may be emotionally attracted to someone but not physically aroused – and this doesn’t mean their love is any less real.

Because of the confusions that surround asexuality, many women who identify as such will prefer instead to be in a relationship with another asexual. However, the heart wants what it wants, and we sometimes end up with someone who wasn’t exactly the idea of “perfect” we had in our heads.

If you are a sexual person who is in a relationship with an asexual person, it’s important that you are aware of what this means for your sexual relationship. Many asexuals are willing to participate in sexual experiences with their partner solely for the partner’s benefit, but she will most likely not be getting any direct pleasure out of it.

Occasionally our sexuality is fluid, and this means that she may develop sexual desires at some point in the future. However, you shouldn’t try to push it more than she offers, because it may feel awkward to her if she’s not gratified by the experience. With patience and understanding, there’s no set-in-stone reason that a relationship between an asexual and another person can’t be beautiful and healthy.

This is in no way a complete list of the reasons why your lady would rather give than receive, but it does cover the most popular reasons. With a bit of communication, you and your love should be able to work past the differences in your sexual expectations. I wish you all the best, and please don’t hesitate to let us know if there’s a reason you think we missed!

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